... Prices We can use any of the four types of stochastic processes to model stock prices The continuous time, continuous variable process proves to be the most useful for the purposes of valuing ... time process Variances & Standard Deviations In Markov processes changes in successive periods of time are independent This means that variances are additive Standard deviations are not ... prices follow Markov processes Weak-Form Market Efficiency This asserts that it is impossible to produce consistently superior returns with a trading rule based on the past history of stock...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2015, 05:27
... process of separation for each A− and A+ , we construct a separating tree of subsets of A A tree of nonempty subsets of a set A is a finite collection T of subsets of A such that every two elements ... of the set A COMBINATORICS OF RANDOM PROCESSES 617 Separating tree This and the next step are versions of corresponding steps of [MV 03], where they were written in terms of function classes ... for the metric entropy of sets in Rn and general classes of functions This solves two basic combinatorial conjectures on the empirical processes A class of functions satisfies the uniform Central...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20
dictionary of algebra, arithmetic and trigonometry - s. krantz
... a − b is divisible by m conjugacy class Assume S is a set A binary relation R on S is a subset of S × S The conjugacy class determined by an element a ∈ S is the set of elements b ∈ S so that ... subsets of Vα and Vβ and between subsets of Vβ and Vγ are consistent with those between subsets of Vα and Vγ c 2001 by CRC Press LLC acceleration parameter A parameter chosen in applying successive ... base of number system The number which is used as a base for successive powers, combinations of which are used to express all positive integers and rational numbers For example, 2543 in the base...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:27
Essentials of credit collections and accounts receivable (2003)
... Essentials Series The Essentials Series was created for busy business advisory and corporate professionals.The books in this series were designed so that these busy professionals can quickly ... patterns closely if this is allowed Most credit professionals who follow this strategy it with customers who have seasonal businesses • The customer s payment history If it is good, some credit professionals ... entities • • Locations of the debtor • Locations of the debtor s assets • Value of collateral • Form of debt (invoices, statements of accounts, promissory notes) 21 ESSENTIALS of Credit, Collections,...
Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2014, 11:23
essentials of research design and methodology
... Kaufman Essentials of Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences by Barry H Cohen and R Brooke Lea Essentials of Psychological Testing by Susana Urbina Essentials of Research Design and Methodology ... addition to these research-related issues, researchers may also need to consider several logistical and administrative issues Administrative and logistical issues include things such as who is paying ... Non-cost and Genuine ! 30 ESSENTIALS OF RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY of problem-solving research is often conducted in corporate and professional settings, primarily because the results of these...
Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:59
analysis and stochastics of growth processes and interface models oct 2008
... Rigorous constructions of the processes utilize Poisson processes or ‘Poisson clocks’ A rate λ Poisson process N (t) is a simple continuous time Markov chain: it starts at N (0) = 0, 10 Analysis and ... Analysis and Stochastics of Growth Processes and Interface Models This page intentionally left blank Analysis and Stochastics of Growth Processes and Interface Models Edited by Peter M¨rters, Roger ... see e.g., Eden (1961), Williams and Bjerknes (1972), and Bramson and Griffeath (1981) The model is 40 Analysis and stochastics of growth processes and interface models also a special case of so...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 07:05
Essentials of Control Techniques and Theory_1 pptx
... response of a system and to assess the effect of discrete time feedback, a useful tool is the z-transform This is usually explained in terms of the Laplace transform, but its concept is much simpler ... discriminating between animal species for controlling access to water, systems for precision counting and location of macadamia nuts for varietal trials, and several other systems for assessing produce quality ... now offering a free download of Net versions of Visual C ++ and Visual Basic at www.microsoft.com/express Unfortunately, the display of graphs in these new versions is no trivial matter So we...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
Essentials of Control Techniques and Theory_4 potx
... equations and unscramble the resulting mess of sines and cosines Let us use an example to see the improvement 91239.indb 79 10/12/09 1:42:26 PM 80 ◾ Essentials of Control Techniques and Theory ... linear systems That is to say, the differential equations contain constants, variables, and their derivatives of various orders, but never the products of variables, whether states or inputs 91239.indb ... output G (s) e st, where G (s) is the gain for that particular value of the constant s Clearly if s is real, e st is a less convenient test signal to use than a sine-wave If s is positive, the signal...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
Essentials of Control Techniques and Theory_5 docx
... damp the system Firstly, we will assume that dt is small and that this is an approximation of a continuous system 91239.indb 110 x slow = v est 10/12/09 1:43:26 PM Discrete Time Systems and Computer ... with state variables, such as xslow and state equations of its own These variables can be added to the list of the plant s variables and a single composite matrix equation can be formed Suppose ... matrices of the discrete state equations and those of the continuous ones, we will use the notation M and N (Some authors use A and B in both cases, although the matrices have different values.)...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
Essentials of Control Techniques and Theory_6 docx
... embellishment by assuming that there is no tacho to measure velocity Now we can add the lines xslow = xslow + vest*dt; and vest = 10*(x-xslow); to run our system on just the two sensors of tilt and ... linear systems to devise feedback that will give chosen response functions We have met complex exponentials as a shortcut to unscrambling sinusoids and we have seen how to analyze and control systems ... rate of change of tilt instead of measuring it directly In Section 8.9 we saw that a rate signal could be generated just by a couple of lines of software, xslow = xslow + vest*dt; and vest =...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
Essentials of Control Techniques and Theory_7 pdf
... Nichols plot is most simply applied to readings in the form of log-gain and phase-angle It offers all the benefits of Nyquist, barring the distortion of the M-curves, and allows easy consideration ... approaches the position of the zero at −1 Now let us try two poles and one zero, s +1 s ( s + 2) This time the closed loop gain is s +1 s ( s + 2) s +1 1+ k s ( s + 2) k = 91239.indb 172 k ( s + 1) s ... what of the rest? We can use a sort of long division of the polynomials to express P ( s ) = Q ( s )Z ( s ) + R ( s ) where the remainder R (s) is of a lower order than Z (s) So our denominator is...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
Essentials of Control Techniques and Theory_9 potx
... functions of time and the way that dynamic systems affect them In fact, many of the issues of convolution can be much more easily be explored in terms of discrete time and sampled systems, but first ... individual transfer functions as impulse responses 15.5 Conclusion We have seen that the state description of a system is bound tightly to its representation as an array of transfer functions We have ... the same system described by arrays of transfer functions, d ifferential equations and by first-order matrix state equations We have seen that however grandiose the system may be, the secret of...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
Essentials of Control Techniques and Theory_10 pptx
... the dilemma caused by impulses and impulse modulators Q 18.4.1 What is the z-transform of the impulse-response of the continuous system whose transfer function is 1/ (s2 + 3s + 2)? (First solve ... − st dt 0 ∞ ∑ x(n)e − nsτ If we write z in place of est this is the same expression as the z-transform But to associate z-transforms with inverse Laplace transforms has some serious problems ... and by applying the same inputs simply measure the states of the model? This might succeed if the system has only poles that represent rapid settling—the sort of system that does not really need...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
Essentials of Control Techniques and Theory_11 potx
... interval, then stay constant, giving a sample sequence 0, τ, τ, τ, and thus have a transform τ z −1 We will find a table of z-transforms of pulse responses, rather than impulse responses as in Table ... U =− This transfer function does in the discrete case what phase advance does for the continuous system It is interesting to look at its unit response, the result of applying an input sequence ... effectiveness of the controller, it is not hard to simulate the entire system—in this very simple case we use “intuitive” variables x and v Let us start with all states zero, including the controller, and...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
Essentials of Control Techniques and Theory_12 potx
... stacks up poles at the origin that seriously limit the possible speed of response With a single such pole, dead-beat control might be a possibility The analysis of a delay of two -and- a-half samples ... time “Offside” was defined to mean that the position error and the model drive were of opposite signs This strategy was investigated by one of my students, Song Feng Mo When brushing up some software ... 284 ◾ Essentials of Control Techniques and Theory The damping factor dictates the shape of the step response while the natural frequency determines its speed A collection of responses for varying...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
Essentials of Control Techniques and Theory_13 pptx
... systems and controllers Many other topics have not been touched here: systems identification, optimization of stochastic systems, and model reference controllers are just a start The subject is capable ... 210 impulse response function, 209 non-causal and causal response, 211 simulation method, 211 FIR, see Finite impulse response (FIR) filters Firefox browsers, 15 First order equation simulation ... position measurement, 43 Power-assisted steering, 42 Practical design considerations, 292–295 PRBS, see Pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS) Precision simulation, Predictive control, 308 PSET...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
Essentials of control techniques and Keyword Stats_2 pptx
... at first glance, adding extra sensors has a useful purpose when making a system such as an autopilot, where the control system must be able to survive the loss of one or more signals The System ... end stop Similar sensors are at the heart of power-assisted steering When the wheel is turned to one side of a small “backlash” in the wheel-to-steering linkage, the “assistance” drives the steering ... reverse then a “two phase” sensor is needed A second sensor is mounted quarter of a cycle from the first, quarter of a millimeter in this case, so that the output is obtained as pairs of levels...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20