... enthalpy of dilution is the difference between two values of the enthalpy of mixing/solution corresponding to the concentrations of the copolymer solution at the beginning and at the end of the dilution ... i.e., the concentration of the total system Unfortunately, in some of the older literature, the definition of the sign of the so-called (integral) heat of solution is reversed, compared to the ... concentration/viscosity of the solution), correction of unoccupied vapor space, impurities of the solvent, connection to the Hg surface in older equipment, and the problem of obtaining real thermodynamic...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 15:20
... beneficence is concerned, none of these practices benefit the donors, at least not physically, since they will die regardless of the treatment provided Most of the opposition to these practices, ... graft function [6] More controversial practices are the administration of thrombolytics and antemortem cannulation in preparation for the administration of cold preservation solution Although ... consequences Application of this principle requires all four conditions to be met: the act must not belong to a category of acts considered evil; the good effect (for the patient), and not the...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 03:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Solution structure of hirsutellin A – new insights into the active site and interacting interfaces of ribotoxins docx
... basis of HtA function The reaction catalyzed by ribotoxins follows a mechanism of transphosphorylation, which implies the A Fig Stereo diagram of the active center of HtA (A) Superposition of the ... 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS 2383 Solution structure of hirsutellin A A Viegas et al A B C Fig Representation of the 3D structure of HtA in solution (A) Superposition of the ... in the conformation of loops, the b-hairpin and the relative position of the catalytic residues in the active site The results obtained will be discussed and compared with those reported for other...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 08:20
Autonomy, Responsibility, and Health Care - Critical Reflections potx
... person Only the perspective of the first person opens up the perspective of the second person I and you, and not I and he, she or it, are corresponding to one another A necessary condition of the ... beginning of life, the act of procreation, is based on the union of two persons Though already the single cell is genetically human life, the recombination of the genes of the parents is the starting ... feel their interests as well as the reaction of the 34 Regine Kather environment to their actions Therefore, they express their inner life, consciously and unconsciously, by gestures, motion,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 01:22
Báo cáo khoa học: The Vps4 C-terminal helix is a critical determinant for assembly and ATPase activity and has elements conserved in other members of the meiotic clade of AAA ATPases pdf
... motif, is consistent with a role for the RDF sequence in modulating the function of the SRH The C-terminal region of human VPS4B contains the b domain (b strands and 8), the final helix of the AAA ... addition on the ATPase activity of the other Vps4p mutant proteins referred to in this study Addition of Vps4p–E233Q and ⁄ or Vta1p did not have any apparent effect on the ATPase activity of the other ... next considered the possibility that deletion of the RDF sequence may disrupt the function of the SRH motif and thereby affect assembly and ATPase activity If this were true, then addition of a...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo khoa học: MR solution structure of the precursor for carnobacteriocin B2, an antimicrobial peptide fromCarnobacterium piscicola Implications of the a-helical leader section for export and inhibition of type IIa bacteriocin activity pdf
... than the mature peptide [14] To help determine the structural basis of the inhibition of the antimicrobial activity of CbnB2 by the leader and to assist future analysis of the interaction of preCbnB2 ... Solution structure of preCbnB2 in 70% trifluoroethanol The positions of the N-terminus and C-terminus are indicated, as are the residues at the start and finish of each a-helix The position of the ... Superimposition of the backbone of the leader peptide a-helix for 20 structures (B) Superimposition of the backbone of helix Both helix domains are highly conserved in each case, but the flexible...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20
Bonds convertible into new shares and/or exchangeable into existing shares of ACCOR ppt
... Events of Default The representatives of the masse of the Bondholders may, upon the decision of the Bondholders’ general meeting, decision of the majority of the boardholders’ general meeting, upon ... and the amount of reduction of the nominal value of the bonds Accordingly, the purchase price of the bonds will reduce by an amount equal to the reduction in the nominal value of the bonds for the ... review of the relevance and consistency of the information in the light of the transaction offered to investors Warning The Commission des opérations de bourse draws the attention of the public...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Solution structure of 2¢,5¢ d(G4C4) Relevance to topological restrictions and nature’s choice of phosphodiester links docx
... J(H1¢–H2¢) If one considers an equilibrium model, for a 10% contribution of the S domain, the contribution to the coupling constant would be around Hz Moreover, it is clear from the steepness of the curve ... based on the 2¢)3¢ and 2¢)3¢¢ NOE intensities in the 70 ms NOESY spectrum As the H2¢–H3¢ proton separation is shorter than the H2¢–H3¢¢ separation, irrespective of the sugar conformation, the H2¢–H3¢ ... respectively On the other hand, slide for the GC pair at the GC step that links the G stretch with the C stretch is rather high ˚ ()3.32 A) The nature of the base stacking interaction in the iso d(GGGGCCCC)...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:20
VMware vFabric Application Director and vFabric Data Director Integration Solution Guide pdf
... created in the vFabric Data Director environment instead of the vFabric Application Director deployment environment Theoretically, the service can be placed in any node of the application blueprint, ... database connections to the Data Director-deployed databases The database connection string has a format of {UUID}.DBNameService_IP_Address, where the curly brackets, {}, are part of the connection ... application that is consisted of the Web tier, the application tier, and the database tier The application tier runs the sample Dukes Bank application that is by default included in vFabric Application...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Crystal structure and solution characterization of the activation domain of human methionine synthase doc
... one of the more conserved regions of the activation domain and contains the consensus sequence Arg-X-X-X-Gly-Tyr critical for the binding of AdoMet [14] The human enzyme structure does not contain ... plotted versus the concentration of the activation domain and the curves show the best fit of the data to the quadratic Eqn (1) Table lists the calculated dissociation constants for the wild-type ... represents the change in fluorescence intensity, F0 is the measure of the fluorescence intensity in the absence of the activation domain, E0 is the concentration of the FMN domain, L denotes the concentration...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 09:21
Báo cáo khoa học: Inhibitory properties and solution structure of a potent Bowman–Birk protease inhibitor from lentil (Lens culinaris, L) seeds ppt
... simultaneous computation of koff, k *on and k*off The kon value was assumed by analogy with soybean BBI [26] The two dissociation constants (Kd ẳ koff kon and K*d ẳ k*off k *on, relative to the virgin and ... their functional and structural characterization Based on these considerations, the identication of novel BBI inhibitors, either as natural compounds or synthetic peptides, and the elucidation ... in the absence of trypsin, might be the result of a concomitant series of factors They include the nature of the amino acid at position P2Â (Gln instead of Ile) and an increased conformational...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:21
apress ajax and rest recipes, a problem - solution approach (2006)
... Cart: The focus of this chapter is on the general problem of the online shopping cart In the abstract sense, the problem with current implementations of the shopping cart is the association of data ... tests on the HTML page You use the lower button Test Prototype to run a particular test When you click the button, the status of the test is generated to the right of the button In the example, the ... STARTED The important thing is that you start with one, a bit of coding, and then move to the other Don’t code all of one and then implement the other Remember that you’re trying to develop the contract...
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:34
MCITP Exam 70-444 Optimizing and Maintaining A Database Administration Solution by Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 pot
... Microsoft Press A Division of Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 Copyright © 2006 by Microsoft Corporation and Ian McLean All rights reserved No part of the contents ... rather wait until the end of the test to see how you did, answer all the questions and then click Score Test You’ll see a summary of the exam objectives you chose and the percentage of questions ... to ensure the accuracy of this book and the contents of the companion CD If you have comments, questions, or ideas regarding this book or the companion CD, please send them to Microsoft Press...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 19:20
apress jdbc metadata mysql and oracle recipes a problem solution approach mar.2006
... reason the database server goes down, then all of the connections in the pool will be obsolete or defunct—that is, they become dead connections Using a dead connection will throw an exception One ... positioned just before the first row when the ResultSet is obtained Invoking the next() method moves to the first row, then the second, and so on Once positioned at a row, the application can get the ... exceptions in the Java language) but not of RunTimeException (RuntimeException is the superclass of those exceptions that can be thrown during the normal operation of the Java VM) Checked exceptions...
Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 15:46
inorganic membranes for hydrogen production and purification a critical review and perspective
... membranes The interaction of the water molecules with the silica surface depends on the type of the functional groups, which are mainly hydroxyl-groups in the case of the silica A prolonged exposure of ... in the plating solution On the other hand, rapid temperature change may also lead to the formation of defects caused by the different thermal expansion coefficients of Pd (or its alloy) and the ... at given operating conditions The productivity is a function of the material properties as well as the thickness of the membrane film, and the lower the thickness, the higher the productivity According...
Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 01:01
the chemical laboratory its design and operation a practical guide for planners of industrial, medical, or educational facilities
... but the result was serious congestion In educational laboratories, five feet would be advisable because of heavier traffic BENCH CONFIGURATION The shape of the room will determine the location of ... of the roof, practically overhanging the wall During the summer, the prevailing wind from the northwest would sweep across the sun-baked parking lot and then contact the hot concrete wall of the ... used On the drawing, all existing details-doors, windows, wall protrusions (common in the popular tilt-up construction), pipes and conduit on the walls, sewer outlets, utility conllections, etc.-should...
Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 01:37
firearms and violence a critical review
... Scrutiny of Challenged Gun Control Regulations: The Implications of an Individual Right Interpretation of the Second Amendment Scott Gast Statistical Issues in the Evaluation of the Effects of Right-to-Carry ... of that population The fact that little can be said about the prevention and control of these levels of death and injury—when for some segments of the population they are the leading causes of ... by the Governing Board of the National Research Council, whose members are drawn from the councils of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of...
Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 00:49
rationality and the good critical essays on the ethics and epistemology of robert audi oct 2007
... beliefs of reflection as a means to reach and support the conclusion of reflection Finally, the value of reflection also depends on connections between the beliefs of reflection and the conclusion of ... steps in reflection (51–52), but the conclusions of those inferences are not the ultimate conclusion of the reflection The real question, then, is whether there is any inference from the beliefs that ... reflection, would not count as a conclusion of that reflection Moreover, the reflecter sees beliefs of reflection as grounds for the conclusion of reflection The point of reflection is to use the beliefs...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 00:32