... vaulting I T O U TO NR D CI N Uexkull's vision reminds me of the Net of Indra in Indian Mahayana and Chinese Huayan Buddhism Indra's net is an infinite web with a dewdrop-like eye glimmering in ... fatal duetto adventitious inoculations of pathogens during the blood sucking of insects Emotions and feelings carry meaning at a prelinguistic or preverbal level in ways illuminated by a consideration ... working in reverse The real Earth multiplies uncounted variations on this theme of open systems growing and not growing within constraints in such a way that regulation and intelligent-seeming...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 16:20
... to be studied are thought and feeling, happiness and unhappiness, and mental and physical well-being Finally, as McMillan has pioneered in pointing out, veterinary medicine can benefit immeasurably ... elk in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, running across a snow field, jumping in the air and twisting his body while in flight, stopping, catching his breath, and doing it again and again ... pathological and pathogenic) working against animals physical and mental health Cribbing and weaving in horses, stereotypical behavior in captive species, bar- and tail-biting, and cannibalism and feather-pecking...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 02:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of solanesyl and decaprenyl diphosphate synthases in mice and humans docx
... thyroglobulin (670 kDa), c-globulin (158 kDa), ovalbumin (44 kDa), myoglobin (17 kDa) and vitamin B12 (1.35 kDa) standards (Lower) Fractions containing standards and analyzed proteins of (1) GST–mSPS1 and ... whereas the side chain in mice and C elegans has nine units and that in S pombe and humans has ten isoprene units [17] One type of ubiquinone is dominant in each organism but a minor type(s) is also ... synthases in mice and humans, we can ask which component is more important in determining the chain length of ubiquinone by replacing either component with homologs from other species and analyzing...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 23:20
cooperation in primates and humans mechanisms and evolution - peter m. kappeler
... settle for grooming partners of adjacent rank and trade grooming in kind In species that form matrilineal dominance hierarchies, kin occupy adjacent ranks Thus, kin biases in grooming reflect the ... partners, then kin biases in interactions patterns among siblings, cousins, grandmothers and grandchildren, and other kinds of maternal kin may emerge The dynamics of social interactions 39 40 ... of interest between egotism and nepotism by maximizing their own rank among their kin on the one hand, and by maximizing the rank of their kin in relation to non-kin on the other (p 129) 2.4 Kin...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 12:58
Animals, Gods and Humans - Intro docx
... for instance the lamb and the dove Thinking about animals, experiencing them and interacting with them is done in certain cultural contexts A context may be mental as well as physical The point ... friendliness for some animals and our fear of others, also between our economic interest in them and a natural empathy for living beings when we have the imagination to think of ourselves in their ... contributes to making the relationship between humans and animals extremely complex (Midgley 1988) How kinship and otherness, closeness and distance between humans and animals are experienced and expressed...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 1 pot
... making distinctions between animals and humans as well as investigating and developing the overlapping areas between them – can be traced in thought and science as well as in fantasy and imagination ... natural agreement between animals and animals and between humans and animals The idea that such agreements existed between useful animals and humans is seen most clearly in the institution of animal ... function and use in the Roman Empire We will proceed from surveying types of relation between animals and humans and the different uses of animals for food, clothes and hauling power to describing...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 2 ppt
... reincarnation involving both humans and animals Animals and humans were united by the same soul and participated in the same cycle of reincarnation Although this cycle implied a hierarchy among living beings ... is no injustice, surely, in punishing and slaying animals that are anti-social and merely injurious, while taming those that are gentle and friendly to man and making them our helpers in the ... animals It is in principle a contest of wits and skills between hunters and fishermen, between land animals and sea animals, but also between fish and fishermen, and between land animals and hunters...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 3 pps
... between humans and animals, but it was to an increasing degree being used to show up their differences In the end, the last remainder of any lingering similarity between animals and humans, which ... of animals and humans and their inner characteristics Animals are used as examples and symbols In ancient times, animals were believed to inherit specific characteristics, and a species of animals ... prohibition against eating the heart and brain of animals because they are ladders and seats of wisdom and life is found among the Neoplatonists It expresses a link between humans and animals in terms...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 4 pdf
... fundamental division between animals and humans than between humans and gods, which is in accordance with a general tendency in people’s thinking concerning animals in these centuries 82 I M AG ... be transformed into lower categories and back again, and in some rare cases, a human being may be transformed into a god But while it is possible for humans and gods to turn into animals, it is ... the humans being whisked away According to Christian thinking, each creature and thing has their specific place in God’s creation For living creatures, this place is among other things determined...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 5 potx
... have already pointed out the great variety of animals and their roles and functions, and the difference between real animals and images of animals In the following section, various interpretations ... initiation into a new religious world-view.9 Graeco-Roman religion and animals as divine attributes Originally, animals were more visible in Greek than in Roman religion, although in Greece animals ... typical of the mystery cults, including Christianity, and in Greek and Roman religions, animals were predominantly used to signify the attributes of gods Divine animals and their worship – the case...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 6 pps
... prosperity for the land and for those humans and animals who lived on the land These aims were continued and reinterpreted in new urban and imperial settings, for instance in relation to the revival ... That animals and humans had a mutual interest in the longterm outcome of the sacrifice was presupposed in the idea of the existence of a sacrificial contract between animals and humans and in the ... killing a domesticated animal, giving something to the gods, receiving blessings from them in return, reading the entrails of the animal for signs about the future, and finally eating its meat In...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 7 ppsx
... up the teaching about animals and humans in the Gospel of Philip: There are animals of flesh and blood, animals in human form, gods who are characterized as animals, and finally humans who have ... opposed to killing animals This is incorrect Porphyry spoke against killing domestic animals, not against killing animals in general On the contrary, he defended people’s right to kill animals that ... sacrifices of inanimate things (2.37.3) – and, finally, the good and evil daimones (2.37.4–2.42) In Porphyry’s thought, the evil daimones “rejoice in the ‘drink-offerings and smoking meat’ on...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 8 ppt
... conception of animals is reflected in I Corinthians 15:39 Here Paul points out basic differences between living beings and interprets these differences in accordance with Stoic doctrine In the above-mentioned ... life Paul’s intense soteriological drive, which is pointing beyond this world, and also his Stoic outlook, may account for his lack of interest in animals and for his ranking them low in the hierarchy ... these animals serve a better purpose as signs pertaining to human moral and salvatory processes than in fulfilling their destinies as sheep In short, to spiritualize sheep and make them into allegories...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 9 pdf
... obviously afraid, and some lapsed Eusebius describes Christians in Alexandria under the Decian persecution who, according to him, were “cowards in everything both in dying and in sacrificing” (Ecclesiastical ... not willing to sacrifice were themselves turned into victims It varied if beasts were used in the killing of the martyrs The Acts of the Martyrs mention torture, scourging, beheading and burning ... he and his sheep constitute an image of the divine world The polarization between the divine ruminants and the evil reptile is also found in the Martyrs of Lyons Here the sufferings of Blandina...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 10 pps
... subjugation and integration or attack and conquest of external and internal enemies in the form of animals. 2 In Plato’s version of the beasts within, the stress is on domination by subjugation and integration ... went on in the external world; internal animals and bestial demons were more interesting than creatures of flesh and blood The internalized animals, which had their roots in Platonic thinking, were ... of mind and soul, and intensify the struggle against every folly of the passions of love and base wickedness, and love of praise, and fondness of contention, and tiresome jealousy and wrath, and...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 11 pptx
... It was a change from the use of animals as key symbols and from interpreting animal intestines to using a human being and his death as a key symbol and interpreting human souls This change of ... Minucius Felix writes: We too were once in the same case as you, blindly and stupidly sharing your ideas, and supposing that the Christians worshipped monsters, devoured infants, and joined incestuous ... of this serpent, and serpents and other harmful animals get their true meaning from him The capacity of these creatures to harm humans by biting, stinging and poisoning them is interpreted as an...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 12 ppt
... these animals allegorically and interpret them as stand-ins for humans: wild animals that have been tamed represent repentant sinners and converted pagans (Amsler 1999: 302) In line with this interpretation, ... promoting animal values Related to the speaking animals of the apocryphal Acts, animals in the narratives of the desert fathers understand humans and behave in a pious and decent way These were animals ... in animals, and animals had a more sinister origin in the Land of Darkness, it was held as a greater crime to destroy animals than plants They were sentient beings and probably took part in a...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - CONSEQUENCES doc
... beasts in these texts There was a strong tendency in late antiquity to interpret nature and the inner man by means of animals, especially those found in scripture Animals in Christian thinking came ... meat and that he saw a connection between flesh and soul, because the same soul was in men as in animals, Epiphanius points out persons and sects who believe in reincarnation – “Valentinus and ... of real animals? Origen’s and Physiologus’ use of animals have been evaluated in different ways, and sometimes they have been praised for revealing a positive interest in nature and animals At...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Notes doc
... comparison between animals and humans It was not always insulting to be called by animal names Carlin A Barton has pointed out that in Rome, loving, nurturing, and cultivating seem to have involved perpetual ... periphery and in a landscape that was liminal Animals are natural inhabitants of this landscape, pointing back to a time when humans and beasts communicated with each other, as Antony did with the animals, ... domination of humans over nature may more generally be expressed as a domination over animals The Near Eastern mistress of animals is depicted standing on lions and holding plants and snakes in...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo toán học: "Of rodents and humans: a light microscopic and ultrastructural study on cardiomyocytes in pulmonary veins" docx
... in mice and rats from that in humans In both rodents the pulmonary veins follow the pulmonary arteries and bronchus, whereas in humans the lung veins follow an independent course in fibrous interlobular ... were rinsed in PBS, and postfixed at 4°C overnight in 2% paraformaldehyde, 0,1% glutaraldehyde, PBS Postfixed lungs were rinsed in Int J Med Sci 2008, PBS, dissected again in some cases, and photographed ... on slides, postfixed in 2% paraformaldehyde in PBS, rinsed in PBS, and stained using the same solutions as described above The sections were then rinsed in PBS, postfixed in 2% paraformaldehyde,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 17:20