finding hedges by chasing weasels

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Finding Hedges by Chasing Weasels: Hedge Detection Using Wikipedia Tags and Shallow Linguistic Features" doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Finding Hedges by Chasing Weasels: Hedge Detection Using Wikipedia Tags and Shallow Linguistic Features" doc

... This work has been par- tially funded by the European Union under the project Judicial Management by Digital Libraries Semantics (JUMAS FP7-214306) and by the Klaus Tschira Foundation, Heidelberg, ... by Medlock & Briscoe (2007) and Szarvas (2008). These ap- proaches could go beyond the original annotation and learn further hedging indicators. However, these approaches are, as argued by ... weasel tags are short lived, very sparse and that – because weasels may not have been discovered yet – not all occurrences of linguistic hedges are tagged. Therefore we collected not one but several...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 09:20

4 451 0
Tài liệu Finding Solutions by Being Aware of the Way You Think docx

Tài liệu Finding Solutions by Being Aware of the Way You Think docx

... Principal, MA, MEd, PMP Finding Solutions by Being Aware of the Way You Think Copyright ©2005 Global Knowledge T raining LLC. All rights reserved. Page 2 Finding Solutions by Being Aware of the Way ... situation. We do this by remaining unconscious about our negative reactions. “Exposing the Left-Hand Column” is a technique that assists in raising our level of consciousness by revealing ways that ... guide. My office is filled with books by good guides. However, the one that I am going to recommend whose guidance we should seek is an older cartoon character by the name of Pogo. Pogo would wax...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:18

7 397 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Finding Deceptive Opinion Spam by Any Stretch of the Imagination" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Finding Deceptive Opinion Spam by Any Stretch of the Imagination" pptx

... by selecting 400 of the remain- ing 2,124 truthful reviews, such that the document lengths of the selected truthful reviews are similarly distributed to those of the deceptive reviews. Work by ... learned by POS SVM (found in Table 4) are largely in agreement with these findings, no- tably except for adjective and adverb superlatives, the latter of which was found to be an exception by Rayson ... spam. 6 Available by request at: http://www.cs.cornell. edu/ ˜ myleott/op_spam Additionally, we make several theoretical con- tributions based on an examination of the feature weights learned by our machine...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

11 464 0
The HIAPy Guide to Finding Work in a Tough Job Market by Hillary Rettig

The HIAPy Guide to Finding Work in a Tough Job Market by Hillary Rettig

... Guide to Finding Work in a Tough Job Market by Hillary Rettig VERSION INFORMATION – Version 1.1 released 1/7/08 AUTHORSHIP This book is by Hillary ... is thinking a lot about her. And did you notice how Dudley addresses Nell by name – versus Snidely, who calls her “baby”? In How to Win Friends and Influence People – which you should definitely ... can recommend someone who does.” Even if you’re not by nature an optimistic person, at least try to act optimistically during your job search. By doing so, you might even start to feel optimistic,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 12:32

48 614 0
VHDL Programming by Example 4th Edition

VHDL Programming by Example 4th Edition

... VHDL resulted from work done in the ’70s and early ’80s by the U.S. Department of Defense. Its roots are in the ADA language, as will be seen by the overall structure of VHDL as well as other VHDL ... that contains the value of signal b delayed by 10 nanoseconds. The second statement creates a driver that contains the value of signal c delayed by 10 nanoseconds. How these two drivers are resolved ... as well as other VHDL statements. VHDL usage has risen rapidly since its inception and is used by literally tens of thousands of engineers around the globe to create sophisticated electronic...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 08:46

497 1K 14
Tài liệu Microsoft ADO .NET step by step

Tài liệu Microsoft ADO .NET step by step

... 14 Microsoft ADO.NET 4 Step by Step 15. For this test, include the Customer table in the DataSet by expanding the Tables section and marking the Customer table ... auto-increment columns, with these new values based on the rules established by the AutoIncrementSeed and AutoIncrementStep properties. By default, the AutoIncrement property is set to False, which disables ... that round out the full discussion of ADO.NET. Finding Your Best Starting Point in This Book The different sections of Microsoft ADO.NET 4 Step by Step cover a wide range of technolo- gies associated...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2012, 08:39

441 889 14
Đề thi Java By Example

Đề thi Java By Example

... đúng A)Từ khóa throw và throws phải đc sử dụng bởi phương thức mà có thể truyền các lỗi Đề Thi Java By Example (27-6-2008) 1.Cho đoạn mã chương trình sau: For( int y=2 ; y= ){ System.out.print(x+...

Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 09:13

10 8,5K 283
Immobilization of heavy metals in sediment dredged from a seaport by iron bearing materials

Immobilization of heavy metals in sediment dredged from a seaport by iron bearing materials

... producing process. The government can control these by issuing the permit, which is handed out to enterprises only when they meet the standard criteria. By that way, only qualified enterprises have ... high abatement cost in almost every hospital in our country. The government can control these by setting the regulations for classification of medical wastes, such as “medical waste should ... from mixing components. Therefore, it reduces the operating costs and saves the operating areas by 70%. Moreover, as Biofast are domestic productions, its price is much more reasonable for domestic...

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2012, 15:38

10 723 0

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