fire and grazing — a synthesis of human impacts on highland biodiversity



... Takahashi & Kawaguchi 1997 Takahashi & Kawaguchi 1997 Takahashi & Kawaguchi 1997 Hanamura & Matsuoka 2003, Yamamoto & Tominaga 2005 Given demonstrated mysid capabilities for social aggregation ... differentiation among populations in the northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean and Black Seas (Remerie et al 2006) and also shows what may be an important mysid trait allowing rapid adaptation (i.e., ... at and beyond the range of latitudes considered here Patagonian fjords, as but one example, contain a rich mysid fauna (Brandt et al 1997), with evidence of diel migrations (Antezana 1999), and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23

50 311 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: " Natural hybridization between cultivated poplars and their wild relatives: evidence and consequences for native poplar populations" pdf

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: " Natural hybridization between cultivated poplars and their wild relatives: evidence and consequences for native poplar populations" pdf

... heartleaf balsam poplar; also known as P balsamifera var subcordata or P candicans Euramerican poplar; syn P × euramericana Guin Artificial hybrid; Eridano is a clone of this hybrid Artificial ... range Balsam poplars (Tacamahaca) are trees of boreal and montane habitats, while cottonwoods (Aigeiros) occupy lower elevations of middle latitudes They are largely allopatric in Eurasia but are ... transmission Mode of gene action Level of variability Ref Biparental Nuclear Maternal Pseudo-haploid cytoplasmatic Biparental Nuclear Biparental Nuclear Biparental Nuclear Biparental Nuclear Codominance...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22

13 318 0
Individual and ethnic differences in habitual usage of reappraisal and suppression in relationship with their associated psychological and physiological consequences 2

Individual and ethnic differences in habitual usage of reappraisal and suppression in relationship with their associated psychological and physiological consequences 2

... Indians, and Caucasian completed the questionnaires The positive relationship between reappraisal usage and SWB was replicated In addition, using reappraisal to sustain negative affect and dampen ... Demographic Variables by Gender and Ethnicity Means and SD of the Variables, along with Scale Properties Pearson Correlation among Variables Hierarchical Regression Analyses Predicting SWB From Reappraisal ... SWB Scales by Ethnicity Pearson Correlations among Variables Repeated Measure MANOVA on Expression In Front Of Different Audiences Means and (SD) of Emotion Expression in front of Different Audiences...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:51

8 244 0
Individual and ethnic differences in habitual usage of reappraisal and suppression in relationship with their associated psychological and physiological consequences 3

Individual and ethnic differences in habitual usage of reappraisal and suppression in relationship with their associated psychological and physiological consequences 3

... receive any support that may change the situation This lack of natural flow of interpersonal exchange may decrease one’s life satisfaction and positive affect, and increase negative affect and ratings ... suppression starts late in EMOTION REGULATION, CULTURE, AND HEALTH the chain of emotion generation and regulation process, and targets primarily the behavioral aspect of the emotional responses As ... Individual and Ethnic Differences in Habitual Usage of Reappraisal and Suppression in Relationship to Cardiovascular Profile Overview Habitual Usage of Emotion Regulation In Relationship With Cardiac...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:51

132 336 0
Study of some species of mollusks living clung, perforated on the tree mangrove and management capabilities in reducing their harm

Study of some species of mollusks living clung, perforated on the tree mangrove and management capabilities in reducing their harm

... Reserve of Can Gio The following mainly research areas: + Cat Ba National Park (HaiPhong): mainly research area Gia Luan, Ghenh Goi and Phu Long + Con Dao National Park (Vung Tau): mainly research area ... mangrove harmful,3 species in all three study areas are: Diep (Anomia cytaeum), Queo (Brachyodontes emarginatus) and Hau (Saccostrea cucullata); Ha (Bankia saulii) only found only in the area of Can ... gymnorrhiza), Đươc(Rhizophora apiculata), Mam (Avicenia alba) and some other species such as Cha la (Phoenix paludosa), Coc (Lumnitzera littoralis), Gia(Excoecaria agallocha), In particular, Su, Vet are...

Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2016, 09:33

27 257 0
Attackers and Their Attacks

Attackers and Their Attacks

... the contents of a message before sending it on, a replay attack only captures the message and then sends it again later • Takes advantage of communications between a network device and a file ... message • Any mathematical key that creates a detectable pattern or structure (weak keys) provides an attacker with valuable information to break the encryption Mathematical Attacks • Cryptanalysis: ... process of attempting to break an encrypted message • Mathematical attack: analyzes characters in an encrypted text to discover the keys and decrypt the data Birthday Attacks • Birthday paradox:...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 10:43

46 444 0
Báo cáo y học: " Predictors of hepatic steatosis in HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B patients and their diagnostic values in hepatic fibrosis"

Báo cáo y học: " Predictors of hepatic steatosis in HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B patients and their diagnostic values in hepatic fibrosis"

... 5′-TGTCTCGTGTTACAGGCGGGGT-3', asymmetric primer was 5′-GAGGCATAGCAGCAGGA GAAGAG-3', and fluorescent primer was 5′-TCGCTGGAAGTGTCTGCGGCGT-3' Serum assays Fasting blood was collected with a un-anticoagulated vacuum blood ... was longer than cm and had more than portal areas Specimens were fixed in buffered formalin, embedded in paraffin, and stained with hematoxylin-eosin-safran and Masson's trichrome Hepatic steatosis, ... results of binary logistic regression are shown in Table Among all indices and laboratory characteristics, FINS was the only characteristic that strongly associated with hepatic steatosis in HBeAg-negative...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:48

6 606 0
Báo cáo y học: "Natural History and Clinical Consequences of Hepatitis B Virus Infection"

Báo cáo y học: "Natural History and Clinical Consequences of Hepatitis B Virus Infection"

... years after the introduction of the vaccination program in newborns and the completion of a mass vaccination catch up program [10] In Taiwan, the universal hepatitis B vaccination in newborns has ... relatively normal levels of alanine aminotransferase, and a fair prognosis However, in Asia, Middle East, Mediterranean basin and southern Europe, about 15% to 20% of these carriers have elevated ... clinically present as HBeAg positive chronic hapatitis B The stage of inactive phase clinically presents as HBsAg carrier * During the stage of reactivation, majority of patients remain HBeAg negative...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 11:17

5 450 0


... permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Reproduced ... permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Reproduced ... permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Reproduced...

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2013, 09:23

12 600 0


... performance evaluation started at months (60 days) of age and ended on 7.5 months (225 days) of age The animals were weighted using an electronic balance at starting (BW60) and ending (BW225) dates ... quality was assessed on each ejaculate using ejaculation volume (VOL), spermatozoon motility (MO), sperm concentration (CO) and total number of spermatozoon in ejaculate (NT), rate of abnormal ... be realized exactly at months and 7.5 months of age, actual ages of animals (days) at measurement were added in the model as a covariate For the sperm quality, the different genetic groups and...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2013, 11:59

6 734 0
Frequency of Routine and Flooding-stage Observations for Precise Annual Total Pollutant Loads and their Estimating Method in the Yodo River

Frequency of Routine and Flooding-stage Observations for Precise Annual Total Pollutant Loads and their Estimating Method in the Yodo River

... years and other rivers based on these data and regression equations - 100 - Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol 6, No.2, 2008 REFERENCES Database (2004) Osaka Bay environmental database, ... COD is one of the environmental standard items analyzed in marine areas in Japan Suspended solids (SS) was measured using the above-mentioned glass-fiber filter, and chlorophyll -a was analyzed ... observation days could be calculated by a formula of trapezoid area Fig shows the mean loads of runoff pollutants during these observation periods and it can be seen that the total pollutant loads...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

9 572 0
Undaria pinnatifida Habitat Loss in Relation to Sea Urchin Grazing and Water Flow Conditions, and Their Restoration Effort in Ogatsu Bay, Japan

Undaria pinnatifida Habitat Loss in Relation to Sea Urchin Grazing and Water Flow Conditions, and Their Restoration Effort in Ogatsu Bay, Japan

... H and Akiyama, K (1981) Morphological variation of Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar - I On the difference of growth and morphological characteristics of two types at Matsushima Bay, Japan., ... Percentage covers of algae and seagrass (%) Sargassum fusiforme Calliarthron yessoense Serraticardia maxima Corallina pilulifera Gigartinales Codium fragile Phyllospadix iwatensis Undaria pinnatifida ... 53 Mine, H., Takahashi, K and Yamashita, T (2000) Effects of Physical Environments on Vertical Distribution of Laminaria religios in Coastal Areas of the Japan Sea, Hokkaido., Coastal Engineering,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

13 477 0
Nitrogen Dynamics and Biomass Production in a Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland Cultivated with Forage Rice and their Mathematical Modeling

Nitrogen Dynamics and Biomass Production in a Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland Cultivated with Forage Rice and their Mathematical Modeling

... Productivity and Water Balance of Irrigated Rice and Its Application to Southeast Asia., Southeast Asia Studies Vol.25, No.1, 63-74 Horie, T., Yajima, M., and Nakagawa, H (1992) Yield forecasting., Agricultural ... denitrification rate constant, kden,i, was estimated to be 40 /day, although many studies have reported smaller values for the nitrification and denitrification rate constants (e.g., Selim and Iskandar ... Time after transplantation [day] Fig 9- Comparison Between Calculated and Measured NH4-N Concentration (“Q”: river water supply rate into each pot [m3/(m2·day)]) Calibrated Parameters Some parameters...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

16 581 1
Characteristics of Leachate from Citrus Groves and their Changes in the Collecting Reservoirs in Matsuyama, Japan

Characteristics of Leachate from Citrus Groves and their Changes in the Collecting Reservoirs in Matsuyama, Japan

... (APHA)/American Water Works Association (AWWA)/Water Environment Federation (WEF) (1998) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edn, APHA/AWWA/WEF, Washington DC, USA Eisentraeger ... surveyed in detail and material balances around reservoirs were considered RESEARCH PROCEDURE Location: Matsuyama region and periphery of the Seto Inland Sea The location of the research area and the ... - Relationship between nitrate concentration and its removal rate by algae Fig - Relationship between nitrate concentration and denitrification rate On the other hand, denitrification rate, which...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:17

10 717 0
Changes of temperature data for energy studies over time and their impact on energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The case of Athens and Thessaloniki – Greece

Changes of temperature data for energy studies over time and their impact on energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The case of Athens and Thessaloniki – Greece

... International Organization for Standardization, 2008 [2] ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers, Atlanta, USA, 2009 [3] Papakostas ... Krarti M, Bida M Avalidation study of variable-base degree-day cooling calculations ASHRAE Transactions 1987, 93(2), 90-104 Papakostas K.T Contribution to the assessment of energy consumption on ... journal publications in international journals, 11 contributions in national and international conferences and 15 articles published in specialized national technical magazines Dr Michopoulos has...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

14 548 0
Biochemical characterization of thermophilic lignocellulose degrading enzymes and their potential for biomass bioprocessing

Biochemical characterization of thermophilic lignocellulose degrading enzymes and their potential for biomass bioprocessing

... Baharuddin A. S., Razak M.N .A. , Hock L.S., Ahmad M.N., Abd A. S., Rahman N .A. A., Shah U.K.M., Hassan M .A. , Sakai K., Shirai Y Isolation and characterization of thermophilic cellulaseproducing bacteria from ... retained 98% of cellulase activity after incubation at 50ºC for h, and 77%, after incubation at 600C for h (Figure 4a) On the other hand, the residual xylanase activity after and h of incubation ... biochemical and polymer production Archana published peerreviewed journal articles and participated in international conferences Kashivishvanath Muthukumarappan Ph.D, is Professor of Food and Bioprocess...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

14 526 0
A study of the linguistic features of suggestion verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents

A study of the linguistic features of suggestion verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents

... out the similarities and differences between the syntactic features of ESVs and VSVs - Analyzing data of ESVs and VSVs in terms of the semantic features and making a contrastive analysis to find ... requestives and advisories In fact, the complication and the diversity of the structures and the meaning nuances of SVs are clear Table 4.52 A Summary of Structures of ESVs and Their Vietnamese Equivalents ... the analysis of ESVs and VSVs in terms of the syntactic and semantic features The analysis results of the ESVs and VSVs will be compared and contrasted in order to find out the similarities and...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:17

13 1,3K 5
A study of verbs of matching in english and their vietnamese translational equivalents

A study of verbs of matching in english and their vietnamese translational equivalents

... CORRESPOND”) and their Vietnamese translational equivalents to of manner of motion and configuration Moreover, according to provide some practical suggestions for teaching, learning and Biber D et al ... called lexical field theory” Connotation is the additional meanings that a word or phrase Semantic Features has beyond its central meaning (Denotation) Connotation can be Semantic features ... and similarities valuable theoretical background as well as practical evidence The in English and Vietnamese translational equivalents theoretical background on the matching verbs and it related...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:18

13 894 0
A study of some linguistic features of expressions describing the villains in kiều story and their english translational equivalents

A study of some linguistic features of expressions describing the villains in kiều story and their english translational equivalents

... IMPLICATIONS ON TEACHING, LEARNING AND TRANSLATION 5.2.1 Implications on the Language Teaching and Learning Firstly, teachers should draw attention to the ways to describe a person in general and a ... appears in its dialectal words and classic references Semantically, classification of original material with clear reference to its authors, names of the data is mainly based on the meaning of ... Translation Methods Below are some of translation methods generalized by Newmark [20] a Word-For-Word Translation b Literal Translation c Faithful Translation d Idiomatic Translation e Free translation...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

13 834 2