forecasting planning and budgeting

using the common criteria for it security evaluation

using the common criteria for it security evaluation

... not) These standards are supplemented by country-specific standards, such as the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program Handbook 150 (NVLAP® Handbook 150)110 and NVLAP® Handbook 150-20112,113 ... 5200.28-M defined the purpose of security testing and evaluation as:1 Develop and acquire methodologies, techniques, and standards for the analysis, testing, and evaluation of the security features of ... Directive 5200.28 and the provisions of the Manual Minimize duplication and overlapping effort, improve the effectiveness and economy of security operations, and provide for the approval and joint use...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:30

284 1.4K 0
A new family of mappings of infinitely divisible distributions related to the Goldie Steutel Bondesson class

A new family of mappings of infinitely divisible distributions related to the Goldie Steutel Bondesson class

... variables in d Here, an d valued random variable U x is called an elementary mixed exponential random variable in d if x is a nonrandom nonzero vector in d and U is a real random variable whose distribution ... scaling and taking of powers This follows from the corresponding properties of F and the definition of α for the third property, and Proposition 2.1 (ii) and (iv) for the first, fourth and second ... Domes (Z (α) ) and µ ∈ Φh,es (Z (α) ) and write h = h+ − h− with h+ and h− being the positive and negative parts of h, respectively Then µ is infinitely divisible without Gaussian part and by (4.4)...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2015, 12:03

24 281 0
Bacillus thuringiensis   a new perspective for an induced protection to coffee leaf rust

Bacillus thuringiensis a new perspective for an induced protection to coffee leaf rust

... control, which could be used in the field and associated low costs, low environmental impact and a possible control of coffee pests Materials and Methods Plant and fungal materials Coffee plants [Coffea ... culture conditions II Rust of chrysanthemum and carnation, downy mildew of rape, cucumber and lettuce J Plant Dis and Protection 90, 200—206 BELL, A A., and J T, PRESLEY, 1969: Heat-inhibited or ... when properly stimulated (Kuc 1985, DEAN and Kuc 1985, ScHOENBECK et al 1980), and that plants may be protected either locally or systemicaliy (TUZUN and KuC 1985, DE WIT 1986} Induced resistance...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 08:45

12 421 0
Báo cáo toán học: " An introduction to 2-fuzzy n-normed linear spaces and a new perspective to the Mazur-Ulam problem" docx

Báo cáo toán học: " An introduction to 2-fuzzy n-normed linear spaces and a new perspective to the Mazur-Ulam problem" docx

... Introduction A satisfactory theory of 2-norms and n-norms on a linear space has been introduced and developed by G¨hler [1, 2] Following Misiak [3], a Kim and Cho [4], and Malˇeski [5] developed the theory ... (X) and α, β ∈ (0, 1) The smallest such κ is called the n-Lipschitz constant Lemma 4.3 Assume that if f0 , f1 , and f2 are -collinear then Ψ (f0 ) , Ψ (f1 ) and Ψ (f2 ) are 2-collinear, and that ... design and coordination, drafted the manuscript, participated in the sequence alignment, and read and approved the final manuscript Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the referees and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

39 371 0
capital structure and firm performance a new approach to testing agency theory and an application to the banking industry

capital structure and firm performance a new approach to testing agency theory and an application to the banking industry

... sheet and income statements (e.g., Demsetz and Lehn 1985, Gorton and Rosen 1995, Mehran 1995, Ang, Cole, and Lin 2000), 2) stock market returns and their volatility (e.g., Saunders, Strock, and ... of standard deviations below the expected return that the actual return can go before equity is depleted and the firm is insolvent, zi = (µi + ECAPi)/σi, where µi and σi are the mean and standard ... Money, Credit, and Banking 27: 432-456 Berger, A.N., and R DeYoung, 1997 “Problem Loans and Cost Efficiency in Commercial Banks,” Journal of Banking and Finance 21: 849-870 Berger, A.N., and T.H Hannan,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 21:13

38 562 0
A New Approach to Quantum Theory

A New Approach to Quantum Theory

... W Ritz, and G N Lewis had independently anticipated the absorber idea W Yourgrau and S Mandelstam give an excellent analytic historical account in Variational Principles in Dynamics and Quantum ... physics, and which was seminal in the development of the gauge theories employed in the Standard Model of particle physics 10 Quantum Mechanics and the Principle of Least Action The third and final ... Yourgrau and Mandelstam comment: “One cannot fail to observe that Feynman’s principle in particular — and this is no hyperbole — expresses the laws of quantum mechanics in an exemplary neat and elegant...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 11:21

142 574 0
A new approach to semantic and syntactic functions of English adjectives – A contrastive analysis with their Vietnamese equivalents

A new approach to semantic and syntactic functions of English adjectives – A contrastive analysis with their Vietnamese equivalents

... and He wore dirty and old shoes I have a young and beautiful sister When there more than two adjectives, they may be separated by commas and apart from the last adjective which separated by and ... He wore dirty, wet, old and worn shoes But, there are some fixed phrases of adjectives which are often linked by and : old and musty with, a long and winding road, hard and fast rules When the ... English and Vietnamese adjectives English and Vietnamese are two different languages and have their own features Moreover, because of different culture and communication habit, learners of English and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46

44 1.8K 9
Tài liệu Social Impact Bonds: A new way to privatize public services docx

Tài liệu Social Impact Bonds: A new way to privatize public services docx

... developmental disabilities; mental health; justice and corrections; and public health An added concern is Social Impact Bonds will increase administrative costs and reduce public accountability What are ... Lessons learned from the planning and early implementation of the Social Impact Bond (SIB) at HMP Peterborough pg 38 ... Lessons learned from the planning and early implementation of the Social Impact Bond (SIB) at HMP Peterborough, pg

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 13:20

5 410 0
Tài liệu The New Face oF GoverNmeNT: How Public Managers Are Forging a New Approach to Governance pdf

Tài liệu The New Face oF GoverNmeNT: How Public Managers Are Forging a New Approach to Governance pdf

... Acknowledgments This and other books and papers could not have been written without the support and encouragement of my present and past, talented and knowledgeable management and administration ... themselves, and more with less ◾◾ Deliver new and expanding services with declining resources and, in many cases, decaying infrastructure ◾◾ Integrate new technologies and management structures and architectures ... access, and costs; defense and homeland security strategies; social security commitments; tax gaps; energy, environment, and resource protection; food and water resources Economic growth and competitiveness...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 20:20

288 2.4K 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Bootstrapping Approach to Named Entity Classification Using Successive Learners" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Bootstrapping Approach to Named Entity Classification Using Successive Learners" pdf

... containsDigitAndAlpha, containsDigitAndDash, containsDigitAndSlash, containsDigitAndComma, containsDigitAndPeriod, otherNum, allCaps, capPeriod, initCap, lowerCase, other Benchmarking and Discussion ... name POS tags (NNP and NNPS) are extracted as NE candidates The preceding word and the succeeding word of the NE candidates are also extracted Then we apply the HMM to the NE candidates with their ... Speech and Natural Language Workshop 233-237 Kim, J., I Kang, and K Choi 2002 Unsupervised Named Entity Classification Models and their Ensembles COLING 2002 Lin, D.K 1998 Automatic Retrieval and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 16:20

8 490 0


... Nguyen Suan Han and gluons in the mass shell regime and simultaneously one proposes that quarks and gluons not contribute to the observable physical states of the left-hand side of Eq.(1) ... observable physical states of the left-hand side of Eq.(1) Just the absence of the quark and gluon states in the left-hand side Eq.(1) is called the confinement hypothesis The proof of confinement has to ... destructive interference of these factors the amplitudes with colour particles disappear and not contribute to the left hand side of the Eq.(1) → x Here, we consider the dynamics of the infrared fiels ∂i...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 14:20

7 349 0
Partnering: A New Approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health doc

Partnering: A New Approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health doc

... health-needs and fertility-based approach, and to include legislation, advocacy and education to change cultures that condone violence and inhibit men and women’s roles and choices; and the need ... marital rape and sexual abuse, and against violence towards women and girls as a human rights violation; and for programmes “to encourage and enable men to adopt safe and responsible sexual and reproductive ... East and South East Asia and the Pacific Island Countries UNFPA, CST Bangkok, Pattaya, May 2000 (Regional) H Meeting on the Health and Development Needs of Male Adolescents and Young UNAIDS and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20

196 506 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A new Approach to Improving Multilingual Summarization using a Genetic Algorithm" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A new Approach to Improving Multilingual Summarization using a Genetic Algorithm" pptx

... Information retrieval and machine learning techniques were integrated to determine sentence importance (Kupiec et al., 1995; Wong et al., 2008) Gong and Liu (2001) and Steinberger and Jezek (2004) ... Steinberger and Jezek, 2004; Kallel et al., 2004; Vanderwende et al., 2007), title-based (Edmundson, 1969; Teufel and Moens, 1997), position-based (Baxendale, 1958; Edmundson, 1969; Lin and Hovy, ... genetic operators: mating, crossover, and mutation In mating, a pair of “parent” solutions is randomly selected, and a new solution is created using crossover and mutation, that are the most important...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

10 599 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Semantic Analysis of Japanese Noun Phrases: A New Approach to Dictionary-Based Understanding" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Semantic Analysis of Japanese Noun Phrases: A New Approach to Dictionary-Based Understanding" doc

... N1 and a semantic role of a head word All definition sentences in RSK were analyzed by JUMAN, a Japanese morphological analyzer, and KNP, a Japanese syntactic and case analyzer (Kurohashi and ... similarity between two words Suppose the word X and Y have a semantic feature S x and Sy, respectively, their depth is dx and dy in the semantic tree, and the depth of their lowest (most specific) ... technique and sport have the semantic f e a t u r e SPORT, METHOD and SPORT respectively in N T T Semantic Feature Dictionary The lowest common node between SPORT and METHOD is ABSTRACT, and based...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20

8 553 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Constituent-Based Morphological Parsing: A New Approach to the Problem of Word-Recognition" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Constituent-Based Morphological Parsing: A New Approach to the Problem of Word-Recognition" pdf

... the syllables are /pa/, /ngu/, /pa/, /ngu/ and /rnu/ (the sequences ng and rn represent single segments), that the feet are /pangu/ and /pangurnu/ and that there is a single prosodic word, namely/pangupangurnu/ ... [sonorant][stop][vowel] sequences and all well-formed syllable sequences and seeing if the strings spanning them correspond to known morphemes Let us now turn to a concrete example from Warlpiri and show how we ... potential non-isomorphism between phonological and syntactic structure is derived from the narrow bandwidth of the channel between the phonological and syntactic components of the parser This nonisomorphism...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20

8 522 0
A new system to remove cd from contaminated aqueous medium

A new system to remove cd from contaminated aqueous medium

... by free and immobilized cells was 89.7% and 93.5% within min, and in 60 was 92.7% and 97.9% These observations indicate that C sorokiniana has active and efficient sorption affinity for Cd2þ The ... respectively for free and immobilized microalgal cells, was 33.5 and 39.2 mg gÀ1 at the Ceq of 116.5 and 112.8 mg lÀ1 at Ci of 150 mg lÀ1 It may be concluded that both free and immobilized cells ... biomass, specific (q) and maximum (qmax ) at mg lÀ1 initial concentration (Ci ) and equilibrium (Ceq ) 100 mg lÀ1 , respectively showing Ceq of 69.5 and 68.4 mg lÀ1 , (Cd2þ q ¼ 32:2 and 37.6 mg gÀ1...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:17

3 468 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A New Approach to the Mechanical Syntactic Analysis of Russian" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "A New Approach to the Mechanical Syntactic Analysis of Russian" ppt

... as a suffix and replace it by the letter K Finding no more pseudo-suffixes, the routine would store in S1,4,7 the numerals and 1, to indicate the number of prefixes and suffixes y and z; these ... counterpart It is stored in S, and will be used in Part II Each pseudo-prefix and pseudo-suffix (if any) is replaced by a single character, consisting of bits, and the combination of these characters ... for our needs, (2) the most economical (space and time-saving) form for representing it, and (3) the most suitable external media for its storage and retrieval Of far greater concern is the fact...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 19:20

18 701 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A New String-to-Dependency Machine Translation Algorithm with a Target Dependency Language Model" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "A New String-to-Dependency Machine Translation Algorithm with a Target Dependency Language Model" pot

... h is used to represent the head, and A and B are designed to model left and right dependents of the head respectively A dependency structure is well-formed if and only if it is either fixed or ... categories Theorem (soundness and completeness) Suppose X and Y are well-formed dependency structures OP(cat(X), cat(Y )) is well-defined for a given operation OP if and only if OP(X, Y ) is well-defined ... organized in a shared forest, or AND- OR structures An ANDi,j i,j m,n By Pf aligned to Pe , we mean all words in Pf are m,n either aligned to words in Pe or unaligned, and vice versa i,j Furthermore,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 02:20

9 442 0