e strategic environmental assessment

Coastal Planning and Management - Chapter 5 docx

Coastal Planning and Management - Chapter 5 docx

... there are requirements specified in Federal law (Chapter 3) These requirements are imposed to ensure that Federal coastal management objectives are met 5.1.3 The requirements of coastal management ... statement required by the Resource Management Act Therefore, the management of the coastal environment received special attention in the Act Draft New Zealand Coastal Policy Statements were released ... exercises may have uncovered new issues or problems which may have been considered unimportant, or were not considered at all The result could be that plans are seen to exacerbate or even create...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 10:22

104 430 0


... the strength of the cutting edge The elements of the single-point tool are written in the following order: back rake angle, side rake angle, end relief angle, side relief angle, end cuttingedge ... in feet per minute (m/sec) and is the relative surface speed between the cutting tool and the workpiece It may be expressed by the simple formula CS = irDN/12 fpm in., where D is the diameter ... feed is expressed in inches per revolution (ipr) (mm/rev) For reciprocating tools or workpieces, feed is expressed in inches per stroke (ips) (mm/stroke) The recommended cutting speeds, and depth...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 14:15

33 429 0


... the grinding process: (1) they determine the strength of the wheel and its maximum speed; (2) they determine whether the wheel is rigid or flexible; and (3) they determine the force available ... Temperature Temperature rise affects the surface properties and causes residual stresses on the workpiece It is related to process variables by the following relation: /vY/2 temperature rise ... electron-beam gun and are accelerated to three-fourths the speed of light at the anode The collision of the electrons with the workpiece immediately translates their kinetic energy into thermal energy...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 14:15

34 328 0
membrane reactors for hydrogen production processes

membrane reactors for hydrogen production processes

... reactants are fed and the reaction takes place is called reaction or retentate region whereas the part of the reactor where the products permeated through the membrane are collected is the permeate chamber ... fixed bed of catalyst is assumed to be present The permeate chamber is the annular region between the inner tube and the shell In the permeate region, the sweep gas flows in co-current mode in the ... tubes with the inner one made of a material selectively permeable to a product of the reaction The reacting stream can be fed to the annular region or to the inner tube The region where the reactants...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 10:34

249 612 0
Approach to Zero Emission Processes in Food Industry - Case Study for Soy-Sauce Production Process -

Approach to Zero Emission Processes in Food Industry - Case Study for Soy-Sauce Production Process -

... materials in other processes are essential in establishing the zero-emission system Therefore, the detailed material flow of negative emissions should be grasped The selection of targeting materials for ... conversion gradually increased with temperature The volume of gas evolved per weight decrease of cake also increased with temperatures Main products at low temperature were carbon monoxide and ... Water and Environment Technology, Vol.2, No.1, 2004 network between processes or industries aiming at the establishment of the zero-emission system Then, the development of key technologies that...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

7 672 0
Biogeochemical Variability of Vietnamese Coastal Waters Influenced by Natural and Anthropogenic Processes

Biogeochemical Variability of Vietnamese Coastal Waters Influenced by Natural and Anthropogenic Processes

... Waters Influenced by Natural and Anthropogenic Processes coasts and have been increasing in frequency over the past few years However, damage from them have fortunately remained less severe relative ... of elements in coastal waters Furthermore, the current sources of elements from outside the ecosystem appear to balance biogeochemical budgets Data presented in Table show that estuarine systems ... the processes difficult and there is a scarcity of information In the following text we restrict ourselves to the three upwelling centres in the East Sea In the East Sea, the seasonally reversing...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 14:15

10 375 0
Tài liệu Huntington’s Borghese Style Urn as a Study of Two-Dimensional Art & The Production of a Piece of Two-Dimensional Art pptx

Tài liệu Huntington’s Borghese Style Urn as a Study of Two-Dimensional Art & The Production of a Piece of Two-Dimensional Art pptx

... sculpture that indicate why the figures are assembled? 10 At the top edge of the urn a vine encircles the form What does this vine represent? Is it necessary? Why? 11 If you designed a relief sculpture ... it When the students carve, make sure they don't go too deep because the drywall will lose its strength in areas that are too thin When the design is fully carved students can either leave it ... have the manufacturers name stamped on it and there are usually little holes here and there • To seal the drywall, make a mixture of glue and water (7 oz white glue, oz water) and paint the drywall...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 10:20

6 681 0


... management techniques for thrips • (H) Develop effective, economical management techniques for whiteflies • (H) Develop effective economical management techniques for weeds • (M) Develop effective, ... varieties for major diseases • Develop effective, economical management techniques for downy mildew • Develop effective, economical management techniques for powdery mildew • Develop effective, economical ... haze or kill them Several control methods can be used to reduce horned lark damage to lettuce, but the effectiveness of each depends on the persistence of the grower Frightening devices requires...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 11:20

55 339 0
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " An Integrated Production, Distribution and Marketing Plan for Melon and Cabbage In Vinh Province, Vietnam " pot

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " An Integrated Production, Distribution and Marketing Plan for Melon and Cabbage In Vinh Province, Vietnam " pot

... province level MARD extension centre and district level extension station staff b Growers and c Retailer SALES & MARKETING: Sales Coordination a Establish sales and marketing structure - cooperative ... Field trials - training on experimental design and management • ELISA system to test for pesticide residues • Mapping supply chain to determine areas for improvement • Marketing • Fresh Care ... Water management d Crop nutrition e Pest and disease management Harvest/ Post Harvest practices, incorporated in GAP Manual a Harvest maturity b Harvest scheduling c Temperature management d Grading...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20

3 507 0
The tax deferred saving plan and private savings in an OG model with production

The tax deferred saving plan and private savings in an OG model with production

... as we 13 will see in section 5, saving decreases as α increases The reason is that in the case of σ=2 the effects of α on the after-tax interest rate are considered, while the after-tax interest ... cത୭ decrease, and interest factor ሺ1 ൅ rҧ ሻ increase yതଵ ഥଵ are decreasing since wage decreased Even though saving decreased, yതଶ and T ഥଶ are increasing since the interest rate increased and ... saving decreases as the tax rate increases The result is consistent with the analysis in the above part As the tax rate increases, the after tax interest rate decreases In the first period, an agent...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 15:55

61 197 0
How to Write a Marketing Plan

How to Write a Marketing Plan

... satisfaction level Types offered Customers being serviced Service delivery method Spending and timetables • Market Research o Brief summary of current market research efforts Projects e. g., completed, ... processing and delivery on-time rate shrinkage rate correct order rate Market research objectives o studies initiated o studies completed R&D objectives o product development Other objectives ... product demonstrations) o sales force (e. g cycle time, cost per call, closing rate, customer visits, etc.) Channel objectives o dealers total number/percentage new number/percentage retained o order...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 15:18

20 2,5K 6
Dial plan architecture.doc

Dial plan architecture.doc

... numbers for service prifexes when a range of numbers is reserved for MCUs, say 8*, apend the zone prifex to the reserved number to create a unique service prifex if the zone were 408 and the reserved ... zone nnetwork, service prifexes need to routed between zones, and therefore requires all service prifexes to be unique across all zones All calls routed to services inter or intra zone will be ... zone prifexes are much like area codes in the telephony world it is recommended that local area codes be used for zone prifexes since area codes are unique, already defined, and people are familiar...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 16:16

13 512 0
Tự tạo Icon với hiệu ứng bằng layer Style

Tự tạo Icon với hiệu ứng bằng layer Style

... bạn lưu style lại đề áp dụng cho bước sau Trong bảng Layer Style có nút New Style, đặt tên tùy ý cho style này, lưu ý bạn nhớ đánh dấu chọn vào mục Include Layer Effects Nhân đôi layer chứa vòng ... Layer Style vòng tròn save style lại bước Đến có sau: Chọn Ellipse tool, giữ phím Shift tạo hình tròn nhỏ Tiếp tục áp dụng số layer style sau vào hình tròn Và kết Đến đây, bạn dùng Ellipse ... dụng style sau cho layer Bạn tạo hình trung tâm dễ dàng cách kết hợp shape Khi hoàn thành, bạn cho layer Opacity Fill 65% mode màu Linear Dodge (Add) Sau áp dụng style sau Tiếp theo bạn tạo...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2012, 09:05

34 583 2
CGrand Challenges:  A Strategic Plan  for Bridge Engineering

CGrand Challenges: A Strategic Plan for Bridge Engineering

... and dedicated inspection forces are less available These circumstances require more intensive inspection but at lower cost Even in the absence of these current pressures, known deficiencies exist ... Accelerated bridge construction results in projects being completed more quickly and therefore impact to users may be lessened Nevertheless, the benefits of accelerated construction must be weighed ... cost effective manner, research is needed to better characterize their properties and optimize their use, and develop efficient design and construction systems, standards and details Readiness Existing...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 14:24

21 1,1K 0
Virtual Memory, Processes, and Sharing in MULTICS

Virtual Memory, Processes, and Sharing in MULTICS

... this reason, a sea- ment is identified within a procedure segment by a symbolic segment reference name Before a procedure can contplete an external segment reference, the reference name must be translated ... symbolic segment name and symbolic external address After segment D has been made known to process a, and a first reference has been effected, we wish to make further references by the generalized address ... software, these mechanisms make reference by generalized FiG The generalized address address, effective regardless of where the word might reside in the storage hierarchy by placing it in main memory...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05

7 632 2
Casscading Style Sheets

Casscading Style Sheets

... Inline style sheet Embedding style sheet External style sheet Khai báo Kiểu Kiểu Kiểu Cú pháp ĐHCNTT tieude1{color=red;}

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 11:16

32 454 0
Software Processes

Software Processes

... increment delivering part of the required functionality User requirements are prioritised and the highest priority requirements are included in early increments Once the development of an increment ... started, the requirements are frozen though requirements for later increments can continue to evolve ©Ian Sommerville 2004 Software Engineering, 7th edition Chapter Slide 15 Incremental development ... development Define outline requirements Develop system incr ement Assign requirements to increments V alida te incr ement Design system architectur e Integ rate incr ement V alidate system Final system...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2012, 11:26

17 660 2