... organization and tone. Or- ganization involves (1) how you analyze your topic, the parts into which you divide it, and (2) the order in which you present these parts and how you tie them together. Tone means ... of anything to write about." That's strange, because life is fascinating The solution is to open yourself to experience To look around To describe what you see and hear To read Reading ... is the deep essence of writing. For Practice t> Selecting one of the topics you listed at the end of Chapter 1, work up a paragraph of 150 to 200 words. Before you begin to write, think about
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 00:20
Essential guide to writing part 15
... to them... election, each party promises to make the city bigger and better Each party, before the election, promises to make the city bigger and better Now the clause is organized into ... optional): CONVENTIONAL We stopped on the way to camp and bought supplies: bread, butter, cheese, hamburger, hot dogs, and beer. POLYSYNDETON We stopped on the way to camp and bought For more ... understand; to understand is to explain oneself; to explain is to relate Brand Blanshard I didn't like the swimming pool, I didn't like swimming, and I didn't like the swimming instructor, and
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 00:15
... the result of adding a second, unnecessary suffix to a word to restore it to what it was in the first place: He has great (For ambition) The story contains a great deal of satiricalness. (For ... he proceeded to the bulletin board. BETTER: Told yes, he went to the bulletin board. Television shows which demonstrate participation in physical ex- ercise will improve your muscle tone. BETTER: ... conceals a fact considered improper or unpleasant. Euphe- misms for death include to pass away, to depart this life, to go to that big in the equally trite. Poverty, sexual matters, and diseases are
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Essential guide to writing part 19 pdf
... do not need to be made more concise; they need to be eliminated. There are two broad causes of pointless diction: (1) failing to credit readers' intelligence, and (2) failing to focus on ... it is not too much to ask people to look into a dictionary now and again.) Don't Spell Out What Is Clearly Implied Unless there is a clear chance of confusion, you do not have to state what ... the total context rather than by any single word. Each of these phrases is dead: Writing poetry requires experience as well as sensibility. A prereq- uisite to writing poetry is being able to
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Essential guide to writing part 20 pptx
... Barbara Most similes are brief, but they may be by breaking the vehicles into parts and applying each to the tenor. A historian, writing about the Italian patriot Garibaldi, explains that his mind was ... capacity to familiarize the strange, to expand ideas, to express feelings and evaluations, and to give us pleasure, similes have an even greater power. They bring us more intimately in touch with ... metaphors use synecdoche and metonymy.2 Usually a writer wants to introduce as precise an image as possible into the vehicle of a metaphor, thus appealing immediately to the reader's eyes or
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Essential guide to writing part 21 ppt
... opposite value. Here, for example, a historian de- scribes a party at the court of the English king James I: Later the company flocked to the windows to look into the palace courtyard below. Here ... hand bells of pietists, summoning all to pray for the SOLlls of the dead Morris Bishop Images can appeal to other senses: to smell, taste, touch, even to the muscular sense of movement and ... sword and armor to march past his own drugstore. Morris Bishop None of Bishop's words means its reverse; the sentence is to be read literally. Still, Bishop intends us to smile at con- temporary
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 20:20
Tài liệu Essential guide to writing part 22 pdf
... in his angry overalls, too angry to come down tO luncheon. Harold Nicholson Oxymoron and Rhetorical Paradox When the oddity of a collocation becomes seemingly contra- dictory, it is called an ... adjectives is known as a transferred epithet—a word customarily applied to a partic- ular noun or class of nouns which is used instead to modify something associated with that noun, as in "a ... the contradiction into a headword and modifier: His soul will never starve for exploits or excitement who is wise enough to be made a fool of. c. K. Chesterton Oxymoron and rhetorical paradox must
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 20:20
Tài liệu Essential guide to writing part 1 ppt
... (2) Comparison, Contrast, and Analogy 114 16 Paragraph Development: (3) Cause and Effect 125 17 Paragraph Development: (4) Definition, Analysis, and Qualification 132 PART 18 19 20 21 22 23 PART ... (3) Rhythm 223 The Well-Written Sentence: (4) Variety 234 Diction 241 Meaning 243 Clarity and Simplicity 262 Concision 281 Figurative Language 295 Unusual Words and Collocations 325 Improving ... PART v 24 25 26 27 28 29 PART The Sentence 149 The Sentence: A Definition 151 Sentence Styles 161 The Well-Written Sentence: (1) Concision 191 The Well-Written Sentence: (2) Emphasis 200 The
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Essential guide to writing part 3 doc
... reading novels and stories, looking into scholarly studies of changing social attitudes. You've got a lot to write about. Finding Topics by Free Writing or Brainstorming Free writing simply ... subject of this book is writing. Within that subject grammar, sentence style, and so on, are topics. Any topic, of course, can itself be analyzed into subtopics.) Some people like to work through a ... Lifestyle? Attitudes toward love, sex, marriage? Toward success, work, money? Already you have topics, perhaps too many. Another ques- tion suggests itself: Which of these topics do I want to focus on?
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Essential guide to writing part 4 docx
... to be hit over the head. Implicit announcements may appear as rhetorical ques- tions, as in this essay about historians: What is the historian? The historian is he who tells a true story in writing. Consider ... 14, 527,116,709,366,231 ,42 5,076,185,631, 031,296 protons in the universe and the same number of electrons It would be a curiously incurious reader who would not boggle at this and read on to ... the Emperor, to show the different parts of the State in relation to one another and to him Later chapters will develop particular themes We shall have to consider at the close how far the
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Essential guide to writing part 5 doc
... little, or no, time to continue my instructional essay on "How To Begin a Story." "How To End a Story" is, of course, a different matter. . . . One way of ending a story is. And ... the business of the storyteller is to ask questions, not to answer them That truth applies sometimes to the essayist, who may wish to suggest a judgment rather than to formulate one The ... paragraph to each: A. What strategy did you use to interest your readers? B. What tone were you seeking to establish—specifically, how did you feel about the subject, how did you wish readers to view you,
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Essential guide to writing part 23 pdf
... wakes—intr a To cease to sleep; become awake; awaken Often used with up b To be brought into a state of awareness or alertness Regional To keep watch or guard, especially over a corpse To be or remain ... awake.—tr To rouse from sleep; awaken Often used with up To stir, as from a dormant or inactive condition; rouse: wake old animosities To make aware of; to alert Often used with to: It waked him to ... DICTION between exact and near synonyms To distinguish all shades of meaning would result in a vast work of many volumes, too expensive to buy and too cumbersome to use Roget's is probably the best
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Essential guide to writing part 24 pptx
... AND NARRATION his story into two parts: the problems of getting ashore (par- agraphs 2 and 3), and the difficulties of returning to the ship (4). We called at Malta, a curious town where there ... of the narrative: Peter Romano's being carried off to jail In the simple and often partial stories you are likely to tell in expository writing, it is not always necessary (or even desirable) ... down my lunch on my way to the speech clinic and rush back to the school in time to make up for the classes I had lost. One day, one unforgettable dread day, I stopped to catch my breath on
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Essential guide to writting part 29 ppt
... Charles, 221, 230 Didion, Joan, 62, 169, 184, 217, 218, 229, 267, 324, 427 Dillard, Annie, 124, 172, 307, 363 Dinesen, 299 Disraeli, Benjamin, 388 212 Donne, John, 233 Dore, Ronald P., 264, 413 ... as topic sentence, 90 for variety, 237 Rhyme, 209, 231 Rhythm, 223 ff awkward, 225 in closing, 62 effective, 224 emphatic, 209 meaningful, 227 mimetic, 228 Rhythmic breaks, 230 Rhythmic intonation, ... 233 Taylor, Jeremy, 138 Tennyson, Alfred, 224 Thomas, Dylan, 64, 214, 332, 333 Thomas, Lewis, 183, 215, 275 Thoreau, Henry David, 27, 203, 223, 302, 306, 307 Thorp, Willard, 103 James, 71, 220,
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 23:15
the oxford essensial guide to writing phần 2 docx
... statement: I believe there are 15,747, 724 ,136 ,27 5,0 02, 577,605,653,691, 181,555,468,044,71 7,914, 527 ,116,709,366 ,23 1, 425 ,076,185,631, 031 ,29 6 protons in the universe and the same ... have to be hit over the head Implicit announcements may appear as rhetorical questions, as in this essay about historians: What is the historian? The historian is he who tells a true story ... writing that enable you to work productively and to follow a procedure you find congenial. You may like to draft in green or purple ink, to listen to music as you write, to compose the entire draft
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 05:20
Essential guide to writing part 6
... behooves you, then, to create an appropriate tone and to avoid pomposity, say, or will put readers off. Here are a few examples of how skillful writers make tone work for them. Tone Toward Subject Toward ... awkward. It is good practice, then, (1) to select a point of view appropriate to your subject, (2) to establish that point of view in the opening paragraph, and (3) to maintain it consistently. Persona Persona ... goes a long way toward avoiding a tone of cocksureness and restoring at least a sem- blance of two-way on that unavoidably one-way street from writer to reader. Thus a scholar writing about Chaucer's love...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 16:15
Essential guide to writing part 26
... some manner, to live, and look tolerably well, notwithstanding their despair and the continued absence of their lover; and some have even been known to recover so far as to be inclined to take another ... requires a stronger stop to signal the distinction between one unit in the series and another. Look at this sen- tence about the rise of the Ku in the 1 920 s: There were other factors too: the deadly ... using commas with adverbials must be understood as loose gener- alizations, which skillful writers frequently ignore or adapt to their particular need to be emphatic or clear or rhythmic. Single-Word...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 16:15
Essential guide to writing part 7
... Girls don't like to be told that you have to stay home and study when they want to go to a show or go dancing. [6] So they find some other boy who doesn't have to study all the time. ... more reluctant to admit it. John Charles R. Forbes went to jail. Albert B. Fall went to jail. Alien Property Custodian Thomas W. Miller went to jail. Samuel Hopkins Adams Such plants to operate successfully ... sentence to another. Coherence belongs to the substructure of the par- agraph, to relationships of thought, feeling, and perception. Both necessary if a paragraph is to be truly unified. Coherence To...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 03:15
Essential guide to writing part 8
... accustomed to the law and order of the present day to understand the dangers which threatened the Jacobean trav- eller. The seas swarmed with pirates; so that few merchantmen dared to put to sea ... subject in its totality. Organ- izing around 1, 2, and 3 emphasizes particular likenesses or differences. It all depends on what you want to do. In the following case the writer elected to organize ... relics, and gave his life into the guidance of his spiritual director. The Protestant tore open the machinery of the miracles, flung the bones and ragged garments into the fire, and treated priests...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 04:15
Essential guide to writing part 9
... driveway. He will contribute his share to the 1 42 million tons of smoke and fumes, seven million junked cars, 20 million tons of paper, 48 bil- lion cans, and 26 billion bottles the overburdened ... clear to the reader. If you are defining a word, un- derline it (equivalent to italic type). In the following para- graph, for instance, the writer wishes to make clear how the word history is ... information, please visit www.tailieuduhoc.org (2) COMPARISON, CONTRAST, AND ANALOGY to apply to good government on land. Such analogies which claim to "prove" unwarranted conclusions...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 02:15
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