... This course for older adults was developed by the National Institute on Aging. H-4 Searching for Health Information Online: An Internet Course for Older Adults 9 Desktop The information that ... course for older adults was developed by the National Institute on Aging. H-8 Searching for Health Information Online: An Internet Course for Older Adults 20 Web Addresss or URL The address for ... www.nia.nih.gov This course for older adults was developed by the National Institute on Aging. H-7 Searching for Health Information Online: An Internet Course for Older Adults 18 Link (or hyperlink)...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 19:20
... Why Teachers Should Use Timed Reading in ESL Classes Jeremy Browning Students are faced with a bombardment of information need to be better prepared for the demands that reading in society places ... fact places pressures on the student to perform at a higher level than the student before them. It is the belief of many teaching professionals that the ESL student needs to be able to read at ... is especially true for timed-reading because emphasis tends to reside in the speed of reading and comprehension. The interaction with the text in timed reading forces the ESL learner to move...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10
Pseudo - classes for links
... có nền light yellow. Trang 33 Simple CSS Standard Edition WallPearl Bài 6: Pseudo -classes For Links Một thành phần rất quan trọng trong mọi website chính là liên kết.Cũng như ... cho một liên kết. Hơn nữa, CSS còn cung cấp một điều khiển đặc biệt được gọi là pseudo- classes. Pseudo -classes cho phép bạn xác định các hiệu ứng định dạng cho một đối tượng liên kết ở một trạng ... font-variant:small-caps } Ba ví dụ trên chỉ là một tí gợi ý về khả năng kết hợp các thuộc tính CSS với pseudo -classes để tạo nên nhiều hiệu ứng hấp dẫn cho trang web. Cũng xin nói luôn là các ví dụ Pearl trình...
Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 12:20
Tài liệu Simple CSS - Bài 5&6: Text- Pseudo-classes For Links pptx
... là in hoa đầu mỗi ký tự. Trích: h1 { text-transform:uppercase } h2 { text-transform:capitalize } Simple CSS - Bài 6: Pseudo -classes For Links Một thành phần rất quan trọng trong ... thụt đầu dòng cho dòng h2 { text-decoration:overline } 5.6. Thuộc tính text-transform: Text-transform là thuộc tính qui định chế độ in hoa hay in thường của văn bản mà không phụ thuộc ... trong mọi website chính là liên kết.Cũng như một Simple CSS - Bài 5&6: Text- Pseudo -classes For Links text-align:justify } 5.4. Thuộc tính letter-spacing: Thuộc tính letter-spacing...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15
A study on communicative activities in english reading classes for the 10th from students
Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:03
Tài liệu Health promotion and health education for adults pdf
... Conference on Adult Education 6b Health education for adults Health promotion and health education for adults Health promotion and health education for adults I n t ro d u c t i o n Health has always ... and then formatted and designed. A tremendous amount of work has gone into this process. Linda King, coordinator of the monitoring and information strategy for CONFINTEA, was responsible for oversee- ing ... the continuous need for new health knowledge. In the field of health, knowledge is changing at a rapid pace. Access to relevant, up-to-date information is critical for informed decisions and choices....
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 13:20
Tài liệu A junk‐free childhood: Responsible standards for marketing foods and beverages to children doc
... 0‐12* *≥50%ofaudiencemustbechildren;**≥35%ofaudiencemustbechildren;***≥30%ofaudiencemustbe children.****≥25%ofaudiencemustbechildren.~unlessanadultispresent.~~unless adults predominate. + ≥35% for someshowsand≥50% for others. ++ 11 for printmedia,otherwise12. Whichproductscanbepromoted? IntheUSAalargenumberofcompany‐promotedmodelshavebeenproposed for defining thenutritionalcriteria for foodstobemarketedtochildren 21 andasimilarproblemhas ariseninEurope.Thenexttablegivesexamplesofnutrientmethods for definingfoodsas suitable for marketingtochildren,asproposedbysomeofthecompaniesintheEUpledge: Table2Company‐setcriteria for foodstheycanmarkettochildren Company ... TheStanMarkprojectbringstogetherresearchersandpolicy‐makerstodevelopasetofstandards for marketingfoodsandbeveragesconsistentwiththeresolutionoftheWorldHealthAssembly. Objectives ConveneaseriesofmeetingsinEuropeandtheUSAtobringtogetherkeymembersofthescientific researchcommunityandpolicy‐makingcommunitytoconsiderhowmarketingfoodandbeverages mayaffectchildren’shealth. Identifycurrent‘bestpractice’approachestothecontrolofmarketing,includingmeasuresnot specificallyaddressingfood andbeveragemarketing,ornotspecificallydirectedtotheprotectionof children. Exploretheuseofstandardsandmarketingcodestoinfluencecommercialactivity,including standardsfromotherindustrialsectors. Proposeasetofstandardstoformthebasis for across‐bordercodeofmarketingoffoodsand beverages. Developweb‐basedresources for policydevelopmentconcerningfoodandbeveragemarketingto childrenandrelatedmaterialstosupportpolicydevelopment. Projectpartners ... 5 bordermarketing,usinginternet,satellite,andproductplacementinimportedprogrammes, isnotamenabletocontrolbyasinglejurisdiction. Inresponsetopublicconcern,civilsocietyorganisationshaveproposedstandardswhich wouldapplytocommercialoperatorsinallcountriesandtherebyprotectchildrenwhether ornotthelocalregulatoryenvironmentwasabletodoso.Suchstandardswouldhave considerablemoralauthorityandwouldactasa‘soft’regulatoryprocessakintotheforms ofgovernanceknowninEuropeastheOpenMethodofCoordination,i.e.theyrelyon identificationofgoodandbadpracticesandpublicitytoencouragehighstandards. InMay2010the63 rd WorldHealthAssemblyof193governmentsendorsedasetof recommendationsonmarketingoffoodsandnon‐alcoholicbeveragestochildrenandcalled for internationalactiontoreducetheimpactonchildrenofthemarketingoffoodsor beverageshighinsaturatedortransfats, free sugarsorsalt(HSTFSS). 20 The recommendationsformedpartoftheWorldHealthOrganization’sglobalstrategy for the preventionandcontrolofnon‐communicablediseases.TheAssemblyurgedmember nationstotakeactiontoreduceboththeexposureofchildrento,andthepowerof, marketing for suchfoods. However,nationalgovernmentsmaynotbeabletocontrolallthemarketingpracticesthat influenceachild’sdiet.MarketingopportunitiesarisewhenTVchannelsarereceivedfrom sourcesoutsidenationalboundaries,whenInternetaccessislargelyunmediated,when sponsoredsportingeventsaretransmittedglobally,andwhenfilmsandvideogamesare tradedacrossnationalborders.Itfollowsthatasetofuniversalstandardscanhelpto ensurethatthemarketingofHSTFSSproductscanfullycomplywiththeWorldHealth Assembly’srecommendations. Universalmarketingstandardshavefurtherbenefits.Restrictedmarketingcanserveto equalisethecompetitiveenvironment for companiesofdifferentsizes.Froman enforcementviewpoint,aset ofuniversalstandardscansupportnationalauthorities,the privatesectorandcivilsocietytoensurecomplianceandtorespondtoinfringements. Further,wherenationalauthoritiesdonothavethecapacitytoensurechildrenand adolescentsareprotectedfromlocalorcross‐bordermarketingoffoodsandbeverages,a setofinternationally‐agreedstandardscanensureacommon,minimumlevelofprotection for youngpeopleinallnations. 20 WHO,2010.63 rd WorldHealthAssembly.http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA63/A63_R14‐ en.pdf.Seealsohttp://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/publications/recsmarketing/en/index.html ...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 02:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Fast Online Lexicon Learning for Grounded Language Acquisition" pdf
... Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 430–439, Jeju, Republic of Korea, 8-14 July 2012. c 2012 Association for Computational Linguistics Fast Online Lexicon Learning for Grounded ... of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-10). Luke S. Zettlemoyer and Michael Collins. 2007. Online learning of relaxed CCG grammars for parsing to logi- cal form. In Proceedings ... meanings for those same data. For the sec- ond and third tasks, we train a semantic parser on the automatically disambiguated data, and test on sen- tences from the third, unseen map. For all...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu 30 Online Marketing Tips for Driving Lead Generation potx
... from The B2B Lead PRESENTED BY VOLUME ONE ã Online Marketing 7 Optimize Your Video for SEO Results WhilepreppingformyupcomingpresentationonViralMarketingfortheMarketing Sherpa B2B Summit, I ran ... Offersdataservicestondtherightbuyingroleswithinthosecompanies Also,besuretoask for a free trial so you can test the power of the tool and see results before you have to buy. 101 B2B Marketing and Sales Tips from The B2B Lead PRESENTED BY VOLUME ONE ã Online ... #3:Knowyouraudience.And,I’mnottalkingabouttheirpainpointsandjobroles.I’mtalkingmoreaboutpsychographicsandbehavioralcharacteristics.Under- standwhatintereststhem,wheretheyliveandwork,howtheygettheirinformation. For NetQoS,weknewthatouraudiencewouldbeagreatviraltarget—theywerecomfortable online, 80%readblogsorareactiveinblogging,84%starttheirsearchonasearchengine.Mostaresmartandcynicalaudience—marketingaverse. Viral...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 09:20
Báo cáo khoa học: 15 N-Labelled proteins by cell-free protein synthesis Strategies for high-throughput NMR studies of proteins and protein–ligand complexes doc
... high yields in vivo are also suitable for efficient production by cell -free synthesis. In order to compensate for the increased effort and expense required for the produc- tion and selective isotope ... [ 15 N]-labelled proteins makes it an attractive tool for preliminary studies prior to the production of uniformly [ 15 N ⁄ 13 C]- labelled samples for in-depth NMR analysis. Much information can be gleaned already ... [ 15 N]-labelling achieved by cell -free pro- tein synthesis has been demonstrated for each of the 19 nonproline residues [18]. Time and expense can be drastically reduced by use of cell -free systems [11,18,21],...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20
Recommended guidelines for Pain Management Programmes for adults pptx
... (2005). What works for whom: a critical review of psychotherapy research, 2nd edition. New York: Guilford Press. Singh D. (2005). Transforming chronic care: evidence for improving care for people ... Desirable Criteria for Pain Management Programmes in response to the perceived need for information and guidance for those involved in the developing field. The document described for the first ... demonstrated for the entire package, rather than for specific components, so reduction of any of these may adversely affect outcome. Pressure to treat the maximum number of patients for minimum...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 14:20
MEALS ARE FREE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED: For additional listings provided by the Meals Partnership Coalition pot
... 10, 2012 for web OUTREACH BREAKFAST 400 East Pike Street Seattle 206-322-7411 Breakfast: 2 nd and 4 th Saturdays. Open to all PACIFIC ASIAN EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM 270 So. Hanford St., ... PSKS—PEACE for THE STREETS by KIDS FROM THE STREETS 1814 Summit Avenue, Seattle 206-726-8500 Lunch: Tuesday – Friday 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Criteria: Open to youth up to age 21. * Information ... 21. * Information not updated prior to publication. Please contact office for meal time. 3 Revised December 10, 2012 for web COMMUNITY LUNCH on CAPITOL HILL 1710 – 11 th In the Parish...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
... Should I register a domain name for my company blog, or is using a free service like blogger or wordpress ok? Every company should stay away from free blogging platforms and register their own ... image/brand. Free blogging platforms don’t give your company the right image. It’s not something you want to build your brand on – not if you want to be taken seriously. Using free platforms pegs ... Pew Internet survey finds that 91% of online adults use search engines to find information on the web, up from 84% in June 2004 . . . On any given day online, 59% of those using the Internet...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21
The 2 Edition Encyclopedia of Free Online Advertising docx
... huge list, AND a steady, hands -free traffic flow that you could never fully use yourself. *Luke’s FREE Recipe for Compounding Traffic* (Freshly updated for June 2007!) Step 1. Install ... your website online. Certainly there will be exceptions, and it works much better for Blogs that have frequent postings than it could for a static website. Even still, it’s a free source of ... Rights reserved Worldwide. 56 Any form of traffic at all is fine for this first step, as long as it’s free, because this is strictly a BULK strategy… No paying for any of this, alright? The two...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 19:20
Guidance on Cancer Services Improving Supportive and Palliative Care for Adults with Cancer ppt
... benefits for which they are potentially eligible by professionals who are informed and knowledgeable about the benefits system. 88 6 patients’ needs for information and their desire for involvement in ... through a facility that encompasses information for a broader range of diseases. 4.21 People with cancer request different styles of information, in different formats, and at different levels. Health ... the different sources of information available and to meet requests for additional information. On the other hand, some patients and carers may not wish to obtain information. Preferences should...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Learning Semantic Classes for Word Sense Disambiguation" pptx
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 03:20
let's go 2 russian for adults a course for low-intermediate
Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2014, 14:53