... CỦA DÒNG ĐIỆN LÊN NGƯỜI VÀ GIA SÚC – PHẦN 4: ẢNH HƯỞNG CỦA SÉT Effects of current on human beings and livestock – Part 4: Effects of lightning strokes Lời nói đầu TCVN 9621-4:2013 hoàn toàn tương ... CỦA DÒNG ĐIỆN LÊN NGƯỜI VÀ GIA SÚC – PHẦN 4: ẢNH HƯỞNG CỦA SÉT Effects of current on human beings and livestock – Part 4: Effects of lightning strokes Phạm vi áp dụng mục đích Tiêu chuẩn đưa thông ... (ed), Management of Wilderness and Environmental Emergencies, ed 4, Mosby Will Wilk, 2000 (Tổn thương sét) [16] ANDREWS, C.J., COOPER, M.A., “Lighting injuries: Electrical, Medical and Legal Aspects”,
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2021, 22:24
... information with caution as most of the proposed mechanisms are based on in vitro The uptake and subsequent actions of β-glucan on immune cellsFigure 2 The uptake and subsequent actions of β-glucan on ... phages via the complement receptor (CR)-3. The immune response will then be turned on, one of the actions is the phagocytosis of the monoclonal antibody tagged tumor cells. Journal of Hematology ... quency and solution conformation were shown to have an impact on the elimination half-life, volume of distribu- tion and clearance [27]. The low systemic blood level of β-glucans after ingestion
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:20
The Effects of Stress on Short-Term and Long- Term Memory
... affect the short term and long term ability differently depending on the source of the stress, the duration of the stress, the intensity of the stress, and the timing that the stress occurs in the ... hypothalamic, pituitary, and adrenal glands of the body that cause the secretion of cortisol in response to stress (Cazacoff) When one really starts to notice the effects of stress on the brain is when ... consequences of stress on the brain The central nervous system, containing both the brain and the spine, along with the peripheral nervous system control most of our every day functions The brain
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2016, 17:12
Effects of MgO on dielectric relaxation and phase transition of the ceramic matrix BaBi4Ti4O15
... report the influence of the MgO content in the structure and the dielectric properties of the BBT using above mentioned tools This work shows that the MgO concentration modifies the value of the dielectric ... is the Boltzmann constant and T the absolute temperature)in the regions before and after of the value Tm For the sample BBT_1 the value of activation energy is also shown in Fig 10 For the other ... information The effects of the grain (bulk) and grain boundary was separated The value of activation energies was found to be of 1.169 and 0.874 eV for the grain and 1.320 and 0.981 eV for the grain
Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2020, 04:41
Effects of mgo on dielectric relaxation and phase transition of the ceramic matrix babi4ti4o15
... report the influence of the MgO content in the structure and the dielectric properties of the BBT using above mentioned tools This work shows that the MgO concentration modifies the value of the dielectric ... is the Boltzmann constant and T the absolute temperature)in the regions before and after of the value Tm For the sample BBT_1 the value of activation energy is also shown in Fig 10 For the other ... information The effects of the grain (bulk) and grain boundary was separated The value of activation energies was found to be of 1.169 and 0.874 eV for the grain and 1.320 and 0.981 eV for the grain
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2021, 20:14
báo cáo hóa học:" Direct effects of caffeine on osteoblastic cells metabolism: the possible causal effect of caffeine on the formation of osteoporosis" doc
... that the viability of the osteoblasts, the formation of ALP positive staining colonies and mineralization nodules formation in the osteoblasts cultures decreased significantly in the presence of ... responses in the biological systems [22]. These include stimulation of the central nervous system and cardiac muscle, increased urinary output, and relaxation of smooth muscle [23]. The effects of ... [26,27]. Hypotheses to explain these associations have centered on the caffeine content of coffee [26]. In fact, caffeine has a variety of pharmacological actions and cellular responses Von-Kossa
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Genetic diversity and silencing suppression effects of Rice yellow mottle virus and the P1 protein" doc
... cell-to-cell movement and the strength of suppression, respectively, and on the other hand, the non conserved F88 was involved in the strength of silencing suppression Conclusion: We demonstrated that intra-species ... selected These isolates are representative of the diversity of the other parts of the genome as phylogenetic reconstruction from the P1, the CP and the full genome are congruent They were cloned ... Mutagenesis of P1 demonstrated a strong link between some amino acids and silencing suppression features with, one on the hand, the conserved amino acids C95 and C64 involved in cell-to-cell movement and
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20
báo cáo khoa học: " Effects of hypodontia on craniofacial structures and mandibular growth pattern" docx
... Table 4: Rotation of the mandible, calculated by the shape of the condylus, the mandibular canal and symphysis, the nordervalangle, the hasund index and the gonion angle according to ... condylus and the gonionangle determined the translation, and the scores for all six parameters together determined the rotation of the mandible (Figure 5 ). Results In our study the most ... examined the effects of hypodontia dependent on the location of the missing teeth and Øgaard and Krogstad [15] come to the conclusion, that tooth agenesis has little effect on the cranifacial
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21
Licht wissen 19 Impact of Light on Human Beings
... Energy Conservation Ordinance (EnEV) The criteria and boundary conditions of use defined in the pre-standard DIN V 18599 enable the energy consumption of rooms and buildings to be rated The efficiency ... in terms of euros and cents for the large number of mostly small and medium-sized enterprises. One of the issues closely connected with LED technology is the impact of light on human beings. ... Model of the effects of light on human beings © licht.de licht.wissen 19 Impact of Light on Human Beings 8 04 rhythms. The ability to do has proven a useful evolutionary skill. Human beings have
Ngày tải lên: 16/05/2015, 09:00
Effects of nanomaterials on human buccal epithelium
... proliferation rate of monolayer human buccal epithelial cells was monitored from the amount of DNA content present in the cells. However, the effects of the individual NM on human oral buccal epithelium cannot ... fractions rather than in the cytosolic fractions. On the other hand, similar proportions of smaller sized SiO2 and TiO2 NM were found in both the membrane and cytosolic fractions. The amount of ... characterization of pristine NM and their surface charges. 36 3.3 Effects of pristine NM on human buccal epithelium 3.3.1 Internalization and bio-distribution of NM into TR146 human buccal epithelial
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 17:14
Effects of porosity on free vibration and nonlinear dynamic response of multi layered functionally graded materials subjected to blast loads
... Influences of type of porosity on nonlinear dynamic response of the FGM sandwich plate The effects of Porosity I, Porosity II and without porosity on the nonlinear dynamic response of the FGM sandwich ... behavior of the sandwich plate, and the Pasternak foundation have more beneficial effect than the Winkler one - Temperature increment significantly effects on the nonlinear vibration of the porous sandwich ... Influences of a / h ratio on nonlinear dynamic response of the FGM sandwich plates with porosity I 37 Fig 4.7 Influences of Pasternak foundation on nonlinear dynamic response of the FGM sandwich
Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2020, 08:38
Effects of insulin on human pancreatic cancer progression modeled in vitro
... none of these results should be considered quantitative, due to the small nature of the pilot study and the use of antibodies, they Page of 12 provide some context for the subsequent comparisons ... cancer Acute and chronic treatment of PANC1 cells with insulin revealed striking differences in the kinetics and dose–response profiles of AKT and ERK phosphorylation Several concentrations of insulin ... during the progression of pancreatic cancer These studies reveal potential mechanisms of insulinmediated growth and survival effects and provide a better understanding in the etiology of hyperinsulinemiaassociated
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2020, 14:51
Effects of porosity on free vibration and nonlinear dynamic response of multi layered functionally graded materials subjected to blast loads
... frequency and deflection amplitude of the sandwich plate - The effects of geometrical parameters ( parameter characterizing the duration of the blast pulse Ts on the nonlinear dynamic responses of the ... Influences of Winkler foundation on nonlinear dynamic response of the FGM sandwich plates with porosity I 38 Fig 4.9 Effect of parameter characterizing the duration of the blast pulse Ts on nonlinear ... N ) CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS Based on higher order shear deformation, thesis investigates the effects of porosity on nonlinear dynamic response and free vibration of the multi-layered FGM
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2020, 19:59
Effects of hypoxia on human cancer cell line chemosensitivity
... higher levels of restoration occurs [20] Another association between hypoxia and chemotherapy resistance is the up-regulation of the multidrug resistance (MDR) genes and over expression of the gene ... trifurcations [17] This, and the distance between cell and blood vessel diminish the exposure of the anticancer drug and also the proliferation of the cells [4,18] Since the cytotoxic effect is ... Further interpretation of the gene expression data was done by gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) [70] and the gene ontology (GO) bioinformatic tool: database for annotation, visualization and
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2020, 06:52
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) effects of porosity on free vibration and nonlinear dynamic response of multi layered functionally graded materials subjected to blast loads
... Influences of type of porosity on nonlinear dynamic response of the FGM sandwich plate The effects of Porosity I, Porosity II and without porosity on the nonlinear dynamic response of the FGM sandwich ... behavior of the sandwich plate, and the Pasternak foundation have more beneficial effect than the Winkler one - Temperature increment significantly effects on the nonlinear vibration of the porous sandwich ... Influences of a / h ratio on nonlinear dynamic response of the FGM sandwich plates with porosity I 37 Fig 4.7 Influences of Pasternak foundation on nonlinear dynamic response of the FGM sandwich
Ngày tải lên: 06/12/2020, 19:09
Effects of porosity on free vibration and nonlinear dynamic response of multi layered functionally graded materials subjected to blast loads
... Influences of type of porosity on nonlinear dynamic response of the FGM sandwich plate The effects of Porosity I, Porosity II and without porosity on the nonlinear dynamic response of the FGM sandwich ... behavior of the sandwich plate, and the Pasternak foundation have more beneficial effect than the Winkler one - Temperature increment significantly effects on the nonlinear vibration of the porous sandwich ... Influences of a / h ratio on nonlinear dynamic response of the FGM sandwich plates with porosity I 37 Fig 4.7 Influences of Pasternak foundation on nonlinear dynamic response of the FGM sandwich
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2021, 08:55
Effects of metformin on sirt1 nrf2 and ahr expression in cancer cells
... and reduced risk of cancer - Role of the AhR, CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 in carcinogenesis and mechanisms of regulation of gene expression Regulation of gene expression and ... Prof Luong Thi Hong Van, Prof Nguyen Thi Bich Thu, and Dr Tran Thi Hien for recommendation to study under Prof Hye Gwang Jeong Additionally, I would like to acknowledge all of the Professors and ... my dissertation committee members, Prof Bong Hee Kim, Prof Sang Kyum Kim, Prof Tae Cheon Jeong, and Prof Kwang Youl Lee for validating and supporting the scientific proposal and the results obtained
Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2021, 10:18
... between parents and other adults, the microcontext of interactions between parents and children, the macrocontext of the neighborhood one lives in and the availability of basic educational and health ... incidences of LBW among the population. There should be reason to anticipate similar effects on the level of the household with respect to cognitive and mental health outcomes. Despitethe importanceofhouseholdclimateandparentingbehavioron ... to “poverty” rather than, for example, low educational levels of parents. Once a convergence is reached on the net and correlation effects of poverty on a variety of indicators, the task ahead...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 11:20
... Lowestoft] 35 EFFECTS OF POLLUTANTS ON THE REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH OF MALE VERTEBRATE WILDLIFE - MALES UNDER THREAT section 4 conclusions and recommendations Conclusions from ndings in wildlife There ... prediction of the response of freshwater sh to a mixture of estrogenic chemicals. Environ Health Perspect., 113(6):721-728. 42 EFFECTS OF POLLUTANTS ON THE REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH OF MALE VERTEBRATE ... population, and that anti-androgenic chemicals were a possible cause of the effects (Toft et al.,2003). Similarly, effects on the gonopodia of male mosquitosh taken from polluted wetlands...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20
... tropic environments. The committee began its work in March 1990. It sought to understand the overarching environmental, social, and policy contexts of land conversion and deforestation and the promise ... mitigate some of their effects, particularly storm surges in coastal zones and mud slides on sloping lands. CONVERSION OF HUMID TROPIC FORESTS Forest conversion is the alteration of forest cover and forest ... recommendations. Chapter 1 describes the humid tropics, the consequences of forest conversion and deforestation, environmental factors affecting agriculture, and the fostering of sustainable land use...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 01:20