... Peopledidthink,especially in the hightimeswhen the marketswerehigh,thattheirhousewasanasset.Evenifthey had their mortgage paid o, people were borrowing against their house and putting it into the stock market or wherever theywere putting it.So,notonlyweretheygettingcrazymortgages,buttheywerealsotakingmoneyoutagainsttheir house ... can print as much as they like. e more they print, the harder you have to work. It all takes place in your head. Takethisglasshere. In thiscase, the glasshereis“context.”Itholds the “content,” in thiscase, the water.E’sandS’s haveadierentcontextthanB’sandI’s.Havingadierentcontext,E’sandS’sattract the sacredcowslike“goto school,” ... growth in your asset, but you also increase leverage on your taxes. Ken Here’swhatwe’redoing.Wegettheseloans,and the tenantsarepayingthemo.at’s the point. Robert Andthey’repayingitowithafter-taxdollars. Ken...
Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2014, 18:12
It’s Not You, It’s Your Strategy: The HIAPy Guide to Finding Work in a Tough Job Market
... because that kind of information is already available from many other sources. The thing you should do is follow the instructions in those other sources while applying the principles and strategy ... person screening resumes, interviewing, or making the final hiring decision. And I use the word “employer” mainly to refer to the organization doing the hiring. Sometimes, however, I use the words ... who wants to live in a certain region – perhaps because she grew up there, has family there, or feels another deep connection to it – but doesn’t think she can find work there. *Someone who...
Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 20:53
Tài liệu Importing the Law in Post-Communist Transitions The Hungarian Constitutional Court and the Right to Human Dignity pptx
... the Court s reasoning. It was a right used by the Court from the beginning, since its eighth ruling in 1990 and throughout the transition. The repeated reliance on human dignity enabled the Court ... example in mind which could solve the problems they faced in constitu- tional adjudication. As this book explains, the strategy worked, in the narrow sense that the Court was able to construct the ... are involved. For instance, in the Czech Republic, judges are appointed by the president of the Republic with the approval of the senate (Art 84). In Romania, three judges are appointed by the...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20
21st Century Welfare: Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions by Command of Her Majesty pptx
... increasing the incentive to take up work, or to increasing the incentive to increase earnings once in work. Striking a balance between these elements will be important. 3. With this in mind, there ... furtherincentiviseandencouragehouseholdsandfamiliestomoveinto work and to increase the amount of work they do, by improving the rewards from work at low earnings, and helping them keep more of their earnings as they work harder; ã increasefairnessbetweendifferentgroupsofbenetrecipientsandbetween recipients ... median income. As household income increased from individuals moving into work or progressing in work, the level of the negative income tax would be reduced in such a way that the Marginal Deduction...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20
Senior Executives - Leading The Way In Federal Workforce Reforms - Hearing pdf
... at the results of the study from the SEA and very seriously see if there are things there that need to be incorporated in our 2007 guidance. One thing that I want to point out is that there ... talking with OPM staff, that they are requesting data, they are looking at standards, but I think the question of how are you putting this in place—are you doing training and so on?—may be the ... program as they are executing it, and see if there is, in fact, the use of quotas or if, in fact, there is a perception be- cause of something that they are doing that would lead someone to think...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 23:20
... American representation is growing and currently constitutes over fifty percent (50%) of that neighborhood's population. 12. Ms. Buycks-Roberson provided to citibank extensive financial documentation concerning her financial ability and the property, including documents showing annual income of over $47,000. 13. On or about April 28, 1992, Ms. Buycks-Roberson received from Defendant citibank a letter that informed her that her mortgage loan application had been denied because of delinquent credit obligations and other adverse credit. 14. On June 19, 1992, Ms. 'Buycks-Roberson reapplied for the home loan, and again provided to citibank extensive financial . documentation concerning her annual income, financial ability and additional information concerning her credit worthiness. 15. On or after July 10, 1992, Ms. Buycks-Roberson received from citibank a letter that informed her that her mortgage loan application had been denied because her "income [did] not support the amount of credit requested." 16. Ms. Buycks-Roberson was qualified to receive the loan she sought from citibank. Ms. Brooks 17. On or about November 25, 1993, Plaintiff Renee Brooks applied for a home loan of approximately $95,000 from citibank. 18. Ms. Brooks provided Citibank with all documentation that Citibank required. 5 ... because the racial composition of the neighborhoods in which their properties were located was predominantly African-American. (c) The class is so numerous that joinder of all persons is impracticable. Plaintiffs are informed and believe that many home loan applications to Defendant by African- Americans were illegally rejected. On information and belief, Defendant rejected the home loan applications of many dozens of African-American applicants because of their race or color, and/or because of the racial composition of the neighborhoods in which their properties were located. (d) Plaintiffs will fairly and adequately protect the interests of all class members, as they are members of the class and their claims are typical of the claims of all class members. Plaintiffs are incensed by the treatment they have received and will aggressively pursue their as well as the class's interests. Plaintiffs' interests in obtaining injunctive relief and monetary damages for the violations of the above-mentioned federal statutes are consistent with and not antagonistic to those of any person within the class. (e) The common questions of law and fact include: (i) whether Defendant had a policy, practice or procedure to reject home loan applications on the basis of the applicants' race or on the basis of the racial composition of the neighborhoods in which their properties were located; (ii) whether the conduct alleged herein is in violation of Title 42 U.S.C. ĐĐ 1981 and 1982; 42 U.S.C. Đ 3605 and 15 U.S.C. 3 ... because the racial composition of the neighborhoods in which their properties were located was predominantly African-American. (c) The class is so numerous that joinder of all persons is impracticable. Plaintiffs are informed and believe that many home loan applications to Defendant by African- Americans were illegally rejected. On information and belief, Defendant rejected the home loan applications of many dozens of African-American applicants because of their race or color, and/or because of the racial composition of the neighborhoods in which their properties were located. (d) Plaintiffs will fairly and adequately protect the interests of all class members, as they are members of the class and their claims are typical of the claims of all class members. Plaintiffs are incensed by the treatment they have received and will aggressively pursue their as well as the class's interests. Plaintiffs' interests in obtaining injunctive relief and monetary damages for the violations of the above-mentioned federal statutes are consistent with and not antagonistic to those of any person within the class. (e) The common questions of law and fact include: (i) whether Defendant had a policy, practice or procedure to reject home loan applications on the basis of the applicants' race or on the basis of the racial composition of the neighborhoods in which their properties were located; (ii) whether the conduct alleged herein is in violation of Title 42 U.S.C. ĐĐ 1981 and 1982; 42 U.S.C. Đ 3605 and 15 U.S.C. 3 ...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20
The Gospels in the Second Century An Examination of the Critical Part of a Work Entitled ''''Supernatural Religion'''' pptx
... often in the works of that writer than in all the rest of the New Testament put together. In narrating the institution of the Lord's Supper Justin has the clause which is found only in St. ... and the Protevangelium [Endnote 130:1]. This, too, may belong to the older original of the latter work. The other verbal coincidences with the Gospel according to the Hebrews in the account of the ... apocryphal source. Besides these there are some coincidences in form between quotations as they appear in Justin and in other writers, such as especially the Clementine Homilies. These are thought to point to the existence...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 15:20
Quality and Power in the Supply Chain: What Industry Does for the Sake of Quality pdf
... you are paying the $260 a night that makes the Sheraton in Sofia probably the most expensive hotel of its kind in the world. Behind their desk in the elegant marble hall with its distinctive Western ... oped their own set of interpretive guidelines to supposedly assist their auditors in determining whether or not an organization has adequately addressed the intent of the standards. In many ... photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written, Butterworth- @ Heinemann prints its...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 20:21
The HIAPy Guide to Finding Work in a Tough Job Market by Hillary Rettig
... actual solving to make noticeable progress. If, therefore, you are making no progress then you are almost certainly dithering. Another difference between dithering and solving is that dithering tends ... solving it; testing the strategy; implementing the strategy if it tests well; and evaluating success or failure. Dithering includes all the other things you do about your problems, including ... thinking about the problem and how miserable it’s making you, and you’re not devoting any time to designing and implementing a solution, then you are dithering. Another difference is that dithering...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 12:32
pleasantville and american acceptance what does the changing in pleasantville represent in american so
... are going, then they will not make it a point to change anything. By doing so, they would run the risk of altering their ideal lifestyle. The world is not a static environment, though. With the ... for their religion and culture. They had to set themselves off from the rest of their fellow Europeans by sewing yellow Stars of David onto their clothes. Even before the transfer of Jews into ... threat, they cannot help having such an effect. Not only do the people of Pleasantville adapt some of their habits, like having sex and reading, but they also learn to express their innermost...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:49
Exploring Challenges, Progress, and New Models for ENGAGING THE PUBLIC in the CLINICAL RESEARCH ENTERPRISE Clinical Research Roundtable Workshop Summary pot
... Consortium In making these models work, it is clear that institutions and their IRBs are only going to be willing to relinquish their own autonomy if they can be sure that they can trust the ones that they ... measure the success of CBPR include: involvement of more members of the public in the research process and improvement of the overall health of the public. 18 ENGAGING THE PUBLIC IN THE CLINICAL ... population of individuals or organizations. Where findings are similar across groups—as they often are in this study—confidence in the find- ings is enhanced. KEY FINDINGS Benefits of Clinical Research All...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 13:20
What Janus Meant: The First Wave of Court Decisions Interpreting the Supreme Court’s “Ultimate Authority” Test in Securities Cases potx
... control over the content of the message, the underlying subject matter of the message, and the ultimate decision of whether to communicate the message.” 8 Conversely, another court in the same ... be the subject of appeals in the near future. The Supreme Court in Janus did reaffirm the viability of its decision in Stoneridge, by finding “no reason to treat participating in the drafting ... equally to whether [the individual defendants] may be held liable for the misstatements of their co-defendants.” Accordingly, the court dismissed the allegations against the other officers,...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 14:20
02 write it in arabic a workbook and step-by-step guide to writing the arabic alphabet
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:40
báo cáo sinh học:" Where do students in the health professions want to work?" pptx
... would work in the Northern Territory or the Kimberly region of Western Australia (WA). On the other hand, just 4% of students were willing to work in the south-eastern corner of WA. Within NSW, the ... Health. There is a clear need for further incentives for allied health professionals to work in rural areas [29]. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors' ... for working in a town size they were familiar with. One quarter of those from a rural background never wanted to work in a capital city, while another 38% were unsure about doing so. On the other...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
báo cáo hóa học: " The role of cumulative physical work load in symptomatic knee osteoarthritis – a case-control study in Germany" potx
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Biomarkers of oxidative stress and its association with the urinary reducing capacity in bus maintenance workers" pptx
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20
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