200 ENGLISH grammar exercises
... talks English. 13. corrects the Spanish essays. 14. explains in English. 15. lectures in Spanish. 16. broadcasts in Spanish. 17. addresses students in English. 18. cooks a Spanish meal for us. 19. ... do my best. 10. I did everything I could. 11. I must go now. 12. Diamonds suit me. 7 200 ENGLISH grammar exercises 1 2 Auxiliary verbs: short answers PEG 108 Assume that questions are addressed ... hired a sailing boat in St. James Park. (there are no boats for hire in St. James's Park.) 8. drove across Hungerford Bridge. (It is for trains and pedestrians only.) 9. took the Piccadilly...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 14:14
... 1932- Longman English grammar practice (Intermediate level) 1. English language. Grammar I. Title 428.2 Library of Congress Cata lo ging - in - Pu bl ica tion Data Alexander, L. G. Longman English ... (Intermed~atelevel) 1 L G Alexander. p. cm. 1. English language - Textbooks for fore~gnspeakers 2. Engl~shlanguage - Grammar - 1950 - Problems, exercises, etc i T~tle PEll28.A4573 1990 428.2'4 - &20 ... 6 7 To the student Why do we learn grammar? There is no point in learning grammar for the sake of learning grammar. Grammar is the support system of ...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 18:20
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 08:20
LONGMAN ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE(for intermediate students) L. G. Alexander pptx
... people looking for work. I need a myself. 5 I'm looking for accommodation. I'd like a for the night. 2.48 Nouns not normally countable in English: 'information' ... uncountable in English. This means we cannot: - use a/an in front of them: I'd like some information, please. (Not 'an information') - give them a plural: I'd like some information, ... subject after for. For is more usual in the written language and we cannot use it to begin a sentence [compare > 1.9AI: We rarely stay at hotels, for we can't afford it. Write...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 15:20