effect of noise pollution on plant growth

Effect of mycorrhizal application on plant growth and nutrient uptake of piper mullesua plantlets under sterilized, unsterilized and field soil condition

Effect of mycorrhizal application on plant growth and nutrient uptake of piper mullesua plantlets under sterilized, unsterilized and field soil condition

... each inoculant A control set with same number of replicates was also maintained without inoculation of AMF initially Harvestings of plants was done after months of transplantation Growth parameters ... objective of the work was to determine the effectiveness of mycorrhizal fungal inoculated with P mullesua plantlets assessing its effect on plant growth and plant nutrition when compared with nonmycorrhizal ... P mullesua plantlets assessing its effect on plant growth and plant nutrition when compared with non-mycorrhizal P mullesua plantlets in sterilized, unsterilized and field condition For this

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2020, 23:36

13 26 0
Effect of growing media and plant growth regulators on rooting of different types of stem cuttings in acid-lime Cv. Kagzi

Effect of growing media and plant growth regulators on rooting of different types of stem cuttings in acid-lime Cv. Kagzi

... different growing conditions and various concentrations of IBA on the rooting and shooting of hardwood cutting of phalsa (Grewia asiatica L.) under valley condition of garhwal 2604eticulat Plant Archives, ... length of longest root at 90 DAP among the treatments due to the interaction effect of type of cutting, types of media and growth regulator (IBA) (Table 3) The highest average length of longest ... planting One third basal portion of the cuttings were dipped in aqueous solution of IBA according to concentration and planted in the pro trays and garden pots by inserting twothird portion of

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2020, 20:01

17 75 0
Khóa luận tốt nghiệp evaluating of the effect of fertilizer levels on the growth and development of sacha inchi plant in thai nguyen spring season 2021

Khóa luận tốt nghiệp evaluating of the effect of fertilizer levels on the growth and development of sacha inchi plant in thai nguyen spring season 2021

... the growth of the number of leaves of the plant 4.3 Effect of fertilizer levels on growth of Sacha inchi through growth dynamics of stem diameter 4.4 36 Effect of fertilizer levels on growth of ... RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 32 4.1 Effect of fertilizer levels on growth of Sacha inchi plant on growth dynamics of plant height 4.2 32 The effect of fertilizer levels on the growth of Sacha Inchi Sacha ... 4.2 Effect of fertilizer levels on leaf growth of Sacha Inchi Table 4.3 Effect of fertilizer levels on growth behavior of Sacha Inchi Stem diameter Table 4.4 Effect of fertilizer levels on leaf

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2023, 21:40

97 1 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Effect of thermal treatment on the growth, structure and luminescence of nitride-passivated silicon nanoclusters" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Effect of thermal treatment on the growth, structure and luminescence of nitride-passivated silicon nanoclusters" pptx

... in the Si-nc growth dynamics related to the growth of existing Si-ncs due to diffusion of silicon ato ms in the film and the formation and subsequent growth of new Si-ncs at nucleation sites. The ... in two conference proceedings [18,19]. Most studies to date have employed isochronal annealing steps after deposi- tion to induce diffusion of excess silicon to nucleation sites. Conventionally, ... sample because of the relative mean free paths of secondary electrons and fluorescence photons at the absorption edges probed. Information on the bulk of the film was provided by the TEY spectra

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

12 362 0
The effect of external debt on economic growth in sub – saharan africa

The effect of external debt on economic growth in sub – saharan africa

... observation on the structure of production sets with indivisibilities Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 74(9), 3637-3641 Solow, R M (1956) A contribution to the theory of economic growth ... vii ABSTRACT The Effect of External Debt on Economic Growth in Sub – Saharan Africa Mahlet Kassaye Addis Ababa University, 2017 The effect of external debt on economic growth continuous to be ... Initial conditions and moment restrictions in dynamic panel data models Journal of econometrics, 87(1), 115-143 Boserup, E (1965) The condition of agricultural growth The Economics of Agrarian

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2017, 15:56

96 271 0
The effect of foreign aid on economic growth empirical evidence from east africa

The effect of foreign aid on economic growth empirical evidence from east africa

... evidence suggesting the ineffectiveness of foreign aid in influencing the region’s economic growth In response to the mixed evidence on the economic effect of foreign aid, international initiatives such ... Issue Boone, P (1994) The impact of foreign aid on savings and growth London School of Economics and Political Science, Centre for Economic Performance 57 Boone, P (1996) Politics and the effectiveness ... significant effect on the growth of real per capita GDP of the countries included in the study The empirical model controls for gross fixed capital formation, human capital accumulation, population growth;

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2017, 15:13

81 342 0
The effect of demographic bonus on economic growth in vietnam and 5 selected countries

The effect of demographic bonus on economic growth in vietnam and 5 selected countries

... bonus with countries without demographic bonus In addition, the effect of demographic policy on economic growth in the bonus period aslo put into consideration After having draw the impact of ... Simon, J (1981) The Ultimate Resource Princeton: Princeton University Press Smith, A (1776) Wealth of Nations London: Methuen & Co , Ltd Solow, R (1956) A Contribution to the Theory of Economic ... Investment and Economic Growth Journal of Development Economics, 62(9), 1-23 60 Weil, D and Mankiw, P (1992) A contribution to Empirics of Economic Growth A Quarterly Journal of economics, vol.107(2)

Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2018, 23:53

67 221 0
The effect of financial development on economic growth evidence from asian countries

The effect of financial development on economic growth evidence from asian countries

... DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS THE EFFECT OF FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT ON ECONOMIC GROWTH: EVIDENCE FROM ASIAN COUNTRIES A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS ... DEVELOPMENT ON ECONOMIC GROWTH: EVIDENCE FROM ASIAN COUNTRIES BY TRẦN THANH GIANG MASTER OF ARTS IN DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY, JULY 2014 UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL ... Generalized Method of Moments Estimation v ABSTRACT This study estimates the effect of financial development on economic growth in Asian countries in the period from 2000 to 2011 Based on unbalanced

Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2018, 23:54

117 152 0
Effect of Zn application on root growth parameters and shoot dry matter content of some cowpea genotypes

Effect of Zn application on root growth parameters and shoot dry matter content of some cowpea genotypes

... capacity of all nine cowpea genotypes under the application of Zn (+Zn) and no application of Zn (-Zn) are presented in Table Number of forks The data on effect of Zn application on the number of forks ... Journal of Plant Nutrition, 32(2): 287305 Crooke, W.M and Knight, J.H 1962 An evaluation of published data on the mineral composition of plants in the light of the cation exchange capacities of their ... application of zinc The interaction effect of zinc levels and genotypes (V × Zn) had no statistically significant effect on number of forks in roots of cowpea genotypes Number of crossings The data on

Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2020, 01:41

12 38 0
Effect of oxytetracycline-dosing on the growth, safety and intestinal histology of nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) juveniles

Effect of oxytetracycline-dosing on the growth, safety and intestinal histology of nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) juveniles

... available in most of the developing countries including India The lack of information on the potential effects of OTC-medicated feed administration in fish limited its registration to control susceptible ... thus, conducted to determine the biosafety of dietary supplementation of OTC on the growth, survival, residual depletion in edible tissue and histopathological changes in the intestine of Oreochromis ... 2: 50% feed consumption, 3: 75% feed consumption and 4: 100% feed consumption Ten fish from each tank were individually weighed on day (initial) and day 52 (final) to assess the growth performance

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2020, 11:30

17 45 0
Effect of micronutrient application on vegetative growth and bulb yield attributes of rabi onion (Allium cepa L.)

Effect of micronutrient application on vegetative growth and bulb yield attributes of rabi onion (Allium cepa L.)

... Bengal during Rabi season of 2017-2018to study about the effect of micronutrients on vegetative growth and bulb yield attributes in onion Proper plant nutrition is one of the most important factors ... application of micronutrients in onion increased the production of more leaves /plant than control This might be due to their role in cell division, meristematic activity of plant tissue and expansion ... application of GA3 and NAA on growth and yield of onion (Allium cepa L.).Environment and Ecology 21(3): 568-571 Manna, D 2013 Growth, yield and bulb quality of onion (Allium cepa L.) in response

Ngày tải lên: 15/05/2020, 12:51

10 38 0
Effect of feeding mode on infant growth and cognitive function: Study protocol of the Chilean infant Nutrition randomized controlled Trial (ChiNuT)

Effect of feeding mode on infant growth and cognitive function: Study protocol of the Chilean infant Nutrition randomized controlled Trial (ChiNuT)

... randomization until 24 months of age Those visits are at baseline (before or at 120 days of age), month of age (180 ± 14 days), months of age (270 ± 14 days), 12 months of age (365 ± 14 days) and 24 months ... adequate retention of participants until 24 months, monthly calls will be conducted until 12 months and every months, thereafter Calls will check contact information, health status of the infant, ... needs of formula-fed infants One example is the evolution of expert recommendations for the iron content of infant formula [7–10] Furthermore, ongoing research has highlighted the importance of

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2020, 19:20

11 28 0
Effect of mycorrhizal fungi on the growth of Ailanthus excelsa seedlings grown in different potting media under nursery condition

Effect of mycorrhizal fungi on the growth of Ailanthus excelsa seedlings grown in different potting media under nursery condition

... under studied In conclusion based on above mentioned results it may be concluded that potting media containing FS + FYM + G.I had stimulatory effect on shoot parameters, colonization index, mycorrhizal ... based biofertilizer on early growth of coconut seedlings The Journal of the Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka.22: 01-12 Jasper, D.A., Abott, L.K and Robbinson, A.D (1989) Acacias response ... (1999) Study on the impact of mycorrhizal and fertilizer on the growth of bamboo Indian J For 6: 118-123 Miransari, M (2010) Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis to plant growth under

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2020, 12:04

10 5 0
The Effect of Government Size on Economic Growth and Technical Change45312

The Effect of Government Size on Economic Growth and Technical Change45312

... any control variables, the effect of government size on economic growth is low, while the other models with control variables bring to us higher effect of government size on the growth of economics ... economic growth is not consistence through these nations Additionally, different effect of government size to economic growth reflects the fact that quality of governments on spending their money ... estimation The effect of growth of government size (measuring directly from absolute value of government expenditure) on economic growth is quite consistent through three models as well as growth of

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2022, 09:41

31 6 0