fundamentals of reservoir fluid flow

Fundamentals of computational fluid dynamics -  lomax, pulliam

Fundamentals of computational fluid dynamics - lomax, pulliam

... eld of computational uid dynamics has a broad range of applicability Independent of the speci c application under study, the following sequence of steps... class of problems of ... and the solution parameters of interest The rst two of these requirements are often in con ict and compromise is necessary As an example of solution parameters of interest in computing the ... magnitude of both numerical and physical-model... simulation of uid ows can involve a wide range of issues from grid generation to turbulence modelling to the applicability of various

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:01

275 345 0
Fundamentals Of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Part 6 ppt

Fundamentals Of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Part 6 ppt

... divergence of D, an eddy form stress defined in (5.87) A different type of eddy flux in (5.82), secondary in importance to D for this type of jet flow, is the horizontal divergence of the horizontal ... The difference of pressure on either side of an extremum in the bottom elevation, B, contributes to a zonally averaged force, D, that can be expressed either as the product of the... merid- ... quasigeostrophic... middle of the channel and (right) meridional profiles in different layers Note the intensification of the mean jet toward the surface and the middle of the channel y ρN z=B

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21

29 308 0
DSpace at VNU: A Godunov-type scheme for the isentropic model of a fluid flow in a nozzle with variable cross-section

DSpace at VNU: A Godunov-type scheme for the isentropic model of a fluid flow in a nozzle with variable cross-section

... that:  RB is a subset of OB ;  if U R belongs to RB \ G1 [ Cỵ [ G2 Þ, the Riemann problem for (1.1) and (1.2) has a solution of the form (3.35), or of the form (3.44), or of the form (3.51) Building ... discretization of the nonconservative term may become larger as the mesh size gets smaller We first re-investigate the Riemann problem of the model, pointing out several interesting properties of the ... accuracy for numerical approximations of exact solutions Our Godunov-type scheme can resolve the difficulty of other existing schemes for similar models of fluid flows with nonconservative terms

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 14:16

28 247 0
Solution manual for fundamentals of thermal fluid sciences 5r

Solution manual for fundamentals of thermal fluid sciences 5r

... The operation of these two thermometers is based on the thermal expansion of a fluid If the thermal expansion coefficients of both fluids vary linearly with temperature, then both fluids will expand ... is the operation of the hydraulic car jack 2-27C The density of air at sea level is higher than the density of air on top of a high mountain Therefore, the volume flow rates of the two fans running ... the number of moles contained in each half would be one-half that of the original system The molar specific volume of the original system is v  V N and the molar specific volume of one of the smaller

Ngày tải lên: 02/12/2019, 15:24

38 114 0
Solution manual for fundamentals of thermal fluid sciences 5r

Solution manual for fundamentals of thermal fluid sciences 5r

... The operation of these two thermometers is based on the thermal expansion of a fluid If the thermal expansion coefficients of both fluids vary linearly with temperature, then both fluids will expand ... is the operation of the hydraulic car jack 2-27C The density of air at sea level is higher than the density of air on top of a high mountain Therefore, the volume flow rates of the two fans running ... the number of moles contained in each half would be one-half that of the original system The molar specific volume of the original system is v  V N and the molar specific volume of one of the smaller

Ngày tải lên: 31/01/2020, 14:30

38 82 0
An experimental investigation of heat transfer and fluid flow in a rectangular duct with inclined discrete ribs

An experimental investigation of heat transfer and fluid flow in a rectangular duct with inclined discrete ribs

... point “0”along the direction of main fluid flow and Y is the distance from the ribbed surface perpendicular to the direction of main fluid flow Figure Velocity profile for flow over an inclined rib ... release of main and secondary flow through the gap Further presence of some of the high velocity vectors just behind the rib confirm the enerzization of retarded main flow due to release of secondary ... study of developed flow and heat transfer in coolants with channels with 45 degree ribs”, Int Journal of Heat and fluid flow, 20, 311-319, 1999 [11] Xiufang and Sudden Bengt “PIV measurement of flow

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

12 831 0
The Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Flow Fundamentals Handbook

The Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Flow Fundamentals Handbook

... operations. Department of Energy Fundamentals Handbook THERMODYNAMICS, HEAT TRANSFER, AND FLUID FLOW Module 1 Thermodynamics Thermodynamics TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ... of heat transfer. Volume 3 of 3 Module 3 - Fluid Flow This module describes the relationship between the different types of energy in a fluid stream through the use of Bernoulli's equation. ... for the fluid 1.18 DETERMINE the change in the enthalpy of a fluid as it passes through a system component, given the state of the fluid at the inlet and outlet of the component

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 10:15

274 401 0
A numerical study of porous fluid coupled flow systems with mass transfer

A numerical study of porous fluid coupled flow systems with mass transfer

... A NUMERICAL STUDY OF POROUS-FLUID COUPLED FLOW SYSTEMS WITH MASS TRANSFER BAI HUIXING NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2011 A NUMERICAL STUDY OF POROUS-FLUID COUPLED FLOW SYSTEMS WITH MASS ... Kim, Fluid Mechanics of the Interface Region between a Porous Medium and a Fluid Layer – an exact solution, Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow; 11: 254256. 1990 Vafai, K and R. Thiyagaraja, Analysis of flow ... Microscopic flow near the surface of two-dimensional porous media. Part 2. Transverse flow, J. Fluid Mech.; 178: 119-136. 1987 Lee T. S., Early stages of an impulsively started unsteady laminar flow

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:53

216 442 0
A numerical study of fluid flow and mass transport in a microchannel bioreactor

A numerical study of fluid flow and mass transport in a microchannel bioreactor

... A NUMERICAL STUDY OF FLUID FLOW AND MASS TRANSPORT IN A MICROCHANNEL BIOREACTOR ZENG YAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2006 A NUMERICAL STUDY OF FLUID FLOW AND MASS TRANSPORT IN A ... DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2006 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my Supervisors, Assoc Prof ... Low H.T and Assoc Prof Lee T.S for introducing me into the exciting field of biofluids and giving me good suggestions that contributed much towards the formation and completion of this thesis I

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 21:13

229 239 0
A generalised lattice boltzmann model of fluid flow and heat transfer with porous media

A generalised lattice boltzmann model of fluid flow and heat transfer with porous media

... LATTICE-BOLTZMANN MODEL OF FLUID FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER WITH POROUS MEDIA XIONG JIE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2007 A GENERALISED LATTICE-BOLTZMANN MODEL OF FLUID FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER ... index of spatial dimension d number of spatial dimension b number of spatial dimension in Fermi-Dirac distribution z number of links Z number of discrete particle velocity vi N number of nodes ... methods for fluid flows”, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 30, p329-364 (1998) Chen S., Martinez D and Mei R., “On boundary conditions in lattice Boltzmann methods”, Physics of Fluids, 8, p2527-2536

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 12:42

135 446 0
Fundamentals of corporate finance brealey chapter 08 using discounted cash flow analysis make investment decision

Fundamentals of corporate finance brealey chapter 08 using discounted cash flow analysis make investment decision

... Therefore, the cash flow from the sale of the land, net of tax at 35%, is $496750 The net present value of the project, which accounts for the present value of the total cash flows (Line 13) and ... both projected cash flow and discount rate must be determined (d) IRR = 12.84 (e) Years Cash flow 200,000.00 Discount Factor (12%) PV of cash flow (12% ) Cumulative cash flow 1.000 - 200,000.00 ... $61,985.66 32 All cash flows are in millions of dollars Sales price of machinery in year is shown on an after-tax basis in year as a positive cash flow on the capital investment line Cash flow calculations

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2018, 08:34

27 347 0
numerical computation of internal and external flows the fundamentals of computational fluid dynamics, second edition

numerical computation of internal and external flows the fundamentals of computational fluid dynamics, second edition

... Computation of Internal and External Flows Volume Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics This page intentionally left blank Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows Volume Fundamentals ... to the definition of temperature as a measure of the mean kinetic energy of the gas molecules; to a definition of pressure as a result of the impulse of molecules on the walls of the body containing ... Flow around a circular cylinder 77 2.1.2 Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows (DNS) 83 2.2 Approximations of turbulent flows 86 2.2.1 Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of Turbulent Flows...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 10:56

696 837 0
Fundamentals of computational fluid dynamics   h  lomax, t  pulliam, d  zingg

Fundamentals of computational fluid dynamics h lomax, t pulliam, d zingg

... eld of aerodynamics, all of these phenomena are governed by the compressible Navier-Stokes equations Many of the most important aspects of these relations are nonlinear and, as a consequence, often ... level of accuracy needed, the turnaround time required, and the solution parameters of interest The rst two of these requirements are often in ict and compromise is necessary As an example of solution ... class of problems of interest 1.2.4 Assessment and Interpretation of Results Finally, the results of the simulation must be assessed and interpreted This step can require post-processing of the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:25

275 416 0
Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics docx

Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics docx

... OpenOffice, Abiword, and Microsoft Word software, are not appropriate for these projects Further, any text that is produced by Microsoft and kept in “Microsoft” format are against the spirit of ... because of the lack of understanding of fluid mechanics in general and compressible in particular For example, the lack of competitive advantage moves many of the die casting operations to off shore9 ... picture of a shock wave (see figure 1.7) He utilized the variations of the air density to clearly show shock line at the front of the bullet Mach had good understanding of the fundamentals of supper...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 00:20

302 474 0
Fundamentals Of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Part 1 pdf

Fundamentals Of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Part 1 pdf

... Equation of State: The equation of state for seawater, ρ(T, S, p), is known only by empirical evaluation, usually in the form of a polynomial expansion series in powers of the departures of the ... Fundamental Dynamics integral of the tangential component of velocity around a closed line C By Stokes’ integral relation, it is equal to the area integral of the normal projection of the vorticity through ... neighborhood of x = x0 : dq d2 q (x0 ) + (x − x0 )2 (x0 ) + dx dx For the true oceanic equation of state, (2.33) is only the start of a Taylor series expansion in the variations of (T, S, p)...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21

29 308 0
Fundamentals Of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Part 2 ppt

Fundamentals Of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Part 2 ppt

... each of its arguments is a function of a single variable, here y In a zonal flow, all other flow quantities (e.g., ψ, φ, ζ, q) are functions only of the coordinate y Vortex Flow: A simple example of ... in Davis Strait (north of the Labrador Sea, west of Greenland) during June 2002 Both vortex types are mesoscale vortices with horizontal diameters of 10s-100s km (Courtesy of Jacques Descloirest, ... dynamics This is an example of barotropic flow using either of its common definitions, ∂z = (sometimes enforced by taking a depth average of a 3D flow) or φ × ρ = (The opposite of barotropic is baroclinic;...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21

29 330 0
Fundamentals Of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Part 3 potx

Fundamentals Of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Part 3 potx

... that the limit of vanishing separation and width is a delicate one 3.2.2 Chaos and Limits of Predictability An important property of chaotic dynamics is the sensitive dependence of the solution ... either be viewed as a definition of νe (y) as a diagnostic measure of the eddy–mean interaction or be utilized as a parameterization of the process with some specification of νe (Sec 6.1.3) When this ... outcome of successive mergers between pairs of vortices is a vortex population with fewer vortices that have larger sizes and circulations Finally, because of the sensitive dependence of these...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21

29 224 0
Fundamentals Of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Part 4 pptx

Fundamentals Of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Part 4 pptx

... Thus, the dynamics of a Kelvin wave is a hybrid combination of the influences of rotation and stratification The ocean is full of Kelvin waves near the coasts, generated as part of the response to ... of vortex stretching The latter can be understood in terms of the Lagrangian conservation of circulation, as in Kelvin’s Circulation Theorem (Sec 3.1.1) For a material parcel with the shape of ... accompanied by some amount of local turbulence and mixing Tidal bores commonly occur at special sites, e.g., the Bay of Fundy along the Atlantic coast of Canada or the northeast corner of Brittany (near...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21

29 204 0
Fundamentals Of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Part 5 docx

Fundamentals Of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Part 5 docx

... an isolated wave of elevation (Fig 4.11), the characteristics converge on the forward side of the wave and diverge on the backward side This leads to a steepening of the front of the wave form ... idealized problem for the statistical equilibrium of a baroclinic zonal jet is analyzed at the end of the chapter Of course, there are many other aspects of baroclinic dynamics (e.g., vortices and waves) ... attractiveness of the isentropic Primitive Equations is the disappearance of any explicit vertical velocity in the advection operator; this occurs as a result of the parcel conservation of (potential)...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21

29 305 0
Fundamentals Of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Part 7 pdf

Fundamentals Of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Part 7 pdf

... = Fig 5.18 Sketch of radiating Rossby waves from a zonal strip of transient forcing, F∗ (x, y, t) (shaded area); the pattern of Rossby wave crests and troughs (i.e., lines of constant wave phase) ... (6.6) Of course, F = ν u cannot be neglected in (6.1) since a characteristic of turbulence is that the advective cascade of variance dynamically connects the large-scale fluctuations on the scale of ... release of mean available potential energy These behaviors are hallmarks of baroclinic instability (Sec 5.2) The equilibrium heat balance at the layer interfaces is obtained by a reinterpretation of...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21

29 279 0