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NTC's pocket dictionary of words and phrases part 75

NTC's pocket dictionary of words and phrases part 75

... the tree. woodwind [ "wUd wInd ] n. a group of musical instruments, many of which are made of wood or used to be made of wood, and many of which are played by blowing air across a reed. woodwork ... loudly. yellow [ "jEl o ] 1. n. the color of a ripe lemon or of the yolk of an egg. (Plural only for types and instances.) 2. the adj. use of Q. (Comp: yellower; sup: yellowest.) 3. adj. ... take the words (right) out of one’s mouth → true to one’s word → twist someone’s words (around) the word 1. n. an order; a com- mand. (No plural. Treated as sin- gular.) 2. n. news; information. (No...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:17

10 799 3
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Accumulation of Lexical Sets: Acquisition of Dictionary Resources and Production of New Lexical Sets" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Accumulation of Lexical Sets: Acquisition of Dictionary Resources and Production of New Lexical Sets" pdf

... selection of all verbs from a dictionary. (2) Extraction of a substructure, eg extracting a bilingual dictionary from a trilingual. (3) Inversion, eg of an English-French dictionary ... to the sum of the number of elementary information types and the number of set components in its entry structure. For example, an English-French dictionary whose entries consist of an English ... Sdrasset for the suggestion of the theme and their help, and to the authors of the DRs for their kind permission of use. References Bl~isi C. & Koch H. (1992), Dictionary Entry Parsing Using...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20

5 334 0
NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 9 ppsx

NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 9 ppsx

... and spring back. bounce off ( (of) something ) to rebound from something. bounce out (of something ) to rebound out of or away from something. bounce something off (of) some- one or something ... bizarrely.) black ["blAk] 1. adj. the color of coal; the color of the darkest night; the opposite of white. (Comp: blacker; sup: blackest.) 2. adj. [of coffee served] without cream or milk. 3. ... sup: blackest.) 4. adj. [of people, usu- ally of African descent] having dark-colored skin. (Occasionally capitalized.) 5. adv. [of coffee served] without cream or milk. 6. n. someone who is of African descent...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:20

10 478 0
NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 13 pps

NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 13 pps

... 9. iv. to become differ- ent. 10. iv. to take off one set of clothes and put on another. a change of pace a change of activity; a change. a change of scenery a move to a different place, where ... front part of the body. 2. n. a piece of furniture with drawers, used to store clothes, linen, and other items. (Often chest of drawers.) 3. n. a large, wooden storage box. → get something off one’s chest → ... attack. 6. n. the amount of electrical energy stored in a battery or a par- ticle of matter. 7. n. the explosive material used in one explosion. 8. tv. to present a claim of a sum of money for goods...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:20

10 499 0
NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 26 ppsx

NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 26 ppsx

... ["fri kw@nt] 1. adj. hap- pening often; occurring often; common. (Adv: frequently.) 2. tv. to go to a certain place often. fresh ["frES] 1. adj. new; newly or recently made, done, obtained, etc., ... ["fri kw@n si] 1. n. the rate of [something] happening; how often an event occurs. (No plural.) 2. n. the number of times that something occurs within a given period of time. frequent ["fri ... dis- tant in space or time. (One of the comparative forms of far, along with farther.) 2. adv. more distant in space or time. (One of the com- parative forms of far, along with farther.) 3. adv....

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:20

10 568 0
NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 28 ppt

NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 28 ppt

... "rIl @] n. the largest kind of ape. gospel ["gas p@l] n. one of the first four books of the New Testament of the Bible. (Capitalized.) the gospel truth [of truth] unde- niable. gossip ... or direction of the fibers of wood. (Plural only for types and instances.) → go against the grain → take something with a grain of salt a grain of truth even the smallest amount of truth. gram ... some- thing of great beauty or wonder. glossary ["glOs @ ri] n. a list of words and their definitions, as used within a particular book or article. glove ["gl^v] n. one of a pair of fit- ted...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:20

10 416 0
NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 29 potx

NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 29 potx

... color of grass or of the leaves of trees in the summer; the color made when blue and yellow are mixed together. (Plural only for types and instances.) 2. n. a grassy area. 3. adj. of the color of ... on the body of an ani- mal, especially the ones that grow on top of the heads of humans. (No plural. Treated as singular.) 2. n. one of the strands or fibers that grow on the body of an ani- mal ... n. a network of electrical lines spread over a large area; a network of roads. grief ["grif] n. sorrow; distress. (No plural.) → come to grief grill ["grIl] 1. n. a grid of metal rods set...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:20

10 491 0
NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 30 docx

NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 30 docx

... sheet of paper, a line [of people], or a [school] class. 6. adj. primary; chief; foremost. (Prenominal only.) 7. tv. to lead a group of peo- ple; to be in charge of a group of people or part of ... n. the back part of the foot; the part of the foot that bears the weight of the body. 2. n. the part of a shoe or sock that covers the back part of the foot. 3. n. the part of a shoe that supports ... adj. use of Q or W. → get a clean bill of health → give someone a clean bill of health → in the picture of (good) health → nurse someone back to health heap ["hip] n. a large pile of things; a...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:20

10 433 0
NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 31 potx

NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 31 potx

... and sewn edge of a piece of cloth. 2. tv. to make a nice, even edge on a piece of cloth by folding and sewing. hemisphere ["hEm @s fIr] 1. n. half of a sphere; half of a ball. 2. n. one of two ... something. home office ["hom " ;Of Is] 1. n. the central office of a company. 2. n. an office in one’s home. home on(to something ) to aim directly at something; to fix some type of receiver ... objective form of he Q. (The pronoun used to refer to males. Used after prepositions and as the object of verbs.) 2. pron. an objective form of he W. (Used when the sex of a grammatical object of a verb...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:20

10 607 0
NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 32 ppt

NTC''''s Pocket Dictionary of Words and Phrases part 32 ppt

... past participle of hang. 2. adj. [of a jury] unable to reach a decision; [of a jury] not having a majority. hunger ["h^N g#] 1. n. a general lack of food. (No plural.) 2. n. the feeling of a need ... (It is placed between the parts of some com- pound words, between the words in certain phrases, or between syl- lables where a word has been split between two lines of print.) hypnotism ["hIp ... small amount of time. in a mad rush in a hurry; in a busy rush. in a nutshell [of news or informa- tion] in a (figuratively) very small container like a nutshell; stated in just a few words. in...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 22:20

10 467 0