finite element modeling of the spine

Finite element modeling of prestressed girder strengthening using fiber reinforced polymer and codal comparison

Finite element modeling of prestressed girder strengthening using fiber reinforced polymer and codal comparison

... FINITE ELEMENT MODELING OF PRESTRESSED GIRDER STRENGTHENING USING FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER AND CODAL COMPARISON by MURUGANANDAM MOHANAMURTHY Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of ... Graduate School of The University of Texas at Arlington in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON ... USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2017, 22:40

67 384 0
Finite element analysis for the structural behaviour of paving flags made by OC and UHFRPC

Finite element analysis for the structural behaviour of paving flags made by OC and UHFRPC

... also generally accepted that the thickness of the flag is the main factor influencing the load capacity of a pavement The research [3, 4] showed that the majority of the 50 mm thick ordinary concrete ... materials for the parts of the model; of a pavement that comprised a 250 mm thick sub- Assembly: This module defines the geometry of the finished model by creating instances of a part, i.e the user ... The importance of the decomposition is an attempt to come closer to the discrete crack concept which completely separates the solid material from the crack by using separate finite elements The

Ngày tải lên: 10/02/2020, 06:35

10 37 0
Finite element modeling for assessment of seawater intrusion into coastal groundwater abstractions due to seawater level rise in thai binh province

Finite element modeling for assessment of seawater intrusion into coastal groundwater abstractions due to seawater level rise in thai binh province

... determined The flow velocity was then used in the FEM seawater intrusion modeling Figure illustrates the piezometric level over the groundwater flow model domain and velocity of the area where the seawater ... obtained by the modeling technique for the present sea water level and three scenarios of SLR For the present sea water level, the time for which the seawater intrusion with concentration of 0.66g/l ... fundamental of strategy of mitigation measures Hydrogeological conditions of the study area The aquifer system of the province is characterized by a multilayer structure, which consists of Quaternary deposits

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2021, 20:20

11 7 0
mathematical modeling and finite element analysis of superplastic forming of ti 6al 4v alloy in a stepped rectangular die

mathematical modeling and finite element analysis of superplastic forming of ti 6al 4v alloy in a stepped rectangular die

... further rapidly increases This observation is due to the rate of change of the thickness which is less than rate of change of the radius The forming of the sheet continues, the rate of change of ... that more thinning occurs in the bottom corner compared to the rest of the part Conclusion The mathematical modeling and Finite Element analysis of superplastic forming of Ti-6Al-4V alloy in a stepped ... analysis The nodes of element have three degrees of freedom i.e X, Y and Z direction, the finite element model and boundary condition nodes on the blank outer edge had all their degree of freedom

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2022, 14:29

10 2 0
Comparison and evaluation of stresses generated by rapid maxillary expansion and the implant supported rapid maxillary expansion on the craniofacial structures using finite element method of stress analysis

Comparison and evaluation of stresses generated by rapid maxillary expansion and the implant supported rapid maxillary expansion on the craniofacial structures using finite element method of stress analysis

... produces the similar effects as that of the simple RME on the different craniofacial sutures Methods Initial step in the creation of the finite element model of the skull involved the obtaining of the ... compare the effects of the traditional RME with that of the implant-supported RME using the finite element method of the stress analysis The finite element analysis (FEA) has proven its worth in the ... concentrated on the nasal part of the nasofrontal suture with minimum stresses on the frontal part of the suture in both the cases As the suture is away from the site of application of the force, the stresses

Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2022, 11:48

12 1 0
Modeling of the human upper airway from multimodal 3d dentofacial images

Modeling of the human upper airway from multimodal 3d dentofacial images

... conclusion, the thesis presents three image processing methods for the modeling of the human upper airway from multimodal 3D dentofacial images. The experiments described in the thesis demonstrate the ... the main opening of the airway to outside The nose is a structure of soft and hard tissues covering the front part of the nasal cavity The nasal cavity is the empty space above ... and the registration of the laser surface scan to MR images of the head. The reason to register the tooth structures to MR images is that the scanned dental model is superior to MRI in imaging the

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 08:13

138 254 0
An integrated finite element analysis of CFRP laminates from low velocity impact to CAI strength prediction

An integrated finite element analysis of CFRP laminates from low velocity impact to CAI strength prediction

... concludes that the modeling of matrix cracks is critical for the accurate prediction of the CAI strength of an impact damaged laminate, if the delaminations modeled are to be representative of impact ... the dropping of tools on the body of the aircraft during maintenance or by the impact of runway debris during takeoff or landing Barely visible impact damage (BVID) arising from the ... and this would yield the same result as the direct usage of XC in a failure criterion, which is used in the current model. In the current model, the material properties of the composite plies

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:04

223 490 0
Modeling of the tool edge radius effect on the mechanics of micromachining

Modeling of the tool edge radius effect on the mechanics of micromachining

... MODELING OF THE TOOL EDGE RADIUS EFFECT ON THE MECHANICS OF MICROMACHINING WOON KENG SOON NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2009 MODELING OF THE TOOL EDGE RADIUS EFFECT ON THE MECHANICS OF ... (E.1) where σ , σ and σ are the principal stresses of the three primary axes. The principal stress could then be used in the derivation of the deviatoric components of the stress tensors by defining ... regions along the tool edge radius. With this contact model, the tool wear phenomenon of ‘edge-radiused’ cutting tools was reasonably elucidated. Furthermore through the decrease of a/r from the above

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:01

267 234 0
Finite element study of 2d equivalence to 3d analysis of a discrete soil nail problem with applications to serviceability design

Finite element study of 2d equivalence to 3d analysis of a discrete soil nail problem with applications to serviceability design

... be minimised. The author hope that this thesis will address some of the problems involved in the 2D idealisation of the soil nail problem and hence maximise the user’s understanding of the finite element ... compatibility of strain in the nail with equilibrium of the system. It considers the displacements at the head of the reinforcement to be the same as that of the facing. It assumes a zone of Rankine equilibrium ... limited use of its output. Most of the times, the comparison has been of deflection of the wall facing of reinforced soil and nail forces. Simulation of failure or stability calculations of the system

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2015, 20:57

173 586 0
Finite element study of oil tank foundation system

Finite element study of oil tank foundation system

... is the sum of the load from the oil tank, the self weight of the bottom plate of the oil tank, and the self weight of the overlying dense sand layer. In the early results, the load spread in the ... analysis. The analysis aimed to investigate the effect of the pile cap size, the thickness and the stiffness of the granular fill on the percentage of the load carried by the piles. The results ... the behavior of the piles will be ductile. For the case when one or several of the piles are overloaded, the redistribution of the load among the piles can take place. The pile cap size and the

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2015, 20:57

152 330 0
Finite element study of tunnel soil pile interaction

Finite element study of tunnel soil pile interaction

... horizontal offset of 7.25m (XSB=1.13Dt) from the centre of the SB tunnel while pile P2 is at a horizontal offset of 8.25m (XNB=1.29Dt) from the centre of the NB tunnel. An average pile length of 57m ... from centrifuge testing and the other from a field project. 1.3 Organisation of Thesis Chapter 2 presents a review of the literature relevant to the study of this thesis. This review covers the various popular ... outside the zone of large displacements. In addition, should the pile be located a further horizontal offset from the tunnel centre, shorter lengths of the pile would be situated within the zone of

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2015, 20:57

160 468 0
Nonparametric modeling of the effects of air pollution on public health

Nonparametric modeling of the effects of air pollution on public health


Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 23:08

88 262 0
Finite Element Modeling for Materials Engineers Using MATLAB®

Finite Element Modeling for Materials Engineers Using MATLAB®

... books on the finite element method This book, however, has focused on the use of the Galerkin method for the solution of the finite- element problems stated in the book The use of MathWorksÒ ... using either the triangular element (Fig 3.3) or the bilinear rectangular element. .. The finite element equation which is now a weak formulation consisting of the weighting function, the ... representation of the domain by an assemblage of subdivisions called finite elements These elements are interconnected at nodes or nodal points The trial function approximates the distribution of the

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 19:59

133 419 1
Finite element modelling of externally shear -strengthened beams using fibre reinforced polymers

Finite element modelling of externally shear -strengthened beams using fibre reinforced polymers

... to analyses utilizing finite element models The implementation of interface elements produces accurate predictions of the response of shear-strengthened beams Furthermore, the numerical analysis ... research consists of three phases They are: (1) the development of a reliable numerical model that can capture the real behaviour of FRP shear-strengthened beams; (2) the use of the proposed numerical ... shear-strengthened beams Most of the parameters that control the behaviour of shear-strengthened beams have been addressed However, the design equations describing the behaviour of shearstrengthened

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2017, 22:39

224 154 0
Ebook Physical examination of the spine and extremities Part 1

Ebook Physical examination of the spine and extremities Part 1

... supply the dorsum of the terminal phalanges of these fingers Its innervation is purest on the palmar skin of the tip of the index finger (Fig 108) The Ulnar Nerve The ulnar nerve supplies the ulnar ... from the palmar aspect of the fingers W ith the hand still in a fist, place your thumb and index finger on the sides of the base of the involved finger, pressing them to the bone to occlude the ... occlude them (Fig 118) W ith the vessels still occluded, instruct the patient to open his hand The palm of the hand should be pale Then release one of the arteries at Fig 117 Above Flexion of the

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2017, 10:36

116 300 0
Ebook Physical examination of the spine and extremities Part 2

Ebook Physical examination of the spine and extremities Part 2

... 43 head of, 43 styloid of, - 6 , - 7 tubercle of, , Range of m otion of cervical spine, 1 - of elbow, 50—51 of foot and ankle, 2 - of hip and pelvis, 5 -6 of knee, - of lum bar spine, - of shoulder, ... of, - creases of, 61 interossei of, , skin of, Palm aris longus, 4 , 82 Palpation of cervical spine, - of elbow, 38—50 of foot and ankle, 9 - 2 of hip and pelvis, 4 -5 of knee, - of lum bar spine, ... Fig The first cricoid ring Fig The carotid tubercle 108 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OF THE CERVICAL SPINE Fig The anatomy of the neck (posterior aspect) Posterior Aspect The posterior landmarks of the

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2017, 10:36

173 274 0
Finite Element Method - Convection dominated problems - finite element approximations to the convection - difusion equation  _02

Finite Element Method - Convection dominated problems - finite element approximations to the convection - difusion equation _02

... avoid this difficulty we modify the discontinuity of the Wl*part of the weighting function to occur within the element' and thus avoid the discontinuity at the node in the manner shown in Fig 2.3 ... still be a function of @, thus destroying the linearity of the problem Before proceeding further, it is of interest to discuss the general behaviour of Eq (2.1) in the absence of source and diffusion ... Although the scalar problem will mainly be dealt with here in detail, the discussion of the procedures can indicate the choice of optimal ones which will have much bearing on the solution of the general

Ngày tải lên: 02/05/2018, 13:56

51 110 0
Patient specific finite element modeling of the human lumbar motion segment

Patient specific finite element modeling of the human lumbar motion segment

... 5.2 The effect of Poisson’s ratio of the disc nucleus on the axial stiffness of the lumbar motion segment 60 Fig 5.3 The effect of Young’s Modulus of the disc nucleus on the axial stiffness of the ... bone However, the model was built with the assumption of axis-symmetry of the spine and did not include the posterior elements which are an integral part of the spine anatomy Therefore these two ... description on the fundamentals of spine anatomy which is important to the understanding of the subsequently presented works Literature reviews on the finite element modeling of the lumbar motion...

Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2015, 13:32

102 235 0
Finite element modeling of hybrid fiber ECC targets subjected to impact and blast

Finite element modeling of hybrid fiber ECC targets subjected to impact and blast

... FINITE ELEMENT MODELING OF HYBRID-FIBER ECC TARGETS SUBJECTED TO IMPACT AND BLAST LEE SIEW CHIN (B Eng (Hons), UTM) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF ... that the FE model closely predicted the residual velocity of projectile, size of perforation hole and exit crater for the perforation cases For the penetration cases, the application of the modified ... on the response of the panels is investigated and discussed In the absence of field test data, the equivalent SDOF method based on codes of practice for blast analysis is adopted to verify the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 17:11

227 272 0
finite element analysis of fracture in concrete structures state of the art

finite element analysis of fracture in concrete structures state of the art

... the first to apply the concepts of fracture mechanics to concrete beams With the advent of computers in the 1940s, and the subsequent rapid development of the finite element method (FEM) in the ... be taken of the size of the heterogeneous structure of the material This implies that the maximum size of finite elements used to model strain softening behavior should be linked to the aggregate ... (2.15) in which [ Kc ] is the element stiffness matrix of an element bei tween the contours Γo and Γ1, and Nc is the number of such elements The derivatives of the element stiffness matrices...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 21:58

33 415 1