... Monolithic Circuits In principle, Schottky diodes can be fabricated in any monolithic technology The variety of diodes available in such technologies is dictated less by intrinsic limitations ... interconnection introduces discontinuities Typical discontinuities are microstrip tee junctions, crosses, and steps in width Especially at high frequencies, the effects of these discontinuities ... Circuit Design Caokbook Microwave Circuits and Circuit Elements 29 1.4 CIRCUIT ELEMENTS thick-film resistor is essentially an RC transmission line having series hunt capacitance If its length is
Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2014, 02:00
... the electronic... coefficients, cri , of the molecular orbitals are found by solving iteratively Eq (11) [25] n = KS 2 i (15) i= 1 At all steps of the iteration, the expansion coefficients are ... complete electronic wavefunction is computationally challenging... the contacts is obtained from molecular calculations (HiM and HMi shown in Eq (30)) that consider the atomistic nature of the ... junctions considered in this work, the transport of electrons is described by the Landauer formalism A DFT-GF implementation of the Landauer formalism is used to calculate the I? ??V of metal–nitroOPE–metal
Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 14:36
Báo cáo sinh học: " Open Access Cloning of the canine RNA polymerase I promoter and establishment of reverse genetics for influenza A and B in MDCK cells" docx
... Southern hybridizations (Fig 1B) Although some of the restriction fragments are conserved in both MDCK and canis familiaris DNA (AvrII, BamHI, EcoRI, HindIII and SacI), the Southern results indicated ... similarity to human or mouse sequences, nevertheless we suspected that this region contained the canine RNA pol I promoter and transcription initiation site The predicted restriction sites in ... production than current egg-based vaccine production The ability to quickly increase the scale of influenza vaccine production is especially critical in response to an incipient pandemic influenza
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Cloning of the canine RNA polymerase I promoter and establishment of reverse genetics for influenza A and B in MDCK cells" pdf
... hybridize. MDCK Eco RI 7.1 kb Fragment Probe HindIII XbaI BamHI BamHI BamHI AvrII SpeI EcoRI BamHI SacI BamHI BamHI XbaI XbaI BamHI SphI SpeI EcoRI HindIII XbaI BamHI SacI BamHI BamHI AvrII A ... tran-scription initiation sitesFigure 4 Comparison of sequences flanking RNA pol I pro- moter transcription initiation sites. Sequences adjacent to known RNA pol I promoter transcription initiation ... Determination of the MDCK RNA pol I promoter transcrip-tion initiation site by primer extension analysisFigure 3 Determination of the MDCK RNA pol I promoter transcription initiation site by primer
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Evapotranspiration of a declining Quercus robur (L.) stand from 1999 to 2001. I. Trees and forest floor daily transpiration" ppsx
... density kinetic is well synchronised with potential evapotranspiration (PET) daily time course. Despite differences in density, stand structure and LAI spatial organisation, oak transpiration (T,mmd ... its intermediary position in the canopy [30]. 3.2. Inter-tree Sap Flux Density variability Each tree relative contribution to total SFD per period (% SFD, Tab. IV) and the variation coefficient ... T/PET relationship is always < 0.3, with a minimum in 2000 (0.16 in the thinned plot and 0.19 in the control one). The importance of LAI as a limiting factor of stand transpiration has been
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Reconstructing crown shape from stem diameter and tree position to supply light models. I. Algorithms and comparison of light simulations" doc
... algorithm is divided into five main steps (Fig 5) Step 1: Minimal crown creation Each crown is initialised as a set of 32 regularly-spaced radii (angle of 11.25° between two successive radii), with ... species-specific LAD values to obtain unbiased light prediction However, we already mentioned the difficulty in studying LAD distribution in vertically or /and horizontally heterogeneous stands In particular, ... with the isotropic simulation, it is already present and significant, caused by points for measured PACL values below 10% (the regression line is significantly different from the identity line, p-value
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22
Báo cáo sinh học: "Genetic variation of traits measured in several environments. I. Estimation and testing of homogeneous genetic and intra-class correlations between environments" ppt
... variance in model [7] is proportional to the family variance in environment i, and the interaction and family variances in model [8] are proportional to the residual variance in environment i ... authors wish to thank I Olivieri and D H6bert (INRA-Montpellier) for providing the data set and raising the issue of estimation and testing genetic parameters in experiments of this kind REFERENCES ... observations in environment i; )3 is a (p x 1) i vector of fixed effects with incidence matrix X ui ; i fs*land U2 Ihs!.1are independent random normal components of the model (in this case, family and
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:21
báo cáo khoa học: "Genetic study of Dandarawy chickens: I. Heritabilities and genetic correlations of body weight and weight gain" ppt
... Original article Genetic study of Dandarawy chickens: I. Heritabilities and genetic correlations of body weight and weight gain M.A. Abdellatif Faculty of Agriculture, Animal ... First, we will discuss heritability estimates of body weight and weight gain. The heritability estimates of body weight and weight gain as summarized by Kinney (1969) ... Assiut University, Egypt Siegel P.E & Essary E.O (1959) Heritabilities and interrelationship of live measurements and. .. (1971) Evaluation of the Athens-Canadian random bred population
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:22
Where.Am.I-Sensors.and.methods.for.mobile.robot.positioning.-.Borenstein(2001) Part 2 ppsx
... Alternatively, if rear-axle differential odometry is used to determine heading, the solution is identical to the differential-drive configuration discussed in Section 1.3.1. One problem associated with ... vehicle maintenance. In addition, reliability of the drive components is high due to the inherited stability of a proven power train. (Significant interface problems can be encountered, however, in ... four independent motors, HERMIES-III is a 4-degree- of-freedom vehicle. MDOF configurations display exceptional maneuverability in tight quarters in comparison to conventional 2-DOF mobility
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Where.Am.I-Sensors.and.methods.for.mobile.robot.positioning.-.Borenstein(2001) Part 3 pps
... shock and vibration, insensitivity to gravity effects, quick start-up, and good sensitivity in terms of bias drift rate and the random walk coefficient. Coil geometry is not critical, and no path ... magnetic flux density µ = permeability H = magnetizing force. Since the magnetic flux in a magnetic circuit is analogous to current I in an electrical circuit, it follows that magnetic flux density ... 1992].) A typical block diagram of the “minimum-reciprocal” IFOG configuration is presented in Figure 2.10. Polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber [Nolan and Blaszyk, 1991] is employed to
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Where.Am.I-Sensors.and.methods.for.mobile.robot.positioning.-.Borenstein(2001) Part 5 pptx
... Static position accuracy Static accuracy and insight into overall accuracy. Static navigation mode — Number of satellites tracked Taking into account DOP switching, gives insight into receiver/antenna ... sensitivity. Dynamic position plots Some accuracy information is obtained by comparing different data plots taken while driving down the same section of road. Most of this analysis is qualitative ... there is no ground-truth data for comparison. Dynamic navigation mode Taking DOP switching into account gives insight into the sensitivity of the receiver/antenna and the rate with which the receiver
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Where.Am.I-Sensors.and.methods.for.mobile.robot.positioning.-.Borenstein(2001) Part 6 pot
... scanning action generates a precise three-dimensional profile to better facilitate vehicle classification in automated toll booth applications. An abbreviated system block diagram is depicted in ... resulting in precise distance measurement to multiple targets in a scene illuminated by a single laser pulse. The design configuration is relatively simple and comparable in size and weight to ... Electro-Optics, Inc.) width) is formed of each vehicle as it passes through the sensor’s field of view, opening the door for numerous vehicle classification applications under the Intelligent Vehicle Highway
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Where.Am.I-Sensors.and.methods.for.mobile.robot.positioning.-.Borenstein(2001) Part 7 doc
... circuit, which is largely responsible for the amplitude-induced range error, and replaced it with four soft limiting amplifiers. This design approximates the behavior of a logarithmic amplifier. ... final orientation error is not considered explicitly in the expression for E max,syst This 136 Part II Systems and Methods for Mobile Robot Positioning is because all systematic orientation ... in conjunction with vehicle velocity, braking, and steering-angle information. If necessary, the Control Display Unit alerts the operator if warranted of potentially hazardous driving situations
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 02:21
Digital Communications I: Modulation and Coding Course
... ) filtered noise ˆ {xk } Nyquist bandwidth constraint Nyquist bandwidth constraint: The theoretical minimum required system bandwidth to detect Rs [symbols/s] without ISI is Rs/2 [Hz] Equivalently, ... sinc(t/T) function multiply by another time function Example of Nyquist filters: Raised-Cosine filter Lecture Pulse shaping to reduce ISI Goals and trade-off in pulse-shaping Reduce ISI Efficient ... oscilloscope which sweeps the system response to a baseband signal at the rate 1/T (T symbol duration) Distortion due to ISI amplitude scale Noise margin Sensitivity to timing error Timing jitter time scale...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 06:15
Woe Is I - Pronouns and Case
... standards of speech and writing, use the time-honored "It is I" instead of "It is me." Seventh-Inning Stretch Stand up, wave your arms around wildly, then sit a spell and take this brief quiz ... an infinitive is in the objective case For example: "Billy Bob expects Frankie Bob and (I, me) to make squirrel stew." The correct pronoun here is me, because it is the subject of the infinitive ... the phone: "It is me?" or "It is I? " Maybe you should just hang up the phone and send a fax The rivalry between "It is me" and "It is I" is right up there with Pepsi and Coke battling for market...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 16:20
Tài liệu Where am I? Sensors and Methods for Mobile Robot Positioning ppt
... relative orientation i can be computed from i = i- 1 + i (1.6) and the relative position of the centerpoint is xi = xi-1 + Ui cos i yi = yi-1 + Ui sin i where xi, yi = relative position of ... a military perspective, the use of existing-inventory equipment of this type simplifies some of the logistics problems associated with vehicle maintenance In addition, reliability of the drive ... axis is oriented in a north-south direction, it is insensitive to the earth's rotation, and no tilting occurs From this it follows that if tilting is observed, the spin axis is no longer aligned...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 09:20
... The Citizen Police Academies Citizen’s Arrest Civil Liability vi Civil Rights Violations by Police Civilian Complaint Review Boards Clearance Rates Cold Case Investigations Communications Interoperability ... Identity Theft and Identity Crimes Missing Persons Investigations Office of Criminal Investigations Organized Crime Control Serial Murder Investigation Sex Crimes Investigation Vidocq Society INVESTIGATIVE ... Mentally Ill, Police Response to the Militarization of American Police Miranda Warnings Misdemeanors Missing Persons Investigations Mollen Commission, The Morale Municipal Policing National Crime Victimization...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Distribution of class I, III and IV alcohol dehydrogenase mRNAs in the adult rat, mouse and human brain ppt
... their implications in the metabolism of ethanol and retinoic acid In vitro and in vivo data indicate that ADH1, ADH3 and ADH4 can oxidize retinol to retinal, with ADH4 having very high efficiency ... carried out in situ hybridization studies in several species using radiolabeled short (49–51 base pairs) oligonucleotides after multiple in silico and in vitro tests for specificity Materials and methods ... significant involvement of ADH1 and ADH4 in ethanol oxidation in brain tissue Regarding retinoid metabolism in the adult brain, enzymes other than ADH4 must be active, because in vivo and in vitro...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 00:20
Đề tài " Classical and modular approaches to exponential Diophantine equations I. Fibonacci and Lucas perfect powers " pdf
... the ei is odd, since otherwise would divide s ei fi = p i= 1 Thus, there is (at least) one prime P in OK lying above whose ramification index e is odd: this prime must ramify in K (i) /K, since 2i = ... exp( i z log α1 ) and similarly for α3 i ζ ) and φj (xzj , xζj ) if i ∈ I, θij φj (xzj , xζj ) I (x)ij = if i ∈ I Then, MI = I (1)ij and when I (x) = det I (x) , | I | = det I (1) = | I (1)| ... , mi and where N nrσ = N i rσ (i) , i= 1 nsσ = N i sσ (i) , ntσ = i= 1 i tσ (i) i= 1 By Lemma 12.1, degXi P − Mi ≤ Gi , i = 1, 2, When V i = Mi + G i , Ui = Mi − Gi , i = 1, 2, 3, 1009 CLASSICAL AND...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21
A Boy I Knew and Four Dogs ppt
... and I scorn you; and I repudiate you; and I abhor you; and I dislike you; and I eschew you; and I dash you; and I dare you "Your affectionate friend, "P S. I' ve licked this spot "R H A Boy I ... but he is a little more discriminating in his likes and his dislikes He fights all the dogs in Tannersville; he fights the Drislers' Gyp almost every time he meets him; he fights the Beckwiths' ... one!" FOUR DOGS WHISKIE AN EAU DE VIE In doggerel lines, Whiskie my dog I sing These lines are after Virgil, Pope, or some one His very voice has got a Whiskie Ring I call him Whiskie, 'cause he's...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:20