fcaoifcoz and space time r

Báo cáo hóa học: " An FPGA-Based MIMO and Space-Time Processing Platform" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " An FPGA-Based MIMO and Space-Time Processing Platform" doc

... RF RX unit RF TX unit RF RX unit RF TX unit RF RX unit RF TX unit RF RX unit RF TX unit TRX CTL 10 TRX CTL 11 TRX CTL 12 TRX control’s RF RX unit RF TX unit RF RX unit RF TX unit RF RX unit RF ... per million) drift accuracy provides a stable reference frequency, and a flexible software EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing TRXSW TRXSW TRXSW TRXSW TRXSW TRXSW TRXSW TRXSW TRXSW TRXSW ... excess of a J Dowle et al Tx4 Tx3 Tx2 Tx1 Rx4 Rx3 TRX CTL & Rx2 Rx1 TRX CTL & RF RF RF RF RF RF RF RF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF RF TX RF TX RF RX RF RX TX & RX RF/IF LO’s TxFLT TxFLT way way way DAC...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20

14 256 0
To Know Our Many Selves - Changing Across Time and Space pdf

To Know Our Many Selves - Changing Across Time and Space pdf

... and curricula In Germany, mirror theory (Spiegeltheorie) or backdrop theory (Folientheorie) postulated the teaching of other culturesFrench, English or British, (U.S.-) Americanas a mirror or ... Indian Experiences of Britain, in Dirk Hoerder with Christiane Harzig and Adrian Shubert, eds., The Historical Practice of Diversity: Transcultural Interactions from the Early Modern Mediterranean ... people and their (allegedly) superior or inferior use of resources and (2) a hierarchization into Christian and heathen at first and then, more lastingly, into white and dark This white/brown/red/yellow/black...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20

451 561 0
Project Gutenberg’s Space, Time and Gravitation pot

Project Gutenberg’s Space, Time and Gravitation pot

... space and time on the track of a solar observer instead of that of a terrestrial observer; but it must be remembered that in practice the space and time of the solar observer have to be inferred ... general perception of space, and the space we perceive is at least approximately Euclidean Rel Our perceptions are crude measures It is true that our perception of space is very largely a matter ... rapidly increasing his distance from us and the light-impressions take longer and longer to reach us The more moderate retardation referred to remains after we have allowed for the time of transmission...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20

219 358 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Space, time and nitric oxide – neuronal nitric oxide synthase generates signal pulses pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Space, time and nitric oxide – neuronal nitric oxide synthase generates signal pulses pptx

... k1, k4 and k8 correspond to heme reduction; k2 and k5 correspond to oxygen binding; and k3 and k6 correspond to catalytic steps k7 and k9 correspond to the release of NO from ferric and ferrous ... during catalysis These include high spin ferriheme, ferroheme and ferroheme O2 (each with either arginine or NHA); ferriheme NO; and ferroheme NO in the presence of citrulline (as formed) or arginine ... electron transfer from FMN to heme The reactions producing NO from arginine require three electrons The first oxygenase reaction, producing N-OH arginine from arginine, requires two electrons...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

12 402 0
Relativity, space time and cosmology   wudka

Relativity, space time and cosmology wudka

... Einstein Gravitation vs acceleration Light Clocks in a gravitational force Black holes Gravitation and energy Space and time Properties of space and time Curvature Waves Summary Tests of general relativity ... statement is correct, this requires proofs A better approach is to experiments and perform careful observations The results of this approach are universal in the sense that they can be reproduced by ... the realm of such high speeds: the Special Theory of Relativity Perhaps more importantly, he also demonstrated that certain properties of space and time taken for granted are, in fact, incorrect...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:35

219 405 0
Finding Surprising Patterns in a Time Series Database in Linear Time and Space pdf

Finding Surprising Patterns in a Time Series Database in Linear Time and Space pdf

... V S R C  eT Ô`ÔDyDc9`fDs`f975 cÔÂGDffa`ÔDƯ9Ô99#hqc9ệhu ò ị V  S R V n V ó R 8 m U V S R RT U RT R C Ôgõ9$iÂjoX 3ÔÔ( i(ă9(9G#(i(#f u w ứ FT B @ wGDAr V S X R S U RT RT V e R C ... $(9$tiDăpDcsÔD$Dl#ÔÔ9sfÔaf8 H C S R V B B C H eT S e R C BP R C b R e b @ z C e e V P C F S C H U C R F V B R U V SFT E C e V e V S U R Dp1ƯsA$wÔpõ#(#(Ôs$tf(Ô#iG9(Dt19{9GT r RT V B e U C R R 8 X e C R X V h ... F V B R U B C H P C X R B e e V U RT e X B e RT B CP e X x B S V C B E e P C e R R C @ H C b R C F R (GDÔDfDG7$lyf9wf##D(s9D$Ô(#ap#fA(#oc(#C XT X U RT B e X E X e R x BP RT B C e R x BP...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 13:20

11 485 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Polynomial Time and Space Shift-Reduce Parsing of Arbitrary Context-free Grammars.*" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Polynomial Time and Space Shift-Reduce Parsing of Arbitrary Context-free Grammars.*" ppt

... pseudoparallel driver The Parser The parser we propose handles any context-free grammar; the grammar can be ambiguous and need not be in any normal form The parser is a predictive shiftreduce ... shift and reduce As in standard shift-reduce parsers, shift moves recognize new terminal symbols and reduce moves perform the recognition of an entire context-free rule However in the parser we propose, ... October Yves Schabes 1991 Polynomial time and space shift-reduce parsing of context-free grammars and of tree-adjoining grammars In preparation The parsing table corresponding to this grammar is...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 06:20

8 445 0
the fabric of the cosmos - space, time, and the texture of reality (brian greene)

the fabric of the cosmos - space, time, and the texture of reality (brian greene)

... Stachel, and Lars Straeter read all or part of the manuscript, and their comments were extremeiy useful I benefited from conversations with Andreas Albrecht, Michael Bassett, Sean Carrol, Andrea Cross, ... understanding cosmology according to superstring theory has become one of the highest priorities of current research Over the past few years, vigorous worldwide research programs in superstring ... to its predecessors' hard work, insight, and creativity, and pushes u p a little further New theories and more refined measurements are the mark of scientific progress, and such progress builds...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:15

289 381 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Power Allocation Strategies for Distributed Space-Time Codes in Amplify-and-Forward Mode" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Power Allocation Strategies for Distributed Space-Time Codes in Amplify-and-Forward Mode" docx

... of zeroth order, that is, ⎛ (50) ∞ ⎛ e−s r ⎞ 4 r ⎠ −1 log⎝ d r 2 r σ 2r σgr r σ 2r σgr f f ⎛ ⎡ 2 ⎞ (51) ⎤ s r σ fr σgr ⎣ ⎝ ⎠ − κ ⎦ = 2 log s r σ fr σgr Furthermore, for the case of R = 1, ... average SER in (48) can be rewritten as ∞ c 0; R fold π Pe (R) = π/2 R e−(g r /2 sin φ) dφ r =1 R = c π π/2 ∞ 0; R fold r =1 = c π π/2 R R p r d r r =1 e−(g r /2 sin φ) p r d r dφ Mr (−s)dφ, r ... R fr r =1 , √ where Q(x) = 1/ 2π g are represented as R gr r =1 ∞ −u2 /2 x e =cQ g γmax , (23) du, and the parameters c and R Mmax (−s) ≈ ⎝ ⎞ r =1 × R (R − 1)! Ar /(2(s+Br )) e (s + Br )R r =1...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 19:20

13 367 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Analysis and Compensation of Transmitter and Receiver I/Q Imbalances in Space-Time Coded Multiantenna OFDM Systems" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Analysis and Compensation of Transmitter and Receiver I/Q Imbalances in Space-Time Coded Multiantenna OFDM Systems" ppt

... intercarrier interference between the mirror subcarriers (k and −k) Thus, to carry out the analysis further and to get some general understanding on the role of the radio channel type and TX/RX ... CNR2 Analytical CNR2 Subcarrier index k 64 127 Simulated CNR1 Analytical CNR1 Figure 6: Channel estimation error figure of merits with transmitter and receiver I/Q imbalances and received SNR ... high-SNR behavior of the detection error rates very accurately, as the following simulations show Here, the earlier × STC-OFDM case with 256 subcarriers is assumed and the symbol error rates (SERs)...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

16 372 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Distributed Space-Time Block Coded Transmission with Imperfect Channel Estimation: Achievable Rate and Power Allocation" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Distributed Space-Time Block Coded Transmission with Imperfect Channel Estimation: Achievable Rate and Power Allocation" pot

... error variances increases monotonically as the disparity between the error variances increases Proof Consider that the channel error variances σ1 and 2 σ2 are respectively given by σsum − αe and ... Part of this work was presented at IEEE WCNC’07 REFERENCES [1] V Tarokh, N Seshadri, and A R Calderbank, Space- time codes for high data rate wireless communication: performance criterion and ... distributed transmitters and the receiver remain unchanged during these two symbol periods Let us define vectors y1 and y2 as the received vectors at the first and second time periods The receiver...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

9 257 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Space-Time Coded OFDM with Low PAPR Anand Venkataraman, Harish Reddy, and Tolga M. Duman" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Space-Time Coded OFDM with Low PAPR Anand Venkataraman, Harish Reddy, and Tolga M. Duman" pptx

... partial transmit sequences and tone reservation in terms of PAPR reduction, while tone reservation performs better than the partial transmit sequences The bit error rate of the three PAPR reduction ... algorithm traverses depth first through the trellis and when the metric becomes larger than a predefined threshold at a particular stage, the algorithm backtracks to find an untried path in the preceding ... stack algorithm, the Fano algorithm has a smaller memory requirement For an appropriate value of the threshold, the Fano algorithm may perform better than the M-, T, and Viterbi algorithms because...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20

9 323 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " A Receiver for Differential Space-Time π/2-Shifted BPSK Modulation Based on Scalar-MSDD and the EM Algorithm" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " A Receiver for Differential Space-Time π/2-Shifted BPSK Modulation Based on Scalar-MSDD and the EM Algorithm" ppt

... transformation required to turn our secondorder transmit-diversity system into an equivalent secondorder receive-diversity system 86 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking ... B(0) provided by the selection-diversity scalar-MSDD receiver The EM algorithm was first introduced by Dempster et al [17] It is suited for problems where there are random variables other than ... (with differential decoding) Figure provides a quick overview of this proposed receiver A Receiver for Differential Space- Time π/2-Shifted BPSK 3.1 First pass—selection diversity and scalar-MSDD...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 00:20

9 258 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Maximum Likelihood Turbo Iterative Channel Estimation for Space-Time Coded Systems and Its Application to Radio Transmission in Subway Tunnels" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Maximum Likelihood Turbo Iterative Channel Estimation for Space-Time Coded Systems and Its Application to Radio Transmission in Subway Tunnels" potx

... several lengths of the training sequence equalization structure to lie in its convergence region, both the EM algorithm and the Turbo iterative process help in reducing the error rate Figure also ... large delay is introduced The advantage of this approach is that now the overall impulse response F(z) is causal and minimum phase ∗ ∗ Rh (k) = r 2 , r 1 , r0 , r1 , r2 = r2 , r1 , r0 , r1 , r2 ... Processing, vol 2002, no 3, pp 316–329, 2002 [24] V Tarokh, N Seshadri, and A R Calderbank, Space- time codes for high data rate wireless communication: performance criterion and code construction,”...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20

13 390 0
the fabric of the cosmos space time and the texture of reality   brian greene

the fabric of the cosmos space time and the texture of reality brian greene

... Dimensions Branes Braneworlds Sticky Branes and Vibrating Strings Our Universe as a Brane Gravity and Large Extra Dimensions Large Extra Dimensions and Large Strings String Theory Confronts Experiment? ... Hunt for Extra Dimensions The Higgs, Supersymmetry, and String Theory Cosmic Origins Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and the Future of the Universe Space, Time, and Speculation 15 - Teleporters and Time ... Mechanics and the Arrow of Time III - SPACETIME AND COSMOLOGY - Of Snowflakes and Spacetime Symmetry and the Laws of Physics Symmetry and Time Stretching the Fabric Time in an Expanding Universe Subtle...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 20:53

420 2,4K 0


... covariance matrices and their traces for signals r , x and n can be derived from (1.14) as Rr r = UH Rrr U Rx x = VH Rxx V (1.17) Rn n = UH Rnn U tr(Rr r ) = tr(Rrr ) tr(Rx x ) = tr(Rxx ) tr(Rn ... Bell Laboratories layered space- time vertical layered space- time vertical layered space- time code wideband code division multiple access wireless local area network zero forcing List of Figures 1.1 ... forward recursion Graphical representation of the backward recursion A VLST architecture LST transmitter architectures with error control...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2014, 14:30

332 520 1
Design and performance analysis of MIMO space time block coding systems over general fading channels

Design and performance analysis of MIMO space time block coding systems over general fading channels

... error result, especially for STTC systems But for STBC systems, bit error probability (BEP) and symbol error probability (SEP) are preferred over PEP, as they are relatively easier to derive and ... multi-dimensional coding procedures for MIMO systems, which are generally referred to as space- time coding 1.1 MIMO Systems and Space- Time Coding schemes More detailed literature reviews on space- time coding ... Other works either presented conditional error performance based on one channel realization, or simply obtained the error performance through simulations, especially for the STBC’s with higher...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:05

162 272 0
On the performance and capacity of space time block coded multicarrier CDMA communication systems

On the performance and capacity of space time block coded multicarrier CDMA communication systems

... transmitter and receiver oscillator Carrier frequency offset causes a loss of orthogonality between subcarriers and thus inevitably Chapter Introduction 20 results in inter-subcarrier interference ... with narrowband subcarriers System with broadband subcarriers typically applies only a small number of subcarriers, where each subcarrier can be considered as a classical DS-CDMA system with reduces ... basically multicarrier transmission, it is very vulnerable to the synchronization errors, i.e timing error at the receiver and carrier frequency offset [73][74] Symbol timing synchronization is...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 15:54

242 240 0
At the heart of student migration education, mobility, and the time space production of everyday life

At the heart of student migration education, mobility, and the time space production of everyday life

... present, and future trajectories; (ii) rhythmic and power geometries; and (iii) affective and felt textures I borrowed this phrase from the title of a book by Rosenberg and Grafton (2010), Cartographies ... are reproduced through everyday routines and interactions through both ‘play’ and ‘work’ – they offer young people opportunities to learn and transform existing bodily practices, knowledges, and ... scholars’ earlier work on women’s experiences of time -space, as well as recent geographical debates on the temporal character of space and spatial character of time (Massey, 2005; May and Thrift,...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 14:23

130 550 0