electrophysiology electric and magnetic evoked fields

the mit encyclopedia of the cognitive sciences

the mit encyclopedia of the cognitive sciences

... Economics and Cognitive Science 259 Education 261 Electrophysiology, Electric and Magnetic Evoked Fields 262 Eliminative Materialism 265 Emergentism 267 Emotion and the Animal Brain 269 Emotion and ... Helen, Stuart, and Dan At The MIT Press, we thank Amy Brand for her leadership and persistence, her able assistants Ed Sprague and Ben Bruening for their techknow-how and hard work, and Sandra Minkkinen ... formation of past tense (Rumelhart and McClelland 1986), face recognition (Cottrell and Metcalfe 1991), and VISUAL WORD RECOGNITION (Seidenberg and McClelland 1989), typically does not posit...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2014, 10:36

1,1K 1,6K 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular basis of glyphosate resistance – different approaches through protein engineering doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular basis of glyphosate resistance – different approaches through protein engineering doc

... of primary and secondary amines (sarcosine, N-ethylglycine, and glycine) and d-amino acids (d-alanine and dproline), yielding the corresponding a-keto acid, ammonia or primary amine and hydrogen ... connecting helices a1 and a2, and loop 130, spanning strands b6 and b7 Eight amino ˚ acids interact directly (< A) with GriP: the majority of contacts are made between charged groups, and these include ... domain colored pale green and the C-terminal domain colored brown The helix containing Pro101 is colored magenta, and the S3P and glyphosate molecules are colored green and yellow, respectively...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 14:20

14 795 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: EGF receptor in relation to tumor development: molecular basis of responsiveness of cancer cells to EGFR-targeting tyrosine kinase inhibitors docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: EGF receptor in relation to tumor development: molecular basis of responsiveness of cancer cells to EGFR-targeting tyrosine kinase inhibitors docx

... ⁄ and the PI3K ⁄ Akt pathways results, in turn, in the inactivation of pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins (e.g PUMA, Bax, Bim and Bad), Fas, and CDK inhibitors (e.g p27KIP1, p21WAF1 and p15INK4b), and ... both cell proliferation and survival Potential targets of these MAPK and PI3K ⁄ Akt signaling pathways include apoptosis-related molecules (Bcl-2 family members and Fas) and cell-cycle regulatory ... Takeuchi and F Ito 21, and PC-9, harboring a deletion (del746-750) in EGFR exon 19, are highly sensitive to gefitinib; and this sensitivity to gefitinib is associated with dependence on both Akt and...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 09:20

11 611 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Basis of recognition between the NarJ chaperone and the N-terminus of the NarG subunit from Escherichia coli nitrate reductase pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Basis of recognition between the NarJ chaperone and the N-terminus of the NarG subunit from Escherichia coli nitrate reductase pdf

... ± 0.2 and a binding constant (Kd) of 3.4 ± · 10)9 m and a second with a stoichiometry of 0.7 ± 0.1 and a Kd of 3.3 ± · 10)7 m (Fig 5A) Identical results were obtained using NarJ or NarJT and both ... [NarG(1–15) and NarG(1–28)] and solved their structures by NMR; NarG(1–15) corresponding to the predicted N-terminal helix and NarG(1–28), which included both the N-terminal helix and the b-sheet present ... resonances and the appearance of new resonances upon complex formation indicated a slow exchange on the NMR timescale between the free and the bound forms for NarJT These results and the higher...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 14:20

10 685 0
Tài liệu Towards a framework for the study of the neural correlates of aesthetic preference pdf

Tài liệu Towards a framework for the study of the neural correlates of aesthetic preference pdf

... qualities, and modification (Bernard, 1972; Cela-Conde et al., 2002; Furnham and Walker, 2001; Hekkert and van Wieringen, 1996a, 1996b; Johnson and Knapp, 1963; Lindauer, 1990; Neperud, 1986; Winston and ... psychobiology, and cognition In: The Foundations of Aesthetics, Art, and Art Education, Farley, F and Neperud, R (Eds) Praeger, New York, USA Martindale, C and Moore, K (1988) Priming, prototypicality, and ... the contrasts performed between the conditions of positively and negatively valued stimuli Kawabata and Zeki (2004) and Vartanian and Goel (2004) obtained interesting results when comparing brain...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20

19 527 0
Tài liệu The Basis of Early Christian Theism ppt

Tài liệu The Basis of Early Christian Theism ppt

... things that were to be and that were, and all things that are not now, and that are, and this revolution in which now revolve the stars and the sun and the moon and the air and the ổther that are ... but in our case, and in relation to ourselves, Sensation is first, and of Sensation and Understanding the essence of knowledge is formed, and evidence is common to Understanding and Sensation."[52] ... existence and attributes of God, were but "portions" and "fragments" true and trustworthy so far as they went, and from their own particular standpoint, but, nevertheless, essentially and necessarily...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 08:20

32 339 0
Molecular Basis of Pulmonary Disease Insights from Rare Lung Disorders pdf

Molecular Basis of Pulmonary Disease Insights from Rare Lung Disorders pdf

... object to the concept of randomization and many investigators feel that randomization, in of it itself, is unethical (5) Randomization requires that the investigator and the subject consider themselves ... Ranking and Selection Designs Designs for ranking and selection procedures are often helpful and generally require a smaller sample size than randomized controlled trials (8) In ranking and selection ... pulmonary nodules (

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

443 248 0
GENOMIC DISORDERS The Genomic Basis of Disease doc

GENOMIC DISORDERS The Genomic Basis of Disease doc

... curiosity and to our dedicated families for their love and support —J R L and P S v In Memorium In memory of Carlos A Garcia (1935–2005) and his passion for medicine, science, and the patients and ... proceeded to stand, look at both Dr Garcia and I, and stated, “I am going to go get a REAL doctor” and proceeded to the emergency room next door Needless to say both he and she were just fine and Dr ... Perez, and John V Moran Ancient Transposable Elements, Processed Pseudogenes, and Endogenous Retroviruses 57 Adam Pavlicek and Jerzy Jurka Segmental Duplications 73 Andrew J Sharp and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

446 292 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Protein–protein interactions and selection: generation of molecule-binding proteins on the basis of tertiary structural information potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Protein–protein interactions and selection: generation of molecule-binding proteins on the basis of tertiary structural information potx

... CDRs of heavy chain and CDR3 of light chain [ref 39] Fv Randomization in CDR loops of heavy and light chains Y/S library in BC, DE and FG loops 10 FN3 Randomization in BC, DE and FG loops Fig Local ... (XGGGS)n in which the X residues were randomized and the linker length (n) was intermittently varied (B) DARPin: six amino acids in the loop and helix structures are randomized (C) A-domains: variable ... structures visualized by X-ray and NMR analyses We describe local library approaches as go-between techniques for grafted foreign peptide sequences and small scaffold proteins, and as methods for designing...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 11:20

9 506 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular basis of perinatal hypophosphatasia with tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase bearing a conservative replacement of valine by alanine at position 406 Structural importance of the crown domain potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular basis of perinatal hypophosphatasia with tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase bearing a conservative replacement of valine by alanine at position 406 Structural importance of the crown domain potx

... [35S]methionine and incubated further in the absence (lanes 1, 2, 5, 6, and 10) or presence (lanes 3, 4, 7, 8, 11 and 12) of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C Both cell lysates (C) and media ... England Nuclear (Boston, MA, USA); and 14C-methylated proteins and the enhanced chemiluminescence (ECLÒ) western blotting detection reagent, peroxidase-conjugated donkey anti-(rabbit IgG) and ... protein and the mutant protein were partitioned into a cold Triton X-100-insoluble fraction (the raft) at a similar rate (Fig 3B), further supporting that the folding and assembly process and subsequent...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 05:20

11 500 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Clustering Hungarian Verbs on the Basis of Complementation Patterns" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Clustering Hungarian Verbs on the Basis of Complementation Patterns" pot

... clustering methods and the linguistic interpretation of the resulting classes References Anna Babarczy, B´ lint G´ bor, G´ bor Hamp, Andr´ s a a a a K´ rp´ ti, Andr´ s Rung and Istv´ n Szakad´ ... of Verb Frames and Verb Classes from Corpora Corpus Linguistics An International Handbook., Anke L¨ deu ling and Merja Kyt¨ (eds) Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin o Suzanne Stevenson and Eric Joanis ... USA D´ Csendes, J´ nos Csirik, Tibor Gyim´ thy and Andr´ s o a o a Kocsor 2005 The Szeged Treebank LNCS series Vol 3658, 123-131 Bonnie J Dorr and Doug Jones 1996 Role of Word Sense Disambiguation...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 03:20

6 486 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Shallow parsing on the basis of words only: A case study" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Shallow parsing on the basis of words only: A case study" pptx

... precision, recall, and F-scores on the chunking-function-tagging task, with standard deviation, using the input features words, attenuated words, gold-standard POS, and MBT POS, and combinations, ... (Stanfill and Waltz, 1986; Cost and Salzberg, 1993) (3) was set to seven This and the previous parameter setting turned out best for a chunking task using the same algorithm as reported by Veenstra and ... precision, recall and their harmonic mean, Our total data set consists of all 74,024 sentences in the Wall Street Journal, Brown and ATIS Corpus subparts of the Penn Treebank III We randomized the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 07:20

8 658 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Predicting Strong Associations on the Basis of Corpus Data" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Predicting Strong Associations on the Basis of Corpus Data" pdf

... in three cue and association frequency bands these frequency bands With respect to cue frequency, the word space models and compounding approach suffer most from low frequencies and hence, data ... are the word-based distributional models with and without a stoplist (highest medians at 11 and 12, highest means at 30.9 and 33.3, respectively), and then the syntax-based word space model (median ... all the associations in a set of candidate associations, and complemented it with 1000 random words from the corpus with a frequency of at least 200 From these candidate words, we had each model...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20

9 435 0
Molecular basis of heredity

Molecular basis of heredity

... nucleotide and the 3’ carbon of the sugar of another nucleotide This bond is very strong, and for this reason DNA is remarkably stable DNA can be boiled and even autoclaved without degrading! 5’ and ... studies of Erwin Chargaff • indicated double-stranded DNA consists of ~50% purines (A,G) and ~50% pyrimidines (T, C) • amount of A = amount of T and amount of G = amount of C (Chargraff’s rules) ... resulting in major and minor grooves 1962: Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine James D Watson Francis H Maurice H F Crick Wilkins What about? Rosalind Franklin RNA (A pairs with U and C pairs with...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 16:34

21 341 0
Molecular basis of heredity - Bio Cơ sở phân tử của di truyền - sinh học

Molecular basis of heredity - Bio Cơ sở phân tử của di truyền - sinh học

... nucleotide and the 3’ carbon of the sugar of another nucleotide This bond is very strong, and for this reason DNA is remarkably stable DNA can be boiled and even autoclaved without degrading! 5’ and ... studies of Erwin Chargaff • indicated double-stranded DNA consists of ~50% purines (A,G) and ~50% pyrimidines (T, C) • amount of A = amount of T and amount of G = amount of C (Chargraff’s rules) ... resulting in major and minor grooves 1962: Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine James D Watson Francis H Crick Maurice H F Wilkins What about? Rosalind Franklin RNA (A pairs with U and C pairs with...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 17:04

21 511 2
Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular basis of toxicity of Clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular basis of toxicity of Clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin ppt

... is a b-sandwich, containing a five-stranded sheet and a b-hairpin (both of which are anti-parallel) The third domain is a b-sandwich composed of one fourstranded sheet and one three-stranded sheet, ... structures and properties of these domains The second and third domains of e-toxin exhibit obvious structural similarity to the third and fourth domains of aerolysin, and to the second and third ... [33], leading to pore formation, an efflux of K+ and an influx of Na+ and Cl) ions [35] In addition, cytotoxicity is temperature- and pH-dependent [36] and is potentiated by EDTA [37] Recently, the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20

13 483 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular basis of cytokine signalling – theme and variations docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular basis of cytokine signalling – theme and variations docx

... dimeric ligand [11,12] This can lead to avidity effects, where ligand affinity is increased by binding simultaneously to two receptor chains The formation of heterodimeric ligands and ⁄ or multiple ... ligand with membrane receptor chains provide new opportunities for a cell to determine and tune receptor affinity and, therefore, specificity Combinatorial assemblies of heterodimeric BMPs and ... the receptor (Leu39, Phe41, Leu43 and Val69) as well as the ligand (Y56 and K84) (B) The side chain of Glu9 of IL-4 forms several hydrogen bonds to the main and side chain groups of IL-4Ra (Tyr13...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

13 378 0


... would be right and praiseworthy, and others wrong and worthy of condemnation; even there Doctors and patients and their relatives would have certain rights and duties In such a land, the lecturer ... and likeness; and let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the beasts, and the whole earth, and every creeping creature that creepeth upon the earth.” And ... food and clothing, his mental and physical improvement, and even his reasonable recreations Man can lawfully hunt and fish and practise his skill at the expense of the brute creation, notwithstanding...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 13:20

115 310 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular basis of the unusual catalytic preference for GDP/GTP in Entamoeba histolytica 3-phosphoglycerate kinase doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular basis of the unusual catalytic preference for GDP/GTP in Entamoeba histolytica 3-phosphoglycerate kinase doc

... EhPGK, and green refers to pig PGK and EhPGK Thus, in order to determine the role of Y239, E309 and V311 on the GDP ⁄ GTP preference of EhPGK, the single mutants Y239F, E309M, E309Q and V311L, and ... adenine base in pig PGK (upper) and guanine base in modeled EhPGK (down) were calculated and represented with MOE Shadows represent solvent accessibility of ligand atoms and protein residues Hydrogen ... group with the recombinant purified enzyme, where Km values for ADP and ATP were 12 and 44 times higher than the Km values for GDP and GTP, respectively [4] To our knowledge, the higher selectivity...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20

11 449 0
Báo cáo Y học: The expression of glutathione reductase in the male reproductive system of rats supports the enzymatic basis of glutathione function in spermatogenesis doc

Báo cáo Y học: The expression of glutathione reductase in the male reproductive system of rats supports the enzymatic basis of glutathione function in spermatogenesis doc

... concentrations of total glutathione and GSSG were calculated from the absorbance change using authentic GSH and Ó FEBS 2002 1572 T Kaneko et al (Eur J Biochem 269) GSSG as a standard and the data are expressed ... deferens, and prostate gland in 13-week-old-adult rats (Fig 1A) The highest activity for GR was found in the epididymis, followed by seminal vesicles, prostate gland, vas deferens, and testes ... intensity of the bands for the protein and the mRNA were faint Effects of inhibitors of cGCS and GR on primary cultured testicular cells To investigate the contribution of de novo synthesis and the recycling...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 17:20

9 495 0