environmental problems in the world ppt

Environmental Injustice and Human Rights Abuse: The States, MNCs, and Repression of Minority Groups in the World System pptx

Environmental Injustice and Human Rights Abuse: The States, MNCs, and Repression of Minority Groups in the World System pptx

... violations in the Third World are: the murder of Wilson Pinheiro and Francisco “Chico” Mendes in the Amazon rain forest, the massacre of Father Nery Lito Satur and several others in the Philippines, ... peripheral indigenous tribes The origin of internal colonialism in a country such as Nigeria involved the skillful, strategic pursuit of political dominance by the numerical majority following the independence ... institutionalized discrimination refers to the policies of the dominant institutions in the core and the behavior of individuals who control these institutions and implement policies that are intentionally...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20

21 684 0
Tài liệu Water environmental governance in the Mekong delta, Vietnam ppt

Tài liệu Water environmental governance in the Mekong delta, Vietnam ppt

... are inundated, mainly the Northern parts of the MD known as the Long Xuyen Quadrangle and the Plain of Reeds Along the 600 kmcoast, the sea tide strongly influences the water quality due to the ... salinity during the dry season from December to May Saline intrusion is one of the principal limiting factors in crop production, especially for rice, as crops are intolerant of salinity in the ... annual rainfall in the MD varies from 1,400 - 2,200 mm About 90% of total rain water falls from May to October At the end of the rainy season, due to the combination of floodwater draining from the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 17:20

6 564 2
Tài liệu A Women’s Health Intervention for Gynecological Problems in the Deployed Environment ppt

Tài liệu A Women’s Health Intervention for Gynecological Problems in the Deployed Environment ppt

... Dehydration (not drinking fluids to prevent urination) Vaginal symptoms: Itching, burning, pain, & discharge Menstrual complaints: Pain, heavy bleeding, missed or irregular periods, PMS Women in Bureau ... feminine • hygiene and menstrual self-care practices lead to a decrease in genitourinary complaints during deployment? Specific Aims  To increase knowledge level about feminine hygiene in the ... problems in Deployed Environment Urination: increased rate of UTIs & symptoms (pain, urgency, frequency) • Holding urine • Poor feminine hygiene • Use of “make shift measures” to urinate • Dehydration...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 07:20

18 734 0
Tài liệu The Environmental Element in Space Law pptx

Tài liệu The Environmental Element in Space Law pptx

... little environmentalist thinking Part One also contains a presentation of the expanding spectrum of the various stakeholders in the modern space sector They generate increasing complexity in the ... the costs The increasing role of the commercial space industry magnifies the problems since commercial actors largely follow the reasoning of any other investment decisionmaking The environmental ... legally binding international instruments.78 The expertise and contacts these groups gain at the international level are likely to further enhance their in uence,79 particularly if they are capable...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 14:20

413 2,6K 1
Global Environmental Health in the 21st Century: From Governmental Regulation to Corporate Social Responsibility ppt

Global Environmental Health in the 21st Century: From Governmental Regulation to Corporate Social Responsibility ppt

... Engineering in providing services to the government, the public, and the scientific and engineering communities The Council is administered jointly by both ­Academies and the Institute of Medicine ... to bring their expertise to the table In this workshop, the Institute of Medicine’s Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine discussed the role of industry in environmental ... impact on the economic bottom line and the environmental bottom line for the industry, said Cue The pharmaceutical industry is exploring the possibilities to make existing commercial manufacturing...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 23:20

127 389 1
Monetary policy strategies in the world economy carlberg_4 pptx

Monetary policy strategies in the world economy carlberg_4 pptx

... other factors bearing on the rate of unemployment in Europe, A is some other factors bearing on the rate of unemployment in America, B1 is some other factors bearing on the rate of inflation in ... to a decline in the demand for European and American goods In terms of the model there is an increase in A1 of units, a decline in B1 of units, an increase in A of units, 110 Fiscal Interaction ... unemployment in America, B1 is some other factors bearing on the rate of inflation in Europe, and B2 is some other factors bearing on the rate of inflation in America The endogenous variables are the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

31 327 0
Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_1 ppt

Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_1 ppt

... point A unit increase in B raises the rate of inflation by percentage point A unit increase in money supply lowers the rate of unemployment by α percentage points On the other hand, it raises the ... result there is a unique cooperative equilibrium An increase in A causes an increase in money supply And an increase in B causes a decline in money supply A unit increase in A causes an increase in ... other factors bearing on the rate of unemployment in Europe, A is some other factors bearing on the rate of unemployment in America, B1 is some other factors bearing on the rate of inflation in...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20

31 329 0
Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_4 ppt

Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_4 ppt

... goods In terms of the model there is an increase in A1 of units, a decline in B1 of units, an increase in A of units, and a decline in B of units Step two refers to the outside lag Unemployment in ... other factors bearing on the rate of unemployment in Europe, A is some other factors bearing on the rate of unemployment in America, B1 is some other factors bearing on the rate of inflation in ... some other factors bearing on the rate of inflation in America The endogenous variables are the rate of unemployment in Europe, the rate of unemployment in America, the rate of inflation in Europe,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20

31 338 0
FW: Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy_2 pptx

FW: Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy_2 pptx

... shock in Europe In each of the regions let initial unemployment be zero, and let initial inflation be zero as well Step one refers to the supply shock in Europe In terms of the model there is an increase ... shock in Europe In each of the regions, let initial unemployment be zero, and let initial inflation be zero as well Step one refers to the mixed shock in Europe In terms of the model there is an increase ... Europe In each of the regions, let initial unemployment be zero, and let initial inflation be zero as well Step one refers to the mixed shock in Europe In terms of the model there is an increase in...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

31 237 0
FW: Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy_9 ppt

FW: Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy_9 ppt

... what determines the rate of consumer inflation in Germany, and what in France? Further issues are real depreciation, nominal and real interest rates, the growth of nominal wages, the growth of ... growth on inflation The focus is on producer inflation, currency depreciation and consumer inflation For instance, what determines the rate of consumer inflation in Europe, and what in America? ... the subject in hand The monetary union is an open economy with high capital mobility The exchange rate between the monetary union and the rest of the world is flexible The world interest rate...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

23 251 0
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_7 ppt

Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_7 ppt

... can include the container, the labelling and often the packaging However, if the products are in different areas of trade then no legal action can be taken Examples of this are in the use of the ... Result – a High Court Injunction was obtained, seizing and destroying all copies of the publication containing the said article and all printing material concerned, including plates, proofs, film ... and take the initiative in offering advice and services The Client agrees to assist the Consultancy in the performance of these duties by making available to the Consultancy all relevant information...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

17 471 0
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice_1 pptx

Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice_1 pptx

... improving these areas The top-performing centers were integrated across the multiple components of the AMC In two of the top performers, the lead executive in the hospital and the leadership of the ... research The leaders of the top-performing AMCs focused on pointing out the disparity between where they were and where they wanted to be rather than comparing themselves with competing institutions, ... were obtained from reports in the lay press because the press often has the finances and the clout to obtain data that are impossible for an individual to obtain Other important sources of information...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

26 386 0
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice_3 pptx

Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice_3 pptx

... structures in the institution, few of the service lines included in the study provided their leaders with the requisite authority to meet the overall objectives [31] The study also found that the academic ... come out of the many efforts to understand the complexities of leadership in the AMC is the urgent need for younger individuals who have didactic training in the “business of medicine.” The absence ... arguably the linchpin bearing the most stress” [13] According 46    Pursuing Excellence in Healthcare to Wilson, “Department chairs, once managing partners who set the research agenda, determined the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

26 342 0
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice_9 ppt

Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice_9 ppt

... that the 126 AMCs care for between 40% and 60% of the nation’s uninsured [32] The effect of the increasing number of uninsured patients can be seen by looking at the finances of the AMCs in Chicago ... to follow the flow of state dollars to the AMC than dollars from other sources; however, like most of the financial underpinnings of Financing the Missions of the AMC    215 the AMC, the funds ... have-nots among the various AMCs Cuts in Medicare Funding Since the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, there have been continuous refinements and further cuts in Medicare spending—all of which have in one way...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

26 213 0