... that Point out that Section 1 is always a dialogue, based rer : IELTS \ on a social or transactional situation Form \ info ) completion is a common question type in Section 1, ` where numbers and ... layout/direction of the questions on the form may avoid confusion while listening the recerding continues Step 4 If vou think your students need it, play the whole recording again While not part of ... reinforce earlier work on expansion — in preparation for the iong turn — by prompting an exchange between students that involves a personal opinion To illustrate the use of intonation, word and syllable
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 04:15
... (18-20) 45 5 (33- 34) 2 5B (lines 39 -41 ) 6 A ( 54- 56) 7C (49 -51) 8 A (44 -45 ) 9 B (25-27) 3 10 T (lines 8-11) 11 T (12- 14) 12 F (29-31) 13 T (46 -48 ) 14 DNS 15 F (59-62) Focus on reading 2 (p. 740 ) 21G ... (p. 746 ) 1 international understanding 2 improvement 3M 4 (very) basic conditions 5L 6250 7 disabled 8 (a) passport photo 9 terms and conditions 10 1/a/one month Focus on listening 2 (p. 149 ) 1 ... twenty weeks on conventional construction (A — save both time and money) 4grass 5 glasshouse 6pond 7 solar energy 8 Internet House 9 office or car 10 staircase Focus on writing 2 (p 1 34) 2 (Example
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 20:15
Oxford ielts book part 4 ppsx
... on page 2. Indonesia Australia Language Foundation http://www.learnielts.com IELTS Preparation, Practice Samples, Free Books and material. SECTION 1 Questions 1-11 Questions 1-3 Complete ... question. http://www.learnielts.com IELTS Preparation, Practice Samples, Free Books and material. Listening Exercise 1 Names, numbers and places The conversations for this exercise are on Cassette ... Free Books and material. Conversation 3 Speaker I = Carolyn Speaker 2 = Suzanne Who says su.shi is her favourite food? Who went swimming on Sunday? Who likes doing yoga? Conversation 4
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 11:20
377 focus on IELTS coursebook book
... (Section 4) N ote and sentence completion; multiple choice page 1 04 1Communication devices Recognising participle clauses Comparing and contrasting Introducing (Part 2) example s Bones to phones ... information; avoiding repetition Topic vocabulary; pronunciation: word stress 13 ►Bones t o phones Communication systems The golden rules o f listening (Section 2) Multiple choice; note completion ... science fiction? (Section 3) N ote completion The techno-house (Section 4) Multiple choice; labelling a diagram; table completion Predicting the future (Part 3) Personal goals (Part 2) Spot the
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 13:41
A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part 4
... Discussion: This chapter analyzes the data and discussesthe findings of the analysis - Part 3- Conclusion: This part summarizes the findings, draws important conclusionsand offers suggestions for ... 34; successful 34; and part of 34; regular military drills tostrengthen self-defense, 34; insisting that it had the legal right to do so The country warnedof 34; stronger physical actions 34; if it were ... withdrew from the NuclearNon-Proliferation Treaty in 2003 Recently during 34; Six-party talks 34; North Korea agreed inprinciple to end its nuclear weapons program as part of a comprehensive
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:39
Tài liệu Toefl CBT book part 4 doc
... Part B Directions: In this part, you will hear several conversations and talks. You will hear each conversation or talk only once, and then you will hear several questions. Answer the questions ... discussions about classes, homework, lectures, and exams. Only one question is asked about each dialogue. Part B consists of longer conversations or talks. Usually, you will hear six such talks or conversations. ... the next question. Don’t dwell on any one question too long or become concerned that you answered a previous question incorrectly. ■ In the Reading section, answer all questions by applying the
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:15
Tài liệu Ielts practice test plus part 4 docx
... information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org For more material and information, please ... information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org For more material and information, please ... information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org For more material and information, please
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20
The writing template book part 4 ppt
... 1. has undergone transformations, but none more so than . 2. has undergone transformations, but none more so than . 3. has undergone transformations, but none more so than ... Writing Template Book Proposition Template 8 The that assertion denial a fundamental about confusion misunderstanding mistake seems to me to constitute Examples The assertion that writing ... constitute a fundamental misunderstanding about the problems these students face. The assertion that prescription drugs are fairly priced seems to me to constitute a fundamental confusion
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 13:20
The writing template book part 4 pot
... 1. has undergone transformations, but none more so than . 2. has undergone transformations, but none more so than . 3. has undergone transformations, but none more so than ... Writing Template Book Proposition Template 8 The that assertion denial a fundamental about confusion misunderstanding mistake seems to me to constitute Examples The assertion that writing ... constitute a fundamental misunderstanding about the problems these students face. The assertion that prescription drugs are fairly priced seems to me to constitute a fundamental confusion
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20
Ôn tập văn học 10 part 4 ppsx
... tranh cường? 245 0- Năm năm hùng cứ một phương hải tần! Xuất xứ Đoạn thơ "Anh hùng tiếng đã gọi rằng", dài 32 câu, trích trong "Truyện kiều" từ câu 241 9 đến câu 245 0. Đoạn ... sớm gặp lại gia đình, gặp lại song thân. Từ Hải là một con người chí tình chí nghĩa, thấu hiểu được nỗi đau riêng và ước mong của Kiều: "Xót nàng còn chút song thân, Bấy nay kẻ Việt người ... tần'. Nguyễn Du miêu tả Từ Hải oai phong lẫm liệt như một anh hung thần thoại, một dũng sĩ trong sử thi, hiện lên trong hào quang chiến trận, lừng lẫy trong chiến công. Những động từ mạnh, những
Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 18:21
Ôn tập văn học 11 part 4 ppsx
... con ng ườ i, vì h ạ nh phúc c ủ a con ng ười. Q ua đ ó, ta thấ y, là con ng ườ i xã h ộ i, là nhà v ă n, là ng ườ i ch ồ ng ng ườ i cha, trong ... một tấm lòng trong thiên hạ”, và: “K ẻ mê muộ i này xin bái l ĩ nh” - đẹ p nh ư nh ữ ng b ứ c châm trong các th ư h ọ a nghìn x ư a l ư u l ạ i trong các ... am. Trước 1 945 , dạ y h ọ c, vi ế t v ă n, 1 943 gia nh ập H ộ i V ăn Hóa C ứ u qu ố c. Tham gia c ướ p chính quy ề n ở đị a phươ ng, 1 946 làm phóng
Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 18:21
Handbook of Research on Geoinformatics - Hassan A. Karimi Part 4 pot
... Location Referencing Guidebook (No. FTA-NJ- 26-7 044 -2003.1). Washington, DC: U.S. Depart- ment of Transportation. Fletcher, D., Expinoza, J., Mackoy, R. D., Gordon, S., Spear, B., & Vonderohe, ... network with a 4? ?5? ?4? ?1 structure. This is a typical feed-forward network that al- lows the connections between neurons to ow in one direction. Information ow starts from the neurons in the input ... Geography, 46 , 2 34 40 ... analysis of geographical data International journal of geographical information systems, 9(1), 7 Raper, J (2000) Multidimensional geographic information science London
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:20
... copied into the LR3CIB folder on your hard disk Select the Lesson 4 folder Ensure that all twelve images in the Lesson 4 folder are checked for import 4 In the import options above the thumbnail previews, ... information in cell headers and footers Show Clickable Items On Mouse Over Only Displays rotation controls, flags, and labels only when you move the pointer over an image cell Disable this option to ... a new collection for a particular presentation or use collections to group your images by category or any other association Your collections are always available from the Collections panel where
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:21
Neurology 4 mrcp questions book - part 4 pdf
... uncommon condition due to self administration of T4 b- The radio-iodine uptake scan is suppressed c- Undetectable serum thyroglobulin d- High T3:T4 ratio... except: a- Oral T4 is the cornerstone ... examination. 4- If you suspect a hormonal excess then choose a suppression test. 5- Endocrinal abnormalities are rarely characterized by loss of normal regulation of hormonal secretion. Q2: ... infection. e- Chronic ingestion of phenacetin. Q 44: In acute interstitial nephritis, all of the followings are true, except: a- The commonest cause is drug induced. b- Blood eosinophila is seen only
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21
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