... Emphatic do 82 Questions, negatives and answers 34 Yes/no questions 84 35 Short answers, e.g. Yes, it is. 86 36 Wh -questions 88 37 Subject/object questions 90 38 Prepositions in wh -questions ... Toronto with an associated company in Berlin Oxford and Oxford English are trade marks of Oxford University Press. ISBN 0 19 431369 7 (with answers) ISBN 0 19 431427 8 (with answers with CD-ROM) ... back to the relevant unit or part of a unit.) Secondly, the tests give you practice in handling exam-type questions. Many of the test questions are similar to those used in the Cambridge First...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20
... continuous with for and since (see Unit 121). My sister has been staying with me for three weeks now. You've been playing on that computer since seven o'clock. We use how long in questions. ... later in the day.) Test 3 Present perfect and past simple (Units 11-15) Test 3A Put in the past participles of the verbs in brackets. ► We've found (find) all the answers. 1 Have you………………………. ... C Use We use the present perfect continuous for an action over a period of time leading up to the present (see A). In these examples the action is still going on. We've been waiting here...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 6 pptx
... present perfect simple for a complete action over a period of time leading up to the action. We are thinking of the result. present. We are thinking of the action going on. Daniel's tired. ... perfect continuous for an action We use the past perfect simple for a complete over a period of time. We are thinking of the action. We are thinking of the result, action going on. Emma's ... shot, we all (throw) ourselves to the floor. TEST 4 Past and perfect tenses (Units 16-20) Test 4A Read the conversation. Then look at the answers below and write the correct answer in each...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 7 pptx
... 4 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 Form(B) Put in the verbs with be going to. Laura: What are you doing with that camera? Trevor: (►) I'm going to take (I / take) it to work. ... at a bank in London. So I'll be free for most of the summer. I'm going to spend six weeks travelling around the US. My friend Vicky is coming with me. (She finishes college at the ... one told me that the goods had arrived the week before. Test 5F Complete the news report. Put each verb into the correct form. The actress Vanessa Kemp (►) has disappeared (disappear)....
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 8 pptx
... future continuous) to talk about future actions. There are two different uses. B Will be doing for continuous actions We use the future continuous for an action over a period of time. It means ... say goodbye to our visitors? They're about to leave. TEST 6 The future with will, be going to and present tenses (Units 23-27) Test 6A Put in the missing words. Use one word only in each ... 'The new centre (10)……………………. take our customers away,' said one of them. Test 6D Look at the answers below and write the correct answer in each space. ► A: Let's go to the...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 9 pot
... had a talk with Daniel. Trevor and Laura are having an argument. NEGATIVE QUESTION Test 7 The future (Units 23-30) Test 7A Read the telephone conversation. Then look at the answers below ... had a game of cards. We had a wonderful holiday. Have expresses an action. Mark has lunch means that he eats lunch. With the action verb have we cannot use got and we cannot use a short form. ... (have) so much practice by the time you perform it that it's sure to be brilliant. 32 Exercises 1 Short forms (B) Write the sentences in a more informal style, with short forms....
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20
Oxford practice grammar with answers part 10 docx
... She's been out with him a few times, but really she's in love with Tom. Unfortunately he isn't in love with her. a) Who is Nick in love with? b) Who is in love with Tom? 2 Mark ... life.) …………………. 6 (Perhaps his wife asks him quiz questions. ) ………………… 7 (And maybe he answers questions in his dreams.)………………………………………………… 3 Yes/no questions (A-B) What would you say in these situations? ... think so. These questions are asking for information. For example, Daniel wants to know if Vicky is ready or not. Sometimes yes/no questions have other uses, especially questions with modal verbs....
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20