evaluating the performance of airflow systems

Evaluating the performance of constructive heuristics for the blocking flow shop scheduling problem with setup times

Evaluating the performance of constructive heuristics for the blocking flow shop scheduling problem with setup times

... j-th job in the sequence, S01k be the setup time of machine k before processing the first job in the sequence, Rjk be the completion time of the setup of machine k to the j-th job in the sequence ... in the calculus This adapted method was called MM1 The first and last jobs of the sequence are the jobs with the smallest sum of the processing time and the setup time in the first and in the ... is the setup time between the last job in the partial sequence and job (j) The first job in the sequence is still the one with the smallest sum of processing times Another way of adapting the

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2020, 22:44

14 34 0
A framework for evaluating the performance of automated teller machine in banking industries: A queuing model-cum-TOPSIS approach

A framework for evaluating the performance of automated teller machine in banking industries: A queuing model-cum-TOPSIS approach

... rank the performance of ATM among banks appears to under reported in the literature to the best of our knowledge A study that bridges the above knowledge gaps will improve the analysis of ATM performance ... the product of waiting per unit per period and the mean number of units in the system (17) The expected facility cost per period is the product of the cost of servicing one unit and the service ... 2.3 TOPSIS The use of single performance index in evaluating the performance of a system tends to bias the judgement of decision makers This problem becomes more obvious when such performance

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2020, 10:25

10 34 0
Evaluating the performance of investments in public sector

Evaluating the performance of investments in public sector

... points of current performance measurement of HIFU in public investment? How is the coverage of current performance measurement of HIFU in public investment? How is the accuracy of current performance ... contribute to evaluating the agent’s performance? 11 How does the fulfilment of assignment to agent from principal contribute to evaluating the agent’s performance? 12 How does the qualitative performance ... However, there has been considerable debate over the delivery of public services and the performance of the public sector organizations that deliver them According to Micheli (2005), much of this

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2020, 19:47

88 23 0
SimBA: A methodology and tools for evaluating the performance of RNA-Seq bioinformatic pipelines

SimBA: A methodology and tools for evaluating the performance of RNA-Seq bioinformatic pipelines

... NB_MOLECULES is the number of expressed transcript molecules Parameters k and x0 are part of a mixed power and exponential law of the expression profile, where k is the exponent of the rank of gene expression ... another A further source of difficulty is that the tools themselves are constantly being upgraded making it virtually impossible to obtain a reliable, updated view of the performance of all the ... parent gene of the other exon Both fused exons are then merged to force the fusion junction between the two ends The new fusion gene is saved in a separate FASTA file, and annotations of the fusions

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2020, 17:29

14 12 0
Triggered-Lightning Testing of the Performance of Grounding Systems in Florida Sandy Soil

Triggered-Lightning Testing of the Performance of Grounding Systems in Florida Sandy Soil

... ground rods of the building), and the other half is assumed to enter the electrical circuit of the building (in the absence of other metallic services, such as metal gas pipes, entering the building) ... thus providing for the reduction of lightning damage and costs to the insurers and the insured To date there has been scant scientific study of the performance of grounding systems based on experimental ... (25% of the total current) is assumed to split equally between the surge protective devices installed at the service entrance (12.5% of the total current) and the secondary neutral (12.5% of the

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 02:15

17 1 0
mviaeval a web tool for comprehensively evaluating the performance of a new missing value imputation algorithm

mviaeval a web tool for comprehensively evaluating the performance of a new missing value imputation algorithm

... imputation algorithm) and the original complete matrix Therefore, the higher the 1/NRMSE value is, the better the performance of an imputation algorithm is Second, the cluster pair proportion ... similar gene clustering results as the complete matrix does Therefore, the higher the CPP value is, the better the performance of an imputation algorithm is Third, the biomarker list concordance ... using the imputed matrix (generated by an imputation algorithm) are very similar to those identified using the complete matrix Therefore, the higher the BLCI value is, the better the performance of

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2022, 15:33

10 2 0
DSpace at VNU: Impact of Imperfect Channel Information on the Performance of Underlay Cognitive DF Multi-hop Systems

DSpace at VNU: Impact of Imperfect Channel Information on the Performance of Underlay Cognitive DF Multi-hop Systems

... validating the accuracy of (3) Additionally as expected in the analysis of Sect 3.1, PI decreases with the decrease of ρ Nevertheless, this reduction of PI degrades the BER performance of secondary ... degradation of SUs due to lower transmit power Specifically, the transmit power of the SU t is just a fraction of Bt Therefore, the transmit power of the SU t taking into account both the imperfect ... to ρ Therefore, the trade-off between BER and PI should be noted in system design Figure investigates the impact of the quality of the channel estimator on BER without the BPC (i.e., ρ = 1) The

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 15:45

12 125 0
Master Thesis in Economics: The impact of reward systems on employee performance

Master Thesis in Economics: The impact of reward systems on employee performance

... review of published literature, it is clear how important the right combination of rewards is to the performance of an organisation Employees should always be aware of the relationship between their ... level of performance and how they are rewarded for that performance This thesis will examine how different types of reward systems affect that performance and attempt to establish which type of ... get them working well together to their good in that sense from a company point of view They can be very good for people to share what they know about the company and all they have learned in the

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2020, 18:01

97 35 0
Master Thesis in Economics: The impact of reward systems on employee performance

Master Thesis in Economics: The impact of reward systems on employee performance

... review of published literature, it is clear how important the right combination of rewards is to the performance of an organisation Employees should always be aware of the relationship between their ... level of performance and how they are rewarded for that performance This thesis will examine how different types of reward systems affect that performance and attempt to establish which type of ... get them working well together to their good in that sense from a company point of view They can be very good for people to share what they know about the company and all they have learned in the

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2020, 20:37

97 54 0
Factors affecting the use of costing systems toward managerial performance in Vietnamese public hospitals

Factors affecting the use of costing systems toward managerial performance in Vietnamese public hospitals

... affecting the use of costing systems, a sample of mid-level managers, who are the end users of the costing systems, was regarded as the most suitable However, given the dependent variable as the use of ... reflecting the technical validity of a costing system These criteria include the level of cost details, the ability of the system in classifying costs in terms of cost behavior, and the frequency of ... during the reporting period, rather than wait until the end of the period Evaluating the value of an information system in a cost-volume-profit setting, Hilton (1979) found that a higher level of

Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2020, 23:14

23 34 0
The impact of reward systems on employee performance

The impact of reward systems on employee performance

... review of published literature, it is clear how important the right combination of rewards is to the performance of an organisation Employees should always be aware of the relationship between their ... level of performance and how they are rewarded for that performance This thesis will examine how different types of reward systems affect that performance and attempt to establish which type of ... get them working well together to their good in that sense from a company point of view They can be very good for people to share what they know about the company and all they have learned in the

Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2020, 22:14

97 78 0
LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ (KINH tế) the impact of reward systems on employee performance

LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ (KINH tế) the impact of reward systems on employee performance

... review of published literature, it is clear how important the right combination of rewards is to the performance of an organisation Employees should always be aware of the relationship between their ... level of performance and how they are rewarded for that performance This thesis will examine how different types of reward systems affect that performance and attempt to establish which type of ... part of their remuneration been determined by the group effort and how long that takes will be determined by the maturity of the team members and how used they are to working together Although the

Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2021, 19:27

20 21 2
factors affecting artificial intelligence capability and evaluating the impact of artificial intelligence capability on businesss performance

factors affecting artificial intelligence capability and evaluating the impact of artificial intelligence capability on businesss performance

... (1) Influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on firm performance: the business value of Al-based transformation projects The main purpose of the study is to analyze the influence of Artificial ... vacuum in the literature by presenting a model for measuring the impact of AI on the performance of companies To better account for the intangible advantages of AI in enterprises, the Authors ... improve the performance of organizations, the profitability of their investments in AI transformation projects, and some competitive influence of AI on firms' advantages Capabilities of Al Process

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2024, 11:39

25 0 0
evaluating the performance of post-installed mechanical anchors in concrete

evaluating the performance of post-installed mechanical anchors in concrete

... to simplify the detection of concrete cracking The distance to the edge of the bearing plate from the centerline of the corresponding anchor shall be three times the diameter of the anchor being ... group of anchors, approximated as the base of the pyramid that results from projecting the failure surface outward 1.5 hef from the centerline of the anchor, or in the case of a group of anchors, ... have their nominal tensile capacity lowered by the ratio of the tested maximum cyclic load to 50% of the ultimate static capacity The mean residual capacity of the anchors in the test series in the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 21:58

29 380 0
slike bài giảng quản trị ngân hàng chương 10measuring and evaluating the performance of banks and their principal competitors

slike bài giảng quản trị ngân hàng chương 10measuring and evaluating the performance of banks and their principal competitors

... decisions, or lack of responsiveness to industry changes 6-46 Capital risk Probability of the value of the bank’s assets declining below the level of its total liabilities The probability of the bank’s ... interested in the banks’ level of profitability and exposure to risk? What are the principal components of ROE, and what does each of the these components measure? Suppose a bank has an ROA of 0.80% ... … the basic measure of stockholders’ returns  ROE is composed of two parts:  Return on Assets (ROA = NI / TA),  represents the returns to the assets the bank has invested in  Equity  the...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2014, 10:03

58 484 1
Evaluating the performance of investments in public sector

Evaluating the performance of investments in public sector

... suggestions of objectives in evaluating the performance of public investments and the definition of performance mentioned by Pestieau (2009), in the present study the performance of public investments of ... corporation and of the whole country In addition, HIFU is a pilot model of the public organization operating under the objective programs of the local The results from the evaluating performance of HIFU ... the management yet Some people approach the performance of public investment in aspect of efficiency, some others approach the performance of public investment in aspect of effectiveness or the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2015, 08:45

83 459 0


... to the quantiles of the standard normal distribution The quality of the approximation depends on the values of the parameters N Y,, the number of rated entities with the same rating grade at the ... context the paper proposes a simple mechanism for the comparison of the performance of major rating agencies and that of other credit assessment systems, such as the internal ratings-based systems of ... distribution The mean of this distribution, the probability of default of the benchmark, is estimated at ˆ ෈[0.0%, 0.1%] p (with an average of 0.04%) The other binomial parameter is the number of trials...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20

42 639 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Evaluating the effectiveness of a tailored multifaceted performance feedback intervention to improve the quality of care: protocol for a cluster randomized trial in intensive care" pps

báo cáo khoa học: " Evaluating the effectiveness of a tailored multifaceted performance feedback intervention to improve the quality of care: protocol for a cluster randomized trial in intensive care" pps

... minimize the probability of missing and erroneous data Unfortunately, the design of the study will not allow us to quantitatively evaluate the relative effectiveness of the individual components of the ... and the randomization scheme of the blocks will be concealed to the investigators enrolling and assigning the ICUs In an email to the ICU confirming the arm to which they have been allocated, the ... investigate the experiences of those exposed, and evaluate which of the barriers identified before the start of the program were actually solved, and if any other unknown barriers affected the program’s...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

10 421 0
Developing an integrated quantity and quality approach for improving the performance of multistage manufacturing systems

Developing an integrated quantity and quality approach for improving the performance of multistage manufacturing systems

... Validation of the proposed methods for evaluating the performance of two stage systems 3.3.4 40 Quantitative analysis on the effects of sampling plans on system performance ... evaluate the performance of single stage systems (2) Calculate the machine parameters in the single and multiple failure mode models respectively, based on the results of step (3) Calculate the performance ... 5.12 Performance of the rework system of Case 11 where an additional inspection machine is placed after the ith processing machine, i = 1, 2, , 122 xii 5.13 The effects of the defective rate of...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 17:58

185 309 0
Exact modeling of multiple access interference, ber derivation and a method to improve the performance of UWB communication systems

Exact modeling of multiple access interference, ber derivation and a method to improve the performance of UWB communication systems

... analyzing the effects of the system parameters But, theoretical tools provide a framework to study a systems performance with respect to various system parameters Apart from the problem of performance ... receiver The MAI model in chapter is used as a basis to derive the CF of the MAI in fading channels A new form of numerical approximation for the CF of a lognormal variable is used to derive the CF of ... presenting the structure of a single correlator receiver Extending it to the RAKE receiver is instrumental The correlating template waveform used for the detection of the j th bit of the 0th (desired)...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2015, 22:04

104 421 0