effects of tourism in the philippines economic

Tài liệu Gulf War and Health: Volume 4. Health Effects of Serving in the Gulf War docx

Tài liệu Gulf War and Health: Volume 4. Health Effects of Serving in the Gulf War docx

... president of the National Academy of Engineering. The Institute of Medicine was established in 1970 by the National Academy of Sciences to secure the services of eminent members of appropriate professions ... Engineering in providing services to the government, the public, and the scientific and engineering communities. The Council is administered jointly by both Academies and the Institute of Medicine. ... appropriate professions in the examination of policy matters pertaining to the health of the public. The Institute acts under the responsibility given to the National Academy of Sciences by its congressional...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 01:20

292 574 0
Music cover, the effects of it and The attitudes of NEU’s students to Music cover in Vietnam

Music cover, the effects of it and The attitudes of NEU’s students to Music cover in Vietnam

... made the song newer, brings the song back to the listener with the whole new style and the performance is completely like remaining the life for the song. The cover music in Vietnam is the kind of ... data: - Finding documents in the Internet and magazine - Overview previous researches which have the same topic - Surveying in 100 students in National Economics University 6. Overview of the outline: 1) ... meanings. When audience can understand the lyrics of the original song and they make comparison, they mainly recognize that major of covered songs are not as good as the original ones. Hence, they...

Ngày tải lên: 21/04/2013, 20:53

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Tài liệu Research evaluation of economic, social, and ecological implications of the programme for commercial tree plantations: case study of rubber in the south of Laos PDR pptx

... as the economic depression hit towards the end of the 1930s, and the number of workers in the estates fell. However they became more active again in the 1950s. The fall of the French in the ... traditions in using the forest and land as they had done since the time of their ancestors. The National Forest Meeting in 1989 raised the importance of the forest for the livelihood of the Lao ... some of the written contracts include the signatures of the local Lao officials. 4. State policy, international institutions and the promotion of the rubber industry The origins of the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 04:20

135 708 0
International Accounting Standard 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates potx

International Accounting Standard 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates potx

... at the end of the reporting period of the foreign operation. Adjustments are made for significant changes in exchange rates up to the end of the reporting period of the reporting entity in ... re-attribute the proportionate share of the cumulative amount of the exchange differences recognised in other comprehensive income to the non-controlling interests in that foreign operation. In any other ... Equipment. Whether the carrying amount is determined on the basis of historical cost or on the basis of fair value, if the amount is determined in a foreign currency it is then translated into the functional...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:21

10 523 1
Prevalence of presumed ocular tuberculosis among pulmonary tuberculosis patients in a tertiary hospital in the Philippines pdf

Prevalence of presumed ocular tuberculosis among pulmonary tuberculosis patients in a tertiary hospital in the Philippines pdf

... major public health concern in the country. TB in the Philippines ranked fifth in the 10 leading causes of death and fifth in the 10 leading causes of illness, with an incidence reported to be 6.3 ... especially in immunocompromised indi- viduals and the elderly. TB in the eye can manifest in a myriad of ways, and the definitive diagnosis can be daunting due to the dif- ficulty of getting ocular ... Asian study found increasing longevity of their population and the high rate of TB in their elderly as important factors contributing to their persistent high rate of TB [17]. Old age has indeed been...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 03:20

4 517 0


... byincludinganappropri- ateemphasisofmatterparagraphifthedisclosurein thenancialstatementsisadequate. 24 Managementmayconsideritappropriatetomake disclosuresinordertoreassureusersofthenancial statementsabouttheentitysnancialpositionin thelightofthegeneraluncertainty.Suchdisclosures may,therefore,reectonlytheexistenceofgeneral, orsystemic,risk.Suchdisclosuresmaybeconsid- eredimportantandappropriateinthecircumstances toensurethatthenancialpositionoftheentity isplacedinappropriatecontextgiventhegeneral economicconditionsandhowthoseconditionsmay affecttheentity.However,thefactthatmanagement hasincludedsuchdisclosuresinthenancialstate- mentsdoesnotnecessarilymeanthatthereisamate- rialuncertaintythatwarrantsanemphasisofmatter paragraphinthenancialstatements. If,ontheotherhand,theuncertaintyarisesnotonly asaresultofthesystemicpositionbutalsobecause ofcircumstancesspecictotheentity,itismore likelythattheauditorwilljudgeittobematerial. Thedecisionastowhetheradiscloseduncertaintyis amaterialuncertaintyofthekindenvisagedbythis requirement(andbyIAS1 25 )isadifcultone.As indicatedabove,amaterialuncertaintyexistswhen themagnitudeofitspotentialimpactissuchthat ,in theauditorsjudgment,cleardisclosureofthenature andimplicationsoftheuncertaintyisnecessaryfor thepresentationofthenancialstatementsnottobe misleading. 26 AspartoftheIAASBsClarityproject,ISA570was redraftedbutnotrevised.Aspartoftheredrafting ,the IAASBsoughttoclarifythemeaningofparagraph 31oftheextantISAthatdescribeswhenamaterial uncertaintyexists.InISA570(Redrafted),thishas insufcientlydrawntogethertoenabletheuserofthe nancialstatementstoobtainanunderstandingofthe position. Asineveryaudit,circumstancesmayarisethat requiretheauditortomodifytheopinioninthe auditorsreport(i.e.,byissuingaqualied,adverse oradisclaimerofopinion). 22 Theseare: ã ... the ISAsthatarerelevantto the engagement. 1 Background The goingconcernassumptionisafundamental principle in the preparation of nancialstatements. Under the goingconcernassumption,anentityis ordinarilyviewedascontinuing in businessfor the foreseeablefuturewithneither the intention nor the necessity of liquidation,ceasingtradingor seekingprotectionfromcreditorspursuanttolawsor regulations.Accordingly,unless the goingconcern assumptionisinappropriate in the circumstances of the entity,assetsandliabilitiesarerecordedon the basisthat the entitywillbeabletorealizeitsassets, dischargeitsliabilities,andobtainrenancing(if necessary) in the normalcourse of business. The assessment of anentity’sabilitytocontinue asagoingconcernis the responsibility of the entity’smanagement;and the appropriateness of management’suse of the goingconcernassumption isamatterfor the auditortoconsideroneveryaudit engagement.Somenancialreportingframeworks containanexplicitrequirementformanagementto makeaspecicassessment of the entity’sabilityto continueasagoingconcern,andstandardsregarding matterstobeconsideredanddisclosurestobemade in connectionwithgoingconcern.Forexample, withinInternationalFinancialReportingStandards (IFRS),InternationalAccountingStandard(IAS) 1,“Presentation of FinancialStatements,”requires managementtomakeanassessment of anentity’s abilitytocontinueasagoingconcern: “Whenpreparingnancialstatements, managementshallmakeanassessment of anentity’sabilitytocontinueasagoing concern.Financialstatementsshallbe preparedonagoingconcernbasisunless managementeitherintendstoliquidate the entityortoceasetrading,orhasnorealistic alternativebuttodoso.Whenmanagement isaware, in makingitsassessment, of materialuncertaintiesrelatedtoeventsor conditionsthatmaycastsignicantdoubt upon the entity’sabilitytocontinueasa goingconcern,thoseuncertaintiesshallbe disclosed.Whennancialstatementsare notpreparedonagoingconcernbasis,that factshallbedisclosed,togetherwith the basisonwhich the nancialstatementsare preparedand the reasonswhy the entityis notregardedasagoingconcern. In assessingwhether the goingconcern assumptionisappropriate,management takesintoaccountallavailableinformation about the future,whichisatleast,butisnot limitedto,twelvemonthsfrom the balance sheetdate. The degree of consideration dependson the facts in eachcase.When anentityhasahistory of protable operationsandreadyaccesstonancial resources,aconclusionthat the going concernbasis of accountingisappropriate maybereachedwithoutdetailedanalysis. In othercases,managementmayneedto considerawiderange of factorsrelating tocurrentandexpectedprotability,debt repaymentschedulesandpotentialsources of replacementnancingbeforeitcan satisfyitselfthat the goingconcernbasisis appropriate.” 2 The detailedrequirementsregardingmanagement’s responsibilitytoassess the entity’sabilitytocontinue asagoingconcernandrelatednancialstatement disclosuresmayalsobesetout in laworregulation. Otherstandardsandguidancemayalsobe relevant,suchasthoserelatingtodisclosures of risksanduncertaintiesortosupplementary statementssuchasmanagementdiscussionand analysisorsimilar. Relevant ... the ISAsthatarerelevantto the engagement. 1 Background The goingconcernassumptionisafundamental principle in the preparation of nancialstatements. Under the goingconcernassumption,anentityis ordinarilyviewedascontinuing in businessfor the foreseeablefuturewithneither the intention nor the necessity of liquidation,ceasingtradingor seekingprotectionfromcreditorspursuanttolawsor regulations.Accordingly,unless the goingconcern assumptionisinappropriate in the circumstances of the entity,assetsandliabilitiesarerecordedon the basisthat the entitywillbeabletorealizeitsassets, dischargeitsliabilities,andobtainrenancing(if necessary) in the normalcourse of business. The assessment of anentity’sabilitytocontinue asagoingconcernis the responsibility of the entity’smanagement;and the appropriateness of management’suse of the goingconcernassumption isamatterfor the auditortoconsideroneveryaudit engagement.Somenancialreportingframeworks containanexplicitrequirementformanagementto makeaspecicassessment of the entity’sabilityto continueasagoingconcern,andstandardsregarding matterstobeconsideredanddisclosurestobemade in connectionwithgoingconcern.Forexample, withinInternationalFinancialReportingStandards (IFRS),InternationalAccountingStandard(IAS) 1,“Presentation of FinancialStatements,”requires managementtomakeanassessment of anentity’s abilitytocontinueasagoingconcern: “Whenpreparingnancialstatements, managementshallmakeanassessment of anentity’sabilitytocontinueasagoing concern.Financialstatementsshallbe preparedonagoingconcernbasisunless managementeitherintendstoliquidate the entityortoceasetrading,orhasnorealistic alternativebuttodoso.Whenmanagement isaware, in makingitsassessment, of materialuncertaintiesrelatedtoeventsor conditionsthatmaycastsignicantdoubt upon the entity’sabilitytocontinueasa goingconcern,thoseuncertaintiesshallbe disclosed.Whennancialstatementsare notpreparedonagoingconcernbasis,that factshallbedisclosed,togetherwith the basisonwhich the nancialstatementsare preparedand the reasonswhy the entityis notregardedasagoingconcern. In assessingwhether the goingconcern assumptionisappropriate,management takesintoaccountallavailableinformation about the future,whichisatleast,butisnot limitedto,twelvemonthsfrom the balance sheetdate. The degree of consideration dependson the facts in eachcase.When anentityhasahistory of protable operationsandreadyaccesstonancial resources,aconclusionthat the going concernbasis of accountingisappropriate maybereachedwithoutdetailedanalysis. In othercases,managementmayneedto considerawiderange of factorsrelating tocurrentandexpectedprotability,debt repaymentschedulesandpotentialsources of replacementnancingbeforeitcan satisfyitselfthat the goingconcernbasisis appropriate.” 2 The detailedrequirementsregardingmanagement’s responsibilitytoassess the entity’sabilitytocontinue asagoingconcernandrelatednancialstatement disclosuresmayalsobesetout in laworregulation. Otherstandardsandguidancemayalsobe relevant,suchasthoserelatingtodisclosures of risksanduncertaintiesortosupplementary statementssuchasmanagementdiscussionand analysisorsimilar. Relevant...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

11 381 0


... role of the land market is , . investigated using land sale data drawn from a 30-year period. The chapter begins withi summary of the hypotheses to be tested in the analysis. The interaction ... states, the relatively infertile . soils of the mdga contain around 90 per cent of their vital nutrients in the top 3 centimetres of a 10 centimetre soil profile, and 75 per cent in the ... the significant economic issues in mulga rangeland degradation in the context of the sustainability debate. The usefulness of dynamic optimisation techniques in identifymg the focus of...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 06:20

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... in years of economic expansion on top of the  needed to maintain the stock would allow the United States to retain the positive longrun effects of immigration while minimizing the negative ... of each of those terms to the net immigration rate ie to the in low of working immigrants as percentage of initial employment in the short and long run The estimated effects indicate the ... rates but they do increase productivity and hence average income This inding is consistent with the broad existing literature on the impact of immigration in the United States  In the short...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

26 599 1
industry and the effects of climate in italy

industry and the effects of climate in italy

... Euro-Asiatic continental plate from the African) the remains of the palaeo-Alpine chain, part of the northern section of the peninsula - probably connected with the Sardinian-Corsican massif, and, further ... Apennine peaks and this also continued in the Pliocene period, resulting in the depositing at the feet of the chains of huge deposits of sand, gravel and clay. There then followed a phase of general ... descending from the Alps and flowing from the north into the Po, and the Arno and Tiber, flowing through central Italy into the Tyrrhenian. The other main tributaries of the Po are the Ticino,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:04

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The economic impact of obesity in the United States potx

The economic impact of obesity in the United States potx

... factors as the date of measurement, representativeness of the sample, and scope of measurement. Differences in findings may be due to a confluence of factors in the design of the studies, rather than ... cost of around $700 a year. Productivity costs In addition to direct medical costs of obesity, a number of more indirect costs are part of the overall economic impact of obesity. Of these, effects ... receipt of disability income. For men in the NLSY, being obese raises the probability of receiving disability income by 6.92 percentage points, which is equivalent to losing 15.9 years of education....

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 05:21

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... Because of the cost of parallel IT operations (i.e., cloud and non-cloud), the shorter the server migration schedule, the greater the economic benefits. These findings, in turn, lead to the following ... their costs of hosting systems in their own data centers, should be many times the original investment in this area.” 2 The language in the budget makes three key points: (1) up-front investment ... cloud economics. Our analysis indicated that the two most influential factors driving the economic benefits are (1) the reduction in hardware as a smaller number of virtualized servers in the...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 05:21

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State structure and economic development The political economy of Thailand and the Philippines

State structure and economic development The political economy of Thailand and the Philippines

... Arima, and Jerome Ming: thank you all. In the Philippines, I am grateful for the institutional support from the School of Economics at the University of the Philippines. I am most indebted to Emmanuel ... elites between these two state actors in order to trace their distinct and interacting interests, and examine how state institutions structure the interactions between them. The institutional ... have typically explained poor economic performances—as in the case of the Philippines under the Marcos regime, and Thailand during the 1997 Asian financial crisis in terms of graft and corruption...

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báo cáo hóa học:" Molecular analysis of the apoptotic effects of BPA in acute myeloid leukemia cells" potx

... at the present, our data suggest that the contact or the assumption of BPA might increase the effects of a on-going treatment in humans, apart, of course, having effects on its own. Finally, the ... might consider the induction of apoptosis as an interesting anti-cancer action, on the other side we have to keep in mind that these effects might also be elicited in normal cells in the different ... BPA effects have to be considered independently of its ED action and might help in the understanding of the adverse effects caused in humans. Abbreviations AKT: RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein...

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... determined by multiplying stride time by the speed of the treadmill, and by then adding the (positive or negative) change in the x-direction of the marker at the moment of heel strike relative to the ... main investigator of the study, analyzed the gait data and was involved in revising the manuscript. JFS drafted the manuscript, was involved in the design of the study and in the data analysis. ... recruited partic- ipants of the LBP group and were involved in the design of the study. PJB was involved in drafting and revising the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Appendix Acknowledgements The...

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