... Productionofotherpaperandpaperboardishighest inAsiaandthePacic. Paperandpaperboardisoneofthemostglobalized commoditygroups,withahighshareofproduction exportedandahighshareofconsumptionimported. Internationaltradeexpandedsignicantlyinthe1990s, especiallyinEurope,andtheglobalizationofpaperand paperboardmarketswillcontinueinthefuture. Industrial roundwood Industrialroundwooddemandisderivedfromgrowth indemandforendproductssawnwood ,wood- based panelsandpaperandpaperboard.Woodrequirements fortheseproductsvarydependingonthetechnology employedandthepotentialtousewoodandbrewaste. Growthinsawnwoodproductionrequiresmoreindustrial roundwood,whereasashifttoreconstitutedpanel production(particleboardandbreboard)increasesthe potentialtousewoodresiduesandbrewaste,reducing industrialroundwoodrequirements.Recyclingpolicies haveledtoincreaseduseofrecoveredpaperandreduced pulpwooddemand. Increaseduseofwoodresiduesandrecycledmaterials willreducetheshareofindustrialroundwoodintotal woodandbreusefromalmost70percentin2005to about50percentin2030. Thetotalderiveddemandinwoodraw-material equivalent(WRME)ishigherthantheconsumptionof industrialroundwood.In2005,globalderiveddemand amountedtoabout2.5billioncubicmetresWRME,of which1.7billioncubicmetreswasindustrialroundwood. Approximately0.5billioncubicmetresWRMEcamefrom recoveredpaperandtheremainderfromwood-processing residues,recoveredwoodproductsandothersources. Globalproductionofindustrialroundwoodisexpected toincreasebyslightlymorethan40percentupto2030 (Table24;Figure54).Thisisconsiderablylessthanthe projectedriseintotalwoodandbredemand(which isexpectedtoalmostdouble)becausethehighestrates ofproductiongrowthareexpectedinthepaperand paperboardsectorandahigherproportionofpaper consumptionwillberecycledinthefuture. TABLE ... threats for the survival of traditional forest knowledge STATE OF THE WORLD’S FORESTS 2009 66 Withinthecategoryof wood- basedpanels,thereisan increasingshiftfromplywood(whichaccounted for mostof the wood- basedpanelproductionandconsumptioninthe 1960s)toparticleboardandbreboard.Thisshift,whichhas importantimplications for wood raw-materialrequirements, beganinEurope(whereparticleboardandbreboard accounted for 90percentofthepanelmarketin2005)and hascontinuedinNorthAmerica(70percent).Ithasonly recentlystartedtooccurinAsiaandthePacic,where plywoodstillaccounts for morethanhalfofproductionand consumption,withtwomainproducers(Indonesiaand Malaysia)andtwomainconsumers(ChinaandJapan). AsiaandthePacic,EuropeandLatinAmericaandthe Caribbeanarenetexportingregions,whiletheothersare netimporters.Europeexportsmainlyparticleboardand breboard,whiletheothertworegionsexportplywood. Thesetrendsareexpectedtocontinue,withinternational tradeaccounting for about26–27percentofglobal productionandconsumption. Paper ... 2009 90 Withashifttothesourcingof wood fromplanted forestsandtheexclusionoflargetractsofnaturalforests from wood production,theselow-intensitymanagement systemshavebeenabandonedinmanycountries.The developmentoftechnologiesthatmadeitpossibleto process wood irrespectiveofitsnaturalqualitiesand size hasalsocontributedtoshiftingattentionawayfromthese systems. Researchinnaturalforestsnowfocusesmore onintegratingenvironmental,socialandeconomic objectivesaccordingtotheprinciplesofsustainable forestmanagement.Anumberofnational,regionaland internationalinitiativesfocusonthedevelopmentof criteriaandindicators for measuringprogresstowards sustainableforestmanagement,outliningthenatureof technologytobeadopted.Implementationofsustainable forestmanagementrequiressubstantialstrengthening ofthescienceandtechnologybase.Tothisend,much researchfocusesonecosystemstructureandfunctioning, thespatialandtemporallinkagesamongecosystem componentsandprocesses,andtheirrelationtothe immediateandlargersocialandeconomiccontext. However,implementationofsuchresearchremains achallenge(CIFOR,2004),especiallyindeveloping countries. Technologiesthatincreasethespeedatwhichvast amountsofspatialandtemporaldatacanbeanalysedand synthesizedarerevolutionizingforestmanagementin somecountriesandareexpectedtospread.Improvements intheresolutionofsatelliteimageryandthedevelopment ofsoftwaretointerpretitwillcontributetoreal-time monitoringofdeforestation,pestsanddiseases,res andotherpotentiallydevastatingevents.Geographic informationsystems(GISs)andglobalnavigationsatellite systemsprovideforestmanagerswithincreasingly preciseinformationonthenatureandconditionofforest resources,whichcanbeprocessedandtransmittedrapidly (Box46).Thisinformationisalsovaluableasevidence for publicconsultation,vericationoflegalityandthird-party certication. Newmodellingandvisualizationsoftwarelinking GISsandremotesensingprovideshigh-qualitydigital simulationsoffutureforestlandscapestorevealchanges thatmightresultfromnaturalprocesses,suchasclimate alterations,orhumaninterventions,suchasplanting, thinningandharvesting.Suchsimulationsfacilitate communityengagementinforestmanagementdecision- making(SheppardandMeitner,2005). Anincreasinglyurgentareaofresearchrelatestothe adaptationofforeststoclimatechange. For example, geneticandenvironmentalvariationintreegrowthand healthisbeingstudiedinordertopredictpotentialimpacts ofclimatechangeonecosystemsandspeciesranges,to predictadaptiveresponsesoftreepopulationstoclimate andtoformulatenewstrategiestohelpforesttreesadapt tothechangingclimate(Wang et al.,2008). Planted forests and wood production Plantedforestshavereceivedmostinvestmentinforestry, andalsoinforestrytechnologydevelopment.Research aimsprimarilytoenhanceproductivitythroughfaster growthratesandtoimprove wood qualityandtheability TABLE...
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Báo cáo sinh học: " Optimum family size for progeny testing in populations with different strains" potx
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Tài liệu Q&A Session for Advanced Ball Screws 201: Troubleshooting for Design Engineers docx
... uses formed nylon wipers. The FineLine metric series and precision plus metric series use formed Delrin wipers. The NEFF metric series uses formed rubber wipers. A brush style wiper is good for ... in compression. Eulers Formula for column load strength must be used and is only valid if the slenderness ratio (L/d) is 18.25 or more. It is recommend that long slender screws be properly supported ... 3000 for inch series ball nuts and dN = 140,000 for metric series ball nuts. (d = nominal diameter of the screw and N = rpm). Contact Thomson if your application exceeds this rule of thumb or for...
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Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The Effect of Corpus Size in Combining Supervised and Unsupervised Training for Disambiguation" pdf
... the size of the data set). However, this is n ot the case for P P attachment. Due to the good performance of Collins’ parser for even small training sets, the combination is only superior for ... low attachment (below) for Example 1. Table 3 shows queries and mutual informa- tion values for Example 1. The highest values are 12.2 for high attachment (mechanism) and 3 for low attachment (System). ... either com- ponent by itself. However, for PP attachment this only holds for small training set sizes. For large training sets, we could only show an im- provement for RC attachment. Surprisingly,...
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... production of non -wood pulp and paper 12 2.2 Candidate non -wood plant species for papermaking 14 2.3 Properties of non -wood plants as raw material for paper 15 2.3.1 Fibre morphology in non -wood plants ... suitable for pulping non-woody 10 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD SCIENCE IN FINLAND Saijonkari-Pahkala, K. Non -wood plants as raw material for pulp and paper Non -wood plants as raw material for pulp ... interactions. In 1995, the DM yield data for reed canary grass for Jokioinen and the data for DM content of tall fescue for Vihti were logarithmically trans- formed to give homogeneity of variance...
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... reform as measured by Doing Business. DB2013 No reform as measured by Doing Business. Note: For information on reforms in earlier years (back to DB2005), see the Doing Business reports for ... project size and location. However, the basic fee for this size of project is BRL 3,252.00 plus BRL 354.00. Valid for a year, the construction approval permit is a prerequisite for subsequent ... permits (figure 3.2). The rankings for comparator economies and the regional average ranking provide other useful information for assessing how easy it is for an entrepreneur in Brazil to legally...
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Nonlinear continuum mechanics for finite element analysis bonet, wood
... computer program for the nonlinear finite deformation finite element analysis of two- and three-dimensional solids. Such a pro- gram provides the basis for a contemporary approach to finite deformation elastoplastic ... kinematics of Chapter 3 to cater for the elastoplastic multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient required for the treatment of elastoplastic finite deformation. In particular, Von-Mises ... fact that in a general FE program, internal forces and the tangent matrix are more conveniently eval- uated at the same time. A simple FORTRAN program for solving the one- degree-of-freedom truss...
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AGENDA 2020: A Technology Vision and Research Agenda for America''''s Forest, Wood and Paper Industry doc
... built with wood- framed walls and roofs. Because wood is AGENDA 2020: A Technology Vision and Research Agenda for America's Forest, Wood and Paper Industry Prepared by the American Forest & ... other materials expected to increase the total demand for forest, wood, and paper products. C. Wood Products Wood products will be valued for their contribution to the nation's livelihood ... vision for future forestry research. Common areas of high priority research include: Sustainable Forestry - Develop systems and methods to sustain the productivity of intensively managed forests for...
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Robert l wood c programming for scientists and engineers
... exponential formats, depending on the formatting codes that are used with fscanf and fprintf. For the float data type the formatting code required for decimal format is %f and for the ... type the %lf formatting code is used, where / is a modifier. The formatting code %e is used for float type variables when the data is to be displayed in exponential format. To ... Introduction Executable statements are those that either process information in some way, for example performing calculations, or use information to control and co-ordinate such processing. Thus,...
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... an agenda for business regulation reform. 1. These are reforms for which Doing Business is aware that information provided by the Doing Business report was used in shaping the reform agenda. c.p015-025.indd ... introduced an online form for social contribution payments. This form simplifi ed tax compliance for Colombian businesses by combining into a single online payment all contributions for social security, ... And what lessons can be learned about this “reform state of mind” demonstrated by Latvia? REFORMING FOR THE EUROPEAN UNION Broad consensus for reform emerged in Latvia in the late 1990s, as...
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... greater informality, a smaller tax base and more opportunities for corruption. Regulatory reforms can make a dier- ence. 6 In Mexico, researchers found that a municipal license reform across ... rates for education, more jobs for high-skilled workers and higher average productivity. 22 And by increasing formal registration, it can also boost legal certainty—because the newly formal ... reforms that lower the cost of high-quality production increase the posi- tive eect of trade reforms. 39 Moreover, reforms removing barriers to trade need to be accompanied by other reforms,...
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Báo cáo khoa học: "Translation Model Size Reduction for Hierarchical Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation" pot
... Con- sequently, the model size reduction is necessary and meaningful for SMT systems if it can be performed without significant performance degradation. The smaller the model size is, the faster the ... Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 291–295, Jeju, Republic of Korea, 8-14 July 2012. c 2012 Association for Computational Linguistics Translation Model Size Reduction for Hierarchical ... method in the next section. Since our goal is to reduce the size of all transla- tion models, the reduction is needed to be performed for both the phrase table and the hierarchical rule table simultaneously,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 14:20
... reform as measured by Doing Business. DB2013 No reform as measured by Doing Business. Note: For information on reforms in earlier years (back to DB2006), see the Doing Business reports for ... reform as measured by Doing Business. DB2013 No reform as measured by Doing Business. Note: For information on reforms in earlier years (back to DB2006), see the Doing Business reports for ... registry for obtaining a certificate of good standing and for registering the new building. Note: For information on reforms in earlier years (back to DB2006), see the Doing Business reports for...
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