empirical evidence and theoretical issues to guide interdisciplinary research

Women’s Employment and Its Relation to Children’s Health and Schooling in Developing Countries: Conceptual Links, Empirical Evidence, and Policies pptx

Women’s Employment and Its Relation to Children’s Health and Schooling in Developing Countries: Conceptual Links, Empirical Evidence, and Policies pptx

... increasingly, integration into the global economy Women (like men) shift out of agriculture and into expanding manufacturing, service, and commerce sectors These and concomitant changes in the ... inconvenient or unsafe to bring their children to the fields while they work (Doan and Popkin 1993, Gryboski 1996) A number of researchers, in addition to Glick and Sahn and Chutikal, consider ... sociological evidence, see Dwyer and Bruce (1988), Blumberg (1988), and Guyer and Peters (1987) and references therein 14 See Thomas (1993); Hoddinot and Haddad (1994, 1995); Doss (1996b); Glick and Sahn...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20

52 465 0
Sensibility study of flooding and drying issues to the operating conditions in PEM fuel cells

Sensibility study of flooding and drying issues to the operating conditions in PEM fuel cells

... Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 1, Issue 1, 2010, pp.1-20 16 Qtot = Ptot vtot Ach R Top (25) So, the cathode velocity is: vtot = Qtot R Top Ptot Ach (26) A high total pressure therefore ... mixture in the channel vtot (m.s-1) is computed in each slice using the relationship (20) P (20) Qtot = tot vtot Ach R Top where Ach is the channel area (m2) and Ptot the total pressure in the ... on the total pressure drop in the channel The total pressure drop is given by equation (21) [26]: (21) ∆Ptot = k1 Qtot − k2 where Qtot is the total molar flow (mol⋅s-1); the constants k1 and k...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58

20 572 0
awareness of deficit after brain injury clinical and theoretical issues jan 1991

awareness of deficit after brain injury clinical and theoretical issues jan 1991

... attempt to stand and walk or ask for tools they are patently unable to handle as they did prior to their illness Anton (1899) used the term "dunkle Kenntnis" (dim knowledge) with reference to such ... published 1900) Friedland, R P., and Weinstein, E A (1977) Hemi-inattention and hemisphere specialization: Introduction and historical review In E A Weinstein and Friedland R P (eds.), Advances ... Weinstein and Kahn suggested that this view was directly attributed to the work of Head and Holmes (1911) and Pick (1908) Also around that time, Redlich and Bonvicini (1908) suggested that Anton's...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 09:45

285 225 0
Báo cáo y học: "Practical and theoretical barriers to the prevention of accelerated atherosclerosis in systemic lupus erythematosus" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Practical and theoretical barriers to the prevention of accelerated atherosclerosis in systemic lupus erythematosus" docx

... long-standing and severe SLE, reasons for non-participation have included, ‘I’m flaring and don’t want to take another medication that might make me sick’, ‘I’m trying to get healthy’, and ‘I’m too ... Available online http://arthritis -research. com/content/5/4/178 Second, studies from Toronto and Baltimore show that risk factor identification and, by implication, treatment fall short ... damage to the endothelium as does lower-grade inflammation or exposure to traditional risk factors for many years? In addition, a better understanding of patient social and cultural factors will...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 01:22

2 367 0
Tài liệu Impact of Government Policies and Investment Agreements on FDI Inflows to Developing Countries: An Empirical Evidence doc

Tài liệu Impact of Government Policies and Investment Agreements on FDI Inflows to Developing Countries: An Empirical Evidence doc

... at around per cent Thailand and Taiwan have received around per cent of the total FDI stock and all others have received less than per cent share in total FDI stock into this region Table reports ... average 72%of total FDI went to South, East and South East Asia in the 1980s and around 97% in the 1990s Table 1: Percentage of Global FDI Inflows and Outflows: 1980-2001 YEAR FDI inflows into FDI outflows ... 50 per cent of the total stock of FDI in these two decades While 15 per cent of the total FDI stock has gone into China, which is followed by Indonesia at around 10 percent and Singapore at around...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 05:15

41 510 1
Dodd-Frank and Community Banks Your Guide to 12 Critical Issues pdf

Dodd-Frank and Community Banks Your Guide to 12 Critical Issues pdf

... to raise concerns and objections to the CFPB for QM and the bank regulators for QRM Congress needs to hear this, too Explain how the proposed rules can hurt your ability to lend and your customers’ ... for House and Senate hearings and debates on derivatives reform, and had numerous discussions and meetings with regulators and House and Senate staff These and other efforts are ongoing To join ... Bank UDAAP Counsel group to share experiences and help members guide the development of the new “abusive” standard Dodd-Frank and Community Banks: Your Guide to 12 Critical Issues GET THE LATEST:...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20

32 304 0
al-thuneibat et al - 2011 - do audit tenure and firm size contribute to audit quality - empirical evidence from jordan [at]

al-thuneibat et al - 2011 - do audit tenure and firm size contribute to audit quality - empirical evidence from jordan [at]

... Lee, C.M and Swaminathan, B (2001), “Toward an implied cost-of-captial”, Journal of Accounting Research, June, pp 135-76 Geiger, M and Raghunandan, K (2002), “Auditor tenure and auditor reporting ... (2004), “Does auditor quality and tenure matter to investors? Evidence from the bond market”, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol 42, September, pp 755-93 Myers, J.N., Myers, L.A and Omer, T.C (2003), ... lawsuits involving auditors (St Pierre and Anderson, 1984; Stice, 1991) found the audit failures to be more common in a three-year or less auditor-client engagement Long-tenure auditors were found more...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:41

18 1,5K 0
Overcoming Secondary Stress in Medical and Nursing Practice: A Guide to Professional Resilience and Personal Well-Being docx

Overcoming Secondary Stress in Medical and Nursing Practice: A Guide to Professional Resilience and Personal Well-Being docx

... who is refractory to treatment and scared to death, or the midcareer professional deeply unresponsive and too young to have had this massive stroke, or the parents trying to absorb into their consciousness ... physicians and nurses as illness is for patients At some point, both parties to the clinical engagement need rest, restoration, and rejuvenation of body and spirit to continue to be effective and useful ... Arts and Sciences, Amanda Thomas, Ph.D., Associate Dean, and the Faculty Development Committee of Loyola College in Maryland for providing me the time and resources to complete the research and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20

214 549 0
Guide to Organic Marketing and Trade How-to Publications potx

Guide to Organic Marketing and Trade How-to Publications potx

... marketing; how to develop a marketing plan; how to research the market; how to set up and market the Guide to Organic Marketing and Trade How -to Publications Web site References are cited to enable ... studies and feasibility analyses, evaluation tools and reports, instructional guides on buying and selling local foods and on how to get started, curricular resources and more Selected Guides to International ... chapter, volume guide on ‘how to go to market;’ CD-ROM with over 7,200 natural products stores directory of natural buyers in mainstream grocery stores, directories of brokers and distributors, budget...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 08:20

27 461 0
Empirical Evidence From Swedish Manufacturing Firms Relationship between R&D and Productivity doc

Empirical Evidence From Swedish Manufacturing Firms Relationship between R&D and Productivity doc

... and its ability to conduct research and development This is necessary due to technology change and development as well as other competitors and the changing preference of customers ... including: (a) labour as a factor of production; (b) Diminishing return occur to labour and capital separately And constant return to scale for both factor combined; and (c) A time varying technology ... period 1987 to 1995, the empirical findings was a positive and output elasticity of R&D capital is 0.08 and statistically significant Heshmati and Lööf (2006) using the multivariate vector autoregressive...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22

40 363 1
Master’s Programme Empirical and Theoretical Economics (ETE) pot

Master’s Programme Empirical and Theoretical Economics (ETE) pot

... Cornet Lionel Fontagné To undertake this training in a demanding and active research environment providing a wide variety of research seminars David Margolis To develop individual research skills under ... covering micro- and macro-econometrics, decision theory and the treatment of information, industrial organization, theoretical microeconomics and game theory, business cycle and stabilization ... stabilization policies, growth and environmental economics, labor economics and policies, international trade and macroeconomics, population economics and demographics These topics are covered in one...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 05:20

5 267 0
CULTURAL COMPETENCE AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH: A Guide to Services For Immigrants and Refugees docx

CULTURAL COMPETENCE AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH: A Guide to Services For Immigrants and Refugees docx

... competence This guide is intended to make those steps easier to see and understand By working with a client's beliefs and not against them— reproductive health can succeed While issues of cultural ... reproductive health and family planning Issues that touch on our sexuality, gender roles and families may differ substantially from culture to culture Such concerns may also be “hot-button” issues that ... closed up and which may include clitoridectomy) These surgeries complicate OB-GYN exams and add to the delicacy of cross-cultural encounters Performed to this day in parts of Africa and the Middle...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 16:20

24 406 0
Your Credit, Your Home, and Your Future: A Guide to Better Credit, Money Management, and Responsible Homeownership ppt

Your Credit, Your Home, and Your Future: A Guide to Better Credit, Money Management, and Responsible Homeownership ppt

... SUBTOTAL $ FIXED EXPENSES SUBTOTAL: $ FIXED PERIODIC EXPENSES SUBTOTAL: +$ VARIABLE EXPENSES SUBTOTAL: +$ INDEBTEDNESS SUBTOTAL: +$ TOTAL MONTHLY EXPENSES =$ TOTAL MONTHLY NET INCOME: $ MINUS TOTAL ... Building credit and saving money to achieve your long-term goals takes time, discipline, and patience To begin doing so, it’s important to understand the basics of banking and how to establish a ... empower you to take immediate control of your financial future Remember, the decisions you make today will impact your financial future tomorrow and for years to come Use this guide to take that...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 07:20

86 453 0
Working PaPer SerieS no 1160 / FeBrUarY 2010: evidence For SUrveY maTTerS The eUro area Bank lending emPirical crediT and oUTPUT groWTh pptx

Working PaPer SerieS no 1160 / FeBrUarY 2010: evidence For SUrveY maTTerS The eUro area Bank lending emPirical crediT and oUTPUT groWTh pptx

... loan growth to non-financial corporations due to the net tightening in credit standards and on top of conventional demand and interest rate impacts In addition, the BLS responses and the estimated ... credit standards include all the terms and conditions of a loan, these two variables tend to be collinear and therefore it seems inappropriate to examine credit standards and conditions and terms ... regressions to explain bank loan growth, GDP and its components In all cases, with only a few exceptions, credit standards to enterprises and the corresponding price and non-price conditions and terms...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20

32 509 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Frontal affinity chromatography analysis of constructs of DC-SIGN, DC-SIGNR and LSECtin extend evidence for affinity to agalactosylated N-glycans potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Frontal affinity chromatography analysis of constructs of DC-SIGN, DC-SIGNR and LSECtin extend evidence for affinity to agalactosylated N-glycans potx

... binding feature to DC-SIGN (i.e Man- and Fuc-specificity) [4,23] DC-SIGNR binds to and takes up exogenous ligands, including viruses (e.g HIV and Ebola) and parasites (e.g Schistosoma), and mediates ... DC-SIGNR– and LSECtin–Fc was reduced to 30–40% (Fig 5B) These results, together with FAC and glycoconjugate microarray analysis, indicate that DC-SIGN–, DC-SIGNR– and LSECtin–Fc bind to agalactosylated ... agalactosylated cells and internalization of an agalactosylated glycoprotein Identification of agalactosylated glycoprotein ligands for DC-SIGN in human serum In order to identify agalactosylated...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20

17 315 0
Climate-Smart Agriculture: A Synthesis of Empirical Evidence of Food Security and Mitigation Benefits from Improved Cropland Management docx

Climate-Smart Agriculture: A Synthesis of Empirical Evidence of Food Security and Mitigation Benefits from Improved Cropland Management docx

... sequestration and livestock productivity is scarcer than for croplands (though see Abberton et al 2010 and Lipper et al 2007 for a review of empirical evidence on productivity, and Conant et ... security and CC mitigation in croplands are most likely to be found To fully realize these synergies, we also need a better understanding of the costs and barriers faced by households when deciding to ... practices, focusing on the costs and barriers to adoption by farmers and the institutional changes and policy frameworks needed to reduce transactions costs and barriers to adoption (McCarthy 2011)...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 15:20

43 370 0


... Institutional Structure and Effective Central Banking: Cross-Country Empirical Evidence * Iftekhar Hasan Cary L Wellington Professor Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Bank of Finland and Loretta J Mester ... have an explicit mandate to stabilize output, but most are expected to run policy to avoid instability in output and to help support sustainable growth spoken of as having a dual mandate Other central ... achieve its goals and increasing the degree of accountability to which it is subject Transparency refers to the central bank communicating to the public and to the markets its goals and its rationale...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 07:20

36 235 0
Radiation threats and your safety: A guide to Preparation and REsponse for Professionals and Community pdf

Radiation threats and your safety: A guide to Preparation and REsponse for Professionals and Community pdf

... Radiation threats and your safety A guide to Preparation and REsponse for Professionals and Community Radiation threats and your safety A guide to Preparation and REsponse for Professionals and Community ... response to radiological and nuclear threats and was a contributing author to the federal planning guidance for response to a nuclear detonation Dr Ansari conducts training workshops and lectures ... Kansas and completed his postdoctoral training at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Biology Division and Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Life Sciences Division, where he was an Alexander Hollander...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 02:20

344 479 0


... striking and innovative denomination, and it goes hand in hand with a striking and innovative treatment of the topic in that it takes significant steps towards a much more powerful and comprehensive ... curricular guidelines has taken place from 'correctness' to 'appropriateness' and 'intelligibility', but by and large 'intelligibility' is taken to 12 mean being intelligible to native speakers, and ... needs to be taken seriously and investigated further Other features of EIL pragmatics that House has pointed to are the tendency of interlocutors to behave in a fairly 'self-centred' way and to...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:21

28 641 0
environmental and health and safety management a guide to compliance

environmental and health and safety management a guide to compliance

... Regulations and Safety right -to- know regulations are not violated, and assesses the rate at which a waste is generated to minimize spill potential and storage and disposal difficulties Disposal issues ... procedures designed to govern and protect persons and properties It originated in the customs and practices of the Anglo-Saxon people of England These practices and traditions evolved into a set of laws ... assessment process, developed to respond to the need to perform due diligence under SARA, has expanded to include evaluations of environmental issues such as wetlands and degradation of property...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 16:31

517 666 0