... relationship power in sexual decision-making and HIV risk The SRPS consists of two subscales: relationship control and decision-making dominance and consists of questions such as control over decision-making, ... also addresses the issue of HIV and AIDS as a catalyst for consciousness-raising on the part of some women Chapter presents our findings on tenure, including: respondents’ perceptions of ownership ... individual rights in land, as opposed to rights premised on the more communitarian understandings of rights as deriving from membership of households and communities Some analysts argue that historically...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 01:20
... relationship power in sexual decision-making and HIV risk The SRPS consists of two subscales: relationship control and decision-making dominance and consists of questions such as control over decision-making, ... also addresses the issue of HIV and AIDS as a catalyst for consciousness-raising on the part of some women Chapter presents our findings on tenure, including: respondents’ perceptions of ownership ... individual rights in land, as opposed to rights premised on the more communitarian understandings of rights as deriving from membership of households and communities Some analysts argue that historically...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 09:22
the enforcement of intellectual property rights with foreign elements in vietnam of people’s public security in current period
... Vietnam The obvious achievement of people s public security forces is that hundreds of national security violation cases relating to state s secrets, business secrets, thousands of cases relating to ... national interests At the same time, struggling to access the outdoor cases at many internal fasteners, metabolic effects, collects economic secrets, state secrets against the social system in our ... rights counterfeit goods, etc In some cases, such as intellectual property rights infringement with risks causing serious harms to consumers or society; to ensure the implementation of the administrative...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:31
Property rights as investment incentives the contractual structure of rd activities in biopharmaceutical industry
... SAMPLE FIRMS 81 TALBE 3.4 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS AND CORRELATIONS 82 TABLE 3.5 BINARY REGRESSION RESULTS 83 TABLE 3.6 ROBUSTNESS ESTIMATIONS 87 TABLE 3.7 RESULTS OF HLM ANALYSIS 89 TABLE 4.1 DESCRIPTIONS ... of ex post quasi-rents and assumes contractible specific investments ex ante, whereas the PRT assumes efficient ex post bargaining and focuses on inefficiencies of ex ante investments Second, ... acquired firm personnel Schweiger et al (1991) argued that the acquisition announcements between firms with distinct decision-making structures increase stress and absenteeism while reduce job satisfaction,...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:05
Tài liệu Free At Last - The U.S. Civil Rights Movement pptx
... the South on some 20 Underground Railroad missions that rescued about 300 slaves, including Tubman s own sister, brother, and parents She was a master of disguise, posing at times as a harmless ... conductors was relatively small, their efforts freed tens of thousands of slaves Their selfless bravery helped spark an increase in northern antislavery sentiment That response, and northern resistance ... cited Saint Augustine s distinction between just and unjust laws He asserted that one who breaks an unjust law in order to arouse the consciousness of his community “is in reality expressing the...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 17:20
... Systems in Fisheries (Fishing News Books, 1998) 40 See, eg, R Hannesson, The Privatization of the Oceans (Cambridge, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004) Some Problems ... property rights and fisheries from a legal perspective,42 Churchill and Lowe summarise the consequences 41 As Symes concludes, the jury is still out: D Symes, Property Rights, Regulatory Measures and ... Christy Jr, ‘Fisheries Goals and the Rights of Property (1969) Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 369 18 The term ownership is used loosely here The exclusive rights of the coastal State...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 04:20
... as franchises often involve third party use by a franchisee of trade marks or service marks as well as specific plans, uniform systems and standards plus prescribed business formats associated with ... access to potential opportunities has made the search process less tedious but it is still time-consuming and patience is essential The search process PEOPLE: access via personal networks • Licensing ... maximum of 25 years; trade marks for names, logos, shapes and, rather surprisingly, sounds, colours and smells: these marks are associated with a company s products and services and registration effectively...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20
Intellectual Property Rights in a Networked World: Theory and Practice doc
... achieve some degree of happiness and fulfillment Since insecurity in one s possessions does not provide such happiness, security in possession, use, and control of things is necessary Furthermore, security ... protecting software, is made between ideas (themselves) and their expressions He also notes that the “idea vs expression” distinction has been the focus of many copyright cases in the courts This distinction ... carefully considers the traditions supporting intellectual property rights along with the perspectives of those who contest those rights Postmodernist scholarship, for example, questions concepts of...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20
No Trespassing Authorship, Intellectual Property Rights, and the Boundaries of Globalization docx
... particularly Jonas Ebbesson, Anders Frenander, Jenny Johannisson, Carl Josefsson, Lars-Goran Karlsson, Dick Kasperowski, Claes Lennartsson, Jan Nolin, Annika Olsson, Henry husband Per has, as errors of judgment, ... another As you pass through the world inside, modernity happens Its plethora of symbols - restaurants, shops, glass ceilings, iron edifices suspended in an turned almost as if in mid-air - immerses ... no class of his 30 Majesty 's Subjects are the laws so unjust and oppressive.' Using political connections and channels in order to influence the conditions for authors was an obvious course of...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20
Intellectual Property Rights In A Networked World: Theory And Practice doc
... achieve some degree of happiness and fulfillment Since insecurity in one s possessions does not provide such happiness, security in possession, use, and control of things is necessary Furthermore, security ... protecting software, is made between ideas (themselves) and their expressions He also notes that the “idea vs expression” distinction has been the focus of many copyright cases in the courts This distinction ... carefully considers the traditions supporting intellectual property rights along with the perspectives of those who contest those rights Postmodernist scholarship, for example, questions concepts of...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20
... diversity across all of these systems simultaneously The lesson to be derived from the analysis of plant communities is that a strategy that combines both primary and secondary values is best for ... investments in assets which generate flows of value at least as great as the amounts paid for their services New property rights systems are not transfers of wealth, but creators of wealth Property ... argues that the uniformity in global systems of knowledge and institutions of property rights already conveys this sense of disrespect for locally-evolved systems He cites the 16 Timothy Swanson...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20
Intellectual Property Rights for Engineers 2nd Edition pot
... is the UK distributor for Software Organiser, a tool that allows a business to detect and list all its software applications including those in Personal Digital Assistants; this provides a single ... in the book Some aspects are inevitably interwoven EU law affects use of IPRs and the Commission in Brussels continually issues directives relating to IPRs The basic principles enshrined in the ... disks can be reproduced without permission This would also apply to importing the master copy, selling it, hiring it or possessing it in the course of business General copying devices, such as...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20
Law, Property Rights, and Air Pollution pptx
... travels across Smith 's property If Smith tries to interfere with or otherwise disrupt Jones 's transmissions, he is guilty of interfering with Jones 's just property 61 Only if the radio transmissions ... allocation of property rights and tort liabilities Demsetz stresses rights that will minimize social transaction costs; Richard Posner stresses maximization of “social wealth.” All this adds an unwarranted ... which asserts that only the lower part of the airspace above one 's land is owned; this zone is the limit of the owner 's “effective possession.” As Prosser defines it, “effective possession” is “so...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20
... successful for band use micropayments as well However, such a real-time spot market system will only arise if the transaction costs of owners is less than the value of the spectrum to lessors ... licenses also have use restrictions and in some cases actual equipment restrictions Such restrictions should not be incorporated into the property rights bundle In some cases, the current license ... engineers and scientists have developed systems for spread spectrum technology into cordless phones, wireless broadband networks into neighborhoods (such as Metricom s Ricochet service), short-range...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 23:21
Changes in Property Rights, Forest Use and Forest Dependency of Katu Communities in Nam Dong District
... laws and regulation to property rights and land use practices, and forest allocation and property rights transfers is only the first step in sustainable natural resource management Surprisingly, ... central issue of policy development that alters the governance structure and the rights of users over forest resources As a form of property rights, current policy in Vietnam has provisions for ... terrenos de bosque natural a los hogares de la comunidad Para la recolección de datos se emplearon entrevistas en las casas y informantes clave y discusiones en grupo, y los datos fueron sometidos...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 13:47
Gender responsive BudGetinG and Women’s reproductive riGhts: A RESOURCE PACK pptx
... intended spending on delivering services Rights discourse addresses, among other things, equitable access to quality services in a range of areas When discussing women s rights, rights work also raises ... HIV/AIDS issues TAC has some big aims, such as improving the health system and living conditions of poor people in South Africa But its most successful campaigns focus activities around specific ... terms of the focus of budget work While other sections talk about focus in terms of the issue, this section discusses focus in terms of scope (sectors, level of government, etc) as well as in...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 14:20
allina-pisano j. the post-soviet potemkin village. politics and property rights in the black earth. cambridge, 2008
... years to reach this surprising conclusion and uses extensive evidence from interviews, participant observation research, and documentary sources Jessica Allina-Pisano is an Associate Professor ... landscape populated by dispossessed peasants, presents an analytical as well as a practical problem The existence of such an unusually broad fissure between de jure and de facto property rights ... old regulatory relationships and institutions amidst new property rights regimes has frustrated reform across transitional settings, sometimes entrenching political interests rather than depoliticizing...
Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 17:42
Defining property rights over rural land in peri urban china a case study of beiqijia town, beijing
... which specifies several categories of property rights, ownership rights consist of the right to use assets (usus), the right to capture benefits from assets (usus fructus), the right to change its ... traditional economics It mainly focuses on relationship among property rights, transaction costs, institutions and economic behaviors While neo-classical economics assume human behaviors to be rational ... housing sites for its members These rural enterprises may also use their buildings and land use rights as collateral to obtain a bank loan The state also imposed considerable constraints over rural...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 10:26
... of Essex She has previously served as a visiting Assistant Professor at the Institut d’Analisi Economica, in Barcelona and an Assistant Professor at Northwestern University Her interests are in ... presumption of validity and the lowering of the standard for the test of non-obviousness See R Merges, ‘As Many as Six Impossible Patents for Breakfast: Property Right for Business Concepts and ... industries, as in the old sectors of systems products such as motor vehicles and aeroplanes, it has been argued by economists that there are often palpable innovative advantages if a substantial...
Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2015, 00:53