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apress pro android web apps, develop for android using html5 css3 and javascript (2011)

apress pro android web apps, develop for android using html5 css3 and javascript (2011)

... you in building web apps Understanding Android Platform Capabilities The Android operating system (OS) was designed as a generic OS for mobile devices (including smartphones and tablet PCs). ... Packaging an App for Release 299 ■Chapter 13: The Future of Mobile Computing 337 ■Appendix: Debugging Android Web Apps 351 ■Index 359 CHAPTER 2: Building a Mobile HTML Entry Form 28 In this ... native Android application would have to be rewritten to support another (non -Android) mobile device. This leads to having to manage the ongoing development of mobile applications for each...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 11:50

382 1,6K 0
Tài liệu Android Apps Secrets to Selling Your Android App Marketing ppt

Tài liệu Android Apps Secrets to Selling Your Android App Marketing ppt

... to care for them. Download from ptg Android ™ Apps Marketing x 23 Android Apps for Corporate Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Is an Android ... page. Note The web-based Android Market only displays a portion of the available Android apps. To view all apps you must use an Android smartphone of your choice. Source: Download from ... posted a number of apps for sale. This book assumes you want to move beyond being a casual developer and seller of Android apps to a successful marketer of your own best- selling apps and brand. 1....

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 00:20

309 712 0
Tài liệu Learn Java for Android Development Second Edition pptx

Tài liệu Learn Java for Android Development Second Edition pptx

... Java platform (see http://developer .android. com/index.html) to create Android apps that run on Android- enabled devices. This edition is known as the Android platform. Google’s Android platform ... Beginning Android 4 by Grant Allen (Apress, 2012) and start learning how to develop Android apps. In that book, you learn Android basics and how to create “innovative and salable applications for Android ... before jumping into Android. After all, Android apps are written in Java and interact with many of the standard Java APIs (e.g., threading and input/output APIs). I wrote Learn Java for Android...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 15:21

767 6,7K 0
Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for Android pptx

Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for Android pptx

... JavaScript for Android Learn D evelop mobile web apps with Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for Android. This book teaches the essential HTML5 and JavaScript skills you need to make great apps for the Android ... browsers. Create HTML5 and JavaScript based web apps for Android devices and browsers CHAPTER 2: An Introduction to Creating Mobile Web Apps for Android 33 Listing 2-7. Meta Elements from the ... Creating Mobile Web Apps for Android 14 such as PhoneGap, Rhomobile, and Appcelerator, will take the place of what future browsers will supply us from their draft specifications for now. By...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 03:20

381 5K 0
AndEngine for Android Game Development Cookbook docx

AndEngine for Android Game Development Cookbook docx

... Sergio started creating simple mobile apps for his phone. About two years ago he decided to create his rst video game for mobile devices. He really enjoys developing for mobile devices, he likes ... together and develop his rst video game for his favorite mobile platform Android. So far Sergio has released 3 games and he continues developing apps and games for Android as a hobby. He wishes that ... independent game developer. In his free time, he develops professional mobile games focusing especially on the Android platform. His goal is to permanently impact the global mobile gaming industry in...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

380 4K 4
Instant Spring for Android Starter pdf

Instant Spring for Android Starter pdf

... 3 Instant Spring for Android Starter So, what is Spring for Android? In this rst section, we will go through the main aspects of Spring for Android: RestTemplate, Auth, and what Spring for Android is ... framework). Spring for Android does not bring inversion of control to the Android platform. In its very rst release (1.0.0.M1), Spring for Android brought a common logging facade for Android; the ... Instant Spring for Android Starter Leverage Spring for Android to create RESTful and OAuth Android apps Anthony Dahanne BIRMINGHAM - MUMBAI 24 Instant Spring for Android Starter ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 04:20

73 1,5K 0
Learn Java for Android Development Second Edition potx

Learn Java for Android Development Second Edition potx

... Java platform (see http://developer .android. com/index.html) to create Android apps that run on Android- enabled devices. This edition is known as the Android platform. Google’s Android platform ... of three chapters. Unfortunately, my original plan for six free chapters was flawed. For instance, I planned to write a free chapter on networking that would come after a free chapter on New I/O. ... Beginning Android 4 by Grant Allen (Apress, 2012) and start learning how to develop Android apps. In that book, you learn Android basics and how to create “innovative and salable applications for Android...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 10:20

767 6,5K 0
Pro OpenGL ES for Android potx

Pro OpenGL ES for Android potx

... might make a good platform for an astronomy program, as I could now control the colors of those star-things instead of having to settle for a lame fixed color palette forced upon me from the ... Changing the size of an object  Transformation: All of the above 2 ■ Introduction xiv First and foremost this book is for experienced Android programmers who want to at ... Samsung Galaxy Tab or an iPad. (Even before Apple’s iPhone was available for sale, the prop department at ABC’s Lost borrowed some of Apple’s screen iconography for use in a two-way radio carried...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

309 979 0
Learn Java for Android Development Second Edition doc

Learn Java for Android Development Second Edition doc

... Java platform (see http://developer .android. com/index.html) to create Android apps that run on Android- enabled devices. This edition is known as the Android platform. Google’s Android platform ... text editor for entering and editing source code, a debugger for locating bugs, and other features. Eclipse is a popular IDE that Google supports for developing Android apps. Note For convenience, ... web servers, mobile information devices (e.g., feature phones), and embedded devices (e.g., television set-top boxes):  Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE): The Java platform for developing...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 11:20

767 1,2K 0
And Engine for android game development cookbook  RAW

And Engine for android game development cookbook RAW

... functionality we need for 2d game development. Unfortunately, the fact is that we can't expect one general game engine to satisfy every game developer's needs for their designs. For those of ... in 2d space is a great function to know. The use for relative rotation is limitless and always seems to be a 'hot topic' for newer mobile game developers. One of the most prominent ... artwork can be very a tedious task when rst starting out with game development on a mobile platform (especially Android! ). You will most likely want to be able to scale your graphics accordingly...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 22:09

91 478 0
tutorial 2 opencv for android setup windows

tutorial 2 opencv for android setup windows

... to restart your computer. Downloading and Installing Android NDK The Android NDK enables us to compile and run native C/C++ code on Android. 1. Download android-” ... terminal: cd $OPCV /android/ android-jni make make b. In the “$OPCV /android/ android-jni” folder, create a new file “project_create.bat” and put the following line into the file: android update ... website: /android/ ndk-r4.php 2. Unzip the downloaded file to the current user’s home directory for Cygwin, for example: C:\\cygwin\\home\\JohnDoe\ \android- ndk-r4-crystax Unzipping...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 15:40

9 547 1
tutorial 3 server client communication for android

tutorial 3 server client communication for android

... Part II: Android Client Download Client Source Code 1. In your server, download and unzip the client source code from: /Android/ Tutorial3/EE368 _Android_ ... (Linux/Ubuntu) Download Server Source Code 2. In your server, download the server source code of the tutorial from: /Android/ Tutorial3/EE368 _Android_ ... the Phone to a PHP Server. /android- how-to-post-file-to-php-server.html 3. VLFeat. 4. Android AsyncTask. http://developer .android. com/reference /android/ os/AsyncTask.html...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 15:40

7 324 0
flash development for android cookbook

flash development for android cookbook

... with Android. For those who are new to Flash, welcome to the world of visual rich, rapid application development for mobile Android devices! If you have any interest in Flash development for Android, ... controls, and containers available especially for the development of mobile Android projects using Adobe AIR for Android as a development platform. Flash Professional provides some workow tools, ... number of Android- specic compiler options to our publish settings. There's more… If developing for the mobile Flash Player for Android, we will not need to congure anything for the AIR...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 11:25

372 588 0