exploring security and location based services

Dịch vụ trên nền công nghệ định vị   location based services và ứng dụng

Dịch vụ trên nền công nghệ định vị location based services và ứng dụng

... tài : Dịch vụ công nghệ định vị Location Based Services Ứng dụng Chương Phát triển ứng dụng 74 5.1 Sơ đồ giải pháp chung cho Ứng dụng Location Based Services 74 5.2 Đặt vấn đề cho ứng ... Message Services 46 WTK Wireless Toolkit Mobile Switching Centers Sinh viên TH : Nguyễn Nho Bình – Lớp 49PM2 ĐHXD Đề tài : Dịch vụ công nghệ định vị Location Based Services Ứng dụng 47 LMU Location ... 71 WCDMA Wideband CDMA 72 WBMXL Wireless Binary XML 73 SMLC 74 SMS]C Gateway Mobile Location Center Open GIS Location Services Timing Advance Cell site Identification Operation and Maintenance...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 16:06

121 507 1
android development introduction chương 24 android location based services

android development introduction chương 24 android location based services

... Looper.prepare and Looper.loop methods surrounding the locationUpdate method 23 24 Android - Location Services Location Services Example – Obtain Location from GPS 24 24 Android - Location Services Location ... import android.app.Service; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android .location. Location; import android .location. LocationListener; import android .location. LocationManager; ... life 45 24 Android - Location Services Location Services Appendix: Skyhook Location Services (Excerpts taken from www.skyhookwireless.com) 46 24 Android - Location Services Location Services Appendix:...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2014, 08:56

62 337 0
Extended Web Services Security with WS-Security and WS-Secure Conversation

Extended Web Services Security with WS-Security and WS-Secure Conversation

... file and choose Properties Select the Security tab and click the Advanced button 155 701xCH07.qxd 156 7/17/06 1:23 PM Page 156 CHAPTER ■ EXTENDED WEB SERVICES SECURITY WITH WS -SECURITY AND WS-SECURE ... trips (by using the security context token) The difference between secure conversation and standard secure message exchange (with WS -Security and WS-Policy) is that a standard security policy framework ... ■ EXTENDED WEB SERVICES SECURITY WITH WS -SECURITY AND WS-SECURE CONVERSATION Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Kerberos Using the Kerberos protocol offers several advantages and disadvantages...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

36 529 1
Clinic-Based Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services in Africa: Findings from Situation Analysis Studies pptx

Clinic-Based Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services in Africa: Findings from Situation Analysis Studies pptx

... CURRENT AND CONCLUSIONS, FUTURE PROGRAM FUTURE DIRECTIONS, DIRECTIONS RECOMMENDATIONS V Current and Future Program Directions STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR SERVICES IV Standards and Guidelines for Services ... RESEARCH AND THE SUPPLY-DEMAND CONTROVERSY As family planning programs in Asia and Latin America expanded rapidly during the 1970s and 1980s and became more comprehensive in coverage and services, ... Quality and Missed Opportunities in Family Planning Services 125 Urban and Rural Family Planning Services: Does Service Quality Really Differ? 141 IV STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR SERVICES...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20

266 384 0
Accelerating reproductive and child health programme impact with community-based services: the Navrongo experiment in Ghana pptx

Accelerating reproductive and child health programme impact with community-based services: the Navrongo experiment in Ghana pptx

... diarrhoeal diseases, imm n munization services and comprehensive family planning and safe motherhood care and could be entrusted with care and referral services that volunteers could not provide ... tility, the new climate of demand for family planning has yet to translate into an expanding and sustained fertility transition of the sort observed in Asia and in east and southern Africa The results ... study Activities were designed to build male leadership, ownership and part n ticipation in reproductive health services and to expand women’s participation n in community activities that have trad...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 16:20

7 357 0
The impact of and responses to HIV/AIDS in the private security and legal services industry in South Africa potx

The impact of and responses to HIV/AIDS in the private security and legal services industry in South Africa potx

... labour, and demand and supply of skills Prior to the present project, no such study had been conducted in the private security and legal services industries In October 2005, the Safety and Security ... thorough understanding of the economic sectors, and their skills and demographic profiles, is fundamental to an understanding of the impact of HIV/AIDS on various sectors and the demand and supply ... private security and legal services industries) investigated in the present study With regard to the private security industry, there are many parallels between it and the public security services, ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 18:20

192 478 0
Privacy preserving query transformation and processing in location based service

Privacy preserving query transformation and processing in location based service

... user location is a challenging task, and a primordial requirement for LBS privacy This thesis presents a framework for private queries in location- based services First, we study in depth the location ... centered at s, s1 , e and their radii equal the distances between s and p1 , s1 and p1 (or p2 ), and e and p2 , respectively The only data points that can be closer to se (than p1 and p2 ) must fall ... various disk -based index structures in Chapter 4) 31 3.5 Location- Based Service Query Processing The Location- Based Service (LBS) receives the query from the anonymizer, processes it and sends the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:19

174 666 0
An identity based framework for security and privacy in pervasive networks

An identity based framework for security and privacy in pervasive networks

... like WiFi, 100Mbit and Gigabit Ethernet, and GPRS are jostling side-by-side as candidate access technologies, and offering a variety of choices in terms of cost, ubiquity, and bandwidth These developments ... pervasive services that combine various kinds of network connectivity, over several modalities: voice and text messaging; email and instant messaging; real time location and presence information; and, ... technologies and services for mobile users This has created a complex and confusing communications environment for both users and network operators Further development of existing technologies, and the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2015, 13:28

79 529 0
Oreilly Com and .NET Component Services

Oreilly Com and .NET Component Services

... the most important services provided by COM+: Administration Tools and services that enable programmers and administrators to configure and manage components and component -based applications ... of services, and COM+ puts a proxy and stub between the component and its client, if the client and the component instance are incompatible with any one of the services It also puts a proxy and ... concepts and shows you how to design security into your application from the ground up You can design this security by using COM+ declarative security via the Component Services Explorer and by...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 10:53

238 826 1
Advanced Security and Beyond

Advanced Security and Beyond

... The most recent developments and announcements are listed on pages 458 and 459 of the text Exploring Information Security Jobs and Skills • Need for information security workers will continue ... associated with weak security and have decided that prevention outweighs cleanup Exploring Information Security Jobs and Skills (continued) • Most industry experts agree security certifications ... on pages 457 and 458 of the text • Defenders are responding to the increase in the level and number of attacks • New techniques and security devices are helping to defend networks and systems...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 10:43

27 585 0
Từ chối dịch vụ (DoS) trong Microsoft ProxyServer, and Internet Security and Acceleration S

Từ chối dịch vụ (DoS) trong Microsoft ProxyServer, and Internet Security and Acceleration S

... malicious code Our security intelligence services provide decision-makers, frontline security professionals and network administrators with timely access to actionable intelligence and decision support ... fixes for Proxy Server 2.0 and ISA Server at http://www.microsoft.com/technet /security/ bulletin/MS03-012.asp VIII CVE INFORMATION The Mitre Corp.'s Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Project ... iDEFENSE security@ microsoft.com contacted Response from Iain Mulholland, MSRC iDEFENSE clients notified Status request from iDEFENSE Status request from iDEFENSE Response from Iain Mulholland, MSRC...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 14:19

3 630 2
IT security and audit policy

IT security and audit policy

... or concerns, except security Security concerns will be communicated to the network security officer 11.2 Network Security This section discusses the types of security and security policy regarding ... Computer Centre and will coordinate with the security officer on producing security reports The network security officer will address any security concerns identified by the report Network Security ... RECOMMENDATIONS ON NETWORK AND CONFIGURATION SECURITY 33 RECOMMENDATION ON HOST BASED FIREWALL 34 SECURITY POLICY FOR OPERATING SYSTEM 35 IT Security & Audit Policy Page of 91 SECURITY POLICY...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2013, 23:36

90 615 9
Security and cloud computing inter cloud identity management infrastructure

Security and cloud computing inter cloud identity management infrastructure

... authenticated and has given associated attributes Such model is also referred as IdP/SP model SAML is the reference XML -based standard implementing the IdP/SP model that addresses several security ... scenarios and supports many security technologies The power of SAML is that it can establish trust relationship between entities with different security mechanisms SAML is different from other security ... E, F and G, it does not perform any further operation because trust contexts are already established with IdPs X and Z Our solution to the Intercloud IdM is ICIMI, a distributed system based...

Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2013, 09:45

3 521 1
Optimal cost and allocation for UPFC using HRGAPSO to improve power system security and loadability

Optimal cost and allocation for UPFC using HRGAPSO to improve power system security and loadability

... where PGi and QGi : generator real and reactive power at i-th bus, respectively; PDi and QDi : load real and reactive power at i-th bus, respectively; Gij and Bij : transfer conductance and susceptance ... xi (τ )) + c * rand * ( p g (τ ) − xi (τ )) (30) where c1 and c are acceleration constants and rand and rand are uniformly distributed random r numbers in [0, 1] The term vi is limited to its bounds ... dispatching and the stability of EPS, wind energy and intelligent techniques applications in EPS He is author and co-author of about 18 papers in international journals and national and international...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

16 548 0
Security and Single Sign-On

Security and Single Sign-On

... authentication systems, Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML) is essentially a standardized XML document for conveying security information Because SAML allows standardized transmission of security information, ... each and every one of which could initially demand a username and password before they can be used! Authenticating with JAAS We have encountered a small part of the Java Authentication and Authorization ... javax .security. auth.callback.*; import javax .security. auth.login.*; public class Authentication { public static class KerberosCallbackHandler implements CallbackHandler { public KerberosCallbackHandler(String principal,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 04:20

30 400 2
Oreilly Com and .NET Component Services - Preface

Oreilly Com and .NET Component Services - Preface

... this book useful: read and understand the services in Chapter through Chapter 9, and then use Chapter 10 as a reference guide for the syntax of NET attributes Definitions and Text Conventions The ... why there is a need for such a service, and how the service ties into other COM+ services described in earlier chapters (such as transactions, security, and queued components) Many people consider ... catch and handle exceptions in C#, and assert every assumption I use the following font conventions in this book: l Italic is used for new terms, citations, online links, filenames, directories, and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 15:20

3 388 0
Deploying and Managing Microsoft® Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

Deploying and Managing Microsoft® Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

... bold Represents commands, command options, and syntax that must be typed exactly as shown It also indicates commands on menus and buttons, dialog box titles and options, and icon and menu names italic ... alerts, logging, reporting, and realtime monitoring Install and configure ISA Server in an enterprise environment v vi Deploying and Managing Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 ... course and presentation tips and caveats To open the presentation, on the Trainer Materials Web page, click Trainer Preparation Presentation Deploying and Managing Microsoft Internet Security and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 21:15

10 490 1
Configuring SNMP Security and Traps

Configuring SNMP Security and Traps

... Community Name public, then click Add Step In the lower part of the security tab window select Accept SNMP packet from any host Click Apply, and then OK What is the purpose of a community name? ... in the box by default Step Under Trap destinations click Add and type the Host name, the name of your PC, in the box Click Apply, and then OK Close all windows Troubleshooting Before configuring ... default name of “PUBLIC” Using this default name poses a security risk If access is gained to the device, intruders can obtain device information and possibly change the configurations Reflection What...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 03:15

2 281 0
Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P1

Network Security and The Cisco PIX Firewall P1

... thống Chương 17: Trình quản lý thiết bị PIX Chương 18: Hệ điều hành tường lửa CISCO IOS Context – Based Cấu hình điều khiển truy cập Chương 19: Hệ điều hành CISCO IOS cấu hình Proxy chứng thực Nhiệm...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 17:15

6 612 7