expert web development with asp net mvc 4

core web application development with asp .net 2.0

core web application development with asp .net 2.0

... 1 Part Part I Core ASP. NET ■ Chapter 1 Introducing ASP. NET 2.0 3 ■ Chapter 2 How ASP. NET Works 53 ■ Chapter 3 Working with the Standard Web Server Controls 97 ■ Chapter 4 The Additional Standard Web Server ... Types 843 Working with Anonymous Users 846 When to Use Profiles 852 Web Parts Framework 8 54 Web Parts, Web Part Zones, and the Web Part Manager 856 Creating and Using Web Parts 860 Making Web Parts ... Service 943 Creating a Web Service Front-End for Business or Application Logic Classes 945 Guidelines for Creating Web Services 947 Summary 948 ASP. NET Web Forms 19 The date is <em> < ;asp: Label...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 00:29

1,1K 991 0
Tài liệu Creating Web Applications with ASP.NET doc

Tài liệu Creating Web Applications with ASP.NET doc

... DIxPjtpPDI3PjtpPDMzPjs+O2w8dDxwPHA8bDxDaGVja2VkOz47bDxvPH Q+Oz4+Oz 47 Oz47dDxwPHA8bDxDaGVja2VkOz47bDxvPGY+Oz4+Oz47Oz47dDxw PHA8bDxDaGVja2 VkOz47bDxvPGY+Oz4+Oz47Oz47dDx0PDt0PGk8Mz47QDxBbm FseXN0O0Rlc2lnbmVyO0 ... Creating Web Applications with ASP. NET A Web application that uses ASP. NET typically consists of one or more ASP. NET pages or Web forms, code files, and configuration files. A Web form is ... RldmVsb3Blcjs+O0A8QW5hbHlzdDtEZXNpZ25lcjtE ZXZlbG9wZXI7Pj47Pjs7Pj t0PHA8cDxsPFRleHQ7PjtsPFxlOz4+Oz47Oz47Pj 47 Pj47bDxQZW9uQnV0dG9uO1BIQ kJ1dHRvbjtQSEJCdXR0b 247 VlBCdXR0b 247 VlBCdXR0b 247 UHJlc2lkZW50QnV0dG9uO 1ByZXNpZGVudEJ1dHRvbjs+Pg=="...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 09:16

20 435 0
Professional C# Web Services: Building .NET Web Services with ASP.NET and .NET Remoting potx

Professional C# Web Services: Building .NET Web Services with ASP.NET and .NET Remoting potx

... have seen how ASP. NET web services can be created and used. ASP. NET web services require the ASP. NET runtime as hosting environment. Using .NET Remoting directly, we can host a web service in ... requirements in intranet solutions, and ASP. NET web services requires the ASP. NET runtime. With .NET Remoting we get Web Services Anywhere that can run in every application type. Web Services Anywhere The ... Remoting? .NET Remoting is the replacement for DCOM. As we have seen in the last chapters, ASP. NET web services are an easy-to use-technology to call services across a network. ASP. NET web services...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:20

46 701 0
apress foundations of atlas, rapid ajax development with 2.0 (2006)

apress foundations of atlas, rapid ajax development with 2.0 (2006)

... and how it all hangs together under ASP. NET 2.0. Introducing ASP. NET 2.0 Server Controls T o better understand Atlas and its architecture, it’s best to understand ASP. NET 2.0 server controls. These ... JAVASCRIPT EASIER42 Figure 3-11. Adding your JavaScript class to your application 647 1ch03final.qxd 5/10/06 11:16 PM Page 42 ■CHAPTER 11 Building a Sample Application with ASP. NET and Atlas . ... into how Microsoft ASP. NET Atlas will allow you to quickly and easily build Ajax-type applications. CHAPTER 1 ■ INTRODUCING AJAX 9 647 1ch01final.qxd 5/11/06 12 :41 AM Page 9 647 1fmfinal.qxd 5/10/06...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:41

335 361 0
developing xml web services with asp net 2002

developing xml web services with asp net 2002

... Simple XML Web Service 12:00 12 :45 Lunch 12 :45 1 :40 Module 5: Implementing a Simple XML Web Service (continued) 1 :40 2:30 Lab 5.1: Implementing a Simple XML Web Service 2:30 2 :40 Break 2 :40 3:05 ... Technologies of XML Web Services,” in Course 2524B, Developing XML Web Services Using Microsoft ASP. NET. The .NET Framework supports implementing XML Web services through the System .Web. Services ... Caching in an XML Web Service 3:15 3 :45 Module 8: Designing XML Web Services (continued) 3 :45 5:15 Lab 8.2: Implementing an Aggregated XML Web Service 5:15 5 :45 Module 9: Global XML Web Services...

Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 15:14

498 277 0


... 199 Optimizing ASP. NET 2.0/3.5 Before Going Live 200 Optimizing Queries in the ASP. NET Membership Tables 201 Optimizing the ASP. NET 2.0/3.5 Profile Provider Before You Go Live 203 ASP. NET Production ... Widget. User UserSetting Pages Widget instances Widget Inherits hashas has Building a Web 2.0 Portal with ASP. NET 3.5 Praise for Building a Web 2.0 Portal with ASP. NET 3.5 “Omar and his collaborators have applied their awesome ... 1 Introducing Web Portals and 1 In this book, I will show you how to develop an Ajax-enabled Web 2.0-style portal. The portal is built using ASP. NET 3.5, ASP. NET AJAX, and .NET 3.5,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 14:24

310 488 1
Tìm hiểu và xây dựng ứng dụng web siêu thị trực tuyến với mvc

Tìm hiểu và xây dựng ứng dụng web siêu thị trực tuyến với mvc

... tuyến 47 4. 1.Tổng quan về module 49 4. 2.Các vấn đề cần quan tâm khi xây dựng module: 49 4. 3.Sơ đồ chức năng 52 4. 4.Các bảng dữ liệu 52 4. 5.Thiết kế lớp cấu hình cho module 53 4. 6.Model 53 4. 7.Controller ... 93 8.2.3.Controller của module 94 8.2 .4. View tương ứng của module 95 9.1.Tổng quan về module 96 9.2.Code cho module 96 CHƯƠNG 4: SỬ DỤNG WEB FORMS TRONG ỨNG DỤNG ASP. NET MVC 99 1.1.Các lí do cho sự ... Paypal từ website thương mại 37 3 .4. Các bảng dữ liệu của module 39 3.5.Lớp thiết lập cấu hình cho module thương mại 39 3.6.Model 40 3.7.Controller 41 3.8.View 42 3.9.Sử dụng JavaScript 44 3.10.Cấu...

Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2012, 13:44

123 999 5
Reporting with ASP.NET Web Forms.

Reporting with ASP.NET Web Forms.

... ■ REPORTING WITH ASP. NET WEB FORMS166 8 547 ch05final.qxd 8/30/07 4: 01 PM Page 166 Reporting with ASP. NET Web Forms I am confident that you had fun and enjoyed developing reports with Windows ... System .Web; using System .Web. Security; using System .Web. UI; using System .Web. UI.WebControls; using System .Web. UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System .Web. UI.HtmlControls; using Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms; using ... Active Server Pages (ASP) technology. ASP. NET is part of .NET development plat- form, starting from its first release with the .NET framework. Like Windows Forms, ASP. NET Web Forms are built using...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48

80 448 0
Tài liệu Intro to MVC 4 With Visual Studio doc

Tài liệu Intro to MVC 4 With Visual Studio doc

... In the New ASP. NET MVC 4 Project dialog box, select Internet Application. LeaveRazor as the default view engine. F5 causes Visual Web Developer to start IIS Express and run your web application. ... it did! ASP. NET MVC invokes different controller classes (and different action methods within them) depending on the incoming URL. The default URL routing logic used by ASP. NET MVC uses a ... File>New Project.) Replace the contents of the file with the following code. usingSystem .Web; usingSystem .Web. Mvc; namespaceMvcMovie.Controllers { publicclassHelloWorldController:Controller...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 06:20

118 1,5K 14 mvc 4 and the web api mvc 4 and the web api

... code. Visual Studio 2012 Since you’re working with ASP. NET MVC 4 and the Web API, you will need to install the 2012 version of Visual Studio. This code will not work with any of the previous versions. In ... have names that start with aspnet_. This is because you will use the aspnet_regsql.exe tool to generate those tables. And in the data model, you will simply link to the aspnet_Users table from ... from log 4net: %date %-5level [%thread] %logger - %message%newline%exception My logger of choice has been log 4net for quite a while now. Beyond the capabilities I just described, log 4net s logger...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 14:37

141 1,1K 0
developing web applications with visualbasic .net and 2002

developing web applications with visualbasic .net and 2002

... Basic .NET OLD (VB6) TYPE NEW TYPE REFERS TO .NET TYPE OF SIZE RANGE Integer Short Intl6 16 bits _32,768 to 32,767 Long Integer Int32 32 bits _2, 147 ,48 3, 648 to 2, 147 ,48 3, 647 (not ... through the rest of the book. Introduction to ASP. NET

Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 15:14

298 282 0
Quảng trị web: Bài số 6 Bảo mật với ASP.NET MVC Application doc

Quảng trị web: Bài số 6 Bảo mật với ASP.NET MVC Application doc

... cho database cn sử dụng. 4 Ti liệu tham kho http:/ /asp. net/ mvc http://www .asp. net/ learn /mvc/ tutorial-10-cs.aspx http://www .asp. net/ learn /mvc/ tutorial-17-cs.aspx Microsoft Vietnam – ... database (RAUN) tên là ASPNETDB.mdf trong folder App_Data ca ứng dụng MVC. Database ASPNETDB.mdf được sinh t động bởi ASP. NET Framework khi sử dụng membership. Mặc định ASPNETDB.mdf bị ẩn, vào ... 6: Bảo mật với ASP. NET MVC Application 3 1.2 Qun lý người dùng vi công cụ Website Administration Tool Chn menu Projects  ASP. NET Configuration. Xuất hiê ̣ n công cu ̣ Website Administration...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20

10 857 3