from mesopotamia to iraq politics during the mandate 1921 1932

practical markers of the transition from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism during exercise

practical markers of the transition from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism during exercise

... procedures to be followed, and asked to read and sign the informed consent form This was followed by the fitting of a heart rate monitor Once the integrity of the signal from the monitor was established, ... segments: (a) from Min to VT-1 ( P < 0.05), (b) from the Min to VT ( P < 0.001), (c) from VT + to End-1 ( P < 0.05), and (d) from VT + to End ( P < 0.001) In contrast, for FS, the quadratic trend ... the change from Min to VT was not significant In contrast, in Group B, there was a significant decline from Min to VT, although none of the minute -to- minute changes were significant On the other...

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2014, 11:18

11 268 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Minor capsid proteins of mouse polyomavirus are inducers of apoptosis when produced individually but are only moderate contributors to cell death during the late phase of viral infection ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Minor capsid proteins of mouse polyomavirus are inducers of apoptosis when produced individually but are only moderate contributors to cell death during the late phase of viral infection ppt

... apoptosis induction during the virus infection cycle The cytotoxicity was detected by quantification of LDH release into the medium and was followed during the first viral cycle from 12 to 48 h post-transfection ... tVP3–EGFP These results show that the levels of cytotoxicity of individual VP2 and VP3 variants correlate with their ability to induce apoptosis The highly toxic variants of VP2 and VP3 proved to be ... Cy, cytoplasm; Mit, mitochondria; Nu, nucleus To further characterize the induction of apoptosis caused by transient expression of VP2–EGFP and VP3– EGFP, and to determine the role of the mitochondrial...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 09:20

14 539 0
Tài liệu From Burden to “Best Buys”: Reducing the Economic Impact of Non-Communicable Diseases in Low- and Middle-Income Countries pdf

Tài liệu From Burden to “Best Buys”: Reducing the Economic Impact of Non-Communicable Diseases in Low- and Middle-Income Countries pdf

... The content of this report stems from the work published in two separate reports, one led by the World Economic Forum and the Harvard School of Public Health, and the other developed by the ... position of the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum or the Harvard School of Public Health It is a tool to explore the views of interested parties on the subject matter The authors ... which range from counselling and drug therapy for cardiovascular disease to measures to prevent cervical cancer – bring the total annual cost to US$ 11.4 billion On a per-person basis, the annual...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 19:20

12 799 1
from gibbon to auden essays on the classical tradition mar 2009

from gibbon to auden essays on the classical tradition mar 2009

... to write that he had been wrong to trace the decline of Rome from the collapse of the Antonines He had attempted to write the history of the Roman Empire from the end of that era of felicity ... allusion to Trajan’s alimentation scheme In the Decline and Fall, there is little sign of the sifting of histoire ordinaire to recover the secret history of society The gulf between the would-be historian ... in the history of the world during which the condition of the human race was most calamitous and afflicted, he would without hesitation name that which elapsed from the death of Theodosius the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2014, 22:01

255 358 0
from dust to stars studies of the formation and early evolution of stars

from dust to stars studies of the formation and early evolution of stars

... 2.1.1 From Ptolemy to Newton It took humankind until the dawn of the New Age to put basic pieces together and to accept proof over belief and superstition The geocentric concept of Claudius Ptolemaeus, ... process from the spiral arms of a galaxy down to protostars with characteristic lengths spanning from 10 kpc to 100 AU The book has otherwise a very simple outline In order to fully grasp the immense ... underlying physics to be able to properly describe the manifold of different processes involved On the other hand there is a story to tell about the current views on star formation and the effort and...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 21:09

409 583 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Creating a knowledge translation trainee collaborative: from conceptualization to lessons learned in the first year" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: " Creating a knowledge translation trainee collaborative: from conceptualization to lessons learned in the first year" pdf

... contribution to the meeting The aim of the review process was to assemble a group of trainees that could both contribute to and gain from capacity building in the field of KT Thirty trainees attended the ... experiences Our aim was to encourage these interests and to conceive of new ways of working together wherein we each feel included and valued The facilitators invited small groups to consider questions ... 3) In order to respond to these challenges and opportunities, and particularly in order to maintain our momentum, attendees decided to devote the subsequent six to twelve months to creating a...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

5 341 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Using simulation for training and to change protocol during the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa học: " Using simulation for training and to change protocol during the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome" ppsx

... noted during our training period included the following: The need for educators to have dedicated time freed from their regular duties The need for a high ratio of educators to trainees, to ensure ... sessions during ICU breaks We ran three sessions during the day shift (07:30 to 19:30) and one session during the evening shift (20:00 to 22:00) Evaluation The program was evaluated by the trainees They ... how long it took the first person to don the PPS The other four trainees observed After the simulation we debriefed the entire group and discussed and reinforced pertinent points Then the four remaining...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:20

6 382 0
rivlin - broke, usa; from pawnshops to poverty, inc.; how the working poor became big business (2010)

rivlin - broke, usa; from pawnshops to poverty, inc.; how the working poor became big business (2010)

... Jones said of the consumer advocates he’s battled over the past few years “They try and stop the tax refund business They try and stop the rent -to- own industry They try and stop the auto title loan ... contacted the lender, who told him that they had Collier’s signature on the loan papers and that’s all the proof they needed that she understood the terms of her loan It did not seem to matter to the ... insisted that they had nothing to with the interest rates these loan originators charged or the up-front fees (typically in the double digits) they added But the Boston Globe was able to expose this...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 19:21

192 218 0
An ergonomic evaluation on embarkation and disembarkation from bus to bus shelter for the elderly and some younger people with mobility impairments

An ergonomic evaluation on embarkation and disembarkation from bus to bus shelter for the elderly and some younger people with mobility impairments

... and from the Edge of Kerb 103 4.24 The Distance between the Sole of the Left Foot and the Surface of Ground as the Angle of the Thigh Is Set at 45 deg 105 5.1 The Summary of the Results from the ... First Step from the Street xiii Level or from the Street Kerb (Disembarking the First Step to the Street Level or to the Street Kerb) 165 A-9.3 The Top Twenty Individual Cases with the Longest ... recorded by the evaluator The use of this technique took into consideration the positions of the camera in order to minimize the perspective errors The guidelines of using two-dimensional photographic...

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2015, 13:28

217 684 0

... traces the progression, in ‘‘[moving] from the organic growth of the plant (the great British oak) to the countryside, the country house and the georgic ideal of retirement, the estate, the aristocratic ... attend to narrative structure, and to the kind of stories that get told and retold about the Irish, so as to reveal both the regularity of English colonial discourse on Ireland and the Irish and the ... contributing to the empire, economically and politically The movement from subjection to citizenship, from dominance to hegemony, from the brute violence of seventeenth-century coercion to the willing...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39

240 1,2K 5
Tài liệu The UN’s Role in Nation-Building - From the Congo to Iraq pptx

Tài liệu The UN’s Role in Nation-Building - From the Congo to Iraq pptx

... States and the United Nations bring different capabilities to the process Neither is likely to succeed without the other Both have much to learn not just from their own experience but also from that ... administrators • the uneven quality of military components • the even greater unevenness of police and civil administrators xviii The UN’s Role in Nation-Building: From the Congo to Iraqthe United ... and France, the principal troop contributors, for failing to enforce the mandate they had accepted to protect the innocent civilians entrusted to their care The failure of UN missions in both Somalia...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20

319 500 0
civil resistance and power politics the experience of non-violent action from gandhi to the present nov 2009

civil resistance and power politics the experience of non-violent action from gandhi to the present nov 2009

... served from January 2006 to March 2008 as Research Associate of the project, and whose contributions to the project, from the March 2006 workshop to the March 2007 conference, and then to this ... sought to explore.1 These were not a rigid frame to be imposed on the contributors to this book, who were invited to focus on those questions most pertinent to the cases which they addressed Their ... his country, he told the NATO Council: I am happy to have this opportunity to tell from this rostrum today the truth: the North Atlantic Alliance has been, and remains pursuant to the will of democratically...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:33

432 533 0
Báo cáo y học: "Inflammatory Signals shift from adipose to liver during high fat feeding and influence the development of steatohepatitis in mice" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Inflammatory Signals shift from adipose to liver during high fat feeding and influence the development of steatohepatitis in mice" pot

... mediators which will then impact the development of disease [17] Within the panel of genes included in our analysis, which ranges from metabolic to cellular markers to inflammatory mediators, ... as one of the most relevant inflammatory mediator as the disease induction process shifts from the inflamed epididymal adipose tissue to the liver This enhanced IL-1 signal is relevant to current ... then switch to the liver at 16 and 26 weeks post-HFC feeding These findings of time dependent development of steatosis in the liver are supported by immunohistochemistry Taken together, the evidences...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 03:20

14 336 0
Báo cáo y học: "Inflammatory Signals shift from adipose to liver during high fat feeding and influence the development of steatohepatitis in mice" pptx

Báo cáo y học: "Inflammatory Signals shift from adipose to liver during high fat feeding and influence the development of steatohepatitis in mice" pptx

... mediators which will then impact the development of disease [17] Within the panel of genes included in our analysis, which ranges from metabolic to cellular markers to inflammatory mediators, ... as one of the most relevant inflammatory mediator as the disease induction process shifts from the inflamed epididymal adipose tissue to the liver This enhanced IL-1 signal is relevant to current ... then switch to the liver at 16 and 26 weeks post-HFC feeding These findings of time dependent development of steatosis in the liver are supported by immunohistochemistry Taken together, the evidences...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 06:22

14 306 0


... market of the company’s products is North Vietnam The area’s consumption accounted for up to 87% of the total sales of the company in 2011 The Central Vietnam and the others took up the last 13% ... deciding all company’s activities The two vice-directors assist the director in running the company They are responsible to the director for the functioning of their department Võ Thị Khánh Chi ... factors to minimize the cost and maximize the profit The detail information about external and internal factors is given as follows: 2.2.1 External factors External factors are the factors from...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2013, 09:11

49 894 2
Tài liệu From Data to Knowledge and Back Again: Understanding the Limitations of KMS pdf

Tài liệu From Data to Knowledge and Back Again: Understanding the Limitations of KMS pdf

... attempting to comprehensively communicate or represent their knowledge In addition, actors might just be too busy to document what they know due to the complexity of the task and the time that ... Schultze, 1998) There is therefore an imperative to capture the ontological and epistemological perspectives of IS developers if the product of their development efforts are to be fully understood IMS’s ... unwilling to articulate how they go about their business simply because in so doing they run the risk of making themselves dispensable As indicated, the reluctance of users to express their knowledge...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 19:15

12 600 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Crystal structure of importin-a bound to a peptide bearing the nuclear localisation signal from chloride intracellular channel protein 4 ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Crystal structure of importin-a bound to a peptide bearing the nuclear localisation signal from chloride intracellular channel protein 4 ppt

... according to the following equation: Bi À l j Bz ¼ rj where Bz is the normalized B factor, Bi is the B factor of atom i, lj is the mean B factor (excluding water molecules and peptide atoms) and ... atoms, 40.2 A2 for ˚ overall (62 total atoms) side-chain atoms and 38.7 A Electron density analysis Both the main-chain and side-chain atoms of the modelled CLIC4 peptide show a good fit to the ... of the side chain fits into the hydrophobic alcove and allows the charged head group access to the solvent on the other side The extended side chain of Arg206 allows for the same favourable interactions...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 19:20

14 742 0
Tài liệu University Oars Being a Critical Enquiry Into the After Health of the Men Who Rowed in the Oxford and Cambridge Boat-Race, from the Year 1829 to 1869, Based on the Personal Experience of the Rowers Themselves pdf

Tài liệu University Oars Being a Critical Enquiry Into the After Health of the Men Who Rowed in the Oxford and Cambridge Boat-Race, from the Year 1829 to 1869, Based on the Personal Experience of the Rowers Themselves pdf

... UNIVERSITY OARS BEING A CRITICAL ENQUIRY INTO THE AFTER HEALTH OF THE MEN WHO ROWED IN THE FROM THE YEAR 1829 TO 1869, BASED ON THE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OF THE ROWERS THEMSELVES JOHN ED MORGAN, M.D., M.A ... supposed to be attended with injurious results, I decided to yield to their wishes and to insert the names, taking care at the same time to obtain the permission xii INTRODUCTION of the writers ... curtailed, they would enquire whether these men live with that care and sobriety which might entitle them to look forward to a hale old age; and lastly, they make bold to ask whether the statements...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 21:20

419 542 0