file server resource manager 2008 command line

Mô Tả Các Chức Năng Của Các Dịch Vụ mạng DNS, DHCP, WWW, File Server Triển Khai Các Dịch Vụ Này Trên Hệ Điều Hành Linux

Mô Tả Các Chức Năng Của Các Dịch Vụ mạng DNS, DHCP, WWW, File Server Triển Khai Các Dịch Vụ Này Trên Hệ Điều Hành Linux

... Trang 25 Thực Tập Tốt Nghiệp ServerRoot“etc/httpd”: định nghĩa thư mục chính chứa tất cả các file cấu hình của Apache server. Nó giúp cho Apache server biết cần tìm các file cấu hình các thuộc tính ... web server, nếu server có cấu hình càng cao thì con số này có thể càng lớn. Mặc định giá trị là 150. ServerLimit256: là giá trị ngưỡng cho MaxClients, giá trị này cũng tùy thuộc vào cấu hình Server. ... –Huỳnh Xuân Đạt Trang 35 Thực Tập Tốt Nghiệp 4.2 Tạo file named.conf Tạo file named.conf trong thư mục /var/named/chroot/etc bằng cách copy file named.conf từ thư mục /usr/share/doc/bind-9.3.6./sample/etc/named.conf...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 11:15

72 2.9K 19
Chuyển DHCP từ windows server 2000 sang 2008

Chuyển DHCP từ windows server 2000 sang 2008

... ServerMSSQL10.SQL2008MSSQLDATASummary Database Data Data File for Monthly ArchiveMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 Data FileMyDB1.mdf' ), ( FILENAME = 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10.SQL2008MSSQLDATASummary ... Database DataData File for Monthly ArchiveMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 Data FileMyDB1_log.LDF" may be incorrect. New log file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10.SQL2008MSSQLDATASummary ... tên file. CREATE DATABASE MyDB1 ON ( FILENAME = 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10.SQL2008MSSQLDATASummary Database Data Data File for Monthly ArchiveMicrosoft SQL Server 2008...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2013, 16:24

8 326 1
Accepting Command-Line Options, Switches, and Parameters

Accepting Command-Line Options, Switches, and Parameters

... in l) if [ -d $LOGDIR ] ; then cd $LOGDIR /bin/ls fi ;; f) FILE= $OPTARG if [ -f $FILE ] then cat $FILE else echo $FILE not found. Please try again. fi ;; b) if [ -d $BINDIR ] ; ... a result, this command uses the value of the LOGNAME variable for the echo com- mand, and sets the value of username to the value of LOGNAME. 32 CHAPTER 5 ■ ACCEPTING COMMAND- LINE OPTIONS, ... OPTIONS, SWITCHES, AND PARAMETERS For instance, a typical tar command might be tar -xvf file. tar. This could also be entered as tar -x -v -f file. tar. Attempting to account for all possible combinations...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51

11 389 0
Command-Line E-mail Attachments

Command-Line E-mail Attachments

... binary file using the mimencode utility and then append the encoded file, which includes another boundary statement, to the temporary file to complete the message. mimencode $file >> $tmpfile echo ... ■ COMMAND- LINE E-MAIL ATTACHMENTS fi fi else echo $usage exit 1 fi Next the e-mail message is created, which includes a simple text message specifying which file is attached. basefile=`basename ... >> $tmpfile Now that the temporary file containing the message is ready, we send it with the sendmail program using the -t option. /usr/lib/sendmail -t < $tmpfile rm $tmpfile This option...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51

5 398 0
Command-Line Editing and History

Command-Line Editing and History

... modifying the .profile file in a user’s home directory enables it at an individual level. The line to add to either of these two files is the same as for bash: set -o vi Command and File Completion One ... com- mand line is command and file completion. With this feature, you can start to type a path or command, and once you’ve typed a sufficient number of characters for the path or command to ... ■ COMMAND- LINE EDITING AND HISTORY 101 ksh In ksh configuring vi editing mode can once again be set either systemwide or for an indi- vidual user. Modifying the systemwide /etc/profile file...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51

3 300 0
Scripting from the Command Line

Scripting from the Command Line

... modification and reuse. 1. To read a file line- by -line where the lines contain more than a single “word,” refer to Chapter 10. 104 CHAPTER 16 ■ SCRIPTING FROM THE COMMAND LINE concurrent package installation ... space-delimited or that appear individually on each line of the file, or a combination of both. This loop does not iterate through the file line- by -line. 1 The for loop iterates through each of ... lines at once), you can return to the previous (mistyped) command in your history and then edit the command sequence using vi-style command- line editing. You can also recall a previously entered...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51

3 430 0
The IDE - Eclipsing the Command Line

The IDE - Eclipsing the Command Line

... IDE: ECLIPSING THE COMMAND LINE3 4 9810ch02.qxd 5/15/08 11:04 AM Page 34 The IDE: Eclipsing the Command Line T here are two main ways you can work with Python: through the command line or through an ... 2 ■ THE IDE: ECLIPSING THE COMMAND LINE 27 9810ch02.qxd 5/15/08 11:04 AM Page 27 Summary Eclipse is an increasingly popular IDE that offers many advantages over the command line. It’s free, and it ... you’ll learn how to use it both from the command line and from within Eclipse using the Subversive plug-in. CHAPTER 2 ■ THE IDE: ECLIPSING THE COMMAND LINE4 0 9810ch02.qxd 5/15/08 11:04 AM Page...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 10:20

20 387 0
FreeBSD and Command Line Tools

FreeBSD and Command Line Tools

... to show you how to shutdown the FreeNAS server from the command line. To shutdown the server, use the shutdown command. Used with the -p parameter, the server will be shut down and powered off ... service, for example the FTP server or the AFP server stopped responding (this isn't a slur on the FTP server or the AFP server, just merely an example). Using the command line, it is possible to ... ping and arp from the Command Line In chapter 9, we looked at the ping and arp commands. These are available from the web interface but they are also available from the command line. To ping another...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 01:20

43 849 0
SecurePlatform Pro & Advanced Routing Command Line Interface

SecurePlatform Pro & Advanced Routing Command Line Interface

... Features 234 Command Tokens 234 Command Line Completion 234 Moving About the Command Line 236 Context-Sensitive Help 236 History 237 Disabling/Enabling CLI Tracing 237 Aborting an Executing Command ... 652 Default 653 Command History 653 Table of Contents 27 Default 498 Command History 498 Examples 498 neighbor use-med 499 Name 499 Syntax 499 Mode 499 Parameters 499 Description 499 Default 500 Command ... 309 Command History 311 Examples 311 Chapter 11 Martian Addresses Overview 314 Martian Address Commands 314 martian 315 Name 315 Syntax 315 Mode 315 Parameters 315 Description 316 Default 316 Command...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 12:15

1.3K 364 0
Cách sử dụng Windows Server License Manager Script slmgr.vbs

Cách sử dụng Windows Server License Manager Script slmgr.vbs

... Windows 2008 Server Core Như đã đề cập ở trên, khi chúng tôi liệt kê ra các tùy chọn, slmgr.vbs được sử dụng để kích hoạt Windows 2008 Server ở dòng lệnh. Nếu bạn đang ở trong Windows Server ... Kích hoạt Windows 2008 bằng tùy chọn –ato • Hiển thị các thông tin đăng ký bằng tùy chọn –dli Cách sử dụng Windows Server License Manager Script - slmgr.vbs Windows Server license thực ... Windows Server license thực sự có tầm rất quan trọng đối với Windows Server 2008. Biết được cách đăng ký của Windows 2008 Server từ dòng lệnh là một vấn đề cũng quan trọng không kém. Chính...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 17:15

7 790 7
Open Outlook Items from the Command Line

Open Outlook Items from the Command Line

... Open Outlook Items from the Command Line The collection of switches covered in this section works with Outlook forms and files. You can open a specific form or file or open a form and include ... a new message with the specified file as an attachment. For example, this command line creates a new message with report.doc attached: • "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\Outlook.exe ... /a "C:\My Documents\report.doc" The command- line examples might be printed on two or more lines, but when typing them in, use one line and leave a space before the slash (/), as...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 06:15

3 388 0
B Command-Line Utilities

B Command-Line Utilities

... section will give you an overview of most of the command- line switches that are available. Command- Line Syntax In Table B-5, you can see all the command- line switches understood by the Visual Basic ... file. /recurse Search subdirectories for source files to compile. /reference Import metadata from a file that contains an assembly. /resource Embed a .NET Framework resource into the output file. /target ... warnings to errors. /win32icon Insert an .ico file into the output file. /win32res Insert a Win32 resource into the output file. TABLE B-5 The vbc.exe Command- Line Switches (continued) P:\010Comp\CertPrs8\653-6\appb.vp Wednesday,...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 16:15

8 434 0