... areas along the slopes of the valley; rainfall either runs off above the surface of these areas or interflows horizontally on impervious subsurface layers toward the valley bottom and the central ... represents the southern Guinea savanna with Luvisols and AEZ the Derived savanna with Luvisols AEZ occupies 49% and AEZ 46% of the entire study area The remaining 5% is located outside the level ... represents the southern Guinea savanna with Luvisols and AEZ the Derived savanna with Luvisols AEZ occupies 49% and bAEZ 46% of the entire study area The remaining 5% is located outside the level...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 03:20
... frontiers the sum of the values of the The degrees of freedom for the Chi-square distribution involved are 78, the difference between the number of parameters estimated under H1 and H The value of the ... measures the ratio of the output for the frontier production function for the jth group, relative to the potential output that is defined by the metafrontier function, given the observed inputs The ... coefficients of the stochastic frontier for the pooled data The values of the TGR, together with the technical efficiencies obtained from the national stochastic frontiers (TE) and the metafrontier...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 02:20
Poultry Meat Exports from the European Union to West- and Central Africa: Comments on EU Answers to APRODEV Questions pptx
... taken as absolute, because of these variations There are further significant contradictions between the numbers of the EU and the numbers published by the FAO and the UN The total import amounts for ... between the particular codes at EU level and the details of the trade flows in the FAO and UN statistics Only the UN statistics distinguish whole chickens and chicken parts, while the FAO statistics ... Leone, Liberia and the DRC The base for the amounts of export from the EU is the European export statistics Unfortunately, there are some considerable contradictions between the EU numbers and...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo y học: "Regional characterization of energy metabolism in the brain of normal and MPTP-intoxicated mice using new markers of glucose and phosphate transport" doc
... that binds the sodium-dependent phosphate symporter PiT2 has been derived from the RBD of the amphotropic MLV (AMLV) [20,16] Since the gibbon ape leukemia virus (GALV) uses PiT1, the other sodium-dependent ... observed in the cortex in addition to the diffuse staining throughout the striatum (Figure 2B) Noteworthy, the white matter tracts were not stained with any of the three markers In the Substantia ... conditions With HRBD, the GLUT1 ligand, we observed a staining of GLUT1 in the corpus callosum and the basal ganglia apparently weaker than in the cerebellum and in the cortex These results were...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:21
Characterization of the microbial community in the anaerobic/oxic/anoxic process combine
... those in the UCT processes In sequencing batch reactors (SBRs), the PURs are higher than the others (Table 1) These high PURs were due not to the differences in the process types but to the differences ... Japan) Sixty percent of the mixture of effluent and backwash water from the column was circulated back to the anaerobic tank, and the residue was circulated back to the oxic tank The solid residuals ... al., 1997) On the other hand, oxygen transfer must have occurred because the anoxic tank follows the oxic tank, whereas less nitrate transfer might occur in the anaerobic tank (both the influent...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38
Characterization of the Carbon Stable Isotope Ratio and Fatty Acid Structure of Zostera japonica in Coastal Areas
... at the center of the meadows, and then the samples were frozen immediately upon reaching the laboratory In September 2008, Z marina were collected from the sublittoral zone in the same area The ... Z japonica The δ13C in the roots and rhizomes seems to be larger than the δ13C in the leaves and stems For the same species of seagrass, when the δ13C of the parts were compared, the difference ... site The term “other” in the x-axis designates the sum of all the fatty acids with < 5% content The three fatty acids 16:0, 18:2n6c, 18:3n3 were found > 15% in the leaves and stems of all the...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:17
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of chitinase-like proteins (Cg-Clp1 and Cg-Clp2) involved in immune defence of the mollusc Crassostrea gigas docx
... characterized by the degeneration of larval tissues, such as the velum and the foot, and the remodelling of larval tissues to produce adult tissues (i.e the development of the gills and the production ... of the predicted signal peptide are shown in bold italic letters Dashes indicate gaps in the amino acid sequence when compared with other sequences The GH18 conserved sequence motif including the ... in former studies, leading to the identification of the two first C gigas members of the GH18 family, Cg-Clp1 (AJ971241) [5] and the chitinase Cg-Chit (AJ971238) [15] The complete 1697 bp cDNA (AJ971235)...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Biochemical characterization of human 3-methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase and its role in leucine metabolism docx
... 10 at °C The supernatant was transferred to an HPLC vial The products of the reaction were detected at 260 nm using the HPLC system described above for the synthesis of the CoAesters The assay ... for coenzyme A-transferases The CoAS– moiety is transferred from the carboxyl group of the CoA-donor (R1-COO–) to the carboxyl group of the CoA-acceptor (R2-COO–) In the case of glutaconate CoA-transferase ... seems, that the fronting, the shoulder and the tailing is due to acetyl-CoA and not due to any other compound (B) The peaks 3, 4, and were isolated by HPLC and used as substrates for AUH The AUH...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of electrogenic bromosulfophthalein transport in carnation petal microsomes and its inhibition by antibodies against bilitranslocase docx
... uptake from the blood into the liver [30], as well as from the gastric lumen into the blood [31] The ability of bilitranslocase to interact with anthocyanins led us to consider the hypothesis that ... and k0 are the inactivation rate constants either in the presence or in the absence of various concentrations of a ligand A, k2 and k1 are the rate constants of the inhibition of the bilitranslocase– ... n, Number of [A] tested; k2 ⁄ k1, the value of the intercept in the Scrutton and Utter plot, where k2 and k1 are the rate constants of the inhibition of either the bilitranslocase-ligand complex...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Kinetic and mechanistic characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis glutamyl–tRNA synthetase and determination of its oligomeric structure in solution pptx
... expressed Only the structures of GluRS from thermophilic bacteria have been solved The Thermus thermophilus enzyme (Tt-GluRS) is the structural model for D-GluRS [5,1214], and the Thermosynechococcus ... of the amino acid requires the presence of the cognate tRNA [2,4] In these aaRS the binding of tRNA induces an ATP productive binding mode [5] GluRS are also distinguished on the basis of their ... Rv3012c) predict the presence of the three subunits of the GlutRNAGln amidotransferase These observations suggest that the Mt-GluRS is of the nondiscriminating type Finally, genes encoding the putative...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Purification and characterization of the cysteine proteinases in the latex of Vasconcellea spp. ppt
... experiment were all tapped for the first time, we are not aware of the frequency of tapping in other studies These and probably several other, as yet unknown, factors affecting the activity and concentration ... results [18,19], they might be incomplete at the 3¢ end Papaya proteinases are naturally synthesized with N-terminal signal and pro-peptides The pro-regions aid the folding of the mature enzymes ... found in the other sequences, it is very likely that these sequences are not complete at the 3¢ end The characteristic features of all known papain class cysteine proteinases are present in the amino...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of the flavin association in hexose oxidase from Chondrus crispus pot
... monoxygenase-type flavoenzymes [16] The possible contribution of the Fl(8a)C–His bond to the spectrum of the flavin component is visualized by the difference spectrum between the oxidized and the reduced enzyme ... The deduced mass of the singly charged ion from the LC-MS ⁄ MS was calculated to be 5355.48 Da The mass discrepancy of 1.43 Da is attributed to the relatively poor resolution of the signals The ... both of these ions are FAD related Taken together with the Edman degradation results, the MS data suggest that the isolated flavo component is the peptide–FAD–peptide complex shown in Fig 3B The neutral...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo khóa học: Characterization of novel structural features in the lipopolysaccharide of nondisease associated nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae pptx
... responsible for most of the steps in the biosynthesis of the oligosaccharide portions of the LPS molecules The inner core of H influenzae LPS has been found to consist of the triheptosyl oligosaccharide ... and HepIII Furthermore, in the MS2 spectrum the ion corresponding to the loss of t-Hex-Hep-AnKdo-ol at m/z 737.0 was further fragmented to give the ion at m/z 475.4 corresponding to the loss of ... to the composition PCho2•Ac•Gly•Hex3•Hep3•PEtn•AnKdool The proposed structures are shown in the insets acetylation of the hexose linked to HepII The location of the major acetyl groups on the...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Identification and characterization of novel PKA holoenzymes in human T lymphocytes pdf
... documented that the C subunits Ca1 and Cb1 are expressed as 40 kDa proteins [10] According to the immunoreactivity and theoretical molecular mass the 47 kDa protein may therefore correspond to the Cb2 ... antibody-immobilized Cb2 isoform would remain in the pellet in the absence of 8-CPT-cAMP while they would be released to the supernatant in the presence of 8-CPT-cAMP The precipitates and supernatants were ... of these antibodies were raised against regions in the C subunit that are conserved and therefore not differ significantly between the C isoforms (Fig 1C) Based on this we suggested that both the...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:20
Economic Impact of the Abolition of the Milk Quota Regime – Regional Analysis of the Milk Production in the EU – doc
... Overview of the EU dairy sector Within the EU, six MS - Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Poland, the Netherlands and Italy - together accounted for almost 70% of the cows’ milk production in the ... 2000, the system was further extended until 2008 Finally with the Luxembourg Agreement on the MTR in 2003, MS approved another extension of the quota regime until 2015 The extension under the MTR ... In the EU-15, the dairy premium had to be integrated in the SPS by 2007 at the latest The EU-12 may only gradually introduce the direct payments starting with 25% of the full payment level in the...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20
Characterization of Spin Coated Polymers in Nano-environments as a Function of Film Thickness pot
... addition, the coupling model relates the coupling parameter to the breadth of the relaxation distribution- the higher the coupling parameter or cooperativity, the broader the relaxation times for the ... After reflection, the light becomes elliptically polarized The analyzer measures the orientation and the direction of the reflected light From these values, the phase change, ∆, and the amplitude ... layers by alternating their orientation In other words, the A-block can be bonded to the surface leaving the B-block at the air (or solvent) interface; the next chain can place the B-block down to...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Proteomic characterization of lipid raft proteins in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mouse spinal cord pot
... normalized with the intensity of the internal standard in the same MS scan, and then compared with the normalized intensity of the same peptide in another sample to calculate the ratio of the peptides ... inflammation Many of the protein changes are consistent with the disease etiology hypotheses in the field This comprehensive study of lipid raft proteins in the transgenic mouse models supports the idea that ... of the G93A sample Figure 2C shows the tandem MS ⁄ MS spectrum of the m ⁄ z 589.31 peptide in Fig 2B A complete series of y ions was detected in the tandem MS ⁄ MS spectrum in Fig 2C, so the...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21
Báo cáo khoa học: Identification and functional characterization of an aggregation domain in long myosin light chain kinase ppt
... signal The DNA (3 ngÆlL)1) was microinjected into the male pronuclei of fertilized eggs from B6CBA females The injected eggs were then implanted into the oviduct of pseudopregnant foster mothers The ... motif and Ig domains These domains provide L-MLCK with the structural basis to allow the docking of microfilaments and the regulation of endothelial permeability, and allow the mediation of cytokinesis ... fibers was about 7.7% in the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle No visible aggregates occurred in the other tissues, including the heart, liver and kidney (not shown) In the EGFP transgenic control...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of the serotoninergic system in the C57BL/6 mouse skin potx
... (not shown) However, the chromatograms of products from the HIOMT assay did show nine additional fluorescent products, apart from the NAS substrate The pattern of expression of these products changed ... melatonin (Fig 10) These results suggest that both Cloudman melanoma cells (derived from the DBA 12J mouse) and the ears of the C57BL/6 mouse express HIOMT activity, albeit at low levels The same activity, ... (S91 melanoma), the reaction could still be mediated by AANAT Thus, that cell type expressed both the correct AANAT transcript and the protein with the expected molecular mass Therefore, we suggest...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo Y học: Detailed characterization of polydnavirus immunoevasive proteins in an endoparasitoid wasp doc
... IEP-2 Numbers of the amino acids are shown to the right of each line The sequence of the N-terminal 25 amino acid residues (IEP-1) determined in the prior study [21] is underlined The amino acid ... when the capsid proteins can be detected that the CkPDV particles with IEPs coated and IEPs themselves are attached to the surface of the parasitic wasp egg, it was of interest to determine whether ... present on the surface of the PDV virions, it is interesting to examine whether IEP expression occurs in the reproductive tracts of female wasps and the expression is synchronized with the replication...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 15:20