... 23 Chapter 3: What Is Six Sigma? 25 Six Sigma Definition 25 History of Six Sigma 25 Method and Implementation Approach 26 Six Sigma ... Traditional“Batch and Queue” Production 22 Figure 2. 10: Example Structure of a Lean Manufacturing Cell for a Single Product 22 Figure 3.1: The Six Sigma DMAIC Process 26 Figure 3 .2: Example ... (see Box 2. 2) Chapter 2: What Is Lean? Expanding the Definition of Lean (Box 2. 2) Some companies have expanded the definition of Lean to incorporate concepts of environmental, economic, and social...
Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2013, 09:23
Four weddings and a funeral
... Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE, England a n d Associated Companies throughout the world Contents ISBN-13: 978-0-5 82- 4 026 2-1 ISBN-10: 0-5 82- 4 026 2-X First published by Transworld Publishers ... asks them to raise their glasses and drink to Angus and Laura • After the formal dinner and speeches, it's time to dance The band plays, and Laura and Angus as bride and groom are the first to come ... stops to clean his shoe, and the others walk on towards the house The bride and groom and their families are standing outside in a line Everybody has to shake their hands and congratulate them as...
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 15:52
... 4.1 92 3.865 4.077 10 12 3.1 92 3.596 3.981 3.577 3.558 11 * 4.137 3.667 4.1 92 4.1 92 3. 725 3.635 13 14 3. 423 3 .26 9 2. 8 82 2.6 92 10 14 15 * * 4 .23 1 3.519 * 4.135 3.481 3.885 11 2. 981 12 3.596 15 2. 9 42 ... 20 01; Sandholm & Sorqvist, 20 02; Yun and Chua, 20 02) The Six Sigma has become the most prominent trend in quality management (Sandholm & Sorqvist, 20 02; Yang, 20 04) not only for manufacturing and ... Coronado & Antony (20 02) and Klefsjö et al (20 01) mention it as a required technique in the progress of Six Sigma projects, and Yun & Chua (20 02) asserts that “linkage with all innovation and infrastructure...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20
Quality Management and Six Sigma Part 2 pdf
... Research, 37, 22 01 22 15 Kanji, Gopal K & S Â, Patricia Moura E., (20 02) , “Kanji’s Business Scorecard”, Total Quality Management, 13(1), pp 13 -27 Kaplan, R S and Norton, D P., (19 92) , “The balanced ... C., Zaheer, S., and Choo, A S (20 03), Six Sigma: a goal-theoretic perspective”, Journal of Operations management, Vol 21 No 2, pp 193 -20 3 Lucas, James M, (20 02) , “The Essential Six Sigma”, Quality ... Readings, St Lucie Press, Delray Beach, FL Sandholm, L and Sorqvist, L (20 02) , “ 12 requirements for Six Sigma success”, Six Sigma Forum Magazine, Vol No 1, pp 17 -22 Short, P J & Rahim, M A., (1995),...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20
Quality Management and Six Sigma Part 3 ppt
... Industrial Engineering and Management, pp 517-538, ISSN: 20 13-0953 Lora L Loethen (20 08) Six Sigma Leadership, pp 1 -25 , ISBN-10:1-599 42- 690-0 Sean P Goffnett (20 04) Understanding Six Sigma: Implication ... evaluation and prioritization of Six Sigma projects 48 Quality Management and Six Sigma 7) Understanding methodology and techniques of Six Sigma 8) Linking Six Sigma to business strategy 9) Linking Six ... 5.3930 0.46 52 Saipa Sazegostar 5.6410 0 .28 08 Table Mean and standard deviation values of CSFs, considering the 10 categories CSFs Mean St Dev 5.8060 0.1884 5.4580 0 .25 90 5.5440 0 .22 81 5 .29 20 0.3534...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20
Quality Management and Six Sigma Part 4 ppt
... al (20 03), Basu (20 03), Pande et al (20 01), Rotandaro (20 02) , Eckes (20 01) and Snee and Rodenbaugh (20 02) , the selection of Six Sigma projects is pivotal to the success of the Six Sigma program, ... al., 20 02) The importance of the strategic alignment process using Six Sigma projects 57 2. 4 Selection process of Six Sigma Projects According to Pyzdek (20 03), Arthur (20 00), Adams et al (20 03), ... authors were used: Gerolamo (20 03); Werkema (20 04), Kaplan and Norton (1990), Yip (1995) and Santos and Martins (20 04) 2. 1 Conceptual model for the improvement and change performance management process...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20
Quality Management and Six Sigma Part 5 potx
... 20 04; Yang K 20 04) Similarly, Elliott (20 03) presents the initiative program of the company to combine TQM and Six Sigma and improve the production process and product quality Yang C (20 04) proposing ... Production and Inventory Management Journal, Vol. 32, No.3, pp .22 -25 Edgeman, R.L., Dahlgaard, S.M.P., Dahlgaard, J.J., and Scherer, F., (1999) ‘Leadership, Business Excellence Models and Core Value ... pp.676 - 690 Name, (20 07) available at: http://www.nameaward.com/ (Accessed October 20 , 20 07) Pande, S; Neuman, R.P., Cavangh, R.R (20 00) ‘The six sigma way- how GE, Motorolla and other top companies...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20
Quality Management and Six Sigma Part 7 docx
... - Figure 20 and 21 show the previous and the current Z-scores for another CTQ – “USB notification time” 128 Quality Management and Six Sigma Fig 20 USB Notification Time: Before Fig 21 USB Notification: ... copy/transfer content USB 2. 0 is a standard which we wanted to comply with 120 Quality Management and Six Sigma So here again it was very easy to consider this as a critical factor and go ahead with ... typical software development life cycle Fig 23 DfSS-Software Life cycle Mapping 1 32 Quality Management and Six Sigma 4 .2 Software FMEA Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is one of the well-known...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20
Quality Management and Six Sigma Part 8 pptx
... 3sigmaX = 2, 660 * CLX = X 88.07 = 21 0.58 UCLX = 29 8.64 LCLX = mR = X X + 2, 660 * - 2, 660 * mR = mR = 122 . 52 CLmR = mR =33,11 UCLmR = 3 ,26 8* mR =108 ,2 LCLmR = Fig Example of Individual and moving ... CLmR+3sigmamR and LCLmR=0; sigmamR is the estimated standard deviation of the moving ranges sample For example, given a set of 15 observations X = {21 3.875, 24 3.600, 23 7.176, 23 0.700, 20 9. 826 , 22 6.375, ... X = {21 3.875, 24 3.600, 23 7.176, 23 0.700, 20 9. 826 , 22 6.375, 167.765, 24 2.333, 23 3 .25 0, 183.400, 20 1.8 82, 1 82. 133, 23 5.000, 21 6.800, 134.545}, the following values are determined: Statistical Process...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20
Quality Management and Six Sigma Part 9 doc
... 20 00 Jalote, P (20 02a) Optimum Control Limits for Employing Statistical Process Control in Software Process, IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering, vol 28 , no. 12, pp 1 126 -1134 IEEE Press 20 02 ... Development: Where and Why IEEE Software, May/June 20 08 pp 48-51 IEEE Press (20 08) Wheeler, D J & Chambers, D.S (19 92) “Understanding Statistical Process Control”, 2nd ed., SPC Press, 19 92 Zultner, R ... Monitoring and Control – PMC PA and GP 2. 7 - Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders Related to GP 2. 10 Review Status with Higher Level Management - 168 Quality Management and Six Sigma Step...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20
Quality Management and Six Sigma Part 10 doc
... Z.Bench 2. 73 Z.LS L 2. 76 Z.U S L 3. 52 P pk 0. 92 6000 4000 20 00 USL 100 O v erall Z.Bench 2. 31 Z.LS L 4.07 Z.U S L 2. 31 P pk 0.77 6000 4000 20 00 -1 92. 5 -137.5 - 82. 5 -27 .5 27 .5 82. 5 137.5 -1 92. 5 -137.5 ... 0.35 120 90 60 O v erall Z.Bench 1.35 Z.LS L 1.41 Z.U S L 2. 35 P pk 0.47 75 50 30 25 -1 92. 5 -137.5 - 82. 5 -27 .5 27 .5 82. 5 137.5 P lacement Sigma Level = -1 92. 5 -137.5 - 82. 5 -27 .5 27 .5 82. 5 137.5 ... height AOI measurement: Y1, Y2 (Y21, Y 22, Y23, Y24 ) Fig Component pickup and placement process mapping Suction is turned off and blow on 190 Quality Management and Six Sigma 4.4 Measuring basic...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20
Quality Management and Six Sigma Part 14 pdf
... 400 80 300 60 20 0 40 20 Errors Number of errors Percent Cum % E1 140 28 ,0 28 ,0 E2 105 21 ,0 49,0 E3 90 18,0 67,0 E4 70 14,0 81,0 E5 26 5 ,2 86 ,2 E6 24 4,8 91,0 E7 Other 24 21 4,8 4 ,2 95,8 100,0 ... preanalytical, analytical, and post-analytical phases were reported by Stroobants and Goldschmidt as 2. 0% (Stroobants, 20 03), 0 .2% (Stroobants, 20 03), and 3 .2% (Goldschmidt, 20 02) respectively However ... Education C2 University Quality C21 Higher Education Accreditation C211 ANECA Accreditation Programme C2111 Accreditation Pilot Projects C21111 Accreditation Agents C211111 ANECA Auditors C2111 12 Internal...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20
Quality Management and Six Sigma Part 15 docx
... relationships Associative relationships Scope notes Table 16 Statistics of the Tesqual 2. 425 2. 013 4 12 2.0 12 441 26 1 Microthesaurus test In order to test the Microthesaurus, a sample of documents ... words and terms with their respective equivalence, hierarchical and associative relationships 2. 0 12 hierarchical relationships and 441 associative relationships were established Finally, 26 1 scope ... fields, which are presented with no standardised or normalized classification These fields include 2. 425 terms, out of which 2. 013 are descriptors and 4 12 are non-descriptors The nine semantic...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20
báo cáo hóa học:"Health-related quality of life before planned admission to intensive care: memory over three and six months" docx
... Use of any statins (%) 11 (26 ) 13 (25 ) Smoking habits (%): no 12 (29 ) 13 (25 ) 0. 921 Alcohol (%): no 25 (60) 24 (47) 0. 322 General Orthopaedic ( 12) 20 (48) 19 (37) 13 (26 ) 0.011 Urologic 17 (40) ... illness > (%)b 14 (22 ) (31) 0.437 PTSS-14 median (IQR)a 23 (1830) 26 (20 33) 0.088 HRQOL Comparison: worse (%) 21 (33) 13 (45) (14) (27 ) 0.0 72 PTSS-14 median (IQR)a 23 (1830) 26 (20 33) 0.001 HRQOL ... 13 26 (25 -28 ) Use of any benzodiazepines 11 11.8% Use of any antidepressants 8.6% Use of antihypertensive drugs 78 83.8% Use of B-blockers 22 23 .6% Use of any statins Smoking habits: no 24 25 25 .8%...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20
Quality Management and Six Sigma potx
... 4.1 92 3.865 4.077 10 12 3.1 92 3.596 3.981 3.577 3.558 11 * 4.137 3.667 4.1 92 4.1 92 3. 725 3.635 13 14 3. 423 3 .26 9 2. 8 82 2.6 92 10 14 15 * * 4 .23 1 3.519 * 4.135 3.481 3.885 11 2. 981 12 3.596 15 2. 9 42 ... 20 01; Sandholm & Sorqvist, 20 02; Yun and Chua, 20 02) The Six Sigma has become the most prominent trend in quality management (Sandholm & Sorqvist, 20 02; Yang, 20 04) not only for manufacturing and ... Coronado & Antony (20 02) and Klefsjö et al (20 01) mention it as a required technique in the progress of Six Sigma projects, and Yun & Chua (20 02) asserts that “linkage with all innovation and infrastructure...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 01:20
... 2. 763 2. 157 2. 467 83 52 81 822 73 61 75 64 76 62 74 63 42 Organization (power) 50 40 60 46.3 76.19 100 37.5 63.64 44.68 62. 07 52. 94 50 49 .26 Kz Si 0.036 0.035 0.033 0.0 32 0. 026 0. 022 0. 022 0.019 ... 48. 72 40 44 70 56. 52 65 .22 72. 73 56.76 66.67 Kz Si Requests 0.090 0.075 0.0 72 0.066 0.064 0.064 0.059 0.054 0.04 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.037 6.00 3.75 2. 674 3. 821 3.118 2. 56 2. 596 3.78 2. 26 2. 478 2. 763 ... Section Six Sigma 21 7 Chapter The Integration of TQM and Six- Sigma 21 9 Ching-Chow Yang Chapter 10 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Six Sigma in Service Organizations 24 7 Ayon Chakraborty and...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 10:20
... 2. 763 2. 157 2. 467 83 52 81 822 73 61 75 64 76 62 74 63 42 Organization (power) 50 40 60 46.3 76.19 100 37.5 63.64 44.68 62. 07 52. 94 50 49 .26 Kz Si 0.036 0.035 0.033 0.0 32 0. 026 0. 022 0. 022 0.019 ... 48. 72 40 44 70 56. 52 65 .22 72. 73 56.76 66.67 Kz Si Requests 0.090 0.075 0.0 72 0.066 0.064 0.064 0.059 0.054 0.04 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.037 6.00 3.75 2. 674 3. 821 3.118 2. 56 2. 596 3.78 2. 26 2. 478 2. 763 ... Section Six Sigma 21 7 Chapter The Integration of TQM and Six- Sigma 21 9 Ching-Chow Yang Chapter 10 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Six Sigma in Service Organizations 24 7 Ayon Chakraborty and...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 09:21
Báo cáo y học: "Intra-abdominal hypertension due to heparin induced retroperitoneal hematoma in patients with ventricle assist devices: report of four cases and review of the literature" pdf
... interests 21 Received: 12 July 20 10 Accepted: 10 November 20 10 Published: 10 November 20 10 22 23 References Peterze B, Lonn U, Jansson K, Rutberg H, Casimir-Ahn H, Nylander E: Longterm follow-up ... with IAP above 20 mmHg [25 ] Oliguria or even anuria develops despite measured normal or mildly elevated CPV and PAWP due to IAHinduced reductions in renal blood flow and function [26 ,27 ] Because ... of IAP renal vein and renal vascular resistance are both significant elevated leading to impaired glomerular and tubular renal function and reduction in urinary output [23 ,26 ,27 ] Nevertheless...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:22
Báo cáo y học: "Mitral valve surgery for mitral regurgitation caused by Libman-Sacks endocarditis: a report of four cases and a systematic review of the literature" pptx
... et al Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 20 10, 5:13 http://www.cardiothoracicsurgery.org/content/5/1/13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 antiphospholipid syndrome: ... Received: December 20 09 Accepted: 23 March 20 10 Published: 23 March 20 10 References Libman E, Sacks B: A hitherto undescribed form of valvular and mural endocarditis Arch Intern Med 1 924 , 33:701-37 ... tumors [23 -25 ] and bacterial endocarditis ("pseudoinfective” endocarditis) [26 ] or may coexist with (superimposed) bacterial endocarditis (also known as “double-decker” endocarditis) [7 ,26 ,27 ] The...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:20
báo cáo khoa học: "ALK-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: report of four cases and review of the literature" pptx
... 93(11):3913-3 921 http://www.jhoonline.org/content /2/ 1/11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Gong Q, Huntsman C, Ma D: Clathrin-independent internalization and recycling ... Number positive/weak % 50 50 43 39 37 19 /2 11/5 3/5 4/1 6 /2 0 100 86 12 100 97 78 40 33 11 18 11 0 24 18 17 100 75 16 85 25 39 38 27 40 24 24 44 44 45 17 24 20 12 ALK – anaplastic lymphoma kinase EMA ... 38 – 72 Male 38 76 Female 12 24 Site of involvement (n = 46) Exclusively nodal Cervical Other Extranodal Bone Liver and spleen Head and neck Gastrointestinal tract Other* 24 17 22 3 52 71 29 48...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:20