find records in a table

Calculations in a Pivot Table

Calculations in a Pivot Table

... fields and calculated items ■ Note Formulas are available only in non-OLAP-based pivot tables Problem You want to add custom... of 2008, and begins again in January 2009 51 52 CHAPTER 3 ■ CALCULATIONS ... March 2009, and they are grouped by year and month in the pivot table Product is in the Column Labels area, Years and Date are in the Row Labels area, and Units is in the Values area ... summary functions, custom calculations are available when summarizing data in a pivot table. In addition to the default normal calculation, custom calculations pro- vide eight different ways

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

29 371 0
Can an alert in primary care electronic medical records increase participation in a population-based screening programme for colorectal cancer? COLO-ALERT, a randomised clinical

Can an alert in primary care electronic medical records increase participation in a population-based screening programme for colorectal cancer? COLO-ALERT, a randomised clinical

... Primary Care Service, Catalan Health Institute, Badalona, Spain 10 Primary Care Services Information System, Catalan Health Institute, Avinguda Gran V? ?a de les Corts Catalanes 587, 08007 Barcelona, ... Salmerón D, Ardanaz E, Galceran J, Martínez R, MarcosGragera R, Sánchez MJ, Mateos A, Torrella A, Capocaccia R, Navarro C: Cancer survival in Spain: estimate for nine major cancers Ann Oncol 2010, ... and increase participation in a population-based CRCSP It also comprises a second cross-sectional and observational stage Stage 1: COLO-ALERT a randomised clinical trial Design: A parallel randomised

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2020, 00:58

10 12 0
anh tho cva bmt let’s do the tasks complete the following table to infinitive past form past participle to put wrote taken crept to leave your key the man was sad because he had to sleep in a bad b

anh tho cva bmt let’s do the tasks complete the following table to infinitive past form past participle to put wrote taken crept to leave your key the man was sad because he had to sleep in a bad b

... as a private tutor in Nha Trang city A works B have worked C worked D had worked 2 The World War II ……… in 1939 and ……… 1945 A began / had ended B began / ended C had begun / ended 3 Jane ... into the dining room It was very dark, so they on a torch Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them “ What’s up? What’s up? ” a voice had called out The two thieves dropped the torch and ran ... GRAMMAR Exercise 3: There are five mistakes in the use of tenses in the following story Find and correct them. While George was reading in bed, two thieves in to his kitchen When they had

Ngày tải lên: 21/04/2021, 00:01

18 24 0
What To Do If Trapped In A Lift With A Dentist

What To Do If Trapped In A Lift With A Dentist

... not in there, what is in the coffin?” I was suddenly stuck in a metaphysical paradox and as a man chanted the meaningless liturgies and platitudes my mind was racing in all directions at once At ... resurecting the thoughts of others history is a corpse leave it alone it teaches us nothing except how to repeat past mistakes again and again and again WAR War what is it good for? Reinvigorating ... by Ian Paisley A pair of trainers pickled in bree A vague sense of inadequacy A perambulating hamster nailed to the knee of a disgruntled member of a select committee A piano where every single

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2012, 16:50

34 515 0
jack in a box

jack in a box

... )+*-,/.*10324*-5,7698;:*=/?jmziwn|Cswt~jmzo-s9w|(z{o}•uvo-~€zwr|Cu€g(&y/wtuswnwtso-uz{y/o>uv–Ojmll+uƒw4so…w|(z{rzy/}{oNoAg Pgˆ—wnwtsobo-j~ŠyRzy/w}•sOwn|zr˜qTr ™/}NgCšbs/s9w|›sw4~j-z{o-s sw4j-x r |›jmlM~€}{o-juvo-uœg AgˆšbsŽsOAoN}{z{wt~jml+j-|Csžy/r}{wnŸr |(zề/ế+ẵ /ẵbệnặAv>ề/ế+ẵCắàNẩmiặ ... tèRèặ-ịiềX{ởữmẩCẵ$? ?A? ?? ầ9ậTặ 4èàCẽAbCNềấ-mấấẹặặỉ/ấấ? ?A ấ{mCậTặ ấi/>vẩ/ấề/ỗ34iẹặầ9ẩ/n{-è+ẵ ằẳ(ẵbắmtv{/>ẹặặỉ/ấ{-è1ữ+-ẩCm\ỹ ý3èỗ ấ-ẵ/ắiặ {/ầ9ặ(èNẵ ằể(ẵơỵẩCềR{/téANấ, 2 ). %6q' ... {|!v#}%~&w()w(€+,u ‚0  ƒ„#„N… †‡ˆ‰Š ‹ ‡ ŒŽ‘’? ?A? ?C• IV THE SPRING 180 o 180 o X2 X2 X2 10 11 5−7 –—!’#˜%™&“(š)“(›+š,‘ 0 œ #N ĂÂÊÔƠ Ư  ĐăâêôơưđAC 12 90 o 14 13 90 o 15 16 !ư#%&đ(à)đ(ả+à,ơ á0

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2013, 22:01

13 568 0
In order to become competent in a foreign language

In order to become competent in a foreign language

... example, a teacher talking to a student in a classroom is one kind of interaction Others include a boss talking to his assistant at the workplace, a doctor to patient in a clinic…The basic pattern ... conversation structure: conversation analysis and discourse analysis 1.2.1 Conversation analysis Many conversational analysis researchers have defined ordinary conversation as the kind of casual, ... which are produced by different speakers and are related to each other in such a way they form a pair type They call them an adjacency pair The adjacency pair always consists of a first part and a

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 08:49

42 568 0
Textile and Apparel Barriers and Rules of Origin in a Post-ATC World

Textile and Apparel Barriers and Rules of Origin in a Post-ATC World

... RoO in any analysis of trade liberalization A number of studies have examined overall RoO compliance costs for NAFTA Anson et al (2005) estimate that the average cost of NAFTA RoO in 2000 was ... on U.S welfare and sectoral activity We find that the effects of quantitative restraints have declined after the ATC, although remaining quantitative measures in 2005 still imposed about 20 percent ... established as part of the Uruguay Round negotiations ATC set as its goal the orderly elimination of quantitative restraints in textiles and clothing by January 1, 2005 The ATC succeeded in eliminating

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2013, 16:17

33 498 1
In order to become competent in a foreign language, it is important for language learners not only to acquire new vocabularies and a new set of phonological and syntactic rules but also to learn what Wilson (1986)

In order to become competent in a foreign language, it is important for language learners not only to acquire new vocabularies and a new set of phonological and syntactic rules but also to learn what Wilson (1986)

... gốc đ? ?a danh Nam Bộ tiếng Việt văn -135- học, NXB KHXH 34- Lê Trung Hoa (2004), Nguồn gốc ý ngh? ?a số đ? ?a danh miền Đông Nam Bộ, Ngôn ngữ số 35- Lê Trung Hoa (chủ biên) (2003), Từ điển đ? ?a danh ... Long – nét sinh hoạt x? ?a, NXB HCM 57- Sơn Nam (1997), Hồi kí Sơn Nam từ U Minh đến Cần Thơ, NXB Trẻ HCM 58- Sơn Nam, Đất Gia Định x? ?a, NXB HCM, 1984 59- Nhiều tác giả (1999), Nam Bộ x? ?a nay, NXB ... hai bậc (riêng tên đơn tên ghép nhóm từ ngữ liên quan đến sông nước có tỉ lệ gần ngang nhau) Từ đơn ? ?a số không lí ch? ?a tìm thấy lí do; ghép ? ?a số có lí Từ loại danh từ thành tố ghép chiếm đa

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2013, 16:09

137 855 0
Estimation of river discharge loadings of PAHs in a suburban river in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan

Estimation of river discharge loadings of PAHs in a suburban river in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan

... 113-8656, Japan ABSTRACT The PAHs loadings on river discharge was estimated based on consecutive measurements during rainfall and non-rainfall periods at a river in a suburban area in Hiroshima Prefecture, ... concentration, and the calculated yearly PAHs specific loading in the River on rainy days was 37 µg m-2 year-1 and the loading in non-rainy days was 29 µg m-2 year-1 The total loading was 66 µg m-2 year-1 ... measured in rainy days and non-rainy days The precipitation conditions and PAH concentrations and loadings were summarized in Table Table - Precipitation Conditions, PAH concentration and Loading

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

12 415 0
Nitrogen Dynamics and Biomass Production in a Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland Cultivated with Forage Rice and their Mathematical Modeling

Nitrogen Dynamics and Biomass Production in a Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland Cultivated with Forage Rice and their Mathematical Modeling

... the leaf area Roughly, the plant height increased until 120 days after transplantation, and thereafter a constant height was maintained in every case The leaf area index (LAI), however, increased ... parameters were calibrated based on experimental observations, and the finally calibrated values are shown in Table The parameter knit,r,us was calibrated as 0.01 (m3/g-root)/day Considering the root ... Time after transplantation [day] Fig 9- Comparison Between Calculated and Measured NH4-N Concentration (“Q”: river water supply rate into each pot [m3/(m2·day)]) Calibrated Parameters Some parameters

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

16 581 1
A CFD analysis on the effect of ambient conditions on the hygro-thermal stresses distribution in a planar ambient airbreathing PEM fuel cell

A CFD analysis on the effect of ambient conditions on the hygro-thermal stresses distribution in a planar ambient airbreathing PEM fuel cell

... potentially causing localized increases in the stress magnitudes, and this leads to mechanical damage, which can appear as through-the-thickness flaws or pinholes in the membrane, or delaminating ... conflicting needs: adequate membrane hydration and avoidance of water flooding in the cathode catalyst layer and/or gas diffusion layer [2] Water management is related with air supply to the cathode ... performance An operating air-breathing PEM fuel cell has varying local conditions of temperature and humidity As a result of in the changes in temperature and moisture, the membrane, GDL and bipolar

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58

16 728 0
Prospects of concentrating solar power to deliver key energy services in a developing country

Prospects of concentrating solar power to deliver key energy services in a developing country

... energy services in a developing country Charikleia Karakosta, Charalampos Pappas, John Psarras National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Management & Decision ... The main characteristics of the Chilean energy system can be summarised as follows [21]: Chile’s 13 administrative regions are from north to south: I: Tarapaca, II: Antofagasta, III: Atacama, IV: ... electricity and mainly supplies the copper mining industry The remaining % of installed capacity is shared between small subsystems in more isolated areas―the Aysén Grid and the Magallanes Grid

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58

12 491 0
A CFD analysis of transport phenomena and electrochemical reactions in a tubular-shaped PEM fuel cell

A CFD analysis of transport phenomena and electrochemical reactions in a tubular-shaped PEM fuel cell

... boundaries of the computational domain as well as boundaries for various mass and scalar equations inside the computational domain 2.3.1 Inlets The inlet values at the anode and cathode are prescribed ... the data would be proprietary in nature and very limited data are available in the open literature There are several reasons that make the tubular design more advantageous than the planar one ... cross-section area, and stoichiometric flow ratio The inlet velocities of air and fuel are calculated according to [22]: u in ,c = ζ c I RTin ,c AMEA xO2 ,in Pc Ach 4F (39) u in ,a = ζ a I RTin ,a AMEA x

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58

26 609 0
Effect of periodic suction on three dimensional flow and heat transfer past a vertical porous plate embedded in a porous medium

Effect of periodic suction on three dimensional flow and heat transfer past a vertical porous plate embedded in a porous medium

... MHD flow past a vertical porous plate Yamamoto and Iwamura [4], Raptis [5], Raptis et al [6], Govindarajulu and Thangaraj [7] and Mansutti and his associates [8] investigated the free convective ... College, Daspalla, Nayagarh-752 078 (Orissa), India Abstract This paper theoretically analyzes the effect of periodic suction on three dimensional flow of a viscous incompressible fluid past an infinite ... unsteady MHD convective heat transfer past a semi-infinite vertical porous moving plate with variable suction was investigated by Kim [11] Singh and Sharma [12] analyzed the three dimensional free

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58

12 494 0
Experimental investigations and CFD study of temperature distribution during oscillating combustion in a crucible furnace

Experimental investigations and CFD study of temperature distribution during oscillating combustion in a crucible furnace

... during oscillating combustion in a crucible furnace J Govardhan1, G.V.S Rao2, J Narasaiah3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, AVN Institute of Engineering & Technology, A. P., India Department ... Department of Mechanical Engineering, PIRM Engineering College, A. P., India Department of Mechanical Engineering, PRRM Engineering College, A. P., India Abstract As part of an investigation few experiments ... E-mail address: J Narsaiah, working as Assistant Professor in PRRMEC, Shabad He has done his M.Tech in Industrial Engineering and Management from JBIET ( JNTU Hyderabad) in

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:59

14 590 1
Power generation from wind turbines in a solar chimney

Power generation from wind turbines in a solar chimney

... 1.36 In Table 7, it should be noted that similar to Table 5, the available wind power in this case is less compared to that in Tables 1 and 3 because the wind turbine diameter in this case is Da=8 ... 1.76 In Table 8, it should be noted that similar to Table 6, the available wind power in this case is less compared to that in Tables 2 and 4 because the wind turbine diameter in this case is Da ... that shrouded wind turbines can generate greater power compared to bare turbines. A solar chimney generates an upward draft of wind inside a tower and a shroud around the wind turbine. There are

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:59

12 460 0
Optimum feeding rate of solid hazardous waste in a cement kiln burner

Optimum feeding rate of solid hazardous waste in a cement kiln burner

... The particle size was analyzed by mechanical sieving using a Retsch AS200 instrument. Additional chemical analyses of the fuels were available from the plant laboratory. 100 mm International Journal ... determination of proximate analysis, heating value, bulk density and particle size distribution. The proximate analysis was carried out using a Las Navas Automatic Multiple Sample Thermogravimetric ... Analyses of raw meal, precalcined meal and clinker The variation of the measured raw meal properties during the test period was insignificant. The degree of calcination of the precalcined meal

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

10 496 1
An experimental investigation of heat transfer and fluid flow in a rectangular duct with inclined discrete ribs

An experimental investigation of heat transfer and fluid flow in a rectangular duct with inclined discrete ribs

... reasonable accuracy In a recent study, Cho et al [12] investigated the effect of a gap in the inclined rib on heat transfer in a square duct and reported that a gap in the inclined rib accelerates ... Enhancing Performance of Solar air heater Proceedings of XVII National and VI ISHME/ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, IGCAR, Kalpakkam India 2004; Jan 05-07 [2] Han J C “Heat transfer and ... possible explanation for increase in the heat transfer due to a gap is that the gap in the inclined rib releases the air partly belonging to the secondary flow and partly belonging to the main flow

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

12 831 0
A computational study to investigate the effects of insulation and EGR in a diesel engine

A computational study to investigate the effects of insulation and EGR in a diesel engine

... [29] Arash Nemati, Shahram Khalilarya, Samad Jafarmadar, Hassan Khatamnejhad, Vahid Fathi Numerical parametric investigation of a gasoline fuelled partially-premixed compression-ignition engine International ... includes study of three operating conditions of engine: base line, adiabatic and also adding EGR to the initial charge of adiabatic case at two load operating conditions: a full load and a part ... Engines from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India in January 2009 He is presently working as a faculty in the department of Mechanical Engineering at Jubail University, Jubail, Saudi Arabia He also

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

20 644 0
Exergoeconomic optimization and improvement of a cogeneration system modeled in a process simulator using direct search and evolutionary methods

Exergoeconomic optimization and improvement of a cogeneration system modeled in a process simulator using direct search and evolutionary methods

... steam and process hot water demands are also equality constraints [19] The inequality constraints are represented by the allowable ranges of variation of the decision variables, presented in Table ... the beginning of each iteration is performed The analysis provides information to hierarchically classify the components as main, secondary, and remainder, and to define main decision variables ... 1972 Holland J.H Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems The University of Michigan Press: Ann Arbor, 1975 Okamoto M., Nonaka T., Ochiai S., Tominaga D Nonlinear numerical optimization with

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:30

14 594 0

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