... where the preponderance of evidence lies as we decide on the dependability of the factual claim Making such judgments requires us to ask the important question, "How good is the evidence?" The ... should ask to determine whether such evidence is good evidence In the next chapter, we discuss other kinds of evidence, as we continue to ask the question, "How good is the evidence ?" Practice ... those that are facts is the present state of the relevant evidence The more supporting evidence there is for a belief, the more "factual" the belief becomes Before we judge the persuasiveness of...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 15:20
... always the more reputable the source, the better designed the study So, try to find out all you can about the reputation of the source Other than the quality of the source, are there other clues ... determine the structure of the argument How Good Is the Evidence 11? 133 Then, ask the questions to evaluate the argument Look for relevant similarities and differences Usually, the greater the ratio ... quality by asking, "How good is the evidence?" Practice Exercises vie Critical Question: How good is the evidence? Evaluate each of these practice passages by examining the quality of the evidence provided...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 15:20
THE LUCIFER EFFECT: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil
... you The process begins with creating stereotyped conceptions of the other, dehumanized perceptions of the other, the other as worthless, the other as all-powerful, the other as demonic, the other ... morning They may assume that the arrest is part of the research since they know they did not commit the crimes for which they will be charged If they ask you about the experiment, be vague, neither ... of the other team, the assistant leaves to tell the experimenter that the study can begin There will be ten trials during each of which you can decide the shock level to administer to the other...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 20:33
Báo cáo y học: " The function of 7D-cadherins: a mathematical model predicts physiological importance for water transport through simple epithelia" pdf
... of the model as well as the literature search for the necessary parameters AW performed the electron microscopy of the mouse gut SW characterized the analytical properties of the model and the ... Perhaps the 7D-cadherins will prove to be an important target for the medical therapeutic actions in the near future Conclusions A simple mathematical model predicts that changing the width of the ... water uptake from the lumen even if the content, e.g the faeces, exhibits osmolarity far above the isotonic electrolyte concentration The derived simple theoretical model shows interesting effects...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:20
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - Winning and Losing Essays
... understand how they remind you of essential beginning, middle, and ending statements or paragraphs, please use them! Visual maps are not the end; they are the means to the end Here’s how The Nation’s ... the organization of their writing They should include details to illustrate and elaborate their ideas, and use appropriate conventions of written English: the good, the bad, and the ugly 73 The ... And they don’t execute all their tricks at once They add style They know friends are watching; they have an audience and they want to connect to that audience They organize in their mind the...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Correcting Object-Related Misconceptions: How Should The System Respond?" pdf
... that the user's knowledge al)out the s n p e r o r d i n a t e concept is correct The user therefore arrives a t the misconception because of his/her incomplete u n d e r s t a n d i n g of the ... evidence/justification for the c o r r e c t ch,~+:ifi,'~ti.n The s y , l e m m a y hdlow this s t r a t e g y when the user mod~l indicates t h a t the itser thinks the p++sited suFerordinate and the h i ] ... misclassified object and the " o t h e r o b j e c t " are similar because they have some other c o m m o n superordinate The properties t h a t they share arc no_ ~tthose inherited from the posited superordinate;...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20
the good the bad and the ugly
... shots "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly" features the incredible Ennio Morricone's score featuring the modulated screaming in the main theme that is the most instantly recognizable western theme ... the Wild West The environment of "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" story is a classic Western setting; it is no different here from many other Westerns as it features ... powerful motif in the film which is wisely used by Leone in several powerful scenes The scene in the Union prison camp and the climatic scene in the cemetery at the end of the film are absolutely...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:54
Building Enterprise Applications with Windows Presentation Foundation and the Model View ViewModel Pattern doc
... ViewModel is the magic behind everything The ViewModel contains the UI logic, the commands, the events, and a reference to the Model In MVVM, the ViewModel is not in charge of updating the data displayed ... components: the Model, the View, and the ViewModel n The Model is the entity that represents the business concept; it can be anything from a simple customer entity to a complex stock trade entity n The ... Silverlight, the ViewModel doesn’t need to that This is because the View is an observer of the ViewModel, so as soon as the ViewModel changes, the UI updates itself For that to happen, the ViewModel must...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:20
WINNERS How Good Baseball Teams Become Great Ones doc
... in the same season First, they won the final regular season contest over the Orioles, which determined the AL East title, then bested the Angels in the decisive game five of the ALCS Finally, the ... through the treacherous shoals of the late season They either mindlessly adhere to the tactical approaches of the past or, on occasion, fecklessly ape the strategy du jour They misread the markets, ... depth the roles and guises that come to mind when you ruminate on this game the slugger, the ace, the closer, the glove man, the speed merchant, the setup man, the doe-eyed youngster, the salt-cured...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 10:21
Nghiên cứu mô hình thực thể Model-View-Controller ứng dụng xây dựng trên mã nguồn mở Joomla pptx
... gọi kiến trúc Model – View – Controller ( viết tắt MVC) Trong kiến trúc Model – View – Controller đối tượng đồ họa (GUI Compent) bao gồm thành phần bản: Model, View Controller Model có trách ... mô hình thực thể Model- View-Controller ứng dụng xây dựng mã nguồn mở Joomla Mô hình Model - View - Controller đơn giản Hình 2: Mô hình Model - View - Controller đơn giản - File model. php dùng để ... Lớp: K2-CNTT Nghiên cứu mô hình thực thể Model- View-Controller ứng dụng xây dựng mã nguồn mở Joomla 1.2 Kiến trúc Model - View - Controller Kiến trúc Model – View – Controller tách biệt phụ thuộc...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 07:20
The model view controller architecture
... (Preferred!) • – 19 The JSP page accesses beans with jsp:useBean and a scope matching the location of step The page then uses jsp:getProperty to output the bean properties The JSP page uses ${nameFromServlet.property} ... vs in Standalone JSP Pages • The JSP page should not create the objects – The servlet, not the JSP page, should create all the data objects So, to guarantee that the JSP page will not create ... JSP page – The servlet determines which JSP page is appropriate to the situation and uses the forward method of RequestDispatcher to transfer control to that page Extract the data from the beans...
Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 10:59
how can the human mind occur in the physical universe aug 2007
... provide the function for the model, but we are not there to provide the function for the child The child’s mind must put together the various pieces required for a functioning cognitive system The ... Ignore the Architecture Another shortcut starts from the observation that a constraint on how the brain achieves the mind is that both the brain and the mind have to survive in the real world: rather ... analogy to the architecture of buildings.2 When acting in his or her craft, the architect neither builds nor lives in the house, but rather is concerned with how the structure (the domain of the builder)...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:43
... Weather Dialogue John: How s the weather? Lisa : It’s sunny John: Let’s play! Lisa : OK Model Sentences: John: How s the weather? Lisa : It’s sunny Model Sentences: John: How s the ... exchange: S1: How s the weather? S2: It’s sunny Part 2: Answer Example exchange: S1: How s the weather? S2: It’s sunny Part 3: Exchange Example exchange: S1: How s the weather? S2: It’s ... weather? Lisa : It’s sunny Form: How is the weather? It’s + tính từ thời tiết Meaning: Use: Hỏi trả lời thời tiết Run through the pictures d a b c e Part 1: Questions Example exchange: S1: How s...
Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2014, 18:00
How does the gambling affect the society? ppsx
... to run a risk In gambling they risk the loss of their money; in a duel the loss of their lives But in most modern civilized countries, dueling is a crime in the eye of the law, and is punishable ... each other, that is their own private affair Why should the law stop them? The answer is that it is not their own private affair It is a public affair; because, if every citizen can take the law ... together to run the risk You might say that if two sensible men agree to risk the loss of their money in a game of chance, it is their own business, and no one has any right to interfere with them...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo toán học: "The Model of Stochastic Control and Applications" pdf
... μ∗ ) k k From the above relations we obtain the following Lemmas Lemma 4.4 The results of Lemma 4.3 hold for the process {x∗ |n = 1, 2, }, n furthermore {x∗ |n = 1, 2, } satisfies the condition ... μ>0 Therefore Rn (y)P (x, dy, μ) , r(x, μ) + n [Rn (y) − S]P (x, dy, μ) The Model of Stochastic Control and Applications S + V (x) = inf μ>0 r(x, μ) + 419 V (y)P (x, dy, μ) The proof of the theorem ... P ) x> Eξ Lemma 4.2 If at the n-th step (n = 1, 2, ), the state x of system satisfies Condition (I) then μ∗ (x) > 0, otherwise μ∗ (x) = 0, where μ∗ (x) is defined by the equation: r(x, μ∗ (x))...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo y học: "GWASs and the age of human as the model organism for autoimmune genetic research" doc
... chromosomes are due to common SNPs [20] On the basis of the hypothesis that disease alleles reflect the allelic spectrum of diseases in the general population, the risk of common diseases will be attributable ... including the International HapMap Project [17,18] More recently, data from the 1000 Genomes Project [19] have begun to be used to catalog variants in the 1% frequency range In order to test whether these ... SNPs in the human genome (this significance level is about P < × 10-8), then the allele is said to be ‘associated’ with disease Page of There are approximately 10 million common SNPs in the human...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:21
báo cáo khoa học: "Best linear unbiased prediction when error vector is correlated with other random vectors in the model" pptx
... but these are not easy computing algorithms Normally, be written on III An equivalent model Models are defined to be equivalent if they yield the matrix of y, and E(y) is the same for both models ... Let the general linear model be S is assumed to be null, and R is taken to be Ia Another paper could the problem of estimation of S, R and G by either restricted maximum ... which is the same as (2.3) Thus, a model with covariances between u and e can be transformed to an equivalent model with zero covariances between e and u The computational problems depend on the structure...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:23
Báo cáo y học: " Alarms in the intensive care unit: how can the number of false alarms be reduced" doc
... In the first case, the alarm is vital for the patient and independent of any setting The second case could be related to the setting of the ventilator and is not immediately prejudicial to the ... of the alarms Analysing the significance of the alarm for the patient remains as the major difficulty commentary units have been conducted to examine the relevance of alarms in monitoring; they ... a limit value, whatever the data are: there is no gradation related to the degree of urgency For example, a disconnection of the patient from the ventilator produces the same audible alarm as...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:21
Báo cáo y học: "How can the response to volume expansion in patients with spontaneous respiratory movements be predicted" ppsx
... data and contributed to the analysis of the data and writing of the manuscript DDB designed the study collected the data and contributed to the analysis of the data Available online http://ccforum.com/content/10/4/R102 ... obtained after each 250 ml aliquot The VE was interrupted when the cardiac output did not increase further and PAOP or RAP increased by more than mmHg At the end of VE, another complete set of hemodynamic ... There was no relationship between the inspiratory variation in RAP at baseline and ∆CI (Figure 4) The predictive value of the various indices on fluid responsiveness was compared (Figure 5) The...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 01:20