economic moneysaving tax breaks



... potential economic benefits from new investments in regional coastal ocean observing systems in US waters range from $500 million to $1 billion per year, estimated largely in terms of increased economic ... Forecasting: The Potential Economic Benefits, NOAA, Office of Policy and Strategic Planning, 1999. p. 47. Website: . notes Economic Statistics for ... Administration, NOAA Oceans and Coasts, Special Projects Office. Website: . In 1995-96, economic impacts of coastal recreation in Monroe County, home to the Florida...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 17:27

56 995 2
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.1

Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.1

... ClimatechangeasenvironmentalandeconomichazardGuestEditor: Boris Porfiriev Climate change as environmental and economic hazard Guest Editor Boris Porfiriev Russian Academy of Sciences Climate change as environmental and economic ... impact on the environment Economics/Environment Climate change: A hazard or an opportunity? Boris Porfiriev* Guest Editor, Risk and Crisis Research Center at the Institute of Economics, Russian Academy ... the reduction of human impact on climate. At least, within the framework of economic theory, mainstream or neoclassic economics would regard this value as complying much more with venture – or...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:56

8 657 1
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.2

Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.2

... to elucidate what this means, and more importantly, how it might be implemented. 5.1. Risk and economic resilience In a world where climate variability, extreme hazard events, robust ecosystem ... financial assets in countries and communities becomes an imperative to ensure resilient societies. Economic and/or finan- cial vulnerability can be reduced through a variety of mechanisms in terms ... these concepts mutually exclu- sive. Below, we highlight how two of these approaches can strengthen economic resilience through iterative risk management. ISDR (2009) recently released a report entitled Risk...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:56

8 686 2
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.3

Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.3

... clearly distinguish empirical from non-empirical justifications for judgements of risk. Keywords: economic damage; hurricanes; insurance; prediction; uncertainty 1. Introduction The answer to the ... 2008. Does rising income increase or decrease damage risk from natural disasters? Journal of Urban Economics, 63(3). 788– 802. Klein, R. J. T. and Tol, R. J. S., 1997. Adaptation to climate change: ... Ecology and Evolution, 17(1). 40–44. Common, M., 1995. Economists don’t read Science. Ecological Economics, 15(2). 101–103. Dietz, T., Ostrom, E. and Stern, P., 2003. The struggle to govern the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:56

8 592 0
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.4

Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.4

... hurricane landfall record. Those studies will be referenced here, but not replicated. The data on the economic losses from US land- falling hurricanes comes from Pielke et al. (2008), which sought to...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:57

8 600 0
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.5

Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 1.5

... KENNEDY 2 AND JIM SKEA 3 1 Grantham Research Institute and Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE 2 Committee on Climate Change, Manning ... acceler- ated growth in concentrations – even if it slows temporarily as a result of the current economic crisis – means measures to reduce emissions have to be brought forward. In devising its ... greenhouse gas emissions trajectory, and the different points of view are backed up by a variety of economic, ethical and environmental arguments. The Intergovernmen- tal Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:57

8 635 0
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 2.1

Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 2.1

... disas- ter risk management. 2. Future natural disaster risk under climate and socio -economic change 2.1. Impact of socio -economic developments on natural catastrophe damage Human-induced developments ... event on human societies, for example, in terms of loss of lives or economic costs (Boc ˇ karjova, 2007). A certain threshold of economic damage or loss of life generally needs to be exceeded before ... abilities of societies to prepare for and manage the economic disruption caused by the disaster, which depend on the countries’ level of economic development (Rose, 2003). A major part of the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:57

8 640 0
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 2.2

Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 2.2

... illustration, Aerts et al. (2008a) have esti- mated the independent influence of climate change and socio -economic developments on flood risk, defined as probability * damage,inthe Netherlands until the year ... Figure 2). Furthermore, changes in urban development were assessed using two scenarios, namely low economic growth (RC) and high growth (GE) and corresponding changes in the ‘portfolio of properties ... moderate rise in sea level of 60 cm results in a similar increase in potential damage as a high economic growth scenario. Climatechangeeffectsonlydominateforvery high increases in sea level. These...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:57

8 699 0
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 2.3

Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 2.3

... 95–111. Kahneman, D., 2003. Maps of bounded rationality: psy- chology for behavioral economics. The American Economic Review, 93(5). 1449–1475. Kahneman, D. and Tversky, A., 1979. Prospect theory: an ... typology of economic disruptions. 50th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International. Philadelphia, PA. Rose, A., 2004a. Defining and measuring economic resi- lience ... Manage- ment, 13(4). 307–314. Rose, A., 2004b. Economic principles, issues, and research priorities in hazard loss estimation. Model- ling Spatial and Economic Impacts of Disasters,Y. Okuyama and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:57

8 685 0
Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 2.5

Climate change as environmental and economic hazard - phần 2.5

... of ‘climate change induced’ crises. 4.3. Proposition three: Affected actors with strong cultural, economic and societal support will further limit political actors' framing options in terms...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2012, 15:57

7 541 0
How and Where Capital Account Liberalization Leads to Economic Growth

How and Where Capital Account Liberalization Leads to Economic Growth

... Information", American Economic Review, 71(3), pp. 393-410. Studart, R. (1995), Investment Finance in Economic Development, London: Routledge. Taylor, L. (1983), Structuralist Macroeconomics: Applicable ... University Press. Singh, A. (1997), "Stock Markets, Financial Liberalisation and Economic Development", Economic Journal, 107(442), 771-782. Stiglitz, J.E. (1998), "The Role of ... World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics, Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 19-52. Stiglitz, J.E. (2000), “Capital Market Liberalization, Economic Growth and Instability”, World Development,...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 08:50

23 502 1
Public Economic Theory Felix Bierbrauer MPI Collective Goods

Public Economic Theory Felix Bierbrauer MPI Collective Goods

... commodity taxation/ Ramsey taxation 3.1. The theory of optimal commodity taxation as a theory of public sector pricing 3.2. Renegotiation-proofness as a theoretical foundation of linear tax systems ... of an optimal commodity tax system 3.3 Application: Theory of optimal capital taxation 4. The relation between optimal income taxation and optimal commodity taxation 4.1 The critique ... 7.1 Pigouvian taxes 7.2 Pigouvian taxes versus quantity controls 8. Public Finance in Models of Economic Growth 8.1. Public Debt and Ricardian Equivalence Public Economic Theory...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:11

3 390 0
Foresight 2020 Economic, industry and corporate trends

Foresight 2020 Economic, industry and corporate trends

... Intelligence Unit 2006 Foresight 2020 Economic, industry and corporate trends Chapter 2 Industries 44 © The Economist Intelligence Unit 2006 Foresight 2020 Economic, industry and corporate trends Chapter ... 2006 Foresight 2020 Economic, industry and corporate trends In an age of uncertainty, peering 15 years into the future may seem like hubris. But ignoring long-term trends—demographic, economic, corporate—is ... continue: an OPEC-type organisation for gas producers is quite possible. Governments will also use economic policy Energy price projections (real terms, in mid-2004 US$, unless otherwise indicated) 2003...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:27

96 454 0

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