... policy and economic case for urgent, heightened and sustained action to prevent and control N. gonorrhoeae infection and mitigate the emergence and impact of AMR • providing a strategic framework to ... gonococcal culture and AMR testing in clinical laboratories • establishment of a mandatory requirement for laboratory technicians to report AMR testing results to the local and national health ... to play in understanding and controlling the threat of untreatable gonorrhoea Additional initiatives are needed in the areas of laboratory, operational and therapeutic responses to existing and...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 15:20
... apoptosis is critical for the resolution of inflammation, with direct effects of apoptosis on neutrophil function and indirect effects on macrophage release of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory ... glucose and high levels of reductive metabolites Hypoxia inducible factor and myeloid cell function In addition to the key role of HIF in regulating the cellular responses to hypoxia, work from Randall ... but in a differential cellular localization – nuclear (PHD1), cytoplasmic (PHD2), nuclear and cytoplasmic (PHD3), and endoplasmic reticulum (P4H-TM) [29,30] PHDs and factor inhibiting HIF all...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 13:22
Antigen specific effector CD8 t cells regulate allergic responses via IFN y and dendritic cell function
... helper T cells as opposed to cytotoxic CD8 T cells CD4 T cells are not directly involved in phagocytic or cytotoxic activities, but rather serve as helpers for other cells such as B cells (for ... exocytosis and mediator release IL-3, IL-5, GM-CSF and histamine-releasing factor prime basophils and lead to enhanced degranulation and secretion of IL-4 and IL-13 after activation (Prussin and ... years! I am lucky to have you gals with me to go through all the pains and share our joys We traveled to Europe, Japan and US together, laughed together, complained together, cursed together (maybe...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:59
Báo cáo khoa học: The leech product saratin is a potent inhibitor of platelet integrin a2b1 and von Willebrand factor binding to collagen pdf
... aggregation [29] Together, these findings led us to question whether saratin blocks platelet a2b1 binding to collagen in addition to functioning as an inhibitor of VWF– collagen binding, as had ... Taken together, these data are reflective of the ability of saratin to both block VWF–collagen binding and to inhibit a2b1–collagen interactions Inhibition of a2 integrin subunit I domain binding to ... saratin functions as a potent inhibitor of VWF binding to collagen [8,14] In this study, we extend these findings to demonstrate that saratin additionally functions as an inhibitor of platelet integrin...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 09:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Aromatic amino-acid residues at the active and peripheral anionic sites control the binding of E2020 (AriceptÒ) to cholinesterases doc
... enzyme–inhibitor interactions in solution [34–36] Therefore, we conducted site-directed mutagenesis and molecular modeling studies simultaneously with Mo AChE and Hu BChE, to get more insight into the binding ... such as Phe295(288) and Phe297(290), and the peripheral anionic site such as Asp74(72), Tyr72(70), Tyr124(121), and Trp286(279) contribute to the binding of E2020 to AChE Asp74 and Trp86 are present ... present in both AChE and BChE, and the mutation of Trp86 (Trp82 in BChE) to a nonaromatic residue has a dramatic effect on the binding of E2020 to AChE and BChE This is due to the elimination of...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 20:20
Introduction to logistics systems planning and control
... vendors monitor customer sales (or consumption) and inventories through electronic data interchange (EDI), and decide when and how to replenish their customers Vendors are thus able to achieve ... convenient to satisfy customer demand from local warehouses (replenished at low frequency) Coping with randomness in customer demand and lead times Inventories of finished goods (safety stocks) help ... planning and control TLFeBOOK INTRODUCING LOGISTICS SYSTEMS Factory Factory warehouse DC 21 Retailer Customers Customer demand +10% Time Retailer demand +18% Time Distribution centre demand +34%...
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2013, 08:50
... Management Model Proper storage capacity for stormwater pit A stormwater pit temporarily keeps stormwater runoff during a rainfall to prevent rapid outflow of stormwater, and the storage water in the ... treatment facility and stormwater treatment facility P steel Company has the separated sewer system, and most of the stormwater runoff, especially the initial stormwater runoff flows into and treated ... alternatives according to the storage capacity of stormwater pit, and simulate the runoff characteristics of each alternative using the SWMM (a) Case : The storage capacity of the stormwater pit : 60mm/day...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08
Tài liệu An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control-Chapter 11: Learning Control: Methods, Needs and Architectures pptx
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15
Tài liệu Neural Network Applications to Manufacturing Processes: Monitoring and Control pptx
... Monitoring and Control Neural Network-Based Monitoring Quality Monitoring Applications Neural Network-Based Control Process Control Applications Conclusions 12.1 Introduction The nature of today’s ... confine ourselves only to product quality monitoring and control problems Furthermore, we will consider only on-line monitoring and control schemes 12.2.1 Manufacturing Process Monitoring Product quality ... of torque, x2 = mean of torque, x3 = variance of torque, x4 = mean of torque in retraction stroke, x5 = mean of thrust force, x6 = covariance of torque and force, x7 = correlation of torque and...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 19:15
Báo cáo "Application of power electronic components to control parameters and switching of compensation devices on power networks " doc
... pulses to fire thyristor valves - Pulse Amplifier: to amplify both sample pusles and controlling pulses to fire desired thyristor valves - Isolator: to isolate the power circuit from controlling ... synchronized with controlling voltage signal to fire thyristor valves in need - Determining controlling pulses according with sample pulses CPG (Controlling Pulses Generator): to issue controlling ... 81 block are fed to the base terminals of transistors Q1 and Q2 via the resistors R3 and R05 for limiting current The control pulses are insulated from U1 and U2 by using auto-couplers Some forms...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 14:20
... work and family life To put a stop to this, we will need to increase recognition of those rights in the community and among health workers, ensure those rights are monitored and enforced and provide ... US$0.40 to US$0.50 in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia to US$1.20 to US$1.90 in Latin America and the Caribbean and in Europe and Central Asia (equivalent patient costs per year, US$170 to US$300 and ... cognition, emotion, and behavioral control and substantially interfere both with the ability of children to learn and with the ability of adults to function in their families, at work, and in the broader...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo khoa học: ` Inhibition of human ether a go-go potassium channels by 2+ Ca ⁄calmodulin binding to the cytosolic N- and C-termini potx
... C2, EF-hand mutations and increased the KD by about a factor of seven (to 1560 ± 190 nm compared to 223 ± 44 nm for the wild type); EF-hand mutations and resulted in a complete loss of binding ... Upon binding of Ca2+ to the C-lobe, CaM undergoes a first conformational change, exposing a hydrophobic binding pocket and, hence, promoting binding to the target (e.g [13,16,17]) Binding to the ... factor of (KD ¼ 393 ± 81 nm compared to 45 ± nm for the wildtype peptide); EF-hand mutations and abolished binding (KD > lm for hCaM-EF34 and hCaMEF1234) None of the CaM constructs bound to the...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Pherokine-2 and -3 Two Drosophila molecules related to pheromone/odor-binding proteins induced by viral and bacterial infections ppt
... handcollected and analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS Three purified fragments were submitted to automated Edman degradation on a pulse liquid automatic sequenator (Applied Biosystems Model Procise cLC) Cell ... viral infection was detected by MALDI-TOF MS (Fig 2B) The molecule was purified to homogeneity by gel permeation and reversed-phase chromatography and submitted to proteolysis for structural characterization ... mixture of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria Drosomycin was used as a positive control and rp49 as a loading control (B) ywDD1; cnbw wild-type flies (WT), Dif (Toll pathway) and key (Imd pathway)...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo khoa học: NBR1 interacts with fasciculation and elongation protein zeta-1 (FEZ1) and calcium and integrin binding protein (CIB) and shows developmentally restricted expression in the neural tube pptx
... plasmids were singly or cotransfected into COS-7 cells and assayed 16 h later (see Fig 5) NBR1 was predominantly localized to the cytoplasm and was restricted to a particulate, perinuclear fraction ... amino acids 248±360 and 248±349 (Y214 and Y156, respectively), and the C-terminal amino acids 370±392 (Y163) Clone Y198 encoded the full-length cDNA of the calcium and integrin binding protein (CIB) ... pGBT9NBR1333 and pGBT9NBR1Cterm were able to interact with full-length NBR1 (see Fig 1B, i,iii,iv and vi) FEZ1 and CIB interact with each other To con®rm the interactions between NBR1, CIB and FEZ1,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Applying Explanation-based Learning to Control and Speeding-up Natural Language Generation" potx
... GiveRel [HANDEL TempOver h4 hl], [HANDEL Some [HANDEL ] hl], h9], ChairReI[HANDEL hlO], To[ HANDELh12], KimRel[HANDEL hi,I) J Figure 2: The generalized MRS of the string "Sandy gives a chair to Kim" ... [HANDELhl2] [.ANDEL hIJ]\ |ARG v13| z6 J [PREP x6 J ' KimRel L INST To Some I BV RESTR [.SCOPE x7 ] hlO h11J / Figure 1: The MRS of the string "Sandy gives a chair to Kim" LISZT (SandyRel [HANDEL ... processing the training corpus 215 "HANDEL hl INDEX e2 LISZT [.ANDEL hl] IHANDELhi SandyRel L INST ~5 , [HANDEL hlO], ChairRel L INST x7 J ] HANDEL h9 ez [RANDEL x5 |PREPARG ' TempOver [EVENT...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Using directed evolution to improve the solubility of the C-terminal domain of Escherichia coli aminopeptidase P Implications for metal binding and protein stability pptx
... mutation converts a metal -binding ligand to a residue that is unlikely to bind metal The G270V residue is located next to a metal -binding residue ) this mutation is likely to cause a conformational ... from the fusion vector and cloned into the expression vector pJWL1030 These two fragments, shown schematically in Fig 1, corresponded to deletions of 157 amino acids (AMPP#2) and 212 amino FEBS ... fused to that of DHFR in the fusion vector pJWL1030folA and transformed into competent E coli cells Two libraries of about 10 000 clones were screened against two concentrations of TMP: lgÆmL)1 and...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Oxygen binding and its allosteric control in hemoglobin of the primitive branchiopod crustacean Triops cancriformis pdf
... effectorbinding functions This approach successfully describes proton binding [59] and urate binding [63] in hemocyanins Here, we assume the simplest effector -binding model with h identical proton -binding ... oxygen -binding sites and a functional coupling of s ¼ two to three allosteric units The parameters refer to the presence of one oxygenation-linked acid group and half a Mg2+ -binding site per oxygenbinding ... combinations of s and w are shown as contour maps (Fig 7), which also visualize the influence of variations in the numbers of Mg2 +binding sites (m) and proton -binding sites (h) per oxygen -binding site...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 09:20
... nicely into a purse or a pocket) It will help you to choose foods and meals with a high balance factor, remind you when to eat and how to supplement your diet, and take the mystery and confusion ... signal to fat cells, telling them to store as much fat as possible Cortisol also signals fat cells to hold on to their fat stores; therefore, stress can actually reduce the ability of the body to ... nutrition and metabolism and how important it is to several small things at one time to control weight The most noticeable effect for me was to eat small meals and snacks during the day to help control...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 04:20
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Structure–activity relation for synthetic phenoxazone drugs Evidence for a direct correlation between DNA binding and pro-apoptotic activity pdf
... entropy and free energy of binding of ActII–ActV to DNA per mol of ligand (Table 3) Discussion Examination of the cytotoxic effects in leukemic cells showed that cytotoxic activity (Figs and 3) ... dark, the cells were analysed by flow cytometry Cell cycle analysis was carried out using CELLQUEST (Becton Dickinson) software A total of 10 000 and 20 000 cells were characterized by flow cytometry ... Apoptotic response to homoharringtonine in human wt p53 leukemic cells is independent of reactive oxygen species generation and implicates Bax translocation, mitochondrial cytochrome c release and...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 07:20