... always hand in hand and arm in arm, always walking in love together on this earth. It would be selfish of us to want one to stay, one to go on. The remaining one would have died of grief within ... T i sao cả hai l i bỏ t i i trong cùng một ngày như thế?! T i sao i u đó l i xảy đến v i t i? T i sao những ngư i tốt như cha mẹ t i l i ph i chết? T i sao? T i sao? T i sao? Và t i sao? ... giờ, t i chưa bao giờ ngờ rằng sẽ có một ngày t i mất i hai đấng sinh thành cùng một lúc. Vậy mà, t i l i nhận được một cú i n tho i báo tin cha mẹ mình đã qua đ i trong một tai nạn xe h i. ...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 17:16
i want one of that
... ideas Check email listen to music record appointments store music Find definitions make calculations send text messages translate words Find directions make phone calls store addresses write letters You ... three times a day I often use mine to make pictures I like to send them to my friends Which gadgets in part A do you own? How often do you use them? What do you use them for? Activity 1 Pair ... work Can you identify these things? Match the names with the pictures. Then discuss the questions below. a. Chopstick b. a highlighter c. A key d. A magnifying glass e. A paper clip f. Rubber...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2013, 01:26
“OF COURSE IT’S TRUE; I SAW IT ON THE INTERNET!” Critical Thinking in the Internet Era pptx
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20
báo cáo khoa học: "Treatment of stage I seminoma: is it time to change your practice? " pdf
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 22:20
Denial of Service I
... đ i theo nhiều đường để t i đích. T i đích, nhờ vào giá trị offset của từng g i tin mà dữ liệu l i được kết hợp l i như ban đầu. L i dụng i u này, hacker có thể tạo ra nhiều g i tin có giá ... tất, khiến cho mục tiêu r i vào trạng th i chờ (đ i g i tin ACK từ phía yêu cầu thiết lập k ết n i) và liên tục g i g i tin SYN ACK để thiết lập kết n i . Một cách khác là giả mạo địa chỉ IP nguồn ... th i một lượng lớn thông tin như vậy và rất dễ bị treo. - Tấn công kiểu Tear Drop: trong mạng chuyển mạch g i, dữ liệu được chia nhỏ làm nhiều g i tin, m i g i tin có một giá trị offset riêng...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 12:15
The 1790s after Fichte - the Romantic appropriation of Kant (I) - H¨olderlin, Novalis, Schleiermacher, Schlegel
... self-ascription of experiences, it is a condition of self-consciousness, which is itself a condition of all con- sciousness of objects. Since this apprehension, this mode of “intellectual intuition” ... own existence as having its possibility only in terms of the larger sense of “being” that forms the horizon against which it is disclosed. It is the way in which a contingent, historically situated ... with that very individual way of grasping it and shaping one’s response to it in one’s imagination. Since, as Schleiermacher notes, it is a matter of logic that one must distinguish the ways in...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20
Shaking a box of sand I – a simple lattice model
... onset of the glass transition. Once again, the non-ergodic dynamics in the vicinity of the SPRT is very poorly understood, at the time of writing this book. Additionally, this intermediate regime, ... Definition of the model As mentioned above, a principal motivation for this model is the addition of ori- entational rearrangement to the normal flow mechanism of CA models. In this spirit, consider ... characteristic lengths, as well as providing an interesting insight into shape-dependent ageing. The improvement of this necessarily qualitative picture by the addition of more realistic and complex interactions,...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20
... explained in this way that they are the reflections of the Aurora Borealis, and it is highly probable they are caused principally by electricity.’ Those persons who were sitting nearest him ... thought of the distress and agony he had endured, and praised from the very bottom of his heart the happy reality—our own time— which, with all its deficiencies, is yet much better than that in which, ... to find a reading public.’ ‘Oh,’ exclaimed the clerical gentleman smiling, ‘there is much wit in them; besides they are read at court. The King likes the history of Sir Iffven and Sir Gaudian...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 07:15
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:48
Options Aiding Construction of Parts-I
... AIDING CONSTRUCTION OF PARTS This chapter deals with the options provided in Pro/ENGINEER that help in creating a model and editing it once the solid model is completed. In this chapter you will ... appropriate sketching plane such that it lies at the center of rib creation. EDITING THE FEATURES OF A MODEL Editing is one of the most important aspects of product designing. Most of the designs ... clarity Figure 5-69 Isometric view of the model Options Aiding Construction of Parts -I 5-13 â CADCIM Tâ CADCIM T â CADCIM Tâ CADCIM T â CADCIM T echnologies, USAechnologies, USA echnologies,...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 23:56
Can i freeze it how to use the most versatile appliance in your kitchen
... that opens within the refrigera- tor itself. It is important to note that this is sufficient only for making ice cubes or storing ice cream and maybe a bag of frozen peas it cannot be considered a ... place them flat on a chilled baking sheet until frozen solid. Again, a wide surface area will aid in the formation of tiny ice crystals and will also make for faster thawing. It is important to cool ... This plastic wrapping is actually de- signed to allow oxygen in to keep the color of the meat bright, and while this is fine for foods that freeze well stir-fries 24 Can I Freeze It? Stir-fries...
Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 11:01
Tài liệu Sống sót khi bị thất nghiệp doc
... tốt công việc, th i gian gần đây bạn có thường xuyên i muộn về sớm… hay không? Sống sót khi bị thất nghiệp Trước kia, chỉ những ngư i lư i biếng, làm việc không hiệu quả m i bị giáng chức. ... giáng cấp hay cắt lương, bạn cũng nên có một cuộc n i chuyện nghiêm túc v i sếp. Từ đó bạn sẽ biết được lý do cụ thể. 4. Thiết lập những mục tiêu m i v i sếp Các chuyên gia nghề nghiệp ... nghiệp đưa ra một v i l i khuyên giúp bạn sống sót khi bị giáng cấp: 1. Cứng rắn Đây chính là liều thuốc hữu hiệu nếu bạn r i vào tình trạng này. Các chuyên gia về nghề nghiệp khuyên bạn nên...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 02:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Comparative studies of endonuclease I from cold-adapted Vibrio salmonicida and mesophilic Vibrio cholerae docx
... thermodynamic activation parameters confirm the psychrophilic nature of V. salmonicida EndA with a much lower activation enthalpy. The optimal conditions for enzymatic activity coincide well with the ... Escherichia coli peri- plasm. Enzyme Microb Technol 19, 332–338. 32 Bradford MM (1976) A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein uti- lizing the principle ... specificity Enzyme specificity towards dsDNA, ssDNA and plasmid were analyzed using linearized pBAD ⁄ gIII plasmid, linea- rized and denatured plasmid and intact plasmid. The pBAD ⁄ gIII plasmid...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The calcium-induced switch in the troponin complex probed by fluorescent mutants of troponin I doc
... (site III), and TnCD142A (site IV) [7,29]. Neither the calcium affinity nor the cooperativity dis- played by TnC are affected by mutations in sites III and IV. The Tn with a disrupted site IV ... Ca 2+ affinity of the regulatory domain of TnC, affecting not only site II but also site I [30]. These results indicate that the inhibitory region and position 121 of TnI are sensitive to the calcium- triggering ... a-helix andeachdomainhastwoCa 2+ -binding sites (EF-hand motifs) [4]. The Ca 2+ -binding properties of isolated TnC are well known. Sites III and IV in the C-domain (carboxy terminal) bind Ca 2+ with higher affinity, while sites...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 11:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Distribution of class I, III and IV alcohol dehydrogenase mRNAs in the adult rat, mouse and human brain ppt
... species. Discussion The distribution of ADHs in the brain is of particular interest because of their implications in the metabolism of ethanol and retinoic acid. In vitro and in vivo data indicate that ... and a catalytic site. Protein purification and enzymatic studies have led to the identifi- cation of different isoenzymes distinguished by substrate specificity and resistance to inhibitors. Relevant ... the distribution of silver grains indicating expression in three regions of the rat brain. In hippocampus, ADH3 hybridization was strong within cornu amonis as well as in the dentate gyrus. In...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 00:20