essential words for the ielts with audio cd

600 Essential Words for the TOEIC

600 Essential Words for the TOEIC

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 15:33

187 1,8K 16
Tài liệu Essential words for the toefl part 2 ppt

Tài liệu Essential words for the toefl part 2 ppt

... under the word, you will find other forms of the same word. These words have the same general meaning; they represent the different parts of speech of the word. For each of the forms, the part ... the tops of pages. They function the same way as guide words in dictionaries, indicating the first and last words of the pages. All words on the page appear in alphabetical order. Not all words ... yet almost all words on the TOEFL are words with many synonyms. Therefore, regular use of a thesaurus will build your vocabulary and help you prepare for the TOEFL. Most of the same word labels...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 13:16

15 561 2
Tài liệu Essential words for the toefl part 3 docx

Tài liệu Essential words for the toefl part 3 docx

... prepare for something ahead of adj. anticipatory time n. anticipation Syn. predict No one can anticipate the results of the games. They planned their vacation with anticipation . conform ... established rules or patterns of n. conformity behavior n. conformist Syn. adapt Yon must conform to the rules or leave the club. She has always been a conformist. detect v. to find out, ... intensive adv. intensely adv. intensively The importance of the test will sometimes intensify the nervousness of the students. The chess match was played with great intensity . intolerable ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 13:16

15 574 3
Tài liệu Essential words for the toefl part 4 pptx

Tài liệu Essential words for the toefl part 4 pptx

... to have a dangerous look, bad feeling adj. forbidding adv. forbiddingly Syn. ban His father will forbid him to use the car. The cave looks forbidding let's not go in. petition ... convention Professor Canfield agreed with the conventional theory about the origin of the Basque language. To become integrated into a society, you must learn the conventions of that society. ... persuade their critics to see their point of view. John presented a persuasive argument for his salary increase. replace v . to change for another thing; to take adj. replaceable the place...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 13:16

15 494 3