... demand a dated condition report with both your signature and that of the representative accepting the car, the mileage clearly stated, and a detailed review of the condition of the car at the time ... should also realize that you have a right to receive important information that is accurate, including the material terms and conditions that will be a part of your lease, without having to endure ... it is a balloon note is by reading it carefully, especially in the section that spells out the number of payments and the amount of each payment At that spot the contract should show an additional...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20
... newswire articles Note that we cannot evaluate impact on textual inference because, to our knowledge, no publicly available textual-entailment system or evaluation data for Romanian exists We therefore ... acceptable sentence; a × denotes an unacceptable sentence DLD09 algorithm Potential DE operators are collected by extracting those words that appear in an NPI’s context at least once.6 Then, the ... externallyavailable appendices (§7.1) The complete system output and annotations are publicly available at: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/˜cristian/acl2010/ fraction of NPI contexts that contain x , relative...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20
get a life, you don''t need a million to retire well 4th (2002)
... would better to turn it off at least a few days a week, substituting more brain-stimulating activities It follows that it not only makes sense to continue your education, but it’s best to challenge ... when the average U.S life expectancy was less than 50 You may think I’m belaboring a fairly obvious point Chances are you don t want to be an old couch potato anyway, and accept that staying ... are good that without much inconvenience we will have the opportunity to learn a great deal about almost anything that interests us, whether it be how to sculpt, read Latin, teach autistic children,...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:05
kelly - financially stupid people are everywhere; don't be one of them (2010)
... than a decade The last big automotive safety leap was the airbag, and it was patented in the early 1970s It hit the broad market in the 1980s, then dual airbags and side airbags became popular ... enough to make this a good story, but here’s what makes it a great story My card rewarded me with free gasoline at a national chain, based on a percentage of what I spent on the card That’s what incentive ... 21st The next credit card statement wouldn t be mailed until the following month and wouldn t be due for payment until the month after that Ta da! Two months of interest-free money That was enough...
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 13:05
BE GARAGE WISE - Don’t get taken for a ride when you take your car in for a service docx
... correct and that it has been correctly stamped The service record book has been stamped with the garage’s stamp and that the relevant details of the service are correct Rather than replacing parts ... satisfactory quality TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR VISIT TO A GARAGE MAKING COMPLAINTS If you have a complaint, raise it with the garage as soon as possible It’s only fair that they have a chance to deal with ... to the manufacturer’s recommendations? If not, what will be different and will it affect your warranty? What parts will be included in the cost of the service and what will not? Tell the garage...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo y học: "Commentary – a Potato, potšto, proxy consent, permission – just don’t call the whole thing off" potx
... about research and obtain assent to participation If there is reason to believe that the individual, if they were competent, would have agreed to participate in research without the prospect of ... participant would have wanted to participate in such research, and require assurance that designated safeguards are in place [14], or they may be unable to give permission at all The legal and ethical ... research on illnesses affecting those unable to consent is enabled, clear and justifiable parameters must be created and, where they are already established, they must be made more transparent Law...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:21
Điều tra đánh giá loại hình đất bền vững tại huyện hà trung tỉnh thanh hóa
... PTNT, ñ ñáp ng nhu c u tiêu dùng c a 130 tri u dân vào năm 2035, Vi t Nam ph i c n t i 36 tri u t n thóc Mu n ñ t ñư c s trên, nư c ta ph i trì t i thi u tri u hecta ñ t l a v ñ có th gieo tr ... h u th i ti t c a huy n Hà Trung thu n l i cho vi c ph t tri n tr ng nông nghi p, v t nuôi, thâm canh t ng v Tuy nhiên, n n nhi t ñ cao, m a t p trung theo m a, thư ng ch u nh hư ng tr c ti p ... ch v ch a có bư c ñ t phá Ch a có sách ưu ñãi ñ thu h t ñ u t ph t tri n kinh t , khai thác t t lao ñ ng, t i nguyên Trong trình ph t tri n công nghi p, ti u th công nghi p, khai thác t i nguyên...
Ngày tải lên: 06/12/2013, 19:49
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A module that computes coordinative ellipsis for language generators that don’t" pdf
... Unfall hatte Susi heard that Hans an accident had und dassf Hansf sterben könnte and that Hans die might ‘Susi heard that Hans had an accident and might die’ • Categorial (phrasal and lexical) nodes ... psycholinguistically motivated syntactic theory of clausal coordination and coordinative ellipsis It departs from the assumption that the generator’s strategic (conceptual, pragmatic) component is responsible ... identity For instance, the fact that the two tokens of subordinating conjunction dass ‘that’ in Fig carry the same tag, is interpreted by ELLEIPO as indicating lexical identity In combination with...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20
... learned from being around the Indiana basketball team are still with me The most valuable: Teach your players how to practice That’s even more important than teaching them what to practice, because ... understood better than I did at the time He told me that I had to have my hair cut before I got on the basketball team’s bus I was pissed about that because I thought I looked kind of cool with the ... Maybe they thought their coach made them work too hard or was too demanding Coach Knight’s point was that the relationship between a player and a coach is a two-way street and 22 JON GRUDEN that a...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 20:20
Những hợp chất chứa lưu huỳnh trong thực vật & khả năng phòng chống bệnh tật của chúng docx
... into the cytoplasm from the mitochondrial intermembrane space Two such factors, cytochrome c and apoptosis inducing factor (AIF), begin a cascade of proteolytic activity that ultimately leads to ... to nuclear damage (DNA fragmentation, DNA mutations) and cell death Cytochrome c, a key protein in electron transport, appears to act by forming a multimeric complex with Apaf-1, a protease, which ... in turn activates procaspase 9, and begins a cascade of activation of downstream caspases Smac/Diablo is released from the mitochondria and inhibits IAP (inhibitor of apoptosis) from interacting...
Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 18:20
ORGANIZATIONS DON’T TWEET, PEOPLE DO - A Manager’s Guide to the Social Web
... But I am hopeful There are enough examples already where people have managed to tread that line Managed to be real, to have a personality, and yet at the same time acknowledge the fact that they ... what they are talking about and are going faster than the rest People don t always want to give up the time to attend formal training but are increasingly willing to learn from each other on an ... suggestions that can be acted on quickly, but also, in a down-to earth way, drawing you into a bigger and more important conversation about why all this matters And it does.” Dr Matthew Shaw, Curator,...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo " Khảo sát ảnh hưởng của Thành phần các cấu tử đến độ bền thời tiết của vật liệ elastomeric alloy" ppt
... khảo s t cấu trúc hình thái học v t liệu EA cho thấy sau tháng thử nghiệm khí hậu v t liệu EA có độ đặc kh t cao so với tr@ớc thử nghiệm khí hậu A Ibrahim, M Danlan Themoplastic Natural Rubber Blend, ... 665 - 694 A Y Coran, R Paten Rubber-thermoplastic compositions, Part III, P 91 - 100 (1980) A Y Coran, R Paten Rubber-thermoplastic compositions, Part IV, P 892 - 903 (1981) B Kuriakose, S K ... h a thêm sau phản ứng Khi sử dụng BCS có kích th@ớc h t khác để chế t o v t liệu EA h t có kích th@ớc c2ng nhỏ t nh ch t lý c2ng cao Quy lu t biến đổi t nh ch t lý v t liệu EA không thay đổi Kết...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 12:21
CHUYỂN đổi đơn VỊ đo áp SUẤT VÀ lưu LƯỢNG
... cứu thêm U.S Unit Đặc bi t anh em ngành HVAC nên nghiên cứu chuyển đổi hệ t vi t t t tiếng Anh đơn vị đo Bởi có nhiều đơn vị ngành HVAC dùng U.S Unit M t số t tiếng Anh vi t t t đơn vị đo thường ... 0.0101974 Centimeter of water (4 C) Pa (N/m2) = 10 Dyne/square centimeter Pa (N/m2) = 0.0003346 Foot of water (4 C) Pa (N/m2) = 10-9 Gigapascal Pa (N/m2) = 0.01 Hectopascal Pa (N/m2) = 0.0002953 ... 0.0015 88 74 63 53 44 37 Trên giới có hệ đo lường: Hệ Mỹ (U.S Unit) Hệ đo lường quốc t (vi t t t SI t tiếng Pháp Système International d'Unités) hay gọi hệ m t (Metric Unit) Trong SI hệ đo lường...
Ngày tải lên: 19/05/2014, 20:11
báo cáo sinh học:" "I won''''t be staying here for long": a qualitative study on the retention of migrant nurses in Ireland" ppt
... necessitated a small sample size to ensure that the quantity of data remained at manageable levels A point of data saturation was quickly reached – the point at which the researcher felt that increasing ... really, a place to live in Because it's hard to start and start and start again, you know' (Clara, Philippines, 30 s) Frustration stemmed from the fact that there was still a nursing shortage ... sought-after This inevitably means that developed countries compete with each other to attract nurses, as Buchan explains: "The UK has become very reliant on recruiting internationally in the past...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Low cholesterol? Don''''t brag yet ... hypocholesterolemia blunts HAART effectiveness: a longitudinal study" pdf
... covariates that were significantly associated with immune status in univariate analysis were then utilized as covariates in a multivariate model In addition, potential participant predictors (i.e., ... participated in the statistical analysis and drafting of the manuscript XB participated in the formatting of the manuscript and prepared the references' used for the article All authors read and ... records and a standardized antiretroviral adherence questionnaire After visit procedures were completed, a medical chart and pharmacy records were abstracted and patient information was validated Alcohol...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
Don''''t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability doc
... site The actual Average User is kept in a hermetically sealed vault at the International Bureau of Standards in Geneva We’ll get around to talking about the best way to think about the “average ... e t h i n k ! The fact is, your site may not have been that easy to find in the first place and visitors may not know of an alternative The prospect of starting over isn t always that attractive ... self-explanatory On a self-explanatory page, it takes a little thought to “get it”—but only a little The appearance of things, their well-chosen names, the layout of the page, and the small amounts...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 00:20