esl warm up activities for high school students

Some techniques to teach english idioms by topic in warm up activities at high school

Some techniques to teach english idioms by topic in warm up activities at high school

... importance of warm-up activities to teaching English idioms by topic - To introduce some techniques to teach English idioms by topic in warm-up activities at high school - To show how warm-up activities ... teaching English at high school, I realize that warm-up activities have a great impact on students’ motivation and it is an effective way for students to practice English idioms Therefore, I have been ... idioms by topic in warm-up activities at high school” That is the reason why I choose this topic for my research 1.2 Aims of the study - To enrich students’ English idioms - To assist students to express

Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2020, 10:13

18 61 0
Using some useful warm  up activities for teaching english 10  semester 1  standard syllabus to motivate the study excitement of the students in tho xuan IV high school

Using some useful warm up activities for teaching english 10 semester 1 standard syllabus to motivate the study excitement of the students in tho xuan IV high school

... really interesting warm-up activities for each new lesson to attract students’attention and make them more excited with the lessons 2.3 Some useful suggested warm- up activities for teaching English ... Provide some basic knowledge about the role of warm- up activity - Offering some suggested warm- up activities for teaching English 10 (term I) suggest for teaching English 10- term to the teachers ... topic: “Using some useful warm- up activities for teaching English 10- semester 1- Standard syllabus to motivate the study excitement of the students in Tho Xuan IV high school ” 1.2 Aims of the

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:43

23 415 0
A study on warm up activities for enghlish speaking class in secondary school

A study on warm up activities for enghlish speaking class in secondary school

... about warm- up activities Suggest some typical warm- up activities for teaching speaking skills - Give some features of the situation of teaching and learning speaking skills and using warm- up activities ... vocal exercises before singing Our students, too, need to warm up into both the target language and being in their groups Warm- up activities, therefore, are necessary to make students relaxed, ... 4: Students’ satisfaction with their speaking proficiency and warmup activities in English speaking class Table 5: Students’ opportunities for and difficulties in taking part in warmup activities

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2014, 05:46

106 563 4
Using games in teaching warm   up activities for non   major english students to improve their english language

Using games in teaching warm up activities for non major english students to improve their english language

... helps students to understand and remember new words 2.1.2 The general steps: For unit 1: Home Life – Language Focus ( English12) Teacher’s activities & content Students’ activities Warm up: (5’) ... all new words Work in groups Group A: guessing word for Picture7 C - false Group B: guessing word for Picture7 D true I- true S true C true DISC: Group B won Check groups’ answers Expected answer: ... can see the above table, good students accounted for zero percent for four classes in term of being interested in learning English, the weak students accounted for high percent ( from 13 to 25)

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2017, 15:45

17 581 0
How to prepare and organize a successful speaking lesson for high school students

How to prepare and organize a successful speaking lesson for high school students

... organize a speaking lesson for high schools students Therefore, it is essential to carry out this study on how to prepare and organize a successful speaking lesson for high school students II Overview ... organizing a speaking lesson for high schools students Therefore, further study can focus on useful tips of preparing and organizing a speaking lesson for high school students ... next forty-five minutes A fun warm up, therefore, raises energy levels Fun activities help students relaxed, comfortable and even confident With the right warm up, teacher will create a positive

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2014, 17:08

47 452 0
How to prepare and organize a successful speaking lesson for high school students

How to prepare and organize a successful speaking lesson for high school students

... organizing a speaking lesson for high schools students Therefore, further study can focus on useful tips of preparing and organizing a speaking lesson for high school students 33 Obviously, mistakes ... and students’ role in speaking lessons, and suggestions for preparing and organizing a speaking lesson for high school students Firstly, there are five stages in a speaking lesson, i.e warm-up, ... both teachers and students at many high schools in Vietnam English teaching program for high school students in Vietnam has been changed since the academic year 2006- 2007 Therefore, there are

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2015, 09:14

48 460 0
Techniques in teaching writing for high school students

Techniques in teaching writing for high school students

... Main supporting sentence Supporting detail Supporting detail Supporting detail B Main supporting sentence Supporting detail Supporting detail Supporting detail C Main supporting sentence Supporting ... teaching writing for high school students with the hope that it would contribute to the promotion of enhancing the teaching and learning writing among teachers and students at high school II Methods ... teaching writing for high school students Part A: Introduction I Aims of the study Nowadays, English has become an international language and learning English is an evitable demand for many people

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2016, 09:12

12 325 0
Resumes for High School Students

Resumes for High School Students

... Resumes For High School Students What is a Resume? A resume is a personal summary of your professional history and qualifications It includes information about: • • • • • • ... Systems Technology; Marketing •Received an award for being a best student EDUCATION Colonial High School High school student Orlando, FL •Graduate 2009 •Composite Act score of 15 •GPA of 3.1 •Relevant ... EDUCATION Winter Park High School Winter Park, FL Aug 2005–present •Graduating May 2009 •GPA 3.0 •Relevant Courses: Business Systems Technology; Marketing •Received an award for being a best student

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2016, 17:36

30 212 0
Linking the school, family and society in enhancing moral education program for high school students in ha noi

Linking the school, family and society in enhancing moral education program for high school students in ha noi

... National Foreign Language 2020 Project [...]... Van An High School, ThangLongHigh School, TranNhanTongHigh School, VietDucHigh School, NguyenTraiHigh School, MarieCurieHigh School, ... Ranking of Students inHigh Schools of Hanoi … 35 Status of the Moral Education in High Schools of Hanoi 37 Designed Moral Education Program for High School Students in Hanoi to Link the School, ... Hac De High School, TranPhuHigh School, DinhTienHoangHigh School, Dong Da High School A total 600 respondents including the educational managers, educators, teachers, students,

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2016, 10:46

96 355 0


... SKILLS FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Introduction In the dawn of the industrialization era when the term “global worker” is permanently mentioned, soft skills are always highly recommended for students ... Therefore, before graduation, it is vital that students should be given opportunities to set up and improve soft skills Many course books or textbooks are primarily designed to mainly supply ... doable enough for all students to provided that collaboration among team members is highly emphasized Rationale I have been teaching the new Tieng Anh series for three years and this school year

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2017, 15:35

10 323 0
Raising the awareness of protecting the natural environment when teaching english for high school students

Raising the awareness of protecting the natural environment when teaching english for high school students

... information in the warm-up stage in my lessons within the unit to activate my students To complete the task, my students have to read a lot, search many things and choose the best information for ... the whole class into groups, then choose one group leader for each All group memmbers have to work together (that means I have to explain to my students how to work in groups and what they need ... English for high school students” I hope that my study will help make a change in students’ attitude, awreness and actions, which may make them become activists who voluntarily many good things for

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:38

18 362 0
Some useful teaching methods to improve listening skill for high school students

Some useful teaching methods to improve listening skill for high school students

... learning listening skill of sudents in high school -The ideas for improving listening for high school students - Students in Le Hoan High School and I focus mainly on students of class 10A3 and 10A6 ... LE HOAN HIGH SCHOOL INITIATIVE EXPERIENCE SOME USEFUL TEACHING METHODS TO IMPROVE LISTENING SKILL FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Author : Le Thi Hoa Position : Teacher The school: Le Hoan High School ... Useful Teaching Methods To Improve Listening Skill For High School Students II AIMS OF THE RESEARCH - To help and encourage our upper secondary school students to improve their listening ability -

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:40

16 326 0
Suggested warm  up activities for teaching english 10

Suggested warm up activities for teaching english 10

... same Warm-up activity for different purposes * Warm-up to leave students in the classroom: With the activities of the school, the lecturers can "learn" the language, with the ability to create students ... long-term, sustainable solution for students The results of the Warm-up survey on the effect of Warm-up at the level of the 10th high school in Trieu Son Upper Secondary School Number 2: To illustrate ... and goes to this school? Throughout the four years in the Secondary School Board, the outlook for every experience is that if students participate in a warm-up activity (warm_up activity) Beginning

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:40

21 316 1
Warm up activities for speaking class in high school

Warm up activities for speaking class in high school

... in high school 24 2.2 The situation of teaching speaking skills in high school 26 2.3 The situation of using warm- up activities in high school 29 Chapter 3: Suggested warm - up activities for ... Teaching aims of using warm- up activities 17 1.3.3 The role of warm- up activities in speaking class 20 1.3.4 Principles of using warm- up activities in speaking class in high school 22 Chapter 2: ... learning to speak English and using warm- up activities at Yen Dinh I High school in Thanh Hoa Chapter discusses “Suggested warm- up activities for speaking class in high school Part III is the “Conclusion”...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 09:36

46 3,3K 13
The free high school science texts a textbook for high school students studying physics

The free high school science texts a textbook for high school students studying physics

... 83 83 Forces 5.1 TO DO LIST 5.2 What is a force? 5.3 Force diagrams 5.4 Equilibrium of Forces ... and solve for the wavelength: = = L 2L To see the complete pattern for all cases we need to check what the next step for case is when we have an additional node Below is the diagram for the case ... important Where a letter features twice in the table, it is written in uppercase for exponents bigger than one and in lowercase for exponents less than one Those prexes listed in boldface should...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2014, 12:32

397 433 2
Applying method of project based teaching in teaching knowledge of electric power production and use for high school students

Applying method of project based teaching in teaching knowledge of electric power production and use for high school students

... education at high schools For such reasons, we choose the topic: Applying method of project-based teaching in teaching knowledge of electric power production and use for high school students Purposes ... and use for high school students satisfies theoretical and practical requirements on application of project method of teaching in Physics, contributes to innovate teaching method at high schools ... students 3.4 Method of pedagogical experiment: pedagogical experiment is performed in terms at high schools (Vinh Phuc): *term 1: at the end of school- year 2011-2012; *term 2: at the end of school- year...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2015, 21:21

27 409 1
Vocational education for high school students in hanoi through career counseling

Vocational education for high school students in hanoi through career counseling

... operating format for career counseling Stage 2: Career counseling for students Step 7: Help students for self-awareness of problems Step 8: Help students to solve the problem Step 9: Help students ... training schools and public schools Pham Huy Thu, Pham Tat Dong, Nguyen The Truong had developed a curriculum for career activities for senior students in basic secondary and secondary schools, ... Planning for career counseling Stage 2: Career counseling for students Step 6: Establishment of relationship, identifying of objective, operating format for career counseling Step 7: Help students for...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2015, 04:45

27 431 0
Study on using language games in warm up activities to motivate 10th grade students to listen in listening lessons in duong xa high school sử dụng trò chơi ngôn ngữ trong các hoạt động khởi động

Study on using language games in warm up activities to motivate 10th grade students to listen in listening lessons in duong xa high school sử dụng trò chơi ngôn ngữ trong các hoạt động khởi động

... in warm- up activities The rest of students, accounting for 14.5% say their teachers rarely use language games in warm- up activities Not all the listening lessons, the teacher organize for students ... Questions for interview How often you use language games in warm- up activities in listening lessons for 10th grade students? What are the reasons for you to organize language games in warm- up activities ... in warm- up activities 26 According to the chart, the majority of students ( 62.2%) say that their teachers sometimes use language games in warm- up activities for listening lessons 23.3% of students...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:27

50 1,6K 13
Designing communicative vocabulary learning activities for 12th grade students at Quang Trung high school

Designing communicative vocabulary learning activities for 12th grade students at Quang Trung high school

... communicative vocabulary learning activities for 12th grade students at Quang Trung high school Aims of the study With the hope of helping the students of Quang Trung high school make progress in studying ... Trung high school Studying the theory related to vocabulary of high school and some techniques for teachers to apply Designing some appropriate activities for learning vocabulary which attract students, ... emotionally characteristic for high school students to be highly preoccupied with what other people think of them, because their brains are developing the ability for meta-cognition, or thinking...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 23:45

78 511 0
The use of warm-up activities in speaking lessons in Yen Lang High School a case study = Việc sử dụng các hoạt động tiền dạy nói trong giờ dạy nói ở THPT Yên Lã

The use of warm-up activities in speaking lessons in Yen Lang High School a case study = Việc sử dụng các hoạt động tiền dạy nói trong giờ dạy nói ở THPT Yên Lã

... your using warm- up activities a Preparing warm- up activities Choosing appropriate warm- up activities for the Designing warm- up activities 3.Lack of time to prepare warm- up activities Students lack ... your using warm- up activities a Preparing warm- up activities Choosing appropriate warm- up activities for the Designing warm- up activities 3.Lack of time to prepare warm- up activities Students lack ... three stages: preparing warm- up activities, practising warm- up activities and evaluating the use of the warm- up activities 3.3.1 Teachers difficulties when preparing warm- up activities Three items...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:30

52 1,4K 5

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