electrical and mechanical correlates of muscular contraction

Electrical conductivities, photocurrent densities and mechanical properties of Ag/TiO2 composite thin films heat treated at different temperatures

Electrical conductivities, photocurrent densities and mechanical properties of Ag/TiO2 composite thin films heat treated at different temperatures

... between switching off and on the light Mechanical properties of the resultant thin films The indentation, scratch, and imaging techniques were employed for evaluation of mechanical and tribological ... 700 and 800 °C The electrical resistivity of the films was of the order of 9.6×1000 to 10–4 Ω·cm with film thicknesses in the range 100–270 nm For the study of electrochemical properties of the ... (U-2800, Hitachi) and air was used as a reference Measurement of the film thickness and the electrical resistance of the resultant thin films The film thicknesses of titania and COMPAgn films

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2020, 18:07

11 17 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "End-use related physical and mechanical properties of selected fast-growing poplar hybrids (Populus trichocarpa × P. deltoides)" potx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "End-use related physical and mechanical properties of selected fast-growing poplar hybrids (Populus trichocarpa × P. deltoides)" potx

... for multiclonal poplar stands (extending the number of sampled trees and the number of stands). Acknowledgements: This study has been financed by the Institute of Nature and Forest Research (INBO ... ‘Hazendans’ and four ‘Hoogvorst’. The trees had all grown on sandy to loamy sand soils with a poor drainage, in adjacent stands with a planting distance of 8 ×8 m. Trees were selected in respect of their ... bility, modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) have been quantified at three different heights. For evaluating the amounts of heartwood and tension wood, den- sity and the shrinkage

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 16:21

10 382 0
Materials Science and Engineering - Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Materials Part 5 ppt

Materials Science and Engineering - Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Materials Part 5 ppt

... Density of Thermally Promoted of Carriers ∫ ∞ = c E dEEgEfn )()( Density of electron states per volume per dE Fraction of states occupied at a particular temperature Number of electrons ... Fermi level is approximately in the middle of the band gap • The law of mass action describes the electron and hole populations, since the total number of electron states is fixed in the system ... 2 gives e h b g F m m Tk E Epn Since m e * and m h * are close and in the ln term, the Fermi level sits about in the center of the band gap ( Tk E ve b i b g emm Tk nnp 2

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:20

10 415 0
Materials Science and Engineering - Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Materials Part 6 pps

Materials Science and Engineering - Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Materials Part 6 pps

... diffusive flux of the carriers is balanced by the drift flux E Drift and Diffusion © E. Fitzgerald-1999 6 7 3.225 13 Joining p and n E c E F E v p n Carriers flow under driving force of diffusion ... Qualitative Effect of Bias • Applying a potential to the ends of a diode does NOT increase current through drift • The applied voltage upsets the steady-state balance between drift and diffusion, ... that dopants move the fermi energy from mid-gap towards either the valence band edge (p-type) or the conduction band edge (n-type). p-type material in equilibrium n-type material in equilibrium

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:20

10 342 0
Materials Science and Engineering - Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Materials Part 2 pot

Materials Science and Engineering - Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Materials Part 2 pot

... Response of e- to AC Electric Fields real imaginary p p (ω<<1/τ) p ( ω >>1/ τ ) Instead of a complex momentum, we can go back to macroscopic and create a complex J and σ ωτ ... Fitzgerald-1999 3.225 2 Complex Representation of Waves sin(kx-ωt), cos(kx-ωt), and e -i(kx-ωt) are all waves e -i(kx-ωt) is the complex one and is the most general real imaginary A Acosθ ... look like free-electron Drude metals • Valence=2 and 3, magnitude and sign suggest problems © E.A. Fitzgerald-1999 13 3.225 1 Response of Free e- to AC Electric Fields • Microscopic picture

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:20

10 294 0
Materials Science and Engineering - Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Materials Part 7 pptx

Materials Science and Engineering - Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Materials Part 7 pptx

... the velocity of the wave in the material © E. Fitzgerald-1999 ) → 3 3.225 7 Compare Optical (index of refraction) and Electrical Measurements of ε Material Optical, n 2 Electrical, ε ... - - - - - - - - E P d A C or εε = All detail of material response is in ε r and therefore P © E. Fitzgerald-1999 3.225 4 Origin of Polarization • We are interested in the true dipoles ... electronic polarization Electronic and ionic polarisation Electronic, ionic, and molecular polarisation Polarization that is active depends on material and frequency © E. Fitzgerald-1999

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:20

10 277 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Psychosocial and contextual correlates of opioid overdose risk among drug users in St. Petersburg, Russia" pot

báo cáo khoa học: " Psychosocial and contextual correlates of opioid overdose risk among drug users in St. Petersburg, Russia" pot

... likelihood of future overdose and wit- nessing multiple overdoses recently is that the act of wit- nessing may heighten one's awareness of the pervasiveness of overdose and sense of fatalism ... recognition of the large impact of opioid overdoses in St. Petersburg, we sought to identify and describe the contextual and psychosocial fac- tors related to the outcome of experiencing and witness- ... the Community Reports of overdoses, both fatal and nonfatal, were com- mon. Participants reported having heard of a median of five (range = 0 – 60) non-fatal overdoses and of two (range = 0 – 30)

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

11 329 0
Báo cáo y học: " Criterion distances and environmental correlates of active commuting to school in children" pps

Báo cáo y học: " Criterion distances and environmental correlates of active commuting to school in children" pps

... perceptions of residen- tial density, the accessibility and diversity of land use mix, street connectivity, walk- and cycle infrastructure, aesthetics of the neighborhood and crime- and traffic ... in the number ofpassivecommuters,andacontinuousdecreaseinthe number of active commuters as the household distance from school increased. Correlates of active commuting Correlates of active commuting ... USA [23], and European countries (e.g. Scotland, France, Portugal, ) [29]. As Flanders in Belgian has a mild sea climate, a flat landscape and a dense network of cycle paths; r ates of active

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20

10 192 0
Application of micro cantilevers in characterization of crystallization induced stresses and mechanical properties of amorphous thin films

Application of micro cantilevers in characterization of crystallization induced stresses and mechanical properties of amorphous thin films

... to work with Prof Li Yi and Prof Carl V Thompson during the past years of my PhD endeavor Both professors are distinguished scientists in their respective fields of expertise and I have learnt ... equipment, Prof Chua Soo Jin from the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) for my access to the sputter equipment, and Dr Yu Hongbin from the NUS Department of Mechanical Engineering ... one and half years at MIT to conduct research In particular, I would like to thank the program chairs, Prof Choi Wee Kiong and Prof Carl Thompson, and the administrative executives in charge of

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:16

236 467 0
Processing and mechanical properties of pure mg and in situ aln reinforced mg 5al composite 2

Processing and mechanical properties of pure mg and in situ aln reinforced mg 5al composite 2

... important role to alter the properties of bulk nc materials. 2.3 Mechanical behaviours of nanocrystalline materials For understanding of the mechanical properties of nanophase materials in general, ... strength of MMed materials. However, the amount of impurity increases with milling time, leading to degradation of overall combination of mechanical properties. Consolidation of the fine powders and ... management and the treatment of wastes has become one of the most important concerns of modern society to protect the environment [147]. Environmental regulations and quality demands require clean and

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:10

38 279 0
Processing and mechanical properties of pure mg and in situ aln reinforced mg 5al composite 3

Processing and mechanical properties of pure mg and in situ aln reinforced mg 5al composite 3

... 40h of milling and a certain amount of released N reacted with Al with the evidence of weak and broad AlN peaks. The proportion of AlN in the powder increased with further milling. Higher and ... operating at 40 kV and 30 mA was carried out for structural examination of MMed powders and MMed powders after annealing at 500°C and 1250°C (designated hereafter as xxh-MMed, xxh-MMed-500 and xxhMMed-1250 ... characteristics of nanocrystallites with the presence of interfacial components composed of Al, H and N atoms [20]. The average crystalline sizes estimated using Scherrer’s formula based on the theory of

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:10

23 241 0
Processing and mechanical properties of pure mg and in situ aln reinforced mg 5al composite 4

Processing and mechanical properties of pure mg and in situ aln reinforced mg 5al composite 4

... where Cp,sample and Cp,sapphire, msample and msapphire are the specific heat capacities and weights of measured sample and a sapphire standard sample. The effective displacement of the sample ... physical and tensile properties Setaram TMA 92-16.18 was employed to investigate the nature of thermal expansion of the samples by means of coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE). Thermal behavior of ... ratio of 25:1 to cylindrical rods of 7mm diameter. The grain size of the as-received Mg chips and as-blended extruded specimens was measured using optical microscope and the microstructure of as-milled

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:10

39 330 0
Processing and mechanical properties of pure mg and in situ aln reinforced mg 5al composite 5

Processing and mechanical properties of pure mg and in situ aln reinforced mg 5al composite 5

... strain rate of 3.33x10-5 s-1, the YS of 0h-MMed sample was comparable to that of 30h-MMed sample and higher than that of 40h-MMed sample. However, in terms of ductility, the 30h- and 40h-MMed ... accuracy, position control with accuracy of ±0.5% of transducer full travel, and strain controller with accuracy of 0.005% of transducer capacity or 0.25% of readingtransducer accuracy. Liquid ... phenomenon of softening in these mechanically milled materials [41-44] Han et al [ 45] and Longo et al [46] reported that the annihilation of accumulated dislocations in the vicinity of the

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:11

25 206 0
Processing and mechanical properties of pure mg and in situ aln reinforced mg 5al composite 6

Processing and mechanical properties of pure mg and in situ aln reinforced mg 5al composite 6

... and * the Poisson’s ratio of the reinforcement (0.287 for AlN) On the other hand, the strain rate from GBS is given by [57]:   a 3dt (6. 15) where a is the unit of sliding (=b) and ... origin of nano-voids The enhanced diffusivity and low activation energy for grain boundary diffusion may be understood in terms of free volume in the cores of the grain boundaries of ... Investigation of time dependent deformation behaviors by creep test sinks and sources of vacancies [32] Therefore, the rate of total energy dissipated as heat can be equated to that of energy

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:11

22 190 0
Optical and mechanical properties of cu al o thin films prepared by plasma enhance CVD

Optical and mechanical properties of cu al o thin films prepared by plasma enhance CVD

... hardness of 12.1 GPa and an elastic modulus of 120.1 GPa The weakest film, prepared at a substrate temperature of 600 ◦ C and a Cu/Al ratio of in the precursors, has a hardness of only 0.1 GPa and ... elastic moduli of the films were calculated The strongest film has hardness of 12.1 GPa and an elastic modulus of 120.1 GPa The weakest film, on the other hand, has hardness of only 0.1 GPa and an elastic ... Materials, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 17, pp 2401–2420, 1999 [14] Krzanowski J E., Nainaparampil J J., and Phani A R., Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Sub- and Superstoichiometric

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2015, 12:13

148 320 0
Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering  Part 2

Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Part 2

... saddle and the handlebars of a racing bicycle Use the text and diagrams on pages 177/8 to help you Student B: Your task is to explain to your partner how to adjust the height and tilt of the handlebars ... the size of the output (for example, adjusting the sound of a TV) Often this involves changing one kind of input into a different kind of output For example, opening a window may set off a burglar ... did he do a lot of? What kind of companies did he do installations in? What was one of the perks of the job? Listen to the interview again and complete the gaps in this record of Alistair’s work

Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2017, 18:37

65 508 1
Báo cáo hóa học: " Influence of Surface Modified MWCNTs on the Mechanical, Electrical and Thermal Properties of Polyimide Nanocomposites" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Influence of Surface Modified MWCNTs on the Mechanical, Electrical and Thermal Properties of Polyimide Nanocomposites" ppt

... MWCNT in case of former and with wt% in case of the latter Electrical Properties Fig SEM images of a raw, b acid modified-MWCNTs and c amide-MWCNTs As in the case of TS, the YM of the amide-MWCNTs/ ... because of their large aspect ratio and mobile p electrons Addition of very small quantities of MWCNTs significantly increases the conductivity of the composite as observed in Fig As in the case of mechanical ... duration and prolonged use between 200 and 350 °C without much deterioration in mechanical and other properties Polyimides are produced by the condensation reaction of an aromatic dianhydride and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 01:20

10 439 0
Tài liệu Structure Development and Mechanical Performance of Polypropylene docx

Tài liệu Structure Development and Mechanical Performance of Polypropylene docx

... influence of of cooling rate on the structure and resulting mechanical performance is explored for a set of isotactic polypropylenes with varying molecular weight, insertion of co-units and addition of ... as a function of time and temperature is accessed Figures 1.5 and 1.6 show the evolution of the α- and 17 Results and Discussion mesomorphic phase for six cooling rates for iPP1 and iPP2, respectively ... mainly PE and PP The basis of the dynamic development of polyolefins and their still tremendous potential lies in [4]: • Their versatility with respect to physical and mechanical properties and applications...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 09:20

156 425 0


... of the panels and compare the age effect on the physical and mechanical properties of the fiberboard 1.3 References Abd.Latif, M., W.A W Tarmeze, and A Fauzidah 1990 Anatomical features and mechanical ... [Leithoff and Peek 2001] Since the amount of each chemical composition of bamboo varies with age, height, and layer, the chemical compositions of bamboo are correlated with its physical and mechanical ... characteristics and mechanical properties of bamboo Dissertation, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, China pp 147 Yusoff, M.N.M, A Abd.Kadir, and A.H Mohamed 1992 Utilization of bamboo for pulp and paper...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 09:20

76 580 0
Retrieval of the source location and mechanical descriptors of a hysteretically-damped solid occupying a half space by full wave inversion of the the response signal on its boundary doc

Retrieval of the source location and mechanical descriptors of a hysteretically-damped solid occupying a half space by full wave inversion of the the response signal on its boundary doc

... precision of retrieval of pK depends on the degree of a priori knowledge of the other parameters of p hal-00657609, version - Jan 2012 1.2 The two models In order to carry out an inversion of a set of ... imaginary part of ℑµ for ±10% discordance of any of the other mechanical descriptors or of x1 On the other hand, it was shown that a ±10% discordance of the mechanical descriptors resulted in reasonably-small ... underground mechanical descriptor retrieval (Tarantola, 1986), and are often solved (Zhang & Chan, 2003; Lai et al., 2002) by inverting the times of arrival (TOAI) of body (Kikuchi & Kanamori, 1982) and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 01:21

26 468 0