... and English for English Concentration, shown in Table 2.2, which are elective courses 16 Table 2.2 English for English Concentration (secondary level) English Concentration English Concentration ... subgroups, 1) Preparatory English, 2) Literacy English, and 3) Beginner Fundamental English 2.3.3 English at secondary level The English curriculum offers two strands, Fundamental English shown in ... E032 English on the Job E033 Information Technology English E034 Thematic English E035 English from Individual Experience E036 English on the Job E037 Information Technology English E038 Thematic...
Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 17:11
... text that is relevant to a given context Strategic competence refers to the copying strategies that communicators employ to initiate, terminate, maintain, repair and redirect communication I.2.2 ... collected information based on her class observation and interviews to make sure that the data is more accurate and reliable A combination of different methods above will provide reliable data, based ... of genuine, realistic situations The use of authentic, from life materials The use of group activities The attempt create a secure, non-threatening atmosphere I.2.3 Status of Grammar in CLT Many...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:19
A study on teaching oral skills to the first year students at Hanoi University of Industry in the Communicative Approach
... mathematics, physics and chemistry (group A) or mathematics, literature and English (group D1) so their English competence is in a mixed level Before being divided into a suitable class, the English ... conflicts that need attention, according to Li, are related to educational values and attitudes, reading, oral skills, grammar, students' attitudes, teachers' attitudes, pre-service teacher education, ... discourse patterns of the language they are learning Strategic competence relates to the learner's ability to master verbal and non-verbal communication strategies Canale explains that such strategies...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01
... behaviors and motivate the population to act in ways that facilitate friendly force operational objectives and the attainment of desired end states This study considered how the United States and its ... must be synchronized across the operational battlespace to the greatest extent possible so as not to conflict with statements made in communications at every level, from the President to the soldier, ... relationships are frequently disrupted by unit rotations Information fratricide, or the failure to synchronize and deconflict messages, puts a great burden on U.S shaping initiatives Synchronization...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo y học: " Exploring the optimum approach to the use of CT densitometry in a randomised placebo-controlled study of augmentation therapy in alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency" pptx
... health status and exacerbation frequency, and demonstrated that the method for controlling the variability arising from differences in inspiratory level was of importance in demonstrating a treatment ... approximately half of subjects with PiZ AATD [30] Whilst the above explanation for the data seems most plausible, alternative explanations may be proposed For example, the tissue concentration of AAT ... finding, the data indicate that differences in inspiratory level have a greater influence on PD15 than on the other indices included in the current study Consequently, the incorporation of a method...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 14:20
adapting grammar lessons in the textbook tiếng anh 10 in the light of the communicative approach
Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2014, 06:04
The use of genre-based approach to 10th form students in Tuyen Quang gifted high school to write better personal recount = Sử dụng đường hướng dựa vào thể loại
... of integrative motivation These two elements of motivation in learning foreign languages are positioned at the first level - the Language Level – in Dornyei‘s 1994 framework of L2 motivation (Dornyei, ... p.147) shared viewpoint that motivation for writing may originate from the feeling of attainable capability to communicate one‘s thoughts and moods This levels off the motivation in learning foreign ... approach is more suitable for learners at beginning or Intermediate levels of proficiency in a second language rather than those at advanced levels, in that it releases students from deep anxieties...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:29
A sociolinguistic analysis of the bilingual approach to the teaching of chinese language in singapore
... Certificate Examination (leaving examination at secondary level) in 1965 and 1969 respectively The Ministry of Education also removed the Chinese classical texts and the Chinese -English translation ... Education in 1978 stated that 85% of Chinese children did not speak either Mandarin or English at home More than 60% of them failed in one or both languages at the PSLE and GCE ‘Ordinary’ Level ... rise of English as a global force and hence are aware of the pragmatics of knowing English Besides the primary shift to English for the general Singapore population, there has been a secondary...
Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2015, 09:56
... from two perspectives – at a strategic level focusing on the principles and at an operational level focusing on the tools and techniques often associated with Lean (see Literature Review and Glossary ... most suited to organisations with high volume, repeatable tasks that allow greater standardisation and integration, supported by a less hierarchical management structure that allows empowerment ... imply that Lean is not appropriate for public services On the contrary the literature review indicates that many of the tools and techniques used at the operational level within Lean could potentially...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2016, 09:40
Tài liệu Project Management 2.0 – The Ultimate Benefits of the New Approach to Project Management docx
... and employees with a collaborative planning solution Collaboration planning tools New collaboration applications and platforms combine the level of control associated with traditional project ... to be dominated by exceptionally intelligent people in order to be smart.” He also stresses that “decentralization’s greatest strength is that it encourages independence and specialization on the ... collaboration planning tools, social networks and other “weapons of mass collaboration,” as Don Trapscott calls them in his book “Wikinomics,” collaboration patterns are changed in today’s organizations...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Multilingual Computational Semantic Lexicons in Action: The WYSINNWYG Approach to NLP" docx
... (2) PositionState(Theme:Plate,Location:Table), This can be generated in Spanish as El plato esta en la mesa; where Location is lexicalised as en in Figure To generate (2) into English, requires ... Along, , thus allowing the generator or analyser to find the appropriate representation depending on the task Disambiguating "por" to generate English, requires that the lexeme be embedded within ... [sem: [name: Location3 ] It is at processing time, and only if needed, that the semantic type Location for en can be further processed as LocContact, LocContainer, to generate the English prepositions...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20
Pricing and Hedging of Credit Derivatives via the Innovations Approach to Nonlinear Filtering pptx
... relatively low hedge ratio for the equity tranche (labeled [0-3]) This is in line with observations in Frey & Backhaus (2010) Tranche 2006-data, 2006-data, 2009-data, 2009-data, [0-3] c estimated ... derivatives have intermediate cash flows such as payments at default dates and it is convenient to describe the payoff of the nth derivative by the cumulative dividend stream Dn We assume that Dn ... replication strategy in that case, see also Frey & Backhaus (2010) We see that θ is affected by c and that higher values of c mostly lead to larger hedge ratios Moreover, due to the relatively...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 03:21
Báo cáo sinh học: " An overview of the Weitzman approach to diversity" pot
... d’Aquitaine by 3.2 Further considerations on conservation strategies The algorithm may be applied to evaluate the relative merit of breeds with small medium population sizes regarding diversity ... Weitzman’s notations, the element g(S), satisfying max [V(SBg), V(SBh)! is called the link, the other one, h(S), is the representative A proof of the theorem can easily be written by mathematical induction ... n! calculations, the number of elements Fortunately, the following property allows us to being reduce this computation to 2!calculations The dynamic programming recursion produces, as a secondary...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:22
Báo cáo y học: "he impact of the introduction of critical care outreach services in England: a multicentre interrupted time-series analys" pdf
... the arrest rate remains the same but resuscitation is attempted less frequently through the more appropriate use of 'do not attempt resuscitation' decisions Alternatively, it may be that the same ... generalised estimating equation approach, with robust (Huber–White) variance– covariance estimates to account for clustering at the unit level [7], and an autoregressive correlation structure ... on CPR rates [16-18] CPR rates in patients admitted to critical care units may be reduced because arrest rates are reduced, but there are also other plausible explanations It may be that the arrest...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20
... Learning English at a lot of English Centers is becoming more and more popular Therefore, understanding the importance of English, all teachers at Equest English Centre have an attempt to satisfy ... at a lot of English Centre is becoming popular Understanding the importance of English, all teachers at Equest English Centre have an attempt to satisfy the learners‟ need At Equest English is ... learning English has become necessary Moreover, English is a means of international communication in the fields of science, technology, culture, education, economy and so on That is the reason why at...
Ngày tải lên: 15/07/2015, 12:58
Student’s attitudes towards the integrated approach to grammar teaching, a quasi-experimental research on the first year students at hanoi college of economics andtechnology
... was to investigate what the attitudes of the students at Hanetco towards English grammar learning are and how their attitudes would change after some grammar lectures with the integrated approach ... What are the reasons for a change in approach to grammar teaching to students at Hanetco? (2) What are students’ expectations towards grammar teaching and learning? (3) What are the students’ attitudes ... 1: LITERATURE REVIEW This part offers the reviews of literature related to studies on learning attitudes, the effect of attitudes on learning result, as well as the brief description of English...
Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:40
Tài liệu The ZEN Approach™ to Project Management Working from your Center to Balance Expectations and Performance docx
... activities and elevating them into art forms that create paths to spiritual awakening What makes an activity like project management an art or “Way” is to practice it both for the immediate result and ... current situation— being simultaneously dispassionately objective and passionate It is about doing the dishes, chopping wood, and carrying water, or writing a weekly status report in a way that makes ... performance itself What we today influences what we tomorrow and how we it Zen is integrated into the relative world of people and things Subjects may be looked at separately to obtain analytical...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 07:20
FISHERIES MANAGEMENT: The ecosystem approach to fisheries doc
... manipulated to achieve societal objectives that include conservation and restoration Such manipulation (in the form of, for example, stock enhancement, culling or habitat restoration) may be an attractive ... described only in qualitative terms Multi-criteria decision-making techniques may be applied to create aggregate indices that encapsulate both quantitative and qualitative ecological, economic, ... populations; • the legal framework and extent to which the effects generated by the fishery would comply with national regulations and with international law and agreements related to nature...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 14:20
Consultative Document: The Standardised Approach to Credit Risk pot
... tracking the location and status of posted collateral (including rehypothecated collateral), outstanding collateral calls and settlement problems Concentration risk 103 Taking as collateral large ... above will be treated as bank/corporate bonds rated A/BBB 136 Where collateral is denominated in a currency that differs from that in which the underlying exposure is denominated, i.e there is ... estimate volatility of the collateral instrument or foreign exchange mismatch individually: estimated volatilities must not take into account the correlations between unsecured exposure, collateral...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 06:21