ftp connection closed by remote host linux

Improvement of Water Quality by Removal of Suspended Solids and High-speed Biological Filtration in Closed Water Body

Improvement of Water Quality by Removal of Suspended Solids and High-speed Biological Filtration in Closed Water Body

... was carried out by removal of SS and biological filtration in the closed water body, Tokiwako Lake in Ube city The developed system is useful for improvement of water quality in closed water body ... flow third tank Figure Schematic diagram for improvement of water quality by removal of SS and biological filtration in closed water bodies a a: screw motor M b: biological carrier c: micro-bubble ... carried out using a pilot plant The height of this plant is 1.5 m and diameter is 0.5 m A 1000-ton of closed water body and a raft of 20×20 m2 were prepared at Tokiwako Lake The maximum water depth...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

6 526 0


... Based on these results, the pilot plant was made to produce the high concentrated oxygen water By introducing the high concentrated oxygen water into the bottom sediment, it was expected that ... conditions of Vial experiment condition of experiment The water of bottom layer (after the treatment by high concentrated oxygen dissolver)+soil sediment The water of bottom layer +soil sediment The ... oxygen dissolver A valve is set at the outlet of the lab scale high concentrated oxygen dissolver By adjusting this valve, the pressure in the high concentrated oxygen dissolver can be increased...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

4 432 0
Thay đổi cổng listening Remote Desktop Connection

Thay đổi cổng listening Remote Desktop Connection

... sử dụng Remote Desktop Connection nhằm kết nối đến máy tính listening cổng khác Công cụ Remote Desktop Connection thông thường nằm Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Communications -> Remote ... bạn cách làm khác để thay đổi cổng listening cho Remote Desktop Connection Đây cách bạn kết nối với desktop từ xa nằm cổng khác Remote Desktop Connection Khởi chạy Registry Editor Vào Start -> ... cố gắng kết nối trực tiếp đến bạn remote desktop Remote Desktop Connection kết nối với Windows cổng 3389 mặc định nhiên lại tùy chọn để bạn thay...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 11:15

4 451 0
Tài liệu Assembly Language Step-by-Step Programming with Linux ppt

Tài liệu Assembly Language Step-by-Step Programming with Linux ppt

... Assembly Language Step -by- Step Assembly Language Step -by- Step Programming with Linux Third Edition Jeff Duntemann Wiley Publishing, Inc Assembly Language Step -by- Step Published by Wiley Publishing, ... exist but my favorite is the formidable Ubuntu 8.10 Linux Bible, by William von Hagen (Linux for Dummies, while well done, is not enough.) Which Linux distribution/version you use is not extremely ... $ Decrement Economic Indicators line by thirty percent Bonds tumble by 20%; housing prices by 5% Re-valuate your portfolio Bank cuts your line of credit by $2000 Have a good cry ECONOMIC INDICATORS...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 17:15

646 577 2
Tài liệu Danh sách các host free hỗ trợ FTP, mail ppt

Tài liệu Danh sách các host free hỗ trợ FTP, mail ppt

... al, Free-SiteBusine Host ss 1000 No MB FTP, Allowe Brow PHP d ser TextL FTP, 5000 ink- Allowe Brow PHP MB Botto d ser m Person Freeal, 5000 WebHostingNo Busine MB Pro ss FTP, Allowe Brow PHP ... Instant activation Person al, FreeHostia Busine ss 250 MB No Person al, FreeHosting- 1000 No Busine Now MB ss Person al, FreeWayWe 100 Busine bhost MB ss CGI, PHP, FTP, SSI, Allowe Brow FrontP Some ... name; Add-on domain FTP, Banne Allowe Brow PHP r-Top d ser 5000 No MB names; htaccess; Custom error pages; Analog, AWStats statistics; Cron jobs Person al, Free-PHPBusine Webhosting ss Person al,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 13:15

6 381 0
Tài liệu 100 Linux Tips and Tricks by Patrick Lambert ppt

Tài liệu 100 Linux Tips and Tricks by Patrick Lambert ppt

... for a Linux distribution: • You can download any Linux distribution from its FTP server To take a few examples, RedHat can be downloaded from ftp: / /ftp. redhat.com, Slackware from ftp: / /ftp. cdrom.com ... dedicated to Linux, and what they are used for: • comp.os .linux. advocacy: This newsgroup is used for advocacy People stating their opinions about Linux or Linux applications, and about Linux competitors ... mke2fs creates an inode for every bytes-per-inode bytes of space on the disk This value defaults to 4096 bytes bytes-per-inode must be at least 1024 This means that by using a smaller size, you will...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 04:18

116 387 0
Tài liệu Danh sách các host free hỗ trợ FTP, mail part 2 doc

Tài liệu Danh sách các host free hỗ trợ FTP, mail part 2 doc

... ess FrontP age Extens ions Perso 100 nal, HostOnMars 00 No Busin MB ess Busin ess HostPresso Startups FTP, Allo Brow PHP wed ser 100 FTP, Bann Allo Brow PHP er wed MB ser Bandwidth limit ... domain names; Free Web Site Stats Perso nal, My-Place Busin FTP, 350 Bann Allo Brow PHP MB er wed ser Perso nal, Kwix -Host Busin ess CGI, PHP, FTP, SSI, Allo Brow FrontP wed ser age Extens ions Some ... databases Perso nal, HyperPHP Busin ess Busin ess Joolo Startups 250 No MB 100 No MB FTP, Allo Brow PHP wed ser FTP, Allo Brow PHP wed ser Some Bandwidth limit GB/month; VistaPanel website control...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 19:15

5 355 0
Tài liệu Danh sách các host free hỗ trợ FTP, mail part 3 docx

Tài liệu Danh sách các host free hỗ trợ FTP, mail part 3 docx

... bandwidth; Xpanel Domain control or panel; Subdo Stats; Xp main Host has instant activation freehosting FTP, Brow ser - CGI, PHP, ASP, FTP, SSI, Brow FrontP ser age Extensi ons Bandwidth limit 15 ... Quotales Unlimi Banne Allo Busin s ted r wed ess FTP, Brow PHP ser Perso nal, Qupis Busin ess Bandwidth limit GB/month; CGI, Cpanel; PHP, Domain MySQL FTP, SSI, Mailing- or databases; Brow FrontP ... pages; SSH; Cron jobs; Forum posting required FTP, CGI, Mailing- Domain Bandwidth nal, Busin ess Perso nal, Ueuo Busin ess MB 200 MB Perso 300+ nal, VelHost MB Busin r wed Brow PHP, ser SSI, FrontP...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 19:15

6 440 0
Tài liệu Danh sách các host free hỗ trợ FTP, mail part 4 pptx

Tài liệu Danh sách các host free hỗ trợ FTP, mail part 4 pptx

... File sizelimit 500 KB; Instant account activation FTP, Allow Brow ed ser FTP, Allow Brow PHP ed ser Perso nal, AstaHost Busin ess Perso nal, AtbHost Busin ess 500 No MB Bandwidt h limit 10 GB/mont ... ess Perso nal, BraveNet Busin ess Perso nal, ByetHost Busin ess FTP, Allow Brow PHP ed ser Banner 50 s-Top Allow Brow MB + Pop- ed ser ups 250 No MB FTP, Allow PHP, Brow ed SSI ser Some Bandwidt ... link hàng loạt thoải mái Vào CuteFTP Nhập Ftp site: utbinh.hostonmars.com Username: utbinh Password: utbinh Và upload Link sau upload có dạng: http://utbinh.hostonmars.com/upload/ tên_file CHú...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 19:15

9 368 0
Tài liệu Securing Linux step-by-step ppt

Tài liệu Securing Linux step-by-step ppt

... warning: access: /etc/hosts.allow line 6: in.ftpd host. example.org /etc/hosts.allow, line 6: host. example.org: host not found granted >>> Rule daemons: clients: access: /etc/hosts.deny line 9: all ... Allow access to only specific hosts for specific services For example, to allow ftp access from host. example.org, edit /etc/hosts.allow and add the line: in.ftpd: host. example.org After entering ... 2.6.3 Password protect LILO boots STEP Install Linux The Linux Loader (LILO) is the primary mechanism for booting Linux If the physical security of the Linux machine can not be assured, password...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 08:20

62 296 0
Tài liệu Securing Linux step-by-step doc

Tài liệu Securing Linux step-by-step doc

... -s -s $HOST1 IP $HOST1 IP $HOST1 IP $HOST1 IP # Second allowed internal host to connect directly to the Linux # # Disabled by default #/sbin/ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i $INTIF -p tcp -s $HOST2 IP ... from the local host are always authorized, regardless of what is in the hosts.allow or hosts.deny files, and portmap does not hostname lookups, so hosts.allow must specify the hosts by their IP ... Debian Linux by Ian A Murdock # # Modified for RHS Linux by Marc Ewing # # Further modified by Olaf Kirch for Caldera Open Linux...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 08:20

63 324 0
Tài liệu Configuring FTP Services in Linux ppt

Tài liệu Configuring FTP Services in Linux ppt

... the FTP site anymore If having difficulties with the Linux FTP client, try a windows computer A Windows system can easily connect to a Linux FTP server by using a popular program called WS _FTP ... the FTP Properties To test if the FTP services are working properly from a terminal window, type: ftp localhost This command will use the system to access the FTP services on the system The Linux ... temporary user for the FTP purposes: adduser ftpclient Give the new ftpclient a password: passwd ftpclient When prompted, make the password the same as the account name, for example, ftpclient Create...

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 05:20

5 363 0
Tài liệu HOST FREE&FTP UP 5 GB VÀ DOWN 10 GB docx

Tài liệu HOST FREE&FTP UP 5 GB VÀ DOWN 10 GB docx

... Inc Hosting! Your account is now active and you can go to: http://utbinh1.0moola.com Your Personal FTP Information: utbinh1.0moola.com FTP Server: (ftp: //utbinh1.0moola.com@utbinh1.0moola.com) FTP ... Login: utbinh1.0moola.com FTP PassWord: XXXXXX Your Personal MySQL Information: MySQL 75786 DataBase MySQL localhost HostName MySQL 75786 UserName MySQL The same as for FTP PassWord: You may enable ... Chương trình CUTE FTP 8.0 Professional > Nhấp New > Chọn FTP Site > Nhập Nội dung : http://utbinh.0moola.com/AUGUST/ bai27/HostFreeOmoola.jpg http://utbinh.0moola.com/AUGUST/bai27/HostFreeOmoola.doc...

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 01:20

5 291 0
Tài liệu Resolving Host Names by Using Domain Name System (DNS) doc

Tài liệu Resolving Host Names by Using Domain Name System (DNS) doc

... issues that arose when there was an increase in the: Number of hosts on the Internet Traffic generated by the update process Size of the Hosts file What Is a Domain Namespace? Root Domain Top-Level ... server1.sales.south.nwtraders.com server1.sales.south.nwtraders.com south south sales sales east east Host: server1 Host: server1 Standards for DNS Naming The following characters are valid for DNS names: ... Configure a DNS server to use a forwarder Clear the DNS server cache by using the DNS console Clear the DNS server cache by using the DNSCmd command Practice: Configuring Properties for the DNS...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 06:24

53 776 0
Tài liệu Tăng cường an ninh cho hệ thống Linux (Phần 1) .By ThanhNL Linux đã tạo ra một sự ppt

Tài liệu Tăng cường an ninh cho hệ thống Linux (Phần 1) .By ThanhNL Linux đã tạo ra một sự ppt

... By ThanhNL Linux tạo bùng nổ lĩnh vực tin học ngày trở nên phổ biến Rất nhiều công ty, tổ chức giới chấp nhận Linux platform cho sản phẩm họ, nhiều công ty, ISPs sử dụng máy chủ Linux Internet ... hệ thống Linux ngày trở nên quan trọng thiết Tài liệu cho bạn nhìn tổng quát an toàn hệ thống hướng dẫn giúp tăng cường mức độ an toàn cho hệ thống Linux bạn (Tài liệu báo cáo hội thảo Linux Việt ... an toàn Kể từ Linux phát triển cách rộng rãi nhanh chóng, đặc biệt giao dịch kinh doanh quan trọng, an ninh vấn đề định sống Linux Với hàng trăm công cụ bảo vệ sẵn có, người dùng Linux trang bị...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 06:20

6 262 0