foods and vitamins that promote healthy skin

Food and Beverage Marketing to Children and Adolescents: What Changes are Needed to Promote Healthy Eating Habits? ppt

Food and Beverage Marketing to Children and Adolescents: What Changes are Needed to Promote Healthy Eating Habits? ppt

... promotions for healthy foods and beverages). Media and entertainment industries should promote ■ healthy foods and beverages (e.g., incorporate simple, positive messages that promote healthful ... caregivers and families in promoting healthy diets (e.g., build skills for the selection and preparation of healthy foods and beverages). Schools and education authorities should promote ■ and educate ... campus). Public policy-makers should promote healthy diets ■ through policy changes (e.g., reward food, beverage and restaurant companies that develop, provide and promote healthy products for young...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 10:20

12 551 0
the fat-burning bible 28 days of foods, supplements, and workouts that help you lose weight

the fat-burning bible 28 days of foods, supplements, and workouts that help you lose weight

... role that metabolism plays in fat gain and loss ã The dangers of the reverse fat pattern and the hormonal differences in men and women ã The changes that occur with menopause and andropause and ... hormonal changes that occur with menopause and andropause can cause you to become overfat and tells you how exercise and nutrition can help rebalance these hormones. This is the first book to recognize that ... fatty fried foods and rich, high-calorie pasta dishes that his mother and his fiancée cooked for him. Douglas and his girlfriend learned how to make delicious low-fat Italian dishes and healthier...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 10:49

290 295 0
The Fat-Burning Bible 28 Days of Foods, Supplements, and Workouts That Help You Lose Weight phần 1 ppsx

The Fat-Burning Bible 28 Days of Foods, Supplements, and Workouts That Help You Lose Weight phần 1 ppsx

... (high- fiber grains that took a long time to digest), lean protein, and fresh fruits and vegetables. In our current culture of processed foods, low-nutrition junk foods, and supersized meals, ... collaborator, Joy Parker, and I have worked long and hard to take difficult scientific con- cepts and distill them into language that readers can understand, relate to, and effectively apply in ... with this book: My loving wife, Sandy, and my sons, Scott and Spencer, for their patience and understanding in helping me to fulfill this dream, my fourth book. My friend and collaborator, Joy Parker,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:21

29 272 0
The Fat-Burning Bible 28 Days of Foods, Supplements, and Workouts That Help You Lose Weight phần 2 doc

The Fat-Burning Bible 28 Days of Foods, Supplements, and Workouts That Help You Lose Weight phần 2 doc

... fatty fried foods and rich, high-calorie pasta dishes that his mother and his fiancée cooked for him. Douglas and his girlfriend learned how to make delicious low-fat Italian dishes and healthier ... fat), and beta receptors, which stimulate the burning of fat. Research has shown that both men and women have more beta recep- tors in the abdominal area, meaning that fat is easier to lose in that ... small bones and a delicate frame. To really understand how overfat you are, you need to calculate how many of your scale pounds rep- resent body fat. This chart defines healthy and unhealthy body...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:21

28 281 0
The Fat-Burning Bible 28 Days of Foods, Supplements, and Workouts That Help You Lose Weight phần 3 potx

The Fat-Burning Bible 28 Days of Foods, Supplements, and Workouts That Help You Lose Weight phần 3 potx

... from the foods we eat, but there are two factors working against that. The first is that we cook most of our foods, which destroys essential nutrients. The second and most important is that we ... everything you had taught me and promising to send him a copy of your books Lose Your Love Handles and Maximum Energy for Life. Yesterday he called me back and told me that he had lost 16 pounds, ... increased strength and muscularity, you will know that you are losing fat and gaining lean muscle. Calculate Pounds of Body Fat and Lean Muscle The final step is to take your total weight and calculate...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 05:21

28 206 0
Procedural Abstraction and Functions That Return a Value

Procedural Abstraction and Functions That Return a Value

... and a function definition for a function that takes one argument of type int and one argument of type double, and that returns a value of type double that is the average of the two arguments? ... function that takes three arguments, all of type int, and that returns the sum of its three arguments?  Describe the call-by-value parameter mechanism?  Write a function declaration and a function ... Addison-Wesley Program Testing  Programs that compile and run can still produce errors  Testing increases confidence that the program works correctly  Run the program with data that has known output  You...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 22:48

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Tài liệu Powerful Sex Foods and Stimulants Improve Your Sexual Health Without Harmful Side Effects or Outrageous Costs doc

Tài liệu Powerful Sex Foods and Stimulants Improve Your Sexual Health Without Harmful Side Effects or Outrageous Costs doc

... section listing “Sex Foods and Stimulants” and the 2 related sections appearing right after that one. Next, focus on other foods and supplements that promote overall health and fitness (both ... multi- vitamins. Powerful Sex Foods and Stimulants Page 1 Powerful Sex Foods and Stimulants! Table of Contents: Back To Basics On Physical and Mental Health Sex Foods and ... full of great vitamins that you need. Aloe is typical sold in gel form for use on skin and sunburns and in a drinkable form for use as a dietary supplement. Powerful Sex Foods and Stimulants...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 21:20

29 314 0
Tài liệu Handbook of Dairy Foods and Nutrition, Second Edition ppt

Tài liệu Handbook of Dairy Foods and Nutrition, Second Edition ppt

... LLC synthesis, tissue respiration, and utilization of carbohydrate. This vitamin promotes healthy skin, nerves, and digestive tract a well as aiding digestion and fostering a normal appetite. ... manufactured foods and pre- Figure 1.2 Per capita consumption of plain beverage milk declined 23% between 1970 and 1996. (From Putnam, J.J. and Allshouse, J.E., Food Consumption, Prices and Expenditures, ... Storage and Handling Proper handling of dairy products and open dating are designed to assure con- sumers of dairy products with a good shelf life, or the length of time after processing that the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 16:20

414 3,5K 3
Wacky word problems   games and activities that make math easy and fun

Wacky word problems games and activities that make math easy and fun

... play- ing a matching game, and solve logic problems by drawing and arranging characters. c04.qxd 10/25/04 10:11 AM Page 35 Play this game to construct word problems that take two steps to solve. Procedure 1. ... 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008. The publisher and the author have made every reasonable effort to ensure that the experiments and activities in this book are safe when conducted as instructed ... Parents, guardians, and/ or teachers should supervise young readers who undertake the experiments and activities in this book. For general information about our other products and services, please...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 22:51

131 564 12
Tài liệu A junk‐free childhood: Responsible standards for marketing foods and beverages to children doc

Tài liệu A junk‐free childhood: Responsible standards for marketing foods and beverages to children doc

... Newtechnology16  3.Proposedstandards18  Standard1:Specifyingthe foods and beverages   18  Standard2:Agegroups18  Standard3:Mediausedformarketingmessages  19  Standard4:Marketingmethods19  ... 18  Proposedstandards  Asnotedearlier,theobjectiveofuniversalstandardsistoinstituteruleswhichachieve maximumprotectionwhileremainingpractical and economicalinapplication.Althoughit couldbeproposed that childrenshouldnotbeexposedtoanymarketing,thepresent documenttakesa‘risk‐based’approachtoreducingexposuretothemarketingoffood and beverageproductswhoseregularconsumptionisliabletoincreasetheriskofnon‐ communicablediseases.  Furthermore,itisimportanttoidentifyexamplesofhighstandardsforcross‐border marketingwhichhavebeenproposedasaresultofconsensus‐buildingbyreputable agencies,thusindicating that suchstandardsarefeasible,practical and economical.  Inthissectionweproposestandardsbasedonaresponsibleapproachtomarketingonthe understanding that childrenshouldnotbesubjectedtoinducementstoconsumeproducts which,ifconsumedroutinely,arelikelytobedetrimentaltotheirhealth.Whereavailable weshowexamplesoftheuseofsimilarstandardsinothersectors.  Standard1:Specifyingthe foods and beverages  Issue:Thepromotionofsome foods and beveragescanunderminechildren’sdietaryhealth.  Proposal:Riskreductionmeanspromotingonlythosefood and beverageproductswhich conformtonationaldietaryguidelines and internationalstandardssupportingtheWHO GlobalStrategyonDiet,PhysicalActivity and Health 29 .  Ahighstandard:Food and beveragesshouldbecategorisedaccordingtoavalidated nutrientprofilingsystem.ExamplesmayincludetheUKOfcommodelusedtoregulate advertisingontelevision, 30 theNordicKeyholefoodcategorisationmodel, 31 ortheproposals fromtheUSInteragencyWorkingGroup 32 .  Standard2:Agegroups  Issue:Somemarketingworksbelowconsciouscontrol.Evenwhenchildren and adolescents areawareofmarketing,theymaybetrusting and uncriticalofthemessages.Medialiteracy doesnotreducemarketingmessageimpact.  Proposal:Riskreductionmeanspromotingonlytothosepersonswhohavereachedanage whentheyarelegallyconsideredtobecompetentenoughtoprotecttheirownwelfare.  29 WorldHealthOrganization,2004See 30 UKOfficeofCommunications(Ofcom)2007.See and see ldren/nutlab/nutprofmod 31 See‐gb/Group1/Food and Nutrition/Keyhole‐symbol/ 32 FederalTradesCommission(2011)InteragencyWorkingGroupSeeksInputonProposedVoluntaryPrinciples forMarketingFoodtoChildren.See ... 20  tobaccouseeitherdirectlyorindirectly’.Itspecifiesall‘advertising,promotion and sponsorship’.Forbreast‐milksubstitutes,theInternationalCode 37 specifies that controls applyto‘productpromotion,distribution,selling,advertising,productpublicrelations, and informationservices’.Thesephrasescanbeadaptedwiththeadditionof‘abletoinfluencea child’.  Standard5:Useofbrands  Issue:Products and mediamaycarryabrandidentityforacompanylinkedtofoodor beverageproductswithoutspecifyingafoodorbeverageorgivinganexplicitmarketing message.  Proposal:Riskreductionmeansbrandswithrecognisablelinkstofood and beverage productsneedtobetreatedasiftheywerepromotingthefoodorbeveragetowhichthey areassociated.  Ahighstandard:Acomprehensiveapproachrestrictstheuseofbrandpromotionlikelyto influencechildrenwhen that brandhasarecognisableassociationwithfood and drink productssubjecttomarketingrestrictions.Wherebrandslinktomultipleproducts,the assumptionshouldbe that thebrandispromotingthemostfamiliarorhighestsellingofits products.ProposalsfromtheAustralianObesityPolicyCoalitionsuggest that brandsshould berestrictedunlesstheyarebeingusedinapromotionfora healthy foodproductor range. 38 ‘Brand’meansthenameofafoodorbeverageproductorrangeofproducts,orthe manufacturerordistributorthereof,oranyotherwords,designsorimages that areclosely associatedwithsuchproducts.  Standard6:Settings and locations  Issue:Authoritiesresponsibleforstandardswherechildrenaregathered,suchasschools and childcarefacilities,haveadutytoensure that nothingprejudicesachild’swellbeing.  Proposal:Riskreductionmeans that allsettingswherechildrengathershouldbefreefrom thepromotionofspecifiedfood and beverages,includingbrands,logos,vouchers and gifts associatedwithsuchproducts.  Ahighstandard:Acomprehensiveapproachavoidstheneedtospecifyeverypossible setting.TheWHORecommendationsstate“settingsinclude,butarenotlimitedto, nurseries,schools,schoolgrounds and pre‐schoolcentres,playgrounds,family and child clinics and paediatricservices, and duringanysporting and culturalactivities that areheld onthesepremises”. 39 Foralcohol,theCityofSanDiego,California,adoptedanordinancein October2000whichprohibitsadvertisingalcoholonanybillboardwithin1,000feetofany  37  38 ‐children‐email1_FINAL_13.04.11.pdf 39 ‐food‐to‐children/en/index.html ...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 02:20

26 521 0