... transmitter As usual in OFDM, the information carrying symbols A ,d (drawn from a QAM alphabet with variance σ = A E∀μ,∀d { |A ,d |2 }) of the μth transmit antenna are specified in frequency domain (carrier ... remaining symbols of Av are set to zero These partial sequences are transformed individually into time-domain vectors av , where the transformation length remains D A weighted superposition of all ... but concentrates on the antenna exhibiting the highest PAR Thereby, significant gains compared to a single antenna system (comparable to a diversity gain) are achieved It is natural to apply this...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
... What is Inside? What is Inside? Generally, a stepper motor consists of a stator, a rotor with a shaft, and coil windings The stator is a surrounding casing that remains stationary and is part of ... incidental damages “Typical” parameters that may be provided in Freescale Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over ... It also has the advantage of having the port states stored in sequential order in an array Simply cycling through the states sequentially and placing the state values on port pins will cause a...
Ngày tải lên: 28/12/2015, 19:10
Báo cáo khoa học: "Veterinary decision making in relation to metritis - a qualitative approach to understand the background for variation and bias in veterinary medical records"
... Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 2009, 51:36 Background Files with information on animal disease have a variety of applications at both the herd and national level, including monitoring the incidence ... Variation and bias in data based on clinical examinations can be linked to veterinarians' individual perception of the purpose of, and their motivations for, data collection Some veterinarians ... rather than being part of a collaborative data collection For example, they could add rectal temperature and other parameters into the scoring (see Table for examples), http://www.actavetscand.com/content/51/1/36...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45
Developing a system of exercises to improve public speaking skill in interpreting for the 4th year students of english at vinh university
... about their appearance before going to stage As an overall trend, we can see that all of students at Vinh University have a good preparation of appearance before being a public speaker As can be seen ... skill plays an important role in interpreting It is the first phase to in consecutive interpreting Listening is an activity of paying attention to what speaker say and trying to work out what they ... Listening is the combination of two phases: hearing (listening enough to catch what speaker saying) and understanding Interpreters need a good hearing skill to receive the information from the speaker...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 20:21
Tài liệu StrategieS for SucceSS: How to Write a Grant in Cancer CAM docx
... the Indian subcontinent including, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam Assurance, Institutional Assurance of Protection for ... superior and who are highly likely to continue to perform in an outstanding manner Investigators may not apply for a MERIT Award After initial review, NCI staff and the National Cancer Advisory Board ... Approach to CAM Interventions: Discuss advantages and disadvantages of each approach Provide compelling rationale for choice Consider integrating individualized approach within standardized format...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 22:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Multimodal Interface for Access to Content in the Home" pdf
... results in a search for all of the movies with that particular actor or director, allowing users to quickly navigate from an actor or director in a specific title to other material they may be interested ... extracts and normalizes the relevant fields from the database These are used in conjunction with a predefined multimodal grammar template and any available corpus training data to build a multimodal ... differentiate between lack of results due to recognition or understanding problems versus lack of items in the database This has to be balanced against degradation in accuracy resulting from increasing...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Know When to Hold''''Em: Shuffling Deterministically in a Parser for Non concatenative Grammars*" pdf
... that a semantic head provides For example, a head usually provides information about the remaining daughters that the parser must find, and (since the head daughter in a construction is in m a ... Prolog and Natural Language Analysis CSLI Lecture Notes Number 10, Stanford, CA Carl Pollard 1984 Generalized Phrase Structure Grammars, Head Grammars and Natural Language Ph.D thesis, Stanford ... HPSG and other constraint-based grammars, the lexicon is information-rich, and the • 665 lln fact, a head-corner parser for a grammar in which the head daughter in each rule is the leftmost daughter...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20
The natural history of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children: a follow-up study for up to 20 years pptx
... evaluation included liver biochemistries (serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase activity, c-glutamyl transferase (GGT), total bilirubin, albumin ... Proportion within normal range* (%) Alanine aminotransferase (U/l) Serum aspartate aminotransferase (U/l) Alkaline phosphatase (U/l) c-Glutamytransferase (U/l) Total bilirubin (mg/dl) Albumin (g/dl) ... age and sex in each individual case {Includes the normal laboratory values for boys and girls for the age range of our patient population {Based on percentile for age and sex ALT, alanine aminotransferase;...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 10:20
''''The Worst Place in the World to be a Woman or Girl'''' – Rape in the DR Congo: Canada, Where Are You? docx
... Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda) by sending peacekeepers to UN missions7 and taking lead roles in peace talks.8 Economically, Canada is the largest nonAfrican investor in the mining industry in ... democratic transition by actively participating in the international Comité international d’Accompagnement de la Transition [ in the DRC], see, CIDA, “Canada and the G8 Africa Action Plan: Maintaining ... expertise in fields such as law, information operations and training who work at MONUC headquarters in Kinshasa and the divisional headquarters in Goma, see, National Defence and the Canadian Forces,...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
Management in India: Grow from an Accidental to a Successful Manager in the IT & Knowledge IndustryA real-world, practical book for a professional in his journey to becoming a successful manager in IndiaRahul Goyalprofessional expertise distilled doc
... can lead to an information gap that is readily filled by the grapevine This has created a new kind of challenge for managers—that of finding a reliable source of information and keeping an adequate ... the need for managers to manage a growing business and growing teams As a result, most managers in the software industry today started out as techies, including me I was lucky to have learned from ... would have Thanks to my teams, past and present; to my managers in the past and present; to the organizations I worked for, and to my teachers in academics and in sports for teaching me all that...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "How to build a QA system in your back-garden: application for Romanian" pot
... Multilingual Summarisation and Question Answering, pages 17 —24, Taipei, Taiwan, August 31st — September 1st Marius Pasca and Sanda Harabagiu 2001 High performance question/answering In Proceedings ... tagger In Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP-2000), Seattle, WA Sabine Buchholz and Walter Daelemans 2001 SHAPAQA: shallow parsing for question answering ... articles In addition to the human directed evaluation, we are planning to have also automatic evaluation For this reason we asked our experts not only to propose questions, but also to indicate which...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo sinh học: " A critical assessment for the value of markers to gate-out undesired events in HLA-peptide multimer staining protocols" pot
... Representative dot plots from all participating labs will be made available upon request Data Analysis and Interpretation Data generated by individual laboratories were evaluated in ways Initial analysis ... analysis was performed in a non-censored manner using the numerical data generated and provided by individual laboratories In addition, to minimize the impact of individual laboratory gating, analysis, ... all labs to use their own protocol for thawing, staining, gating, and data analysis Each laboratory performed two parallel assays, one with and one without the inclusion of dump channel markers...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Applying a brain-computer interface to support motor imagery practice in people with stroke for upper limb recovery: a feasibility study" docx
... The feature separability was quantified off-line using the cross-validation estimate of the CA obtained with a linear discriminant analysis approach amplitude was proportional to the classifier’s ... glasses, a marble and a mm ball-bearing The ARAT uses an ordinal scale including 19 separate items or movement tasks Each task is graded with indicating no movement and for full or normal movement ... study participants in real-time using the aforementioned fuzzy rulebased BCI classifier The BCI performance was evaluated based on the MI task classification accuracy (CA) rates obtained during...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20
o cáo hóa học:" A critical assessment for the value of markers to gate-out undesired events in HLA-peptide multimer staining protocols" pot
... Representative dot plots from all participating labs will be made available upon request Data Analysis and Interpretation Data generated by individual laboratories were evaluated in ways Initial analysis ... analysis was performed in a non-censored manner using the numerical data generated and provided by individual laboratories In addition, to minimize the impact of individual laboratory gating, analysis, ... all labs to use their own protocol for thawing, staining, gating, and data analysis Each laboratory performed two parallel assays, one with and one without the inclusion of dump channel markers...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Qualitative and quantitative analysis for solutions to a class of Volterra-Fredholm type difference equation" docx
... Agarwal, RP: On an integral inequality and discrete analogue J Math Anal Appl 194, 569–577 (1995) doi:10.1006/jmaa.1995.1318 13 Pachpatte, BG: On some fundamental integral inequalities and their ... 27 March 2011 Accepted: 30 August 2011 Published: 30 August 2011 References Pachpatte, BG: On a Certain Retarded Integral Inequality And Its Applications J Inequal Pure Appl Math 5, (2004) Article ... role in the research of this domain Many such generalized inequalities (for example, see [7-16] and the references therein) have been established in the literature including the known Ou-lang’s inequality...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Clinically important improvement in the WOMAC and predictor factors for response to non-specific non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in osteoarthritic patients: a prospective study" docx
... fadouaallali@yahoo.fr Latifa Tahiri,Aff1 Email: latifatahiri@yahoo.fr Hamza Khazzani,Aff1 Email: hamzakhazzani@yahoo.fr Leila El Mansouri,Aff1 Email: la_mansouri1@yahoo.fr Sanae Ali Ou Alla,Aff1 ... Alla,Aff1 Email: sanae.alioualla@yahoo.fr Redouane Abouqal,Aff2 Email: abouqal@invivo.edu Najia Hajjaj-Hassouni,Aff1 Aff2 Email: n.hajjaj@medramo.ac.ma Aff1 Laboratory of Information and Research on ... a 20 cm vertical visual analogue scale (VAS) ranging from 100 (best imaginable health state) to (worst imaginable health state) The EuroQol has been translated and validated in Arabic [21] Radiography...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo y học: "Determining a low disease activity threshold for decision to maintain disease-modifying antirheumatic drug treatment unchanged in rheumatoid arthritis patients" docx
... clinicians to use the DAS28 in clinical practice in the area of uncertainty (DAS28 of to 3.2), in order to guide the decision to maintain unchanged or to not maintain a DMARD treatment; that is, to ... possibility [1-3] In clinical practice, active disease means that clinicians will increase the treatment to obtain remission; but that also means that clinicians can stop, add to or increase treatments ... proportion of cases by category of DAS28 value with the decision to maintain treatment Panelists were in quasi-agreement to make a decision to maintain treatment in more than 80% of cases for DAS28
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22
Báo cáo y học: " CD4 count at presentation for HIV care in the United States and Canada: Are those over 50 years more likely to have a delayed presentation" pps
... Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) project Each cohort’s participation in NA-ACCORD was approved by the respective local institutional review boards All 14 NA-ACCORD clinical cohorts agreed to ... Saag, Stephen J Gange, Mari M Kitahata, Rosemary G McKaig, Aimee Freeman Epidemiology/Biostatistics Core: Stephen J Gange, Alison G Abraham, Bryan Lau, Keri N Althoff, Jinbing Zhang Data Management ... individuals initiating HAART have a decreased immune response [11-18] and mortality increases with lower CD4 counts at HAART initiation [19] In addition, older individuals at first presentation for...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:21
báo cáo khoa học: "Individualized therapies in colorectal cancer: KRAS as a marker for response to EGFR-targeted therapy" docx
... off The rate of GTP to GDP conversion can be sped up dramatically by an accessory protein of the Guanine nucleotide activating protein (GAP) class, for example RasGAP KRAS can also facilitate the ... that are involved in dimerization, while the intracellular domain is a catalytic site that has tyrosine kinase activity EGFR binds soluble ligands, including epidermal growth factors (EGFs) and ... relocalization to the plasma membrane When an activating mutation occurs in the KRAS gene, the RAS G-protein activates the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling cascade downstream of EGFR...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo y học: "Early response predicts subsequent response to olanzapine long-acting injection in a randomized, double-blind clinical trial of treatment for schizophrenia" potx
... continue to accumulate, reaching steady state olanzapine plasma concentrations approximately months after initiation of therapy [10] Given that olanzapine LAI takes longer to reach steady state ... other scaling convention [15] Statistical Analysis This analysis included the 233 patients who received olanzapine LAI and who had a PANSS Total score at Week and at least PANSS Total score after ... therapy An early response to antipsychotic medication may serve as an early clinical marker that clinicians can use when balancing the benefit and risk of treatment with olanzapine LAI for acutely...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:22