fundamental postulates for an inductive logic

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "An Entity-Mention Model for Coreference Resolution with Inductive Logic Programming" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "An Entity-Mention Model for Coreference Resolution with Inductive Logic Programming" pdf

... Sixth Message understanding Conference (MUC-6), pages 45– 52, San Francisco, CA Morgan Kaufmann Publishers X Yang and J Su 2007 Coreference resolution using semantic relatedness information from automatically ... Head(B,C,1), bareNP(C,1) Here, variables A and B stand for an entity and an active mention in question The first-order logic is implemented by using non-instantiated arguments C in the predicate has ... of each individual mention in an entity can be captured for resolution A rule is applicable to an instance link(e, m), if the background knowledge for the instance can be described by the predicates...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 09:20

9 476 2
fuzzy logic controller for an autonomous mobile robot

fuzzy logic controller for an autonomous mobile robot

... fuzzy logic controller contains four main parts, two of which perform transformations 21 Knowledge Base (Rule base and data base) (Crisp) Fuzzifier (Transformation 1) Defuzzifier (Crisp) (Transformation2) ... linguistic variables are error in angle ∆et , error in distance ∆ex and change in angular velocities of the two wheels ∆wr and ∆wl The error in distance and error in angle are rounded off as the ... Distance from wall and angle of orientation of the robot as a function of time 62 5.7 Distance from wall and angle of orientation of the robot as a function of time 63 5.8 Distance from wall and...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2014, 14:35

161 369 1


... it is common to analyze the transformer as an ideal transformer model An ideal transformer is a theoretical, linear transformer which is under the assumption that winding resistances are negligible, ... models for a real transformer 27 VS Chapter Theoretical Analysis of Inductive Power Transfer Referring to Fig 2.12(a), a real transformer can be seen to be equivalent to an ideal transformer ... The circuit model for an ideal transformer is represented in Fig 2.11  :1 iP vP iS NP : NS LP LS vS Fig 2.11 Circuit model for an ideal transformer Fig 2.11 shows an ideal transformer with a primary...

Ngày tải lên: 22/09/2015, 15:19

126 392 0
A low power high dynamic range broadband variable gain amplifier for an ultra wideband receiver

A low power high dynamic range broadband variable gain amplifier for an ultra wideband receiver

... voltage is an analog signal Next the analysis on the linear range and the power consumption of multiplier will be given to show its advantages and drawbacks (1) Linear range The linear range of ... suitable for this design, because it cannot simultaneously satisfy the required specifications of large bandwidth, large variable gain range, and large linear range (1Vpp) 12 II.1.2 Analog multiplier ... where gmp1 and gmp2 are the transconductance of the differential pair consisting MP1 and MP2, and the one consisting of MP3 and MP4 respectively By varying v y , gmp1 and gmp2 are changed in the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:26

121 386 0
Finite time exergoeconomic performance optimization for an irreversible universal steady flow variable-temperature heat reservoir heat pump cycle model

Finite time exergoeconomic performance optimization for an irreversible universal steady flow variable-temperature heat reservoir heat pump cycle model

... load for heat engine, refrigerator or heat pump) per unit total cost, was put forward by Sahin and Kodal [37-41] It was used to analyze and optimize the performances of endoreversible [37, 38] and ... of heat transfer, heat reservoir, working fluid, and the theory of heat exchangers, the heat transfer rates ( QH and QH ) released to the heat sink and the heat transfer rates ( QL1 and QL ) supplied ... CH 1min and CH 1max are the minimum and maximum of CH and Cwf , respectively; CH and CH max are the minimum and maximum of CH and Cwf , respectively; CL1min and CL1max are the minimum and maximum...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

18 609 0
Intake manifold design effect on air fuel mixing and flow for an LPG heavy duty engine

Intake manifold design effect on air fuel mixing and flow for an LPG heavy duty engine

... Regional Transport Company of Sfax (SORETRAS), National School of Engineers of Sfax (ENIS), ANME and SAGAZ Authors would like to acknowledge them for their efforts and helpful technical and financial ... air and propane (we took a composition of LPG formed almost fully with propane) The inlet intake manifold pressure is taken as an initial condition; it is equal to 1.013 bar for the air inlet and ... 1,3 , and Cµ = 0, 09 , are the constants of the standard model (k, ε) 3.3 Boundary conditions for the manifolds models Simulation tests are carried out in the intake stroke for a crank angle...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:30

12 893 1
The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 9

The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 9

... supersede supplant subsidize financial assistance supervene ensue, follow substantiate verify supervise oversee substantive substantial supine lying on the back subterfuge cunning, ruse supplant replace ... person self-effacing modest scour clean by rubbing, search semantics study of word meanings scourge affliction semblance likeness scruples misgivings seminal fundamental, decisive scrupulous principled, ... (E) romantic : fanciful dispassionate : just auspicious : sanguine malcontent : jingoistic optimistic : surreal 10 COLON : INTRODUCE :: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) hyphen : join semicolon : transfer...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 22:15

10 423 0
The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 12

The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 12

... Word Analysis 13 INTROSPECTIVE Analysis: Meaning: 14 IMMORTALITY Analysis: Meaning: 15 BENEFACTOR Analysis: Meaning: 16 DEGRADATION Analysis: Meaning: 17 DISPASSIONATE Analysis: Meaning: 18 ... (bad, hate); ANTHROP (man) Meaning: One who hates all mankind ANARCHY Analysis: AN (without); ARCH (ruler); Y (noun suffix) Meaning: Without rule, chaos AUTOBIOGRAPHY Analysis: AUTO (self); BIO ... APATHETIC Analysis: Meaning: Solutions to Exercise CIRCUMNAVIGATE Analysis: CIRCUM (around); NAV (to sail); ATE (verb suffix) Meaning: To sail around the world MISANTHROPE Analysis: MIS (bad, hate); ANTHROP...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 15:15

10 376 0
The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 13

The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 13

... becoming less tolerant, and therefore that indicates that the country is becoming less tolerant, and therefore indicates that the country is becoming less tolerant, and therefore that indicates ... than to junk it (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) to try repairing an old car than to junk it to repair an old car than to have it junked to try repairing an old car than to junking it to try and repair an ... across and shooting the vast expanse of the Southwest, in 1945 Ansel Adams began his photographic career (B) Traveling across and shooting the vast expanse of the Southwest, Ansel Adams began his...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 15:15

10 345 1
The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 14

The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 14

... to the state for your crimes Adapted to /for/ from: Adapted to means “naturally suited for. ” Adapted for means “created to be suited for. ” Adapted from means “changed to be suited for. ” The polar ... b Used to form the past perfect tense, which indicates that an action was completed before another past action It is formed using had and the past participle of the verb c Used to form the future ... the crime Correspond with means “to exchange letters”: He corresponded with many of the top European leaders of his time Different from/Different than: The preferred form is different from Only...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 22:15

10 374 1
The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 15

The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 15

... unless an antidote can be administered its victims unless an antidote was administered its victims unless an antidote is administered to the victims its victims unless they receive an antidote ... becoming less tolerant, and therefore that indicates that the country is becoming less tolerant, and therefore indicates that the country is becoming less tolerant, and therefore that indicates ... tolerant, and therefore indicates that the country is becoming less tolerant of and therefore that Choice (A) has two flaws First, the subject of the sentence the rise is singular, and therefore...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 22:15

10 371 1
The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 16

The 4000 words essential for an educated vocabulary part 16

... repairing an old car than to junk it to repair an old car than to have it junked to try repairing an old car than to junking it to try and repair an old car than to junk it to try to repair an old ... Russia and Japan still have not signed a formal peace treaty; and both countries have been reticent to develop closer relations (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) have not signed a formal peace treaty; and both ... been did not signed a formal peace treaty; and both countries have been have not signed a formal peace treaty; and both countries being have not signed a formal peace treaty; and both countries...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 19:15

9 352 0
Tài liệu Module 9: Configuring ISA Server for an Enterprise ppt

Tài liệu Module 9: Configuring ISA Server for an Enterprise ppt

... tolerance Enhances caching performance and fault tolerance Active Directory Active Directory Contains configuration and policy information and Contains configuration and policy information and ... Load Balancing, symmetric multiprocessing, Network Load Balancing, and CARP and CARP Distributed and Distributed and Hierarchical Hierarchical Caching Caching Enhances caching performance and fault ... ISA Server in an insecure manner Module 9: Configuring ISA Server for an Enterprise 23 To force packet filtering for an array: In ISA Management, in the console tree, expand Servers and Arrays,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 22:15

67 430 0
Tài liệu Changing the Database for an Open Connection pdf

Tài liệu Changing the Database for an Open Connection pdf

... providers for relational databases including those for SQL Server, Oracle, and OLE DB The ChangeDatabase( ) method is used to change the current database for an open connection It takes a single parameter ... raised if the database cannot be changed for any reason The Database property of the Connection object is updated dynamically and returns the current database for an open connection or the name of ... or an ArgumentException will be raised If the connection is not open when the method is called, an InvalidOperationException is raised A provider-specific exception is raised if the database cannot...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16

2 382 0
Design, fabrication, and characterization of a solenoidsystem to generate magnetic field for an ECR proton source

Design, fabrication, and characterization of a solenoidsystem to generate magnetic field for an ECR proton source

... code, Reference manual, LA-UR-87-126, LANL 1987 Jain S K, Jain A, Sharma D, Hannurkar P R 2006 Acquisition and analysis of Langmuir probe characterization for ECR plasma Indian J Phys 80: 1011–1015 ... magnetic field is very important for the stability of an ECR plasma source, as any small change in the distribution of the axial magnetic field can results large changes in the source parameters ... field (better than G) Imperfections in 466 S K Jain, P A Naik and P R Hannurkar Figure The measured magnetic field profiles along the axial distance for (a) mirror magnetic field, and (b) flat magnetic...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 08:58

8 650 0


... the Company’s medical and dental plans, life and disability insurance plans and retirement plans pursuant to their terms and conditions Executive shall be entitled to participate in any other ... reimbursed for out of pocket expenses that are pre-approved by the Company, subject to the Company’s policies and procedures therefore, and only for such items that are a necessary and integral ... with the Company upon the terms set forth above and agrees to devote all Executive’s time, energy and ability to the interests of the Company, and to perform Executive’s duties in an efficient,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 15:59

5 270 0
Tài liệu Business Plan for an Established Business doc

Tài liệu Business Plan for an Established Business doc

... specific type of business and the audience for which the plan is written For Raising Capital For Bankers Bankers want assurance of orderly repayment If you intend to use this plan to present to lenders, ... spreadsheet for each principal Page 20 of 27 Financial History and Analysis A solid analysis of the past must precede any serious attempt to forecast the future A financial history and ratios ... more than about ten employees, an organisational chart showing the management hierarchy and who is responsible for key functions Include position descriptions for key employees Professional and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 23:20

27 442 1