fundamentals of aquatic chemistry

Fundamentals of organic chemistry

Fundamentals of organic chemistry

... bridge from general chemistry to your beginning study of organic chemistry Once you have a firm understanding of structure, the puzzle of organic chemistry can become one of very manageable size ... Promotion of electron Hybridization 1.12A The Structure of Methane Hybridization of AOs of a carbon atom: ~ 17 ~ Solomons/SoloCh01 Figure 1.11 Hybridization of pure atomic orbitals of a carbon ... Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) to be abandoned 1.3C THE TETRAHEDRAL SHAPE OF METHANE In 1874, Jacobus H van't Hoff (Netherlander) & Joseph A Le Bel (French): The four bonds of the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 12:45

532 1,4K 1
Fundamentals of environmental chemistry

Fundamentals of environmental chemistry

... environmental chemistry provides an excellent framework for the study of chemistry, dealing with “general chemistry, ” organic chemistry, chemical analysis, physical chemistry, photochemistry, geochemistry, ... ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY OF WATER 11.1 Introduction 11.2 The Properties of Water, a Unique Substance 11.3 Sources and Uses of Water: the Hydrologic Cycle 11.4 The Characteristics of Bodies of Water 11.5 Aquatic ... in chemistry with the fundamentals of chemistry needed for a trade, profession, or curriculum of study that requires a basic knowledge of these topics The second objective of the book is to provide...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:04

993 4,2K 0
Fundamentals of polymer chemistry

Fundamentals of polymer chemistry

... lists of monomers The first stage of the chain reaction, the initiation process, consists of the attack of the free radical on one of the doubly bonded carbon atoms of the monomer One electron of ... polymerisation 18 Fundamentals of polymer chemistry 3.2 Graft copolymers The idea of a graft copolymer is a natural extension of the concept of chain branching and involves the introduction of active ... or bead form, since most of these reactions are performed at 60–100 ° C Dibenzoyl peroxide has a half-life of h at 77 ° C 10 Fundamentals of polymer chemistry A number of other diacyl peroxides...

Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2014, 15:39

48 491 0
Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry Molecular Spectroscopy and Modern Electronic Structure Computations  Michael P. Mueller

Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry Molecular Spectroscopy and Modern Electronic Structure Computations Michael P. Mueller

... the degree of curvature of the wavefunction increases with increasing kinetic energy (increasing values of n) The degree of curvature of the wavefunction is indicative of the amount of kinetic ... results of conformational studies of biologically active molecules Today’s growth of quantum chemistry literature is as fast as that of NMR studies in the 1960s An excellent example of the introduction ... mechanics of Sir Isaac Newton, the equations of motion are obtained from one of Newton’s Laws of Motion: Change of motion is proportional to the applied force and takes place in the direction of the...

Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2016, 19:48

280 578 2
Ebook Fundamentals of analytical chemistry (9th edition) Part 1

Ebook Fundamentals of analytical chemistry (9th edition) Part 1

... Nature of Analytical Chemistry Part I Tools of Analytical Chemistry 14 Chapter Chemicals, Apparatus, and Unit Operations of Analytical Chemistry 15 Chapter Using Spreadsheets in Analytical Chemistry ... role of analytical chemistry in this enterprise and many others is illustrated in Figure 1-1 All branches of chemistry draw on the ideas and techniques of analytical chemistry Analytical chemistry ... ninth edition of Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry is an introductory textbook designed primarily for a one- or two-semester course for chemistry majors Since the publication of the eighth...

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2017, 15:46

482 2K 2
Ebook Fundamentals of organic chemistry (7th edition) Part 1

Ebook Fundamentals of organic chemistry (7th edition) Part 1

... fundamental understanding of organic chemistry is critical to addressing complex, interdisciplinary problems This seventh edition of Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry addresses some of the changes that ... editions of this text were widely regarded as the clearest and most readable treatments of introductory organic chemistry available I hope you will find that this seventh edition of Fundamentals of ... understanding of organic chemistry Historically, the term organic chemistry dates to the late 1700s, when it was used to mean the chemistry of compounds found in living organisms Little was known about chemistry...

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2017, 15:46

342 643 0
Ebook Fundamentals of organic chemistry (7th edition) Part 2

Ebook Fundamentals of organic chemistry (7th edition) Part 2

... Tautomerism Reactivity of Enols: The Mechanism of Alpha-Substitution Reactions Alpha Halogenation of Aldehydes and Ketones Acidity of Alpha Hydrogen Atoms: Enolate Ion Formation Reactivity of Enolate Ions ... Alkylation of Enolate Ions Carbonyl Condensation Reactions Condensations of Aldehydes and Ketones: The Aldol Reaction Dehydration of Aldol Products: Synthesis of Enones Condensations of Esters: ... Interlude—Barbiturates Most of the chemistry of carbonyl compounds can be explained by just four fundamental reactions We’ve already looked in detail at two of the four: the nucleophilic addition reaction of aldehydes...

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2017, 15:46

335 1,5K 0
Fundamentals of heterocyclic chemistry importance in nature and in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals

Fundamentals of heterocyclic chemistry importance in nature and in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals

... FUNDAMENTALS OF HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY FUNDAMENTALS OF HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY Importance in Nature and in the Synthesis of Pharmaceuticals LOUIS D QUIN Adjunct Professor, University of North ... work of Archibald Couper of Scotland, Friedrich Kekul´e of Germany, and Alexander Butlerow of Russia led to the recognition of the tetrahedral nature of the carbon atom and the devising of the ... excellent example of a simple heterocycle Here, one carbon of benzene is replaced by nitrogen, without Fundamentals of Heterocyclic Chemistry: Importance in Nature and in the Synthesis of Pharmaceuticals,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2018, 11:11

345 449 0
Application of environmental aquatic chemistry

Application of environmental aquatic chemistry

... Moles of NO3 in L of sample ¼ ¼ weight of NO3 in L of sample molecular weight of NO3 33 Â 10À3 g=L ¼ 0:53 Â 10À3 mol=L or 0:53 mmol=L 62:0 g=mol Each mole of NO3 contains mole of N and moles of ... WEIGHT OF AN ION What is the equivalent weight of Cr3ỵ? Answer: The equivalent weight of Cr3ỵ is the mass that contains mole of charge Since each ion of Cr3ỵ contains units of charge, the moles of ... source of barium is barium sulfate (BaSO4), what weight of BaSO4 salt is present in L of water that contains 2.0 mg=L of Ba? (Hint: The moles of Ba in 2.0 mg equal the moles of BaSO4 in one liter of...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 11:44

442 1K 0
Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry: A Practical Guide - Chapter 1 docx

Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry: A Practical Guide - Chapter 1 docx

... Moles of NO3 in L of sample ¼ ¼ weight of NO3 in L of sample molecular weight of NO3 33 Â 10À3 g=L ¼ 0:53 Â 10À3 mol=L or 0:53 mmol=L 62:0 g=mol Each mole of NO3 contains mole of N and moles of ... WEIGHT OF AN ION What is the equivalent weight of Cr3ỵ? Answer: The equivalent weight of Cr3ỵ is the mass that contains mole of charge Since each ion of Cr3ỵ contains units of charge, the moles of ... source of barium is barium sulfate (BaSO4), what weight of BaSO4 salt is present in L of water that contains 2.0 mg=L of Ba? (Hint: The moles of Ba in 2.0 mg equal the moles of BaSO4 in one liter of...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:22

42 431 0
Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry: A Practical Guide - Chapter 2 doc

Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry: A Practical Guide - Chapter 2 doc

... structure of the pollutant Whenever possible, this book will offer ‘‘rules of thumb’’ for estimating pollutant properties The ability to guesstimate the environmental behavior of a pollutant is often ... the strength of the attractive forces between molecules of the compound and molecules of water The soil–water partition coefficient of a compound indicates the relative strengths of its attraction ... STRENGTHS OF INTERMOLECULAR ATTRACTIONS The strength of dipole–dipole forces depends on the magnitude of the dipole moments The strength of ion–ion forces depends on the magnitude of the ionic...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:22

30 392 0
Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry: A Practical Guide - Chapter 4 pptx

Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry: A Practical Guide - Chapter 4 pptx

... respectively If the equilibrium of Equation 4.10 is completely to the right, mole (56 g) of Fe2ỵ will produce moles of Hỵ (2 g) At the time of sampling, the concentration of dissolved Fe2ỵ (as Fe(H2 ... (4:14) Therefore, 0.72 mmol=L of Hỵ will react with 0.72=2 ẳ 0.36 mmol=L of CO2À , and 0.36 mmol=L of CaCO3 is required as a source of the CO2À * From the definition of alkalinity, the change in ... TREATMENT OF TRACE METALS IN URBAN STORMWATER RUNOFF Stormwater runoff carries solid and dissolved forms of metals as well as other chemical pollutants, including soil sediments and various kinds of...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:22

24 441 0
Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry: A Practical Guide - Chapter 5 pptx

Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry: A Practical Guide - Chapter 5 pptx

... relation that allows a calculation of Koc in terms of Kow a Koc ¼ bKow (5:19) The usefulness of these relations is evident in the rules of thumb for Kow Knowing the value of Kow for a compound allows ... linear velocity of groundwater average linear velocity of contaminant (5:26) A retardation factor of 10 means that the contaminant moves at one-tenth of the average velocity of the groundwater ... behavior Consider the effect of reducing the particle size of a given mass of solid A cube that is 10 mm on a side has a surface area of 6.0 10À4 m2 Cut it in half in each of the three directions...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:22

46 435 0
Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry: A Practical Guide - Chapter 7 ppt

Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry: A Practical Guide - Chapter 7 ppt

... by the solubility of its pure phase Seff (a) ¼ Xa Spure (a) (7:2) * The mole fraction of compound a in a mixture of several compounds is written Xa Xa ¼ moles of a total moles of all compounds ... fraction of component a is Xa ¼ Seff (a) Spure (a) and the sum of mole fractions of all components of the mixture must equal unity, X i Xa ¼ X Seff (a) ¼1 Spure (a) i In the absence of any dilution, ... initial composition of a DNAPL mixture is not known, the sum of its mole fractions must equal unity Under conditions of DNAPL saturation, the sum of measured soil concentrations of the DNAPL components...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:22

22 312 0
Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry: A Practical Guide - Chapter 9 pot

Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry: A Practical Guide - Chapter 9 pot

... a, g b Parent of decay chain of 238U; migration from point of generation In decay chain of 238U; migration from point of generation In decay chain of 235U; migration from point of generation ... of 238U; migration from point of generation In decay chain of 232Th; migration from point of generation In decay chain of 238U; migration from point of generation a, g b, g a In decay chain of ... Concentrations of radionuclides in the environment are typically expressed in terms of activity of the radionuclide per unit of volume of water (e.g., picocuries per liter, or pCi=L), per unit volume of...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:22

44 309 0
Lect 1 fundamentals of chemistry

Lect 1 fundamentals of chemistry

... • And how matter changes – Life of the cell – Production and decay of material – Combustion of fuels Figure 1.16 Organization of Matter (Zumdahl) Atomic Theory of Matter (1808) • John Dalton (1766-1844) ... description of the constituent elements in a molecule or ion – C12H22O11 contains C, H and O • Quantitative description of the relative numbers (subscripts) of atoms of each element – One molecule of ... Elements (matter) are composed of atoms • The atoms of a given element are identical Each element is characterized by the mass of its atoms • Compounds are formed when atoms of different elements combine...

Ngày tải lên: 01/12/2016, 23:41

23 216 0