effect of air pollution on children s health



... between studies that point to causal associations between exposures and health effects Such synthesis furnishes the most solid policy basis and allows one to focus on the relevant exposures and to effectively ... mechanisms of injury caused by air pollution on the child s respiratory system, addressing the possible links between the pollution, acute infections and chronic respiratory diseases Besides the ... 2004, chaired by Jonathan Samet The meeting participants also agreed on conclusions concerning the likely causality of observed associations with air pollution The discussion used a multilevel scale:...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 09:20

191 448 0


... its diffusion characteristics are functions of its size and the density of the air in which it is suspended -9- The Health Effects of Air Pollution on Children Fall 2000 severe pollution episodes ... with increased numbers of medical consultations However, in adults, the only consistent association was with levels of airborne particles This suggests that children and adults might respond differently ... Pollution on Children' s Health? 15 The Health Effects of Air Pollution on Children Fall 2000 Introduction Air pollution has many effects on the health of both adults and children The purpose of this...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20

18 480 0
Tài liệu Modelling the e®ects of air pollution on health using Bayesian Dynamic Generalised Linear Models pdf

Tài liệu Modelling the e®ects of air pollution on health using Bayesian Dynamic Generalised Linear Models pdf

... remainder of this subsection describes the model building process, including justifications for the choice of models The first part focuses on the trend models, while the second discusses the air pollution ... that are used in this case study, the second discusses the choice of statistical models, while the third presents the results 5.1 Description of the data The data used in this case study relate ... performances of the trend models used here, against non-parametric smooth functions, such as smoothing splines or LOESS smoothers Secondly, the Bayesian approach gives results that are superior...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 10:20

27 506 0
Tài liệu Effect modification of air pollution on Urinary 8-Hydroxy-2’-Deoxyguanosine by genotypes: an application of the multiple testing procedure to identify significant SNP interactions ppt

Tài liệu Effect modification of air pollution on Urinary 8-Hydroxy-2’-Deoxyguanosine by genotypes: an application of the multiple testing procedure to identify significant SNP interactions ppt

... other populations Conclusions This study found that variations of oxidative stressrelated genes modified effects of OC or SO 2- on 8-OHdG This suggests that effects of OC or SO42- on 8-OHdG and ... and pack-years of cigarettes smoked as continuous variables and adjusted for alcohol consumption, smoking status, use of statin medication and season as categorical variables We adjusted for temperature ... ROS and has been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular diseases [15,43,44] Previous studies have shown that variations of HFE C282Y, HFE H63 D, HMOX-1, GSTs genes modify associations...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

9 773 0
Tài liệu Impacts of air pollution on human health, ecosystems and cultural heritage pdf

Tài liệu Impacts of air pollution on human health, ecosystems and cultural heritage pdf

... level of risk of adverse effects of nitrogen on ecosystems This brochure was produced by the Working Group on Effects of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Long-range ... 1979, this Convention has contributed to lower transboundary air pollution through policy measures based on scientific studies and collaborations These agreements on emission reductions cover the ... /environment-and -health /air- quality/activities /health- aspects -of- long-rangetransboundary -air- pollution For a more detailed assessment, see the full report entitled “Impacts of air pollution on ecosystems,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

8 584 0
APHEIS- Monitoring the Effects of Air Pollution on Health in Europe doc

APHEIS- Monitoring the Effects of Air Pollution on Health in Europe doc

... (1.003-1.0048) Hospital Admissions Respiratory Dis 65+ Years 66 Hospital Admissions Respiratory Dis

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20

117 504 0


... 14 Combustion Emissions Analysis of Wood-Based Waste Processing-Materials 295 Han Chien Lin Chapter 15 An Assessment of the Effectiveness of California s Local Air Pollution Controls on Agricultural ... indoor air pollution The air pollutants such as asbestos fibers and dioxins, resulting from waste disposal, has been associated with a multitude of health effects Asbestos fibers are dangerous to health ... the impact of air pollution on cardiovascular disease represents a serious public health problem Results from research studies have demonstrated a strong relationship between levels of airborne...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 09:20

456 719 0
Nonparametric modeling of the effects of air pollution on public health

Nonparametric modeling of the effects of air pollution on public health

... Correlations 70 SUMMARY This thesis aims to analyze the effects of exposure to air pollution on public health across 15 populous cities in the United States, based on daily observations from January ... O3, t + confounders See Schwartz et al (1996) Other techniques under consideration to assess the adverse effects of air pollution include models with splines, thresholds or distributed lags During ... exposure to air pollution and its effects on public health across 15 populous cities in the United States The selection of these cities refers to Chapter Our study is a city-specific analysis That...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 23:08

88 262 0
Tài liệu Impact of Tobacco Use on Women’s Health doc

Tài liệu Impact of Tobacco Use on Women’s Health doc

... disease risks associated with tobacco use and on effective means of tobacco-use prevention and cessation among various subgroups of women and girls • Studies are needed on the health effects unique ... than non-smokers to experience primary and secondary infertility Effects of Smoking on Cardiovascular Disease and delays in conceiving Exposure to SHS has numerous effects on the health of children, ... population studies of chronic obstructive respiratory disease VIII Effects of smoking cessation on lung function: a prospective study of a free-living population American Review of Respiratory Diseases,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 06:20

14 1K 1
Effect of teachers' feedback on freshmen's motivation to learn writing skill - a survey research at Hanoi University of business and technology

Effect of teachers' feedback on freshmen's motivation to learn writing skill - a survey research at Hanoi University of business and technology

... the class, read some piece of writing and give correction, comment or discussion when necessary This is called teacherstudent conference/ one-to-one conference/small discussion/conversation while ... teacher-class conference because this makes everybody interested, classmates’ writing are compared Besides, I pay attention and learn from mistakes of other classmates.‖ SS3, SS4, SS5 also agree ... errors, mistakes or problems from students’ papers, and then highlight them in a short-class-discussion/ classsummary-comment after writing They also can address some special students because their...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2015, 07:57

89 794 2
Gaza’s Children: FallinG Behind The eFFeCT oF The BloCkade on Child healTh in Gaza ppt

Gaza’s Children: FallinG Behind The eFFeCT oF The BloCkade on Child healTh in Gaza ppt

... hepatitis are the most common illnesses reported among Gaza s refugees.123 Photograph: Nuriya Oswald Those residents that are not connected to the sewage system rely on cesspits or open sewage flows ... West Bank, is further degrading Gaza s health infrastructure WHO has composed a list of 480 medications and 700 medical disposables, including syringes, filters for dialysis and bandages, essential ... 39% (186) of the essential drugs and 29% (200) of the disposables were at or below one month s worth of supplies.84 In the past, these have included paediatric items such as iron syrup used to treat...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 05:20

32 425 0
Gaza’s Children: FallinG Behind - The eFFeCT oF The BloCkade on Child health in Gaza ppt

Gaza’s Children: FallinG Behind - The eFFeCT oF The BloCkade on Child health in Gaza ppt

... hepatitis are the most common illnesses reported among Gaza s refugees.123 Photograph: Nuriya Oswald Those residents that are not connected to the sewage system rely on cesspits or open sewage flows ... West Bank, is further degrading Gaza s health infrastructure WHO has composed a list of 480 medications and 700 medical disposables, including syringes, filters for dialysis and bandages, essential ... 39% (186) of the essential drugs and 29% (200) of the disposables were at or below one month s worth of supplies.84 In the past, these have included paediatric items such as iron syrup used to treat...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20

32 453 0
Effect of sensory education on school children’s food perception: A 2-yearfollow-up study

Effect of sensory education on school children’s food perception: A 2-yearfollow-up study

... school Two experimenters responsible for the measurements and an assistant gave the lessons each week The contents of the lessons are described in Appendix The second wave of sensory education ... verbalization of sensory experiences is supported by taste lessons in 12year-old school children (Jonsson, Ekström, & Gustafsson, 2005) In contrast, Sune et al (2002) found that despite attending ... (hedonic terms excluded) The effect of education was expected to appear as an interaction of education  session Significant interactions between different sessions (within-subject contrasts) are...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2013, 21:07

11 773 3
Addressing the Impact of Household Energy and Indoor Air Pollution on the Health of the Poor: Implications for Policy Action and Intervention Measures pot

Addressing the Impact of Household Energy and Indoor Air Pollution on the Health of the Poor: Implications for Policy Action and Intervention Measures pot

... Association of exposure with chronic bronchitis [assessed by symptoms] and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD - progressive and incompletely reversible airways obstruction] (assessed by spirometry ... countries • Asthma Several studies from developing countries, but inconsistent Some support from studies of ambient air pollution, but also inconsistent 2.4 Shortcomings in Studies Most existing studies ... permission of WHO The views expressed in this document by named authors are solely the responsibility of those authors Addressing the Impact of Household Energy and Indoor Air Pollution on the Health...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

52 579 0
Evaluating impacts of air pollution in China on public health: Implications for future air pollution and energy policies pptx

Evaluating impacts of air pollution in China on public health: Implications for future air pollution and energy policies pptx

... is structured as follows Section describes the methods used to calculate the changes in ambient concentrations, health impacts and associated economic costs Section presents results of and Section ... Section examines uncertainties in the integrated assessment Section summarizes our main conclusions Integrated assessment approach 2.1 General framework Our integrated assessment includes six steps: ... is the only cohort study that examines the association of infant mortality and long-term air pollution exposure Studies on the association of morbidity and air pollution exposure are much less...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

16 664 0
Protecting Children''''s Health In A Changing Environment - Report Of The Fifth Ministerial Conference On Environment And Health.pdf potx

Protecting Children''''s Health In A Changing Environment - Report Of The Fifth Ministerial Conference On Environment And Health.pdf potx

... knowledge of environment and health issues and build the capacity of all professionals, with particular emphasis on health professionals and professional caretakers of children D Knowledge and tools ... impact of this decrease is unclear In conclusion, lower-carbon strategies can save lives These strategies need health impact assessments The co-benefits for health can partly offset the costs of ... initiatives on risk perception, assessment, management and communication  Such as the Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:22

92 501 0
INDOOR AIR POLLUTION - Children''''s Health and the Environment potx

INDOOR AIR POLLUTION - Children''''s Health and the Environment potx

... Carbon monoxide also causes sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, confusion and disorientation At very high levels it causes loss of consciousness and death Poisoning may have irreversible sequelae These ... loss of years of life One DALY is the loss of one healthy life year IAP = indoor air pollution Ref: •The health effects of indoor air pollution exposure in developing countries Concise summary of ... illness The few existing epidemiologic studies on the possible effects of carbon monoxide on the severity or fatality of coronary occlusion are insufficient to allow any conclusions Acute effects...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20

67 448 0
Impact of indoor air pollution on health, comfort and productivity of the occupants pot

Impact of indoor air pollution on health, comfort and productivity of the occupants pot

... accessability of space, conditions around the workstation This questionnaire may consist of 30-40 questions, depending upon the size, function and complexity of the organisation 8.4.3 Questionnaire ... Cockroaches (disease carriers) Animals Rodents Rats (disease carriers) Pets Excretions, animal dander, skin, scales, fur, feathers, serum proteins Birds Disease transmission H u m a n s CO2, ammonia, ... asbestos, and substances such as CFCs which contribute to ozone depletion, should be avoided Solutions for indoor air pollution should be addressed as follows: Buildings - - Improve aspects of design,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20

7 508 0
Effects of short term exposure to air pollution on hospital admissions of young children for acute lower respiratory infections in ho chi minh city

Effects of short term exposure to air pollution on hospital admissions of young children for acute lower respiratory infections in ho chi minh city

... S C1 C2 C3 S C1 C2 C3 S C1 C2 C3 S C1 C2 C3 Co-pollutant models: % increase in pneumonia and bronchiolitis hospitalizations, Poisson analyses, by season, ages 0-5 years Rainy Season Dry Season ... were observed in the dry season, and negative associations were observed in the rainy season With the exception of Ozone, results were generally consistent across time series and case crossover ... each district Analytic Approaches Time-series analysis: The unit of observation is daily counts of hospital admissions for acute lower respiratory infection We used Poisson regression with smoothing...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2015, 17:48

4 286 1
Children’s Health Deficits due to Diarrhoea: Effects of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Slums with Different Water Logging Conditions

Children’s Health Deficits due to Diarrhoea: Effects of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Slums with Different Water Logging Conditions

... findings that may serve to facilitate discussions on the immediate, underlying causes of health implications and ways to address these causes CONCLUSIONS DALYs lost varied considerably among the ... Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System, Revision 2, ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/19/Rev 2, New York UN (1998) Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 1, ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/67/REV.1, ... variations in children s diarrhoea incidence among Bangladesh s urban slum communities based on their inundation conditions, and (2) to assess the populations’ demographic factors, socioeconomic status,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

15 703 0